adjacent node
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Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Zhongyi Lei ◽  
Haiying Wang

The community division of bipartite networks is one frontier problem on the research of complex networks today. In this study, we propose a model of community detection of the bipartite network, which is based on the generalized suffix tree algorithm. First, extract the adjacent node sequences from the matrix of relation and use the obtained adjacent node sequences to build a generalized suffix tree; second, traverse the established generalized suffix tree to obtain the bipartite cliques; third, adjust the bipartite cliques; finally, dispose the isolated edges, get the communities, and complete the division of the bipartite network. This algorithm is different from the traditional community mining one since it uses edges as the community division medium and does not need to specify the number of the division of communities before the experiment. Furthermore, we can find overlapping communities by this new algorithm which can decrease the time complexity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Sufal Chandra Swar ◽  
Suresh Manickam ◽  
David Casbeer ◽  
Krishna Kalyanam ◽  
Swaroop Darbha

Timely detection of intruders ensures the safety and security of high valued assets within a protected area. This problem takes on particular significance across international borders and becomes challenging when the terrain is porous, rugged and treacherous in nature. Keeping an effective vigil against intruders on large tracts of land is a tedious task; currently, it is primarily performed by security personnel with automatic detection systems in passive supporting roles. This paper discusses an alternate autonomous approach by utilizing one or more Unmanned Vehicles (UVs), aided by smart sensors on the ground, to detect and localize an intruder. To facilitate autonomous UV operations, the region is equipped with Unattended Ground Sensors (UGSs) and laser fencing. Together, these sensors provide time-stamped location information (node and edge detection) of the intruder to a UV. For security reasons, we assume that the sensors are not networked (a central node can be disabled bringing the whole system down) and so, the UVs must visit the vicinity of the sensors to gather the information therein. This makes the problem challenging in that pursuit must be done with local and likely delayed information. We discretize time and space by considering a 2D grid for the area and unit speed for the UV, i.e. it takes one time unit to travel from one node to an adjacent node. The intruder is slower and takes two time steps to complete the same move. We compute the min–max optimal, i.e. minimum number of steps to capture the intruder under worst-case intruder actions, for different number of rows and columns in the grid and for both one and two pursuers.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 403
Xun Zhang ◽  
Lanyan Yang ◽  
Bin Zhang ◽  
Ying Liu ◽  
Dong Jiang ◽  

The problem of extracting meaningful data through graph analysis spans a range of different fields, such as social networks, knowledge graphs, citation networks, the World Wide Web, and so on. As increasingly structured data become available, the importance of being able to effectively mine and learn from such data continues to grow. In this paper, we propose the multi-scale aggregation graph neural network based on feature similarity (MAGN), a novel graph neural network defined in the vertex domain. Our model provides a simple and general semi-supervised learning method for graph-structured data, in which only a very small part of the data is labeled as the training set. We first construct a similarity matrix by calculating the similarity of original features between all adjacent node pairs, and then generate a set of feature extractors utilizing the similarity matrix to perform multi-scale feature propagation on graphs. The output of multi-scale feature propagation is finally aggregated by using the mean-pooling operation. Our method aims to improve the model representation ability via multi-scale neighborhood aggregation based on feature similarity. Extensive experimental evaluation on various open benchmarks shows the competitive performance of our method compared to a variety of popular architectures.

C. Chandru Vignesh ◽  
C. B. Sivaparthipan ◽  
J. Alfred Daniel ◽  
Gwanggil Jeon ◽  
M. Bala Anand

2020 ◽  
pp. 147592172097928
P. Nandakumar ◽  
K. Shankar

A novel spectral transfer matrix for a cracked beam element is developed in this article and the same is used to identify the crack parameters on the beam structures. Spectral transfer matrix is developed from trigonometric functions based on the theory of fracture mechanics. This matrix determines the natural frequencies of a structure with crack with better accuracy than any other transfer matrices in the literature. The state vector at a node on the structure is formed which includes the displacement, rotation, internal and external forces, and moments at that node. When the state vector is multiplied with the transfer matrix, the state vector at the adjacent node is obtained. Each element is assumed to have a single open breathing crack with unknown depth and location. Initially, the developed spectral transfer matrix is used to determine the natural frequencies of a known cantilever, and after successful validation, the same is used for crack damage detection. By an inverse approach, crack parameters in each element are identified. The state vector at one node on the structure is obtained by measurement of input and out responses which is known as the initial state vector. Acceleration responses at selected nodes on the structure are measured and the state vectors at those nodes are predicted using spectral transfer matrices. The mean square error between measured and simulated responses is minimized using a heuristic optimization algorithm, with crack depth and location in each element as the optimization variables. Spectral transfer matrix method is applied to two numerical problems with single crack in each element; later, this method is successfully validated experimentally with structures having different boundary conditions. The accuracy in identified crack parameters and the applicability to sub-structures of a large structure are the important aspects of this method.

Xiaohuan Shan ◽  
Jingjiao Ma ◽  
Jianye Gao ◽  
Zixuan Xu ◽  
Baoyan Song

Divya Singh ◽  
Sumit Jalan

In Wireless ad-hoc network, the infrastructure of MANET's differ to each other due to the topology of MANETs changes time to time because the mobile nodes of MANET's are movable. In MANETs protocols, if any node wants to communicate with another node then they establish a path with the help of adjacent node due to this the security in MANETs protocol is vulnerable. Thus, there are various types of attacks are try to break the security of MANETs protocol. AODV is a popular and most usable protocol of MANET and Black Hole Attack is a severe attack that affects the functionality of AODV protocol. The malicious node treat to the source node which have freshest and nearest path for the destination. In this work, my prime focus specifically is on follow the security against Black Hole Attack. I proposed AODV protocol capture some extra effort for source node and destination node which based on best possible effort (heuristic) with appropriate simulation using ns-2.35.

Jungil Mok ◽  
Byungki Kang ◽  
Daesun Kim ◽  
Hongsun Hwang ◽  
Sangjae Rhee ◽  

Abstract Systematic retention failure related on the adjacent electrostatic potential is studied with sub 20nm DRAM. Unlike traditional retention failures which are caused by gate induced drain leakage or junction leakage, this failure is influenced by the combination of adjacent signal line and adjacent contact node voltage. As the critical dimension between adjacent active and the adjacent signal line and contact node is scaled down, the effect of electric field caused by adjacent node on storage node is increased gradually. In this paper, we will show that the relationship between the combination electric field of adjacent nodes and the data retention characteristics and we will demonstrate the mechanism based on the electrical analysis and 3D TCAD simulation simultaneously.

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