feedback amplifier
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Guangbao Zhang ◽  
Shuting Hu ◽  
Xiaoqiang Jia

Although many whole-cell biosensors (WCBs) for the detection of Cd2+ have been developed over the years, most lack sensitivity and specificity. In this paper, we developed a Cd2+ WCB with a negative feedback amplifier in P. putida KT2440. Based on the slope of the linear detection curve as a measure of sensitivity, WCB with negative feedback amplifier greatly increased the output signal of the reporter mCherry, resulting in 33% greater sensitivity than in an equivalent WCB without the negative feedback circuit. Moreover, WCB with negative feedback amplifier exhibited increased Cd2+ tolerance and a lower detection limit of 0.1 nM, a remarkable 400-fold improvement compared to the WCB without the negative feedback circuit, which is significantly below the World Health Organization standard of 27 nM (0.003 mg/L) for cadmium in drinking water. Due to the superior amplification of the output signal, WCB with negative feedback amplifier can provide a detectable signal in a much shorter time, and a fast response is highly preferable for real field applications. In addition, the WCB with negative feedback amplifier showed an unusually high specificity for Cd2+ compared to other metal ions, giving signals with other metals that were between 17.6 and 41.4 times weaker than with Cd2+. In summary, the negative feedback amplifier WCB designed in this work meets the requirements of Cd2+ detection with very high sensitivity and specificity, which also demonstrates that genetic negative feedback amplifiers are excellent tools for improving the performance of WCBs.

Anisur Rehman Nasir ◽  
S. N. Ahmad

A novel current-mode multifunction inverse filter configuration using single current feedback amplifier (CFA) is presented. The proposed filter employs only one CFA and few passive components. The proposed circuit realizes inverse lowpass, inverse bandpass and inverse highpass filter functions with proper admittances. The characteristics of proposed multifunction inverse filter configuration are- current-mode realization; use of only one CFA; use of grounded passive components except one virtually grounded and realizing all three basic inverse filters. The proposed current-mode inverse filter circuit has been tested by TINA PRO simulation program and results justified the theoretical analysis.

Fethi Gür ◽  
Fuat Anday

A new voltage mode Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller employing Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier (CDBA) is presented. The proposed PID controller employs a canonical number of capacitors without requiring any passive components matching conditions. The element values are expressed in terms of PID parameters. Workability of the proposed controller is demonstrated through SPICE simulations for which CDBA is realized using Current Feedback Amplifier (CFA). The simulation results are found in close agreement with the theoretical results.

Chaiyan Chanapromma ◽  
Jirayuth Mahattanakul

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-21
Dr. Nisha Walde ◽  
Mr. Prashant Kumar Mavi

One configuration for realizing voltage- mode multifunction filters using current feedback amplifiers (CFOA) is presented. The proposed voltage -mode circuit exhibit simultaneously low pass and band pass filters. The proposed circuits offer the following features: No requirements for component matching conditions; low active and passive sensitivities; employing only grounded capacitors and the ability to obtain multifunction filters from the same circuit configuration.

2020 ◽  
Manuel Toledo-Quinones

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