job rotation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-189
Ahmed Farhan Ahmed

The study aims to examine the effectiveness of job rotation in enhancing the knowledge accumulation of workers' opinions at the Iraqi Al-Kitab University by measuring the impact and testing the relationship between job rotation and knowledge accumulation. 62 valid questionnaires were distributed. The study used the statistical program (SPSS) to prove the validity of the research hypotheses related to the correlation and influence between the two research variables (functional rotation, knowledge accumulation). The findings revealed a positive moral correlation between the combined job rotation and the combined knowledge accumulation of the university under study in terms of its variables according to the value of the correlation coefficient at the aggregate level. Some recommendations related to the results of the research were made, the most important of which were: the necessity of developing and pumping new blood into the university, helping the employee and the university to get out of the cycle of stagnation, and resisting the change caused by the belief that the job is the property of the employee.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-53
Godson Kwame Amegayibor ◽  

Abstract Purpose: Is to investigate the relationship between training and development (T&D) methods and organizational performance in the local government sector, as well as contribute to knowledge. Research Methodology: The study employed a quantitative approach and correlation design, a census sampling method to sample 215 employees, a structured questionnaire to collect data, multiple linear regression to test hypotheses, and the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20 to input, transform and analyze the data. Result: The result shows that training and development (T & D) methods (job orientation, job rotation, workshop & conference, and classroom lectures) had a significant relationship with organizational performance. The findings also revealed that training and development (T & D) methods (job orientation, workshop & conference, and classroom lectures) have a significant relationship with the quality of service delivery. However, job rotation has no relationship with quality service delivery. Limitation: The study's main weakness is that it only looked at four different training and development methods and their impact on organizational performance and service quality. Another flaw in the study is that it only looked at one metropolitan assembly. Contribution: In this regard, metropolitan and municipal assembly executives and managers should consider employing training and development methods that provide stronger predictions to boost the organization’s performance and delivery of quality services to communities. They should train and develop employees within the organization as soon as political power changes hands to enhance organization performance because policy adherence is critical to the organization's performance.

Rarissa Romana Nogueira Martins ◽  
Alexandre Silva dos Reis ◽  
Silvana Viana Pinheiro ◽  
Victor da Silva Almeida ◽  
Ygor Geann dos Santos Leite ◽  

O presente artigo teve como propósito realizar um estudo de caso na Inspetoria Salesiana Missionária da Amazônia, uma instituição de ensino. Desta forma, considerando que, por meio do diagnóstico organizacional foi possível identificar baixo desempenho no setor da administração, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo apontar como o Job Rotation pode padronizar os níveis de divisão na Instituição. Adotou-se, portanto, como questão norteadora: como o Job Rotation pode padronizar o nível de serviço oferecido pelo setor administrativo? Utilizou-se para a pesquisa, a metodologia monográfica, também conhecida como estudo de caso, além das principais ferramentas a serem utilizadas, como: Job Rotation, com a finalidade de desenvolver competências e habilidades dos colaboradores; 5W2H no desenvolvimento de um plano de ação para implementar o que foi proposto no objetivo geral; e o brainstorming, como ferramenta de planejamento e solução de possíveis adversidades do artigo. Espera-se com a implantação da proposta interventiva, que os colaboradores do setor administrativo sejam capazes de ter uma visão holística dos processos na instituição, desenvolvendo novas habilidades e aperfeiçoando-se na comunicação, bem como padronizando-se, desta forma, a divisão oferecida pelo setor administrativo e suas funções.

Michela Dalle Mura ◽  
Gino Dini

AbstractCurrently, the largest percentage of the employed workforce in the manufacturing industry is involved in the assembly process, making ergonomics a key factor when dealing with assembly-related problems. During these processes, repetitive tasks and heavy component handling are frequent for workers, who may result overloaded from an energetic point of view, thus affecting several aspects not only relating to the human factor but also to potentially reduced productivity. Different organizational strategies and technological solutions could be adopted to overcome these drawbacks. For these purposes, the present paper proposes a genetic algorithm for solving the typical problem of assembly line balancing, taking into account job rotation and human–robot collaboration for enhancing ergonomics of workers. The objectives of the problem are related to both economic aspects and human factor: (i) the cost for implementing the assembly line is minimized, evaluated on the basis of the number of workers and differentiated by skill levels and on equipment installed on workstations, including collaborative robots, and (ii) the energy load variance among workers is also minimized, so as to smooth their energy expenditure in performing the assigned assembly operations, calculated according to their movements, physiological characteristics, job rotations and degree of collaboration with robots. The paper finally presents and discusses the application of the developed tool to an industrial assembly case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
Aulia Rosyida ◽  
Laura Navika Yamani ◽  
Dwiono Mudjianto

Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAIs) or nosocomial infections are infections that occur in patients during hospitalization. HAIs are classified into 4 namely Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection, Surgical Site Infection, Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia, and Blood Stream Infection. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the HAIs surveillance sistem. The research method used is a descriptive evaluation study with an observational research design. The data sources used are the Reports and dissemination of HAIs Surveillance at RSU Haji Surabaya in 2019-2020. The results showed that HAIs cases at RSU Haji Surabaya in 2020 were 0.03%. The problems in the implementation of HAIs surveillance are the accuracy and completeness of data reports, implementation support facilities, and employee participation in training has not been running optimally, application bundle items are under repair, and job rotation for employees. Conclusion : the implementation of HAIs surveillance activities is in accordance the Regulation of the Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Number 27 of 2017 Tentang  Pedoman Pencegahan  Dan Pengendalian Infeksi  di Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan, but the implementation still running unoptimally, researchers recommend the implementation of reward and punishment activities for surveillance officers as a solution to improve the sistem surveillance.

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (Special Issue 04) ◽  
pp. 1086-1098
Idris Idris ◽  
Sugeng Wahyudi

As part of job design program, job rotation is more focused on creating new atmosphere for employees. The employees have diverse abilities as well as skills which impact on motivation for doing their duty. The research was conducted at a cigarette company that developed machine-rolled kretek cigarette technology. The company has rotated employee jobs in production and packaging. The research was conducted by conducting interviews and observations in the company. The results showed that job rotation did not have a significant effect on employee performance. However, job rotation has a positive and significant effect on work motivation. Work motivation also has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The managerial implication of the study showed that employees' performance will improve with the good job rotation preparation. Information about the job rotation should be gave in the beginning in order to provide employees' opportunities for developing their passion as well as build effective two way communication

Georgewill, Ibiba Ambie

Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of and for the motive of improving everyday functioning. Although there are several stress management techniques, that of Job redesign, Job rotation, Social support, and Employee counseling were adopted from the work of Miller (2008). Stress management was aligned with the Behavioural school of management thoughts. First the paper delineated the importance of stress management in individual, group and organizational life, detailing the four techniques mentioned earlier. Secondly, the article evaluated the behavioural management philosophy ; which gives primacy to psychological considerations, but treats fulfillment of emotional needs, mainly as a means of achieving other primary economic goals, and finally the alignment of the behvioural management philosophy with stress management .In conclusion , the behavioural management philosophy provide the antidote foundation for the ultimate elimination of dysfunctional stressors, while it was recommended amongst other; management should utilize job redesign to check emotional exhaustion. This would ensure increased quality of work life and employee job satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Yulianto Santoso

This paper aims to explain the results of research on teacher career guidance conducted by the principal of vocational school. As for the indicators are 1) providing motivation 2) implementing job rotation 3) opportunity to participate in training/upgrading 4) opportunity to continue education. The study population numbered 75 teachers at Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan 3 Padang. Samples were taken using stratified random sampling technique, so that a sample of 54 respondents were obtained. The research instrument used in the form of a questionnaire compiled in the form of a Likert Scale model and tested for validity using the formula of the hierarchical correlation and reliability test using the alpha formula. The index of validity and reliability is significant at 95% confidence level. Analysis of data research using the average formula. The results of data analysis of the research show that the average teacher career guidance by the principal with a score of 3.50, which means that it is in the category quite good. With this it can be concluded that career guidance by the principal is still not optimal yet. So it needs a more effort from the principal so that the teacher's career guidance takes place as expected.

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