wsn lifetime
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Shubhangi Jadon

Abstract: Over recent decades, both scientific and commercial societies have been seeing the progress of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Clustering is the most common form of growing WSN lifetime. The optimal number of cluster heads (CHs) & structure of clusters are the main problems in clustering techniques. The paper focuses on an efficient CH preference mechanism that rotates CH between nodes amid a greater energy level than others. Original energy, residual energy as well as the optimum value of CHs is assumed to be used by the algo for the choice of the next category of IoT-capable network cluster heads including ecosystem control, smart cities, or devices. The updated version of K-medium algo k-means++. Meanwhile, Simulated Annealing is implemented as the shortest path tree for mobile nodes which is constructed to establish the connection between the nodes for finding the shortest and secure path for data transmission hence resulting in faster data sending and receiving process. Keywords: WSN, CH selection, Residual energy (RE), Network Lifetime, Energy-efficient (EE)

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Yerra Readdy Alekya Rani ◽  
Edara Sreenivasa Reddy

Purpose Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been widely adopted for various applications due to their properties of pervasive computing. It is necessary to prolong the WSN lifetime; it avails its benefit for a long time. WSN lifetime may vary according to the applications, and in most cases, it is considered as the time to the death of the first node in the module. Clustering has been one of the successful strategies for increasing the effectiveness of the network, as it selects the appropriate cluster head (CH) for communication. However, most clustering protocols are based on probabilistic schemes, which may create two CH for a single cluster group, leading to cause more energy consumption. Hence, it is necessary to build up a clustering strategy with the improved properties for the CH selection. The purpose of this paper is to provide better convergence for large simulation space and to use it for optimizing the communication path of WSN. Design/methodology/approach This paper plans to develop a new clustering protocol in WSN using fuzzy clustering and an improved meta-heuristic algorithm. The fuzzy clustering approach is adopted for performing the clustering of nodes with respective fuzzy centroid by using the input constraints such as signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR), load and residual energy, between the CHs and nodes. After the cluster formation, the combined utility function is used to refine the CH selection. The CH is determined based on computing the combined utility function, in which the node attaining the maximum combined utility function is selected as the CH. After the clustering and CH formation, the optimal communication between the CH and the nodes is induced by a new meta-heuristic algorithm called Fitness updated Crow Search Algorithm (FU-CSA). This optimal communication is accomplished by concerning a multi-objective function with constraints with residual energy and the distance between the nodes. Finally, the simulation results show that the proposed technique enhances the network lifetime and energy efficiency when compared to the state-of-the-art techniques. Findings The proposed Fuzzy+FU-CSA algorithm has achieved low-cost function values of 48% to Fuzzy+Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), 60% to Fuzzy+Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO), 40% to Fuzzy+Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and 25% to Fuzzy+CSA, respectively. Thus, the results prove that the proposed Fuzzy+FU-CSA has the optimal performance than the other algorithms, and thus provides a high network lifetime and energy. Originality/value For the efficient clustering and the CH selection, a combined utility function was developed by using the network parameters such as energy, load, SINR and distance. The fuzzy clustering uses the constraint inputs such as residual energy, load and SINR for clustering the nodes of WSN. This work had developed an FU-CSA algorithm for the selection of the optimal communication path for the WSN.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Sama Sabah ◽  
Muayad Croock

Energy consumption problems in wireless sensor networks are an essential aspect of our days where advances have been made in the sizes of sensors and batteries, which are almost very small to be placed in the patient's body for remote monitoring. These sensors have inadequate resources, such as battery power that is difficult to replace or recharge. Therefore, researchers should be concerned with the area of saving and controlling the quantities of energy consumption by these sensors efficiently to keep it as long as possible and increase its lifetime. In this paper energy-efficient and fault-tolerance strategy is proposed by adopting the fault tolerance technique by using the self-checking process and sleep scheduling mechanism for avoiding the faults that may cause an increase in power consumption as well as energy-efficient at the whole network. this is done by improving the LEACH protocol by adding these proposed strategies to it. Simulation results show that the recommended method has higher efficiency than the LEACH protocol in power consumption also can prolong the network lifetime. In addition, it can detect and recover potential errors that consume high energy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-307
P.Suman Prakash, Et. al.

In Wireless Sensor Networks, network lifetime optimization has challenging and significant issue. Subsequently, most of the existing works delineate several factors to improve the network lifetime: by decreasing the amount of the consumption of energy, reducing latency, load balancing, clustering, efficient data aggregating and by minimizing the data transmission delays. This paper provides a review of recent techniques and presents a Machine Learning-based Optimized Hierarchical Routing Protocols for WSN Lifetime. Research has been done, and reviews have been studied to explore the energy management schemes using optimized routing approach and Machine Learning Adaptability for WSN’s. Further, recommend future directions related to the Optimized Clustering Approaches to enhance wsn lifetime.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-92
Nachiketa Tarasia ◽  
Amulya Ratna Swain ◽  
Soham Roy ◽  
Udit Narayana Kar

A standard Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) comprises of low-cost sensor nodes embedded with small batteries. To enhance the network lifetime of WSN, the number of active nodes among the deployed nodes should be minimum. Along with this, it must be ensured that coverage of the targeted area would not get affected by the currently active nodes. Considering different applications of WSN, there is still a demand for full coverage or partial coverage of the deployed area. Irrespective of the circumstances, a proper sleep scheduling algorithm needs to be followed. Else, the active nodes will be tuckered out of the battery. Random distribution of the sensor nodes in a common area may have multiple active nodes. It is essential to identify the redundant number of active nodes and put them into sleep to conserve energy. This paper has proposed a methodology where the active sensor nodes form a hierarchical structure that heals itself by following a level-wise approach. In the meantime, it also detects the total number of redundant nodes in the coverage area. The performance of the proposed protocol is evaluated using the Castalia simulator. The simulation results show that the proposed level-wise periodic tree construction approach increases the network's durability in conjunction with the level wise approach.

Rabie A. Ramadan ◽  
Fatma H. Elfouly

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) may be described as a self-configured wireless networks that can be used to track physical objects or monitor environmental features, such as temperature or motion. The sensed data is then passed across the network to the main location or sink node, where the data can be processed and analyzed. Sensor nodes in WSN are fundamentally resource-constrained: they have restricted processing power, computing, space, and transmission bandwidth. Object tracking is considered as one of the major applications. However, many of the recent articles focused on object localization. In this chapter, the authors suggest an effective approach for tracking objects in WSNs. The aim is to achieve both minimal energy consumption in reporting activity and balanced energy consumption across the WSN lifetime extension of sensor nodes. Furthermore, data reliability is considered in our model. The chapter starts by formulating the multi-object tracking problem using 0/1 Integer Linear programming. In addition, the authors adopted the swarm intelligence technique to solve the optimization problem.

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