combinatorial designs
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2022 ◽  
Vol 420 ◽  
pp. 126901
Junying Liang ◽  
Haipeng Peng ◽  
Lixiang Li ◽  
Fenghua Tong ◽  
Yixian Yang

Moritz Wiese ◽  
Holger Boche

AbstractWe study security functions which can serve to establish semantic security for the two central problems of information-theoretic security: the wiretap channel, and privacy amplification for secret key generation. The security functions are functional forms of mosaics of combinatorial designs, more precisely, of group divisible designs and balanced incomplete block designs. Every member of a mosaic is associated with a unique color, and each color corresponds to a unique message or key value. Every block index of the mosaic corresponds to a public seed shared between the two trusted communicating parties. The seed set should be as small as possible. We give explicit examples which have an optimal or nearly optimal trade-off of seed length versus color (i.e., message or key) rate. We also derive bounds for the security performance of security functions given by functional forms of mosaics of designs.

Yajuan Zang ◽  
Paolo Facchi ◽  
Zihong Tian

Abstract Goyeneche et al.\ [Phys.\ Rev.\ A \textbf{97}, 062326 (2018)] introduced several classes of quantum combinatorial designs, namely quantum Latin squares, quantum Latin cubes, and the notion of orthogonality on them. They also showed that mutually orthogonal quantum Latin arrangements can be entangled in the same way in which quantum states are entangled. Moreover, they established a relationship between quantum combinatorial designs and a remarkable class of entangled states called $k$-uniform states, i.e., multipartite pure states such that every reduction to $k$ parties is maximally mixed. In this article, we put forward the notions of incomplete quantum Latin squares and orthogonality on them and present construction methods for mutually orthogonal quantum Latin squares and mutually orthogonal quantum Latin cubes. Furthermore, we introduce the notions of generalized mutually orthogonal quantum Latin squares and generalized mutually orthogonal quantum Latin cubes, which are equivalent to quantum orthogonal arrays of size $d^2$ and $d^3$, respectively, and thus naturally provide $2$- and $3$-uniform states.

Simona Bonvicini ◽  
Marco Buratti ◽  
Martino Garonzi ◽  
Gloria Rinaldi ◽  
Tommaso Traetta

AbstractKirkman triple systems (KTSs) are among the most popular combinatorial designs and their existence has been settled a long time ago. Yet, in comparison with Steiner triple systems, little is known about their automorphism groups. In particular, there is no known congruence class representing the orders of a KTS with a number of automorphisms at least close to the number of points. We partially fill this gap by proving that whenever $$v \equiv 39$$ v ≡ 39 (mod 72), or $$v \equiv 4^e48 + 3$$ v ≡ 4 e 48 + 3 (mod $$4^e96$$ 4 e 96 ) and $$e \ge 0$$ e ≥ 0 , there exists a KTS on v points having at least $$v-3$$ v - 3 automorphisms. This is only one of the consequences of an investigation on the KTSs with an automorphism group G acting sharply transitively on all but three points. Our methods are all constructive and yield KTSs which in many cases inherit some of the automorphisms of G, thus increasing the total number of symmetries. To obtain these results it was necessary to introduce new types of difference families (the doubly disjoint ones) and difference matrices (the splittable ones) which we believe are interesting by themselves.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 1732
A. R. P. Rau

The symmetry SU(2) and its geometric Bloch Sphere rendering have been successfully applied to the study of a single qubit (spin-1/2); however, the extension of such symmetries and geometries to multiple qubits—even just two—has been investigated far less, despite the centrality of such systems for quantum information processes. In the last two decades, two different approaches, with independent starting points and motivations, have been combined for this purpose. One approach has been to develop the unitary time evolution of two or more qubits in order to study quantum correlations; by exploiting the relevant Lie algebras and, especially, sub-algebras of the Hamiltonians involved, researchers have arrived at connections to finite projective geometries and combinatorial designs. Independently, geometers, by studying projective ring lines and associated finite geometries, have come to parallel conclusions. This review brings together the Lie-algebraic/group-representation perspective of quantum physics and the geometric–algebraic one, as well as their connections to complex quaternions. Altogether, this may be seen as further development of Felix Klein’s Erlangen Program for symmetries and geometries. In particular, the fifteen generators of the continuous SU(4) Lie group for two qubits can be placed in one-to-one correspondence with finite projective geometries, combinatorial Steiner designs, and finite quaternionic groups. The very different perspectives that we consider may provide further insight into quantum information problems. Extensions are considered for multiple qubits, as well as higher-spin or higher-dimensional qudits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 585-594
A. B. Frolov ◽  
A. O. Klyagin ◽  
N. P. Kochetova ◽  
D. Yu. Temnikov

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 857
Víctor Álvarez ◽  
José Andrés Armario ◽  
María Dolores Frau ◽  
Félix Gudiel ◽  
María Belén Güemes ◽  

Since Horadam and de Launey introduced the cocyclic framework on combinatorial designs in the 1990s, it has revealed itself as a powerful technique for looking for (cocyclic) Hadamard matrices. Ten years later, the series of papers by Kotsireas, Koukouvinos and Seberry about Hadamard matrices with one or two circulant cores introduced a different structured approach to the Hadamard conjecture. This paper is built on both strengths, so that Hadamard matrices with cocyclic cores are introduced and studied. They are proved to strictly include usual Hadamard matrices with one and two circulant cores, and therefore provide a wiser uniform approach to a structured Hadamard conjecture.

Hantao Zhang

The theory of combinatorial designs has always been a rich source of structured, parametrized families of SAT instances. On one hand, design theory provides interesting problems for testing various SAT solvers; on the other hand, high-performance SAT solvers provide an alternative tool for attacking open problems in design theory, simply by encoding problems as propositional formulas, and then searching for their models using off-the-shelf general purpose SAT solvers. This chapter presents several case studies of using SAT solvers to solve hard design theory problems, including quasigroup problems, Ramsey numbers, Van der Waerden numbers, covering arrays, Steiner systems, and Mendelsohn designs. It is shown that over a hundred of previously-open design theory problems were solved by SAT solvers, thus demonstrating the significant power of modern SAT solvers. Moreover, the chapter provides a list of 30 open design theory problems for the developers of SAT solvers to test their new ideas and weapons.

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