relative production
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2022 ◽  
Michelia Dam ◽  
Danielle C. Draper ◽  
Andrey Marsavin ◽  
Juliane L. Fry ◽  
James N. Smith

Abstract. Chemical ionization mass spectrometry with nitrate reagent ion (NO3− CIMS) was used to investigate the products of nitrate radical (NO3) initiated oxidation of four monoterpenes in laboratory chamber experiments. α-Pinene, β-pinene, Δ-3-carene, and α-thujene were studied. The major gas-phase species produced in each system were distinctly different, showing the effect of monoterpene structure on the oxidation mechanism and further elucidated the contributions of these species to particle formation and growth. By comparing groupings of products based on ratios of elements in the general formula CwHxNyOz, the relative importance of specific mechanistic pathways (fragmentation, termination, radical rearrangement) can be assessed for each system. Additionally, the measured time series of the highly oxidized reaction products provide insights into the ratio of relative production and loss rates of the high molecular weight products of the Δ-3-carene system. Measured effective O : C ratio of reaction products were anti-correlated to new particle formation intensity and number concentration for each system; however, monomer : dimer ratio of products was positively correlated. Gas phase yields of oxidation products measured by NO3− CIMS correlated with particle number concentrations for each monoterpene system, with the exception of α-thujene, which produced a considerable amount of low volatility products but no particles. Species-resolved wall loss was measured with NO3− CIMS and found to be highly variable among oxidized reaction products in our stainless steel chamber.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Panomir Tzenov ◽  
Silvia Cappellozza ◽  
Alessio Saviane

The history and recent activities of the Black Caspian Seas and Central Asia Silk Association are presented in this paper: the countries that participated in its foundation, the FAO’s action to revitalize sericulture in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the following widening of the Association geographical limits of to enclose other European countries, which were not well-represented in other similar organizations. Some statistical data are illustrated for a better description of the scenario in which the BACSA executive board acted: the world silk production quantity and the relative production of BACSA countries in respect to the Chinese expansion. The themes treated in the BACSA conferences are reported to explain which matters the Executive Board considered the most relevant for the relaunch of this activity in relationships to the international challenges in the subsequent years; the project proposals that were presented to international donors are summarized. A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is shown, where key-factors in determining the strengths and weaknesses of this organization and its member countries for a successful re-establishment of sericulture, are considered. In addition, future trends of sericulture with regard to innovative productions and the Green Deal are examined.

2021 ◽  
Abdul Muqtadir Khan ◽  
Jon Olson

Abstract The vast shale gas and tight oil reservoirs cannot be economically developed without multi-stage hydraulic fracture treatments. Owing to the disparity in the density of natural fractures and the different in-situ stress conditions in these formations, micro-seismic fracture mapping has shown that hydraulic fracture treatments develop a range of large-scale fracture networks. The effect of these various fracture geometries on production is a subject matter in question. The fracture networks approximated with micro-seismic mapping are integrated with a commercial numerical production simulator that discretely models different network structures. Two fracture geometries have been broadly proposed, i.e., orthogonal and transverse. The orthogonal pattern represents a network with cross-cutting fractures orthogonal to each other, whereas transverse profile maps uninterrupted fractures achieving maximum depth of penetration into the reservoir. The response for a single stage is further investigated by comparing the propagation of each stage to be dendritic versus planar. A dendritic propagation is a bifurcation of the induced hydraulic fracture due to the intersection with the natural fracture (failure along the plane of weakness). For the same injected fracture treatment volume, the transverse network attains a higher penetration into the reservoir, achieves a higher stimulated reservoir volume (SRV), and produces around 40-65% more than the orthogonal network over a timespan of 10 years. The SRV will largely dictate the drainage area in a tight environment. The cumulative production rises until the pressure drawdown reaches the extent of the fracture fairway. For the orthogonal network, the unstimulated reservoir boundary is reached at a sooner time than the transverse network. It is found that by increasing the fracture spacing in both the networks from 100 ft to 150 ft, the relative production was enhanced in the orthogonal network by 41%, but when it was further increased to 200 ft- there was a minor drop (not increase) in the relative production (4.5%). For an infinite conductivity fracture, the width of the fracture has minimal effect on oil and gas production. For the dendritic pattern, the size of the SRV created due to the interaction between the induced and natural fractures largely depends on the length of natural fractures and the point of interaction (center, off-center, or extremity). Effect of length, distance of natural fracture from wellbore, and the point of interaction is evaluated. A novel approach for reservoir simulation is used, where porosity (instead of permeability) is used as a scaling parameter for the fracture width. The forward modeling effort, including the comparative fracture geometries setup, induced, and natural fracture interaction parametric study, is unique.

2021 ◽  

Abstract C. sorghi is a pathogen of Sorghum bicolor found only in India and Southeast Asia. The more widespread Claviceps africana is predominant even in India; C. sorghi appears to be marginalized in its restricted range. A significant difference in invasiveness is the relative production of inoculum that spreads plant-to-plant. C. sorghi produces few to no secondary conidia from macroconidia on infected florets, whereas C. africana produces large numbers of these airborne propagules. The macroconidia of C. sorghi may themselves be transported in honeydew by wind, rain-splash, insects or direct contact between plants, but these are more limited means. Fungal sclerotia and/or the sphacelia state may be carried among harvested seed, but the seed lots can be cleaned or treated with fungicides (Bandyopadhyay et al., 1996). Alternative hosts are pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), wild and weedy relatives of S. bicolor, and wild grasses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 1855
Izarbe Aísa-Marín ◽  
Rocío García-Arroyo ◽  
Serena Mirra ◽  
Gemma Marfany

Alternative splicing of mRNA is an essential mechanism to regulate and increase the diversity of the transcriptome and proteome. Alternative splicing frequently occurs in a tissue- or time-specific manner, contributing to differential gene expression between cell types during development. Neural tissues present extremely complex splicing programs and display the highest number of alternative splicing events. As an extension of the central nervous system, the retina constitutes an excellent system to illustrate the high diversity of neural transcripts. The retina expresses retinal specific splicing factors and produces a large number of alternative transcripts, including exclusive tissue-specific exons, which require an exquisite regulation. In fact, a current challenge in the genetic diagnosis of inherited retinal diseases stems from the lack of information regarding alternative splicing of retinal genes, as a considerable percentage of mutations alter splicing or the relative production of alternative transcripts. Modulation of alternative splicing in the retina is also instrumental in the design of novel therapeutic approaches for retinal dystrophies, since it enables precision medicine for specific mutations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 234 ◽  
pp. 00001
Anna Slobodianyk ◽  
George Abuselidze ◽  
Valeriia Lymar

The paper studies the dynamics of the relative production efficiency of the main agricultural crops in Ukrainian enterprises for 2017 – 2019 years, in particular sunflower. It has been established that price instability restrains the intensification at which oilseed yield increases, but the degree of risk increases due to the simultaneous trend of convergence of price indicators and production costs. It is concluded that the capacity building of the oil and fat industry should have scientifically sound limits. The work is innovative in terms of its approaches and recommendations, as well as in a new perspective of researching topics. The issues and provisions given in it may be used to analyze existing theoretical positions. In addition, the theoretical significance of the paper is it can become a motif and a major base for further studies in the given direction. The practical implementation of the conclusions, recommendations and suggestions obtained from the research will contribute to the stability of oilseed production after the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-131

ABSTRACT Weed interference is one of the factors that reduces carrot yield considerably. The aim of this study was to determine the periods of weed interference in carrots cultivated under two localized irrigation systems. The experiment used a completely randomized block design, with three replications, using the split plot scheme. The plots consisted of two irrigation systems (drip and micro sprinkler) and the subplots corresponded to the duration of coexistence of the crop with weeds, comprising periods of control (weed -free) or coexistence (with weeds) (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 120 days after emergence (DAE) of the crop). Considering a yield loss of 2.5%, 5%, and 10% in marketable carrots, the beginning and end of the critical period of weed control (CPWC) was determined by adjusting a sigmoid model to the relative production data. The presence of the weed community throughout the crop cycle resulted in yield losses of up to 98%. The CPWP varied for the irrigation systems used. Carrot cultivation with and without competition, under the micro sprinkler irrigation system showed a higher yield than with the drip system. Considering a yield loss of 5%, the CPWC was 23 DAE and 7 DAE in the drip irrigation and micro sprinkler irrigation systems, respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 409
M Arshad ◽  
R Nawaz ◽  
S Ahmad ◽  
A Razaq ◽  
SL Ranamukhaarachchi ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (11) ◽  
A. M. Sirunyan ◽  
A. Tumasyan ◽  
W. Adam ◽  
F. Ambrogi ◽  

Abstract The ratios of the production cross sections between the excited ϒ(2S) and ϒ(3S) mesons and the ϒ(1S) ground state, detected via their decay into two muons, are studied as a function of the number of charged particles in the event. The data are from proton-proton collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ s = 7 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.8 fb−1, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. Evidence of a decrease in these ratios as a function of the particle multiplicity is observed, more pronounced at low transverse momentum $$ {p}_{\mathrm{T}}^{\upmu \upmu} $$ p T μμ . For ϒ(nS) mesons with $$ {p}_{\mathrm{T}}^{\upmu \upmu} $$ p T μμ > 7 GeV, where most of the data were collected, the correlation with multiplicity is studied as a function of the underlying event transverse sphericity and the number of particles in a cone around the ϒ(nS) direction. The ratios are found to be multiplicity independent for jet-like events. The mean $$ {p}_{\mathrm{T}}^{\upmu \upmu} $$ p T μμ values for the ϒ(nS) states as a function of particle multiplicity are also measured and found to grow more steeply as their mass increases.

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