curie depth
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2021 ◽  
wei Wang ◽  
meng Wan ◽  
miaojun Sun ◽  
weijie Jiang ◽  
ping Xu

Abstract The Ross Sea is located between Victoria Land and Mary Bird Land in West Antarctica. In this paper, the published gravity and magnetic data in the Ross Sea area are fused with the high-precision gravity and magnetic data measured by the ship. Then, The gravity anomaly data is used to invert the Moho depth by the Parker-Oldenburg method; the magnetic anomaly data is used to invert the Curie depth of the Ross Sea area by the power spectrum method. Finally, according to the inversion results of the Moho depth and Curie depth, the high-precision heat flow distribution in the Ross Sea area is calculated. And compared with the actual measured heat flow value and other inversion results, it shows that this inversion result has obtained a higher resolution. At the same time, the geothermal gradient is calculated by heat flow and thermal conductivity. According to the temperature-pressure equation for formation and storage of gas hydrate, the thickness of the gas hydrate stability zone in the study area was quantitatively calculated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Ricarda Dziadek ◽  
Fausto Ferraccioli ◽  
Karsten Gohl

AbstractGeothermal heat flow in the polar regions plays a crucial role in understanding ice-sheet dynamics and predictions of sea level rise. Continental-scale indirect estimates often have a low spatial resolution and yield largest discrepancies in West Antarctica. Here we analyse geophysical data to estimate geothermal heat flow in the Amundsen Sea Sector of West Antarctica. With Curie depth analysis based on a new magnetic anomaly grid compilation, we reveal variations in lithospheric thermal gradients. We show that the rapidly retreating Thwaites and Pope glaciers in particular are underlain by areas of largely elevated geothermal heat flow, which relates to the tectonic and magmatic history of the West Antarctic Rift System in this region. Our results imply that the behavior of this vulnerable sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is strongly coupled to the dynamics of the underlying lithosphere.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 2760
Lin Li ◽  
Xueyuan Tang ◽  
Jingxue Guo ◽  
Xiangbin Cui ◽  
Enzhao Xiao ◽  

Antarctic geothermal heat flux is a basic input variable for ice sheet dynamics simulation. It greatly affects the temperature and mechanical properties at the bottom of the ice sheet, influencing sliding, melting, and internal deformation. Due to the fact that the Antarctica is covered by a thick ice sheet, direct measurements of heat flux are very limited. This study was carried out to estimate the regional heat flux in the Antarctic continent through geophysical inversion. Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica is one of the areas in which we have a weak understanding of geothermal heat flux. Through the latest airborne geomagnetic data, we inverted the Curie depth, obtaining the heat flux of bedrock based on the one-dimensional steady-state heat conduction equation. The results indicated that the Curie depth of the Princess Elizabeth Land is shallower than previously estimated, and the heat flux is consequently higher. Thus, the contribution of subglacial heat flux to the melting at the bottom of the ice sheet is likely greater than previously expected in this region. It further provides research clues for the formation of the developed subglacial water system in Princess Elizabeth Land.

2021 ◽  
Jörg Ebbing ◽  
Wolfgang Szwillus ◽  
Yixiati Dilixiati

<p>The thickness of the magnetized layer in the crust (or lithosphere) holds valuable information about the thermal state and composition of the lithosphere. Commonly, maps of magnetic thickness are estimated by spectral methods that are applied to individual data windows of the measured magnetic field strength. In each window, the measured power spectrum is fit by a theoretical function which depends on the average magnetic thickness in the window and a ‘fractal’ parameter describing the spatial roughness of the magnetic sources. The limitations of the spectral approach have long been recognized and magnetic thickness inversions are routinely calibrated using heat flow measurements, based on the assumption that magnetic thickness corresponds to Curie depth. However, magnetic spectral thickness determinations remain highly uncertain, underestimate uncertainties, do not properly integrate heat flow measurements into the inversion and fail to address the inherent trade-off between lateral thickness and susceptibility variations.</p><p>We present a linearized Bayesian inversion that works in space domain and addresses many issues of previous depth determination approaches. The ‘fractal’ description used in the spectral approaches translates into a Matérn covariance function in space domain. We use a Matérn covariance function to describe both the spatial behaviour of susceptibility and magnetic thickness. In a first step, the parameters governing the spatial behaviour are estimated from magnetic data and heat flow data using a Bayesian formulation and the Monte-Carlo-Markov-Chain (MCMC) technique. The second step uses the ensemble of parameter solution from MCMC to generate an ensemble of susceptibility and thickness distributions, which are the main output of our approach.</p><p>The newly developed framework is applied to synthetic data at satellite height (300 km) covering an area of 6000 x 6000 km. These tests provide insight into the sensitivity of satellite magnetic data to susceptibility and thickness. Furthermore, they highlight that magnetic inversion benefits greatly from a tight integration of heat flow measurements into the inversion process.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ali Deger Ozbakir ◽  
Hayrullah Karabulut

<p><span>Continental deformation can be </span><span>described in two end-member approaches: </span><span><em>block</em></span><span> (or microplate) and </span><span><em>continuum </em></span><span>models</span><span>. The first considers a strong lithosphere with deformation localized in fault zones. For </span><span>t</span><span>he latter, however,</span><span> the lithosphere is weak</span><span> and deforms as a thin viscous sheet. The Anatolia – Aegean domain represents both continuum and plate-like deformation. Furthermore, </span><span>r</span>ecent modeling studies suggest a dynamic support mechanism of the Anatolian plateaus, with dynamic topography estimates ranging from 1 to 3 km for various crustal models and geodynamic scenarios, although the gravity and crustal thickness data support predominant Airy isostasy. The solution to both intricacies relies on the thermal structure of the crust and the lithosphere. Available thermal considerations stem from either the uppermost mantle velocity structure or thermal modeling with assumptions on radiogenic heat production and boundary conditions. Yet, homogeneous and independent constraints on the lithospheric structure are scarce. We aim to contribute to this knowledge gap by providing Curie Point Depths (CPDs), which corresponds to the depth at which rock-forming minerals lose their magnetization at the Curie temperature, ~580 <sup>o</sup>C.<br><br>R<span>esolution of deep magnetic sources requires spectral methods with large windows, which reduce the CPD resolution. Moving & overlapping smaller windows have been used in order to increase the resolution, but these introduce spectral leakage and bias. </span>In previous studies, subjective wavenumber ranges of the magnetic anomaly spectra were used, often combined with wrong scaling factors between map units and the equations. This resulted in generally erroneous CPD estimates. Furthermore, CPD uncertainties have often been unquantified for the study area. <span>We use a wavelet transform method, which overcomes the artifacts due to segmentation of magnetic signal to finite windows, results in higher spatial resolution as well as enabling uncertainty estimation. </span>We used as large an area as possible for constraining the edge effects away from the study area. The resultant CPD map spatially correlates well with low Pn velocity areas, locations of volcanoes, and thermal springs.</p>

2021 ◽  
Rama Chandrudu Arasada ◽  
Srinivasa Rao Gangumalla

<p>Eastern Indian shield comprises rocks that well persevered the Archean to the Proterozoic history of the earth. However, the lithospheric evolution of the region is poorly understood due to the scanty of seismological observations. In the presented study, an integrated approach is adopted to analyze the satellite gravity (GOCE), aeromagnetic, and topography data complemented with seismological constraints to understand the thermal evolution of the region. Wavelet based Bouguer-topography coherence method was used to compute spatial variations of effective elastic thickness (Te) in the region. We noticed high Te values of 27-31 km over EGMB and low to moderate Te values of 22-30 km over SC and CGGC. Results of 3-D forward gravity modeling of Complete Bouguer anomalies show that the Moho boundary lies at a depth of 35-38 km below the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt (EGMB) and 38-40 km below Singhbhum Craton (SC), and it increases gradually towards the Chotanagpur granite gneiss complex (CGGC) to a depth of 40-44 km. Curie depth point (CDP) values obtained based on the spectral analysis of aeromagnetic data range from 25-30 km beneath the EGMB, 23-26 km over SC, and 30-36 km beneath the CGGC. Further comparison of CDP values with Moho depths (35-44 km) from 3-D forward gravity modeling and available deep seismic sounding/receiver function data in this region indicate that CDP values are shallower than the Moho. Unlike other cratonic regions, the shallowest CDP and low Te values observed over the Eastern Indian Shield suggests thermal reworking of the cratonic lithosphere in this region.</p>

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