channel patterns
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 5147
Karol Witkowski

Historical maps are often the only source of information allowing for the regional reconstructions of river channel patterns in the past. In the Polish Carpathians, analyses of historical channel patterns were performed mostly in river reaches scale. In this paper, the Galicia and Bucovina map (1861–1864) (the Second military survey of the Habsburg Empire) was used to reconstruct and map the historical channel patterns of seven rivers from the Polish Carpathians. It was found that, in the nineteenth century, rivers in the western part of the study area (Soła, Skawa, Raba, Dunajec) supported a multi-thread channel pattern, whereas rivers in the eastern part (Wisłoka, San, Wisłok) present a mostly single-thread channel pattern. These differences probably result from the higher relief energy and precipitation, lower proportions of forests in the catchments, and more frequent floods favouring high sediment supply to the fluvial system, and thus the formation of multi-thread reaches in the western part of the study area. At the local scale, the most important factor supporting multi-thread channel pattern development was the availability of gravel sediments in the wide valley floor sections. The formation of anabranching reaches with a single mid-channel form was probably associated with the channel avulsion process. There is no clear evidence linking the change in the channel pattern type with an abrupt change in the river channel slope. This study confirms the usefulness of the second military survey map of the Habsburg Empire for the regional reconstruction of river channel pattern types.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 2774
Fang-Shii Ning ◽  
Yu-Chan Lee

Rivers in Taiwan are characterised by steep slopes and high sediment concentrations. Moreover, with global climate change, the dynamics of channel meandering have become complicated and frequent. The primary task of river governance and disaster prevention is to analyse river changes. Spectral water indices are mostly used for surface water estimation, which separates the water from the background based on a threshold value, but it can be challenging in the case of environmental noise. Edge detection uses a canny edge detector and mathematical morphology for extracting geometrical features from the image and effective edge detection. This study combined spectral water indices and mathematical morphology to capture water bodies based on downloaded remote sensing images. From the findings, this study summarised the applicability of various spectral water body indices to the surface water extraction of different river channel patterns in Taiwan. The normalised difference water index and the modified normalised difference water index are suitable for braided rivers, whereas the automated water extraction index is ideal for meandering rivers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Gaurav Gupta ◽  
Meghana Kshirsagar ◽  
Ming Zhong ◽  
Shahrzad Gholami ◽  
Juan Lavista Ferres

AbstractWe present a deep learning approach towards the large-scale prediction and analysis of bird acoustics from 100 different bird species. We use spectrograms constructed on bird audio recordings from the Cornell Bird Challenge (CBC)2020 dataset, which includes recordings of multiple and potentially overlapping bird vocalizations with background noise. Our experiments show that a hybrid modeling approach that involves a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for learning the representation for a slice of the spectrogram, and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for the temporal component to combine across time-points leads to the most accurate model on this dataset. We show results on a spectrum of models ranging from stand-alone CNNs to hybrid models of various types obtained by combining CNNs with other CNNs or RNNs of the following types: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, Gated Recurrent Units (GRU), and Legendre Memory Units (LMU). The best performing model achieves an average accuracy of 67% over the 100 different bird species, with the highest accuracy of 90% for the bird species, Red crossbill. We further analyze the learned representations visually and find them to be intuitive, where we find that related bird species are clustered close together. We present a novel way to empirically interpret the representations learned by the LMU-based hybrid model which shows how memory channel patterns change over time with the changes seen in the spectrograms.

Geology ◽  
2021 ◽  
C.P. Galeazzi ◽  
R.P. Almeida ◽  
A.H. do Prado

Alluvial rivers are the most important agents of sediment transport in continental basins, whose fluvial deposits enclose information related to the time when rivers were active. In order to extract the most information from fluvial deposits in the sedimentary record, it is imperative to quantify the natural variability of channel patterns at the global scale, explore what controls may influence their development, and investigate whether channel pattern information is preserved in the alluvial plains in order to develop tools for recognizing them in the sedimentary record. By surveying 361 reaches of modern alluvial rivers with available water discharge data at a global scale, we present a quantitative channel pattern classification based on sinuosity and channel count index applicable to the recognition in the rock record. A continuum of channel patterns ranging from high-sinuosity single channel to lowsinuosity multichannels is documented, along with the proportion of depositional elements in their alluvial plains and their conditions of occurrence. Preserved barforms in the alluvial plains of these rivers are used to infer and quantify paleoflow directions at the channel-belt scale and result in ranges of paleocurrent circular variance that may lead to channel pattern identification in the rock record. Data from this work indicate that the recognition of channel patterns may be used to predict paleogeographic features such as the scale of drainage basin area and discharge, slope, and annual discharge regimes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Tim R. McHargue ◽  
David M. Hodgson ◽  
Eitan Shelef

Lobate deposits in deep-water settings are diverse in their depositional architecture but this diversity is under-represented in the literature. Diverse architectures result from multiple factors including source material, basin margin physiography, transport pathway, and depositional setting. In this contribution, we emphasize the impact of differing source materials related to differing delivery mechanisms and their influence on architecture, which is an important consideration in source-to-sink studies. Three well imaged subsurface lobate deposits are described that display three markedly different morphologies. All three lobate examples, two from intraslope settings offshore Nigeria and one from a basin-floor setting offshore Indonesia, are buried by less than 150 m of muddy sediment and are imaged with high resolution 3D reflection seismic data of similar quality and resolution. Distinctively different distributary channel patterns are present in two of the examples, and no comparable distributaries are imaged in a third example. Distributary channels are emphasized because they are objectively recognized and because they often represent elements of elevated fluid content within buried lobate deposits and thus influence permeability structure. We speculate that the different distributary channel patterns documented here resulted from different processes linked to source materials: 1) a lobate deposit that is pervasively channelized by many distributaries that have branched at numerous points is interpreted to result from comparatively mud-rich, stratified, turbulent flows; 2) an absence of distributaries in a lobate deposit is interpreted to result from collapse of mud-poor, turbulent flows remobilized from littoral drift; and 3) a lobate deposit with only a few, long, straight distributaries with few branching points is interpreted to be dominated by highly viscous flows (i.e., debris flows). We propose a conceptual model that illustrates the relationship between the proportion of mud in contributing flows and the relative size and runout distance of lobate deposits. We conclude that reconciling 3D seismic morphologies with outcrop observations of channels, scours, and amalgamation zones, and simple application of hierarchical schemes, is problematic. Furthermore, when characterizing unconfined deep-water deposits in the subsurface, multiple models with significant differences in predicted permeability structure should be considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (25) ◽  
pp. 42
Lukas Werther ◽  
Tanja Menn ◽  
Johannes Schmidt ◽  
Hartmut Müller

<p class="VARAbstract">Rivers form major traffic arteries in pre-modern Central Europe and accurate regional to supra-regional network models of inland navigation are crucial for economic history. However, navigation distances have hitherto been based on modern flow distances, which could be a significant source of error due to modern changes in flow distance and channel pattern. Here, we use a systematic comparison of vectorized old maps, which enlighten the fluvial landscape before most of the large-scale river engineering took place, and modern opensource geodata to deduce change ratios of flow distance and channel patterns. The river courses have been vectorised, edited and divided into comparable grid units. Based on the thalweg, meandering and braided/anabranching river sections have been identified and various ratios have been calculated in order to detect changes in length and channel patterns. Our large-scale analytical approach and Geographic Information System (GIS) workflow are transferable to other rivers in order to deduce change ratios on a European scale. The 19<sup>th</sup> century flow distance is suitable to model pre-modern navigation distances. As a case study, we have used our approach to reconstruct changes of flow pattern, flow distance and subsequent changes in navigation distance and transportation time for the rivers Altmühl, Danube, Main, Regnitz, Rednitz, Franconian and Swabian Rezat (Southern Germany). The change ratio is rather heterogeneous with length and travel time changes of the main channel up to 24% and an extensive transformation of channel morphology in many river sections. Based on published travel time data, we have modelled the effect of our change ratios. Shipping between the commercial hubs Ulm and Regensburg, to give an example, was up to 5 days longer based on pre-modern distances. This is highly significant and underlines the necessity for river-specific correction values to model supra-regional networks of pre-modern inland waterways and navigation with higher precision.</p><p>Highlights:</p><ul><li><p>Systematic comparison of old maps and modern geodata to deduce river-specific length correction values to improve supra-regional network models of pre-modern inland navigation.</p></li><li><p>Large-scale analytical approach and transferable GIS workflow for flow distance reconstruction with case studies in Southern Germany.</p></li><li><p>Length changes of navigated fairways result in pre-modern period travel times up to 24% higher in corrected models.</p></li></ul>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 787-797
Hopid Hopid ◽  
Sudiyarto Sudiyarto ◽  
Hamidah Hendrarini

One of the fast-growing food industries in Sumenep Regency is the "Rengginang Lorjuk" snack industry as a well-known specialty food to various regions and a brand image of Sumenep Regency snacks. Rengginang lorjuk industrial center is located in Prenduan Village, Pragaan District. This study aims to analyze the structure, conduct and market performance in the Rengginang Lorjuk industrial center in Sumenep Regency. A simple random sampling method was used for sampling 20 rengginang lorjuk producers. The analysis shows the market structure of rengginang lorjuk industry leads to the form of a medium oligopoly market with a CR4 value of 43.15%. Market conduct is characterized by the implementation of pricing, product, promotion and distribution strategies and there are 4 marketing channel patterns. Market performance is shown by the average value of PCM of all rengginang lorjuk producers by 15%. The highest PCM value of the rengginang lorjuk stamp industry is Dua Putri 47.27% and the lowest 4.55% is owned by Dua Jempol.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-55
Gracia Gabrienda ◽  
Fery Murtiningrum ◽  
Hefri Oktoyoki

Since citrus farming in Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, has begun to expand, this study is necessary to determine how the marketing channels and factors that affect the marketing margins of Gerga oranges in Rimbo Pengadang District, Lebong Regency. The marketing channel descriptive analysis was used as the analytical tool, and it describes the overall data collected. Multiple linear regression analysis with the formula Y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + e is used to assess the variables that influence marketing margins. The marketing channel for gerga oranges in Rimbo Pengadang Village has 3 channel patterns, namely: farmers → retailers at village level → consumers, farmers → urban-level retailers → consumers, farmers → retailers at city level → consumers. It is well recognized that the three variables of sales volume, selling price, and marketing costs all influence marketing margins at the same time, resulting in a coefficient of multiple linear determinatio.

2021 ◽  
Gaurav Gupta ◽  
Meghana Kshirsagar ◽  
Ming Zhong ◽  
Shahrzad Gholami ◽  
Juan Lavista Ferres

Abstract We present a deep learning approach towards the large-scale prediction and analysis of bird acoustics from 100 different bird species. We use spectrograms constructed on bird audio recordings from the Cornell Bird Challenge (CBC) dataset, which includes recordings with background noise, of multiple and potentially overlapping bird vocalizations per audio. Our experiments show that a hybrid modeling approach that involves a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for learning the representation for a slice of the spectrogram and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for the temporal component to combine across time-points leads to the most accurate model on this dataset. We show results on a spectrum of models ranging from stand-alone CNNs to hybrid models of various types obtained by combining CNNs with CNNs or RNNs of the following types: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) and Legendre Memory Units (LMU). The best performing model achieves an average accuracy of 67% over the 100 different bird species, with the highest accuracy of 90% for the Red crossbill. We further analyze the learned representations visually and find them to be intuitive, where we find that related bird species are clustered close together. We present a novel way to empirically interpret the representations learned by the LMU-based hybrid model which shows how memory channel patterns over time change with spectrograms.

2021 ◽  
Mathieu Lucas ◽  
Michel Lang ◽  
Jérôme Le Coz ◽  
Benjamin Renard ◽  
Hervé Piegay

&lt;p&gt;The Rh&amp;#244;ne River has undergone many anthropogenic transformations to improve his navigability and produce hydroelectricity since the mid-19th century. From the longitudinal dikes of the 1850&amp;#8217;s to the hydroelectric diversion schemes of the 1950&amp;#8217;s and 1960&amp;#8217;s, these structures had a direct impact on the channel geometry along the 300km of river course between Lyon (France) and the Mediterranean Sea. An indirect consequence could be a change in the flood dynamics along the channel course, caused by the simplification of the channel patterns and the floodplain accretion. This communication aims to assess the potential changes in the flood propagation along the middle and lower Rh&amp;#244;ne valley throughout a century of anthropogenic reconfigurations of the channel. The possible impact of these human pressures on the inundation risk and the attenuation of the flood peak discharge is also discussed. Through the use of digitized hydrometric data recorded since 1840 on multiple stream gauges of the Rh&amp;#244;ne river, a variety of floods of the same type and magnitude are selected. The oceanic flood types (as described by Pard&amp;#233;, 1925) that take their origin from heavy rainfalls upstream of the area of interest are preferred. Thus, complex flood waves due to floods from the lower Rh&amp;#244;ne valley tributaries are avoided, to keep the analysis as simple as possible. The flood travel time and the peak discharge attenuation of the selected events are compared over the years of channel transformations, permitting us to estimate the impact of anthropogenic pressures on the flood dynamics.&lt;/p&gt;

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