presidential discourse
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 296-320
Catherine Evans Davies ◽  
Maria V. Semikolennykh

When the American President speaks in a way that is later characterized as joking/kidding, a wide range of interpretations become possible. At a minimum, there are two basic interpretations: serious and non-serious.At the other extreme, there may be as many nuanced interpretations as there are audiences for the discourse. In this study, I will first examine the “just/only joking” strategy, considering how it fits within a theoretical understanding of humorous discourse, and lay out the prototypical strategic moves. Then I will explore how the two main audiences (the currently polarized political groupings in the United States) tend to interpret the “joking” in relation to the performance style of President Donald J. Trump. Using three examples, I will attempt to show how the same utterance can be interpreted by one audience as a harmless joke and by the other as a grave threat.

Veera Laine

In this chapter, the Others of Russia, reoccurring in the presidential discourse in 2000–2020, will be analysed. The key speeches reveal three distinctive ‘Others’ of the Russian state and nation, evolving in space and time: first, an ineffective politician in the 1990s, and, later, a corrupt bureaucrat, is framed as historical and internal Other, whose figure legitimizes the current power. Second, the metaphor of constant competition in the international relations describes the Other as economically stronger developed Western country, against which Russia’s ‘backwardness’ is mirrored, especially in the early 2000s. As the economic competition becomes harder to win and the quest for national unity intensifies, the emphasis turns to the third Other, the one holding fundamentally different values than the Self. Thus, it is argued that the metaphor of competition/conflict between Russia and its Others has undergone a qualitative transformation in the presidential rhetoric, reflecting change in Russia’s relative strength: instead of the previously admired economic performance, the times of conflict show that Russia’s true strength vis-à-vis its Others resides in the conservative, moral values and military might.

Turgun Ismailov

Ушбу мақолада “Patrie” концепти қадриятли таркибининг дискурсив тақдим этилиши кўриб чиқилади. “Patrie” концептининг президентлар нутқида билвосита тасаввур этилишига хизмат қиладиган миллий қадриятларнинг бир қисми тавсифланади, уларнинг президент дискурсида қўлланиш частотаси аниқланди ва нутқ стратегияларига боғлиқ ҳолда воқеланиш ҳолатлари очиб берилади.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-65
Tatyana S. Bots ◽  

The article studies the “communicative sabotage” speech genre as a possible way of reacting to criticism in the response utterances of the presidents of Russia and the USA, V. V. Putin and B. Obama. The internal genre tactics of communicative sabotage are considered in relation to Grice’s Cooperative Principles. Both approaches are perceived as complementary in relation to each other, which allows to get a holistic perception of deviations from norms of interpersonal communication. The fact that communicative sabotage belongs to indirect communication reflects the specifics of the presidential discourse, which consists in the need to avoid inconvenient topics and to veil information in public communication with journalists. The role of communicative sabotage in solving pragmatic tasks of the president’s communication, such as the struggle for power, allows to attribute it to agonal speech genres.

Ismailov Turgun Salaxiddinovich ◽  

This article is devoted to the study of the linguistic nature of the presidential discourse, which reflects elements of the socio-political life and culture of the country, as well as common and national specific cultural values. The article notes that the first speech of the presidents has a special place in the genre structure of the presidential discourse, is strongly connected to a particular political event, is recorded in the plan of time and space; In order to emotionally influence the minds of the people, to strengthen the pragmatics of speech, the linguistic means used in this speech, such as axiological lexicon, metaphor, phraseology, syntactic parallelism, rhetorical question, exhortation and appeal, are systematized and focused on their translation into Uzbek.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. e27004
Peter Jonathan Watson

O presente artigo avalia, quantitativa e qualitativamente, referências feitas ao futebol feminino, na Colômbia, nos discursos presidenciais e publicações no Twitter durante a presidência de Juan Manuel Santos (2010-2018). Compara representações e mensagens em torno das respectivas equipes nacionais colombianas de futebol masculino e feminino em relação ao projeto de unidade nacional de Santos. Embora o governo de Santos entendesse que o futebol desempenhava, na Colômbia, um potencial e poderoso papel unificador e transformador, este trabalho questiona se esse potencial se limita ao jogo masculino e o quanto o futebol feminino pode ter contribuído para a estratégia de nacionalismo desportivo de Santos. Será que o futebol feminino representaria também o “nós nacional” e a “Nova Colômbia”, tão frequentemente mencionados na retórica presidencial?  

Rusin ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 269-284
J.A. Emer ◽  
K.A. Akenteva ◽  

The article examines the conceptual and compositional transformation of the genre of congratulations on professional holidays in the East Slavic presidential discourses of V.V. Putin, A.G. Lukashenko and V.A. Zelensky. The authors analyze the specificty of modeling a picture of the world in the interaction of holiday and presidential discourses within the traditionally interpersonal communication genre. In the presidential discourse, congratulations are a tool to maintain and strengthen power, a way to form necessary values and attitudes and a form of communication with professional communities, which can contribute to the development of professional identity and strengthen the prestige of the profession. Congratulations on professional holidays allow to model the image of a specialist, which, on the one hand, is determined by the socio-cultural characteristics of this society, and on the other hand, by the political attitudes of the speaker, who is the country leader with undeniable authority. As in other congratulations in the presidential discourse, the texts under consideration preserve the traditional structure of the genre and add an informational part, where the speaker models the image of a professional, choosing characteristics in accordance with their own political goals and objectives, and gives an orientation to the future. At the same time, the content of the congratulation is determined by the holiday (honoring the professional community), the speaker’s attitudes, and the current political and economic situation in the country.

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