central nervous system stimulant
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2021 ◽  
Raymond Maurice Carman

<p>PICROTOXIN is a bitter principle of the berries of the species Mensiperum coculus and Anamirata coculus, creepers which are indigenous to the East Indies. It was first isolated in 1812, and subsequent elementary analysis showed that it contained only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Because of its potent poisonous nature and its physiological action, together with its high oxygen content, picrotoxin has often been referred to as an “oxygen alkaloid”. It is a central nervous system stimulant and a powerful convulsant drug. It is used in medicine as an antidote to barbiturate poisoning, being still preferred for this purpose over many other drugs. It has also been used in cases of alcoholic intoxication, and as a fish poison.</p>

2021 ◽  
Raymond Maurice Carman

<p>PICROTOXIN is a bitter principle of the berries of the species Mensiperum coculus and Anamirata coculus, creepers which are indigenous to the East Indies. It was first isolated in 1812, and subsequent elementary analysis showed that it contained only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Because of its potent poisonous nature and its physiological action, together with its high oxygen content, picrotoxin has often been referred to as an “oxygen alkaloid”. It is a central nervous system stimulant and a powerful convulsant drug. It is used in medicine as an antidote to barbiturate poisoning, being still preferred for this purpose over many other drugs. It has also been used in cases of alcoholic intoxication, and as a fish poison.</p>

Cureus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Brian Fiani ◽  
Lawrence Zhu ◽  
Brian L Musch ◽  
Sean Briceno ◽  
Ross Andel ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-3
Kabir Bansal ◽  
Anika Chhabra

Caffeine is the most widely consumed central nervous system stimulant in the world. Medical students and health professionals are more prone to consumption of high amounts of caffeinated products because they are regularly exposed to stress conditions. The current study is cross sectional study. The participants were selected on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Around 500 participants composed of the sample size who were distributed with the questionnaire and the responses were recorded. The study showed consumption of caffeinated products by major portion of the sample size. Major reasons of consumption being to feel more awake, mood elevation and focus and concentration. Various side effects faced were difficulty in sleep, frequent urination, tremors and palpitations. Long term consumption showed various withdrawal symptoms is many individuals like headache, fatigue and cravings. Awareness among medical students and health professionals regarding this topic is important as future healthcare lies in their hand.

Filip Ložek ◽  
Iryna Kuklina ◽  
Kateřina Grabicová ◽  
Jan Kubec ◽  
Miloš Buřič ◽  

Methamphetamine (METH), a central nervous system stimulant used as a recreational drug, is frequently found in surface waters at potentially harmful concentrations. To determine effects of long-term exposure to environmentally relevant levels on nontarget organisms, we analysed cardiac and locomotor responses of signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus to acute stress during a 21-day exposure to METH at 1 μg L−1 followed by 14 days depuration. Heart rate and locomotion were recorded over a period of 30 min before and 30 min after exposure to haemolymph of an injured conspecific four times during METH exposure and four times during the depuration phase. Methamphetamine-exposed crayfish showed a weaker cardiac response to stress than was observed in controls during both exposure and depuration phases. Similarly, methamphetamine-exposed crayfish, during METH exposure, showed lower locomotor reaction poststressor application in contrast to controls. Results indicate biological alterations in crayfish exposed to METH at low concentration level, potentially resulting in a shift in interactions among organisms in natural environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 687-691
Herlince Sihotang ◽  
Adil Ginting ◽  
Rikson Siburian ◽  
Crystina Simanjuntak

Methamphetamine or N-methyl-alpha-methyl phenethyl amine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant drug that has an addictive effect when consumed. The number of cases of drug abuse in Indonesia in the last year is most dominated by methamphetamine so that an accurate analysis is needed to detect these compounds. Qualitative rapid detection can be done with marquis reagents which will produce a yellowish green if it is positive for consuming methamphetamine. Student urine samples were extracted with chloroform to separate to form two layers. The top layer filtrate was tested by Marquis reagents. From the test results found no positive Methamphentamine in the urine of class XI IPA students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (38) ◽  
pp. 15359-15367 ◽  
Shereen M. Azab ◽  
M. Shehata ◽  
Amany M. Fekry

Caffeine (Caf) is a natural central nervous system stimulant categorized by the US Food and Drug Administration as a safe drug and its maximal amount in soft drinks has been approximately determined to be lower than 200 mg L−1.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Erick De Oliveira Lemes ◽  
Gisele Gisele Fátima ◽  
Graciene Carvalho Brasil Santos ◽  
Joanete Botelho da Costa

O tabagismo é o ato de consumir cigarros, cujo principal componente é a nicotina, um estimulante do sistema nervoso central, que induz à tolerância e à dependência. Na fumaça do cigarro já foram identificadas mais de quatro mil substâncias químicas, sendo que pelo menos 60 dessas são reconhecidamente causadoras de câncer. Além dos malefícios causados à saúde do próprio fumante, a fumaça exalada pelo consumodos derivados do tabaco também é prejudicial para coletividade. O programa de combate ao tabagismo é um importante instrumento para melhoria dos indicadores de saúde, que conta com apoio e aconselhamentos de profissionais adequados para os pacientes, com a finalidade de redução ou abandono do fumo. Dessa forma, pelo conhecimento de que fumar é mais do que um hábito, é um vício, e que traz malefícios grandes, o objetivo desse trabalho se pauta no conhecimento das ações empregadas no Programa Antitabagismo do Ministério da Saúde através de uma revisão bibliográfica de caráter exploratório documental. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de buscas em livros e bases de dados bibliográficas, como SciELO, Bireme, Pubmed, Cochrane, Portal CAPES. Conseguiu-se, desta forma, estabelecer através de análise documental a eficácia e dimensão alcançada desse programa que realmente tem atingido o objetivo a que se propõe.Palavras-chave: Tabagismo. Saúde Pública. Dependência.AbstractSmoking is the act of consuming cigarettes whose main component is nicotine, a central nervous system stimulant that induces tolerance anddependence. In cigarette smoke, more than  four thousand chemicals have been identified, and at least 60 of these are known to cause cancer. In addition to the harm caused to the smoker’s own health, the smoke exhaled by the consumption of tobacco products is also detrimental to the community. The tobacco control program is an important tool for improving health indicators that counts on adequate professional support and counseling for patients for the purpose of reducing or quitting smoking. Thus, due to the knowledge that smoking is more than a habit, it is an addiction, and that brings great harm, the objective of this work is based on the knowledge of the actions employed in the Anti-Smoking Program of the Ministry of Health through a bibliographic review of Exploratory documentary character. The research was carried out through searches in books and bibliographic databases, such as SciELO, Bireme, Pubmed, Cochrane, Capes Portal. It was possible to establish, through documentary analysis, the effectiveness and the achieved dimension of this program, and that the goal has relly been achieved.Keywords: Smoking. Public Health. Dependency.

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