The vast shale gas and tight oil reservoirs cannot be economically developed without multi-stage hydraulic fracture treatments. Owing to the disparity in the density of natural fractures and the different in-situ stress conditions in these formations, micro-seismic fracture mapping has shown that hydraulic fracture treatments develop a range of large-scale fracture networks. The effect of these various fracture geometries on production is a subject matter in question.
The fracture networks approximated with micro-seismic mapping are integrated with a commercial numerical production simulator that discretely models different network structures. Two fracture geometries have been broadly proposed, i.e., orthogonal and transverse. The orthogonal pattern represents a network with cross-cutting fractures orthogonal to each other, whereas transverse profile maps uninterrupted fractures achieving maximum depth of penetration into the reservoir. The response for a single stage is further investigated by comparing the propagation of each stage to be dendritic versus planar. A dendritic propagation is a bifurcation of the induced hydraulic fracture due to the intersection with the natural fracture (failure along the plane of weakness).
For the same injected fracture treatment volume, the transverse network attains a higher penetration into the reservoir, achieves a higher stimulated reservoir volume (SRV), and produces around 40-65% more than the orthogonal network over a timespan of 10 years. The SRV will largely dictate the drainage area in a tight environment. The cumulative production rises until the pressure drawdown reaches the extent of the fracture fairway. For the orthogonal network, the unstimulated reservoir boundary is reached at a sooner time than the transverse network. It is found that by increasing the fracture spacing in both the networks from 100 ft to 150 ft, the relative production was enhanced in the orthogonal network by 41%, but when it was further increased to 200 ft- there was a minor drop (not increase) in the relative production (4.5%). For an infinite conductivity fracture, the width of the fracture has minimal effect on oil and gas production.
For the dendritic pattern, the size of the SRV created due to the interaction between the induced and natural fractures largely depends on the length of natural fractures and the point of interaction (center, off-center, or extremity). Effect of length, distance of natural fracture from wellbore, and the point of interaction is evaluated.
A novel approach for reservoir simulation is used, where porosity (instead of permeability) is used as a scaling parameter for the fracture width. The forward modeling effort, including the comparative fracture geometries setup, induced, and natural fracture interaction parametric study, is unique.