building housing
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-212
M Sriastuti Agustina

Abstrak. Pembangun perumahan diatas tanah pertanian yang sudah ditentukan oleh pengusaha perumahan harus mendapatkan izin. Izin dari pemerintah daerah sangat berperan dalam membangun perumahan bagi pengusaha perumahan yang harus mengajukan permohonan.Setelah pengusaha perumahan mendapatkan izin, maka pengusaha segera membebaskan hak yang terdapat diatas tanah dengan cara negoisasi atau musyawarah. Dalam hal ini pemerintah membentuk tim yang terdiri dari Dinas Pertanian, Dinas Perindustrian dan juga Kantor Pertanahan. Tim yang dibentuk pemerintah ini mempunyai tugas untuk menyelidiki keberadaan dan status tanah yang selanjutnya hasil dari tim tersebut untuk masukan bagi Bupati selaku Kepala Daerah untuk memberikan izin pembangunan bagi pengembang perumahan. Perubahan penggunaan tanah pertanian ke non pertanian memang diperbolehkan, akan tetapi diusahakan bukan pada tanah pertanian subur dan irigasi teknis sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Permendagri No. 5 Tahun 1974 pasal 7 ayat 3 huruf a . Diatur pula dalam Undang Undang Nomor 41 tahun 2009 tentang perlindungan lahan pertanian pangan berkelanjutan,dan pembangunan perumahan sesuai dengan ketentuan Rencana tata ruang wilayah dan tata guna tanah, Junto Perpres nomor 59 tahun 2019, tentang pengendalian alih fungsi sawah, harus disesuaikan dengan tata ruang dan tata guna tanah di daerah masing masing. Abstract. Residential builders on agricultural land that have been determined by the housing entrepreneur must obtain a permit. Permits from local governments play a very important role in building housing for housing entrepreneurs who must submit applications. In this case the government formed a team consisting of the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Industry and also the Land Office. The team formed by the government has the task of investigating the existence and status of the land, which then results from the team as input for the Regent as the Regional Head to provide development permits for housing developers. Changes in the use of agricultural land to non-agriculture are indeed allowed, but they are not cultivated on fertile agricultural land and technical irrigation as regulated in Permendagri No. 5 of 1974 article 7 paragraph 3 letter a. It is also regulated in Law Number 41 of 2009 concerning the protection of sustainable food agricultural land, and housing development in accordance with the provisions of the regional spatial planning and land use plan, Junto Perpres number 59 of 2019, concerning the control of the conversion of rice fields, must be adjusted to the spatial and land use in their respective areas

2021 ◽  
Geordie Shaw

<p>There is a perception amongst New Zealanders that our country was forged at Waitangi in 1840 with a shaking of hands and pressing together of noses. However, in actuality it emerged from a drawn out war of fear and unrest; four million acres of land was confiscated and thousands died fighting on it. Hills, valleys, fields and plains were soaked with blood from Wairau to Kororāreka . Today these sites still hold the memory of those fallen, but the New Zealand Wars and their implications now seem a distant haze on our nations consciousness. The wars have become lost, erased, unseen and forgotten. The New Zealand Army Museum in Waiouru is the building on which I focus a critique of our past and present approaches to architecture. Creating an extension to this museum forms the design component of my thesis – the new building housing the museum's overshadowed New Zealand Wars collection. The methodology involved researching and choosing specific stories from the full spectrum of the New Zealand Wars. Concepts, architectural languages and elements are then translated and collaged into a new building. The hope for this synthesis is that it will reveal our untold and unseen history through architecture, that it might represent and communicate something of our past to us; helping to [re?] construct our national identity.</p>

2021 ◽  
Geordie Shaw

<p>There is a perception amongst New Zealanders that our country was forged at Waitangi in 1840 with a shaking of hands and pressing together of noses. However, in actuality it emerged from a drawn out war of fear and unrest; four million acres of land was confiscated and thousands died fighting on it. Hills, valleys, fields and plains were soaked with blood from Wairau to Kororāreka . Today these sites still hold the memory of those fallen, but the New Zealand Wars and their implications now seem a distant haze on our nations consciousness. The wars have become lost, erased, unseen and forgotten. The New Zealand Army Museum in Waiouru is the building on which I focus a critique of our past and present approaches to architecture. Creating an extension to this museum forms the design component of my thesis – the new building housing the museum's overshadowed New Zealand Wars collection. The methodology involved researching and choosing specific stories from the full spectrum of the New Zealand Wars. Concepts, architectural languages and elements are then translated and collaged into a new building. The hope for this synthesis is that it will reveal our untold and unseen history through architecture, that it might represent and communicate something of our past to us; helping to [re?] construct our national identity.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Sara Alidoust ◽  
Wei Huang

Abstract This paper provides a systematic review of the evidence linking housing and health. This involved a review of 59 peer-reviewed journal papers, that included case studies on the health impacts of housing and were published in English, in the past decade (2010–2020). Our systematic review of the literature suggested most of the research on the health impacts of housing employed quantitative methodology, were conducted in the Global North and were published in Medical and Health Sciences journals. Research findings demonstrated four key areas through which housing impacts health: neighbourhood or context, physical building, housing market and housing policy. This paper provides valuable information to researchers for future research directions on the associations between housing and health and to decision-makers and planners for planning healthy cities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 18-22
Dmitry A. Dementyev ◽  

The article presents the results of a study of the architectural traditions of building housing from wood in Russia. Methods of adaptation of existing methods of architectural research in relation to various examples of wooden housing construction in the period from the 18th century to the beginning of the 21st century have been proposed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0308518X2098161
Morgana G Martins Krieger ◽  
Marlei Pozzebon ◽  
Lauro Gonzalez

The right to the city represents a critique of the city as a place and an object of capitalist accumulation, in which priority is given to exchange value over use value. This critique references an ongoing and collective struggle for urban production to be radically democratic, as the expanded participation of city users would lead to appropriation, with social movements occupying a central role. This paper discusses the practices of urban social movements that cooperate with governmental institutions participating in and influencing the design and implementation of public policies. We focus on the possibilities of transformation towards the right to the city as well as the conflicts and contradictions that social movements face when partnering with the State. We carry out an in-depth investigation of two social movements involved in building housing units in Brazil as part of a federal government programme. By conceptually translating the right to the city into the economies of worth, we propose an original theoretical approach. Our study contributes to advance the understanding of the role of social movements that collaborate with governments without abandoning the goal of struggling for the right to the city. We add a pragmatic perspective to the radical conception of the right to the city by showing how different logics of action enable or hinder the possibility of the right to the city horizon. We propose that the prominence of the civic common world might transform operational processes mainly through self-management.

Buildings ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 179
Dominika Opatowicz ◽  
Urszula Radoń ◽  
Paweł Zabojszcza

The main purpose of the paper was the assessment of the effect of wind load on the load capacity of a single-layer bar dome. Additionally, which numerical method is appropriate for low-rise single-layer bar domes was checked. In order to explain the effect of the height-to-span ratio on the selection of the appropriate calculation model and method of analysis of the bar dome, an example of the known von Mises truss was proposed. Two cases of von Mises truss differing in the height-to-span ratio were considered. For the shallow structure, a significant change in the value of the stiffness matrix determinant and the current stiffness parameter was observed. A similar tendency in the behavior of the structure can be observed on fragments of larger structures, including shallow single-layer steel domes. These problems are described on the basis of the dome, which is located on top of the building housing the restaurant. This structure is subjected to large displacement gradients and the actual configuration is taken into account in analysis. The analysis showed that there is a change in stiffness for these structures, and, therefore, that such structures should be designed according to geometric nonlinear analysis (GNA).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-100
Alsu Nabieva

Relevance, novelty and socio-economic importance of progressive development in rural areas is argued by the state importance of a scientifically sound and rational use of natural and economic potential of the country, discusses the role and importance of consumer cooperation in the development of socio-economic infrastructure in rural areas of the Republic of Tatarstan, the work of small farms, personal subsidiary and peasant (farmer) farms, individual entrepreneurs, agricultural organizations in the formation of food resources, the necessity of development of consumer cooperation in purchasing and sale activities in rural areas, use of potential of land resources, agricultural land, hayfields, pastures and arable land in developing agriculture crops and livestock, increasing agricultural production in personal subsidiary and peasant (farmer) farms, the efficiency of the agricultural organizations, the role and importance of small businesses in improving the quality of life in rural areas is summarized . they are interested in building housing in rural areas, increasing the production of environmentally friendly products, and improving the standard of living in rural areas.

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