rips complex
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1-83
Alexander Engel ◽  
Christopher Wulff

This paper is a systematic approach to the construction of coronas (i.e. Higson dominated boundaries at infinity) of combable spaces. We introduce three additional properties for combings: properness, coherence and expandingness. Properness is the condition under which our construction of the corona works. Under the assumption of coherence and expandingness, attaching our corona to a Rips complex construction yields a contractible [Formula: see text]-compact space in which the corona sits as a [Formula: see text]-set. This results in bijectivity of transgression maps, injectivity of the coarse assembly map and surjectivity of the coarse co-assembly map. For groups we get an estimate on the cohomological dimension of the corona in terms of the asymptotic dimension. Furthermore, if the group admits a finite model for its classifying space [Formula: see text], then our constructions yield a [Formula: see text]-structure for the group.

Aruni Choudhary ◽  
Michael Kerber ◽  
Sharath Raghvendra

AbstractRips complexes are important structures for analyzing topological features of metric spaces. Unfortunately, generating these complexes is expensive because of a combinatorial explosion in the complex size. For n points in $$\mathbb {R}^d$$ R d , we present a scheme to construct a 2-approximation of the filtration of the Rips complex in the $$L_\infty $$ L ∞ -norm, which extends to a $$2d^{0.25}$$ 2 d 0.25 -approximation in the Euclidean case. The k-skeleton of the resulting approximation has a total size of $$n2^{O(d\log k +d)}$$ n 2 O ( d log k + d ) . The scheme is based on the integer lattice and simplicial complexes based on the barycentric subdivision of the d-cube. We extend our result to use cubical complexes in place of simplicial complexes by introducing cubical maps between complexes. We get the same approximation guarantee as the simplicial case, while reducing the total size of the approximation to only $$n2^{O(d)}$$ n 2 O ( d ) (cubical) cells. There are two novel techniques that we use in this paper. The first is the use of acyclic carriers for proving our approximation result. In our application, these are maps which relate the Rips complex and the approximation in a relatively simple manner and greatly reduce the complexity of showing the approximation guarantee. The second technique is what we refer to as scale balancing, which is a simple trick to improve the approximation ratio under certain conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Jing Zhang ◽  
Han Chu ◽  
Xin Feng

The appearance of coverage holes in the network leads to transmission links being disconnected, thereby resulting in decreasing the accuracy of data. Timely detection of the coverage holes can effectively improve the quality of network service. Compared with other coverage hole detection algorithms, the algorithms based on the Rips complex have advantages of high detection accuracy without node location information, but with high complexity. This paper proposes an efficient coverage hole detection algorithm based on the simplified Rips complex to solve the problem of high complexity. First, Turan’s theorem is combined with the concept of the degree and clustering coefficient in a complex network to classify the nodes; furthermore, redundant node determination rules are designed to sleep redundant nodes. Second, according to the concept of the complete graph, redundant edge deletion rules are designed to delete redundant edges. On the basis of the above two steps, the Rips complex is simplified efficiently. Finally, from the perspective of the loop, boundary loop filtering and reduction rules are designed to achieve coverage hole detection in wireless sensor networks. Compared with the HBA and tree-based coverage hole detection algorithm, simulation results show that the proposed hole detection algorithm has lower complexity and higher accuracy and the detection accuracy of the hole area is up to 99.03%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 661-690 ◽  
Michał Adamaszek ◽  
Henry Adams ◽  
Samadwara Reddy

For [Formula: see text] a metric space and [Formula: see text] a scale parameter, the Vietoris–Rips simplicial complex [Formula: see text] (resp. [Formula: see text]) has [Formula: see text] as its vertex set, and a finite subset [Formula: see text] as a simplex whenever the diameter of [Formula: see text] is less than [Formula: see text] (resp. at most [Formula: see text]). Though Vietoris–Rips complexes have been studied at small choices of scale by Hausmann and Latschev [13,16], they are not well-understood at larger scale parameters. In this paper we investigate the homotopy types of Vietoris–Rips complexes of ellipses [Formula: see text] of small eccentricity, meaning [Formula: see text]. Indeed, we show that there are constants [Formula: see text] such that for all [Formula: see text], we have [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], though only one of the two-spheres in [Formula: see text] is persistent. Furthermore, we show that for any scale parameter [Formula: see text], there are arbitrarily dense subsets of the ellipse such that the Vietoris–Rips complex of the subset is not homotopy equivalent to the Vietoris–Rips complex of the entire ellipse. As our main tool we link these homotopy types to the structure of infinite cyclic graphs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (8) ◽  
pp. 981-1009
Subhrajit Bhattacharya

Computing optimal path in a configuration space is fundamental to solving motion planning problems in robotics and autonomy. Graph-based search algorithms have been widely used to that end, but they suffer from drawbacks. We present an algorithm for computing the shortest path through a metric simplicial complex that can be used to construct a piece-wise linear discrete model of the configuration manifold. In particular, given an undirected metric graph, G, which is constructed as a discrete representation of an underlying configuration manifold (a larger “continuous” space typically of dimension greater than one), we consider the Rips complex, [Formula: see text], associated with it. Such a complex, and hence shortest paths in it, represent the underlying metric space more closely than what the graph does. Our algorithm requires only a local connectivity-based description of an abstract graph, [Formula: see text], and a cost/length function, [Formula: see text], as inputs. No global information such as an embedding or a global coordinate chart is required. The local nature of the proposed algorithm makes it suitable for configuration spaces of arbitrary topology, geometry, and dimension. We not only develop the search algorithm for computing shortest distances, but we also present a path reconstruction algorithm for explicitly computing the shortest paths through the simplicial complex. The complexity of the presented algorithm is comparable with that of Dijkstra’s search, but, as the results presented in this paper demonstrate, the shortest paths obtained using the proposed algorithm represent the geodesic paths in the original metric space significantly more closely.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (01) ◽  
pp. 57-77
Kenes Beketayev ◽  
Damir Yeliussizov ◽  
Dmitriy Morozov ◽  
Gunther H. Weber ◽  
Bernd Hamann

This paper studies the influence of the definition of neighborhoods and methods used for creating point connectivity on topological analysis of scalar functions. It is assumed that a scalar function is known only at a finite set of points with associated function values. In order to utilize topological approaches to analyze the scalar-valued point set, it is necessary to choose point neighborhoods and, usually, point connectivity to meaningfully determine critical-point behavior for the point set. Two distances are used to measure the difference in topology when different point neighborhoods and means to define connectivity are used: (i) the bottleneck distance for persistence diagrams and (ii) the distance between merge trees. Usually, these distances define how different scalar functions are with respect to their topology. These measures, when properly adapted to point sets coupled with a definition of neighborhood and connectivity, make it possible to understand how topological characteristics depend on connectivity. Noise is another aspect considered. Five types of neighborhoods and connectivity are discussed: (i) the Delaunay triangulation; (ii) the relative neighborhood graph; (iii) the Gabriel graph; (iv) the [Formula: see text]-nearest-neighbor (KNN) neighborhood; and (v) the Vietoris–Rips complex. It is discussed in detail how topological characterizations depend on the chosen connectivity.

Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic ◽  
Peter Bubenik ◽  
Dragan Nikolić ◽  
Giseon Heo

AbstractPersistent homology captures the evolution of topological features of a model as a parameter changes. The most commonly used summary statistics of persistent homology are the barcode and the persistence diagram. Another summary statistic, the persistence landscape, was recently introduced by Bubenik. It is a functional summary, so it is easy to calculate sample means and variances, and it is straightforward to construct various test statistics. Implementing a permutation test we detect conformational changes between closed and open forms of the maltose-binding protein, a large biomolecule consisting of 370 amino acid residues. Furthermore, persistence landscapes can be applied to machine learning methods. A hyperplane from a support vector machine shows the clear separation between the closed and open proteins conformations. Moreover, because our approach captures dynamical properties of the protein our results may help in identifying residues susceptible to ligand binding; we show that the majority of active site residues and allosteric pathway residues are located in the vicinity of the most persistent loop in the corresponding filtered Vietoris-Rips complex. This finding was not observed in the classical anisotropic network model.

Dong Du

AbstractPersistence theory discussed in this paper is an application of algebraic topology (Morse Theory [29]) to Data Analysis, precisely to qualitative understanding of point cloud data, or PCD for short. PCD can be geometrized as a filtration of simplicial complexes (Vietoris-Rips complex [25] [36]) and the homology changes of these complexes provide qualitative information about the data. Bar codes describe the changes in homology with coefficients in a fixed field. When the coefficient field is ℤ

2010 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-271 ◽  
Afra Zomorodian

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