propagation pattern
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2021 ◽  
pp. 31-39
Иван Ардашевич Болодьян ◽  
Сергей Викторович Пузач ◽  
Алексей Сергеевич Барановский

Рассмотрено влияние продольного уклона автодорожного тоннеля на распространение в нем опасных факторов пожара при возникновении загорания. Для оценки этого влияния использован полевой метод моделирования. Проведен анализ полученных результатов. Сделан вывод о том, что «классическое» понимание картины пожара, основывающееся на принципе «чем больше уклон тоннеля, тем быстрее происходит блокирование», при определенных условиях может не соответствовать действительности. При этом большое влияние на результат расчетов может оказывать постановка граничного условия постоянства давления. One of the important issues in the design and construction of tunnels is to ensure their fire safety. To take into account the characteristics of a particular object and make decision on its effective fire protection, it is necessary to study the influence of various factors on the dynamics of a possible fire. Conducting field tests in this case is expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, one of the most effective methods in this case is numerical modeling. In this paper there is considered the issue of the influence of the longitudinal slope value of a road tunnel on the dangerous factors spread in case of fire. The assessment was carried out by simulating a fire in a model tunnel using the field method. A model tunnel of rectangular cross-section was chosen for conducting numerical experiments. The SOFIE software package was used to implement the model. To evaluate the results obtained there were created the fields of optical smoke density in the central longitudinal section at various time points. This dangerous fire factor is the determining factor because it reaches critical values most quickly. As a result of calculations in the work there was established the influence of the tunnel slope value on the fire hazards spread. It is found that the nature of fire hazards spread in a tunnel without a slope significantly differs from their propagation pattern in an inclined tunnel. If there is a slope, the blocking of tunnel sections (escape routes) up the slope during the first minutes of fire occurs much faster than down, so it is preferable to evacuate people in case of an emergency down the slope. Under certain conditions the principle “the greater the slope of the tunnel, the faster the blocking occurs” can be untrue. At the same time, the obtained result depends on the setting of the boundary condition of pressure constancy during the calculation and can differ from the real fire performance, however, in general, it is not an underestimation of fire danger and can be used in engineering calculations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 944 (1) ◽  
pp. 012047
B Nababan ◽  
D Ulfah ◽  
J P Panjaitan

Abstract The ocean color satellite can only sense a water column up to one optical depth. However, literatur regarding the depth of one optical depth is very limited to none. This study aimed to determine light propagation, attenuation coefficient (Kd), and the depth of one optical depth in different water types. We used in situ data of downwelling irradiance (Ed) with depths taken using the instrument of submersible marine environmental radiometer (MER) in the northeastern gulf of mexico (NEGOM) in April 2000. We also used SeaWiFS data such as water leaving radience (Lw ), remote sensing refectance (Rrs), and chlorophyll-a concentration (Chla). The results showed that the light propagation pattern generally decreased with increasing depth. The reduction in light intensity with depth was very strong in the red wavelengths, lower in the green wavelengths, and the lowest in the blue wavelengths. In contrast, Kd values were generally found the lowest at the blue wavelengths, slightly increase at the purple and green wavelengths, and the highest at the red wavelengths. The depth of one optical depth in the case-1 waters was found as deep as 39.79 m (λ=475 nm), followed by intermediate water of 31.79 m (λ=475 nm), and in the case-2 waters of 16.08 m (λ=490 nm). Both Kd (490) in situ and modelled results showed a good correlation (r=0.83-0.84) and R2 values of 0.68-0.71.

CFD Letters ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 116-125
Md Rabiul Awal ◽  
Muhammad Syarifuddin Yahya ◽  
Nurafnida Afrizal ◽  
Ahmad Zaki Annuar ◽  
Wan Hafiza Wan Hassan

Acoustic propagation in seawater is an important aspect of scientific investigation. However, the impact of the THz scale frequencies for acoustic propagation is not included in the studies. Thus, a finite element analysis of such propagation in a seawater medium is presented in this paper applying THz frequencies. A transmitter (circular with a diameter of 14 mm, a thickness of 3 mm) and a rectangular receiver (20×10×0.5 mm3) are designed to trace the variations in the propagation mediums. A propagation medium of seawater (70×40×60 mm3) with ice and softwood is modelled. A scale of frequencies (1 kHz to 1 THz) is applied to trace the impact on the propagation pattern. It is found that THz range frequencies provide a very small wavelength. As a result, the potential propagation distance is very small. As such, the sound pressure level, displacements of the receiver and pressure field shows very rapid drops in the magnitude. This work considers only 70 mm as propagation distance, yet the sharp decrement of performance parameters suggests that it is rather inconvenient to achieve useful efficiency using THz frequencies for acoustic propagation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Muhamed Vila ◽  
Massimo Walter Rivolta ◽  
Giorgio Luongo ◽  
Laura Anna Unger ◽  
Armin Luik ◽  

Atrial flutter (AFL) is a common atrial arrhythmia typically characterized by electrical activity propagating around specific anatomical regions. It is usually treated with catheter ablation. However, the identification of rotational activities is not straightforward, and requires an intense effort during the first phase of the electrophysiological (EP) study, i.e., the mapping phase, in which an anatomical 3D model is built and electrograms (EGMs) are recorded. In this study, we modeled the electrical propagation pattern of AFL (measured during mapping) using network theory (NT), a well-known field of research from the computer science domain. The main advantage of NT is the large number of available algorithms that can efficiently analyze the network. Using directed network mapping, we employed a cycle-finding algorithm to detect all cycles in the network, resembling the main propagation pattern of AFL. The method was tested on two subjects in sinus rhythm, six in an experimental model of in-silico simulations, and 10 subjects diagnosed with AFL who underwent a catheter ablation. The algorithm correctly detected the electrical propagation of both sinus rhythm cases and in-silico simulations. Regarding the AFL cases, arrhythmia mechanisms were either totally or partially identified in most of the cases (8 out of 10), i.e., cycles around the mitral valve, tricuspid valve and figure-of-eight reentries. The other two cases presented a poor mapping quality or a major complexity related to previous ablations, large areas of fibrotic tissue, etc. Directed network mapping represents an innovative tool that showed promising results in identifying AFL mechanisms in an automatic fashion. Further investigations are needed to assess the reliability of the method in different clinical scenarios.

Angela Rosenbohm ◽  
Kelly Del Tredici ◽  
Heiko Braak ◽  
Hans-Jürgen Huppertz ◽  
Albert C. Ludolph ◽  

Abstract Background Flail arm syndrome is a restricted phenotype of motor neuron disease that is characterized by progressive, predominantly proximal weakness and atrophy of the upper limbs. Objective The study was designed to investigate specific white matter alterations in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data from flail arm syndrome patients using a hypothesis-guided tract-of-interest-based approach to identify in vivo microstructural changes according to a neuropathologically defined amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-related pathology of the cortico-efferent tracts. Methods DTI-based white matter mapping was performed both by an unbiased voxel-wise statistical comparison and by a hypothesis-guided tract-wise analysis of fractional anisotropy (FA) maps according to the neuropathological ALS-propagation pattern for 43 flail arm syndrome patients vs 43 ‘classical’ ALS patients vs 40 matched controls. Results The analysis of white matter integrity demonstrated regional FA reductions for the flail arm syndrome group predominantly along the CST. In the tract-specific analysis according to the proposed sequential cerebral pathology pattern of ALS, the flail arm syndrome patients showed significant alterations of the specific tract systems that were identical to ‘classical’ ALS if compared to controls. Conclusions The DTI study including the tract-of-interest-based analysis showed a microstructural involvement pattern in the brains of flail arm syndrome patients, supporting the hypothesis that flail arm syndrome is a phenotypical variant of ALS.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (18) ◽  
pp. 6256
Itaru Kaneko ◽  
Yutaka Yoshida ◽  
Emi Yuda ◽  
Junichiro Hayano

In this paper, we will introduce a method for observing microvascular waves (MVW) by extracting different images from the available images in the video taken with consumer cameras. Microvascular vasomotion is a dynamic phenomenon that can fluctuate over time for a variety of reasons and its sensing is used for variety of purposes. The special device, a side stream dark field camera (SDF camera) was developed in 2015 for the medical purpose to observe blood flow from above the epidermis. However, without using SDF cameras, smart signal processing can be combined with a consumer camera to analyze the global motion of microvascular vasomotion. MVW is a propagation pattern of microvascular vasomotions which reflects biological properties of vascular network. In addition, even without SDF cameras, MVW can be analyzed as a spatial and temporal pattern of microvascular vasomotion using a combination of advanced signal processing with consumer cameras. In this paper, we will demonstrate that such vascular movements and MVW can be observed using a consumer cameras. We also show a classification using it.

Alex Spetz ◽  
Ralf Denzer ◽  
Erika Tudisco ◽  
Ola Dahlblom

AbstractIn this work, we propose a modified phase-field model for simulating the evolution of mixed mode fractures and compressive driven fractures in porous artificial rocks. For the purpose of validation, the behaviour of artificial rock samples, with either a single or double saw cuts, under uniaxial plane strain compression has been numerically simulated. The simulated results are compared to experimental data, both qualitatively and quantitatively. It is shown that the proposed model is able to capture the commonly observed propagation pattern of wing cracks emergence followed by secondary cracks driven by compressive stresses. Additionally, the typical types of complex crack patterns observed in experimental tests are successfully reproduced, as well as the critical loads.

2021 ◽  
Vol 177 ◽  
pp. 114996
Ping Huang ◽  
Zhongcan Li ◽  
Chao Wen ◽  
Javad Lessan ◽  
Francesco Corman ◽  

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (17) ◽  
pp. 4974
Yaxing Xu ◽  
Xin Yao ◽  
Yan Zhuang ◽  
Wei Duan ◽  
Xidong Zhang ◽  

Desiccation cracking frequently occurs in mud, clay, and pavement. Understanding the evolution of desiccation cracking may facilitate the development of techniques to mitigate cracking and even prevent it from developing altogether. In this study, experimental investigations were performed focusing on the effects of fibers on the evolution of desiccation cracking in soil-cement. Varied types of fibers (i.e., jute fiber and polyvinyl alcohol fiber (PVA)) and fiber contents (i.e., 0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, and 1%) were involved. The digital image correlation (DIC) method was employed to capture the evolution and propagation of cracks in the soil-cement specimens when subjected to desiccation. The results show that the presence of fibers imposes significant effects on the crack propagation pattern as well as the area and length of the cracks in the soil-cement during shrinkage. The addition of fibers, however, insignificantly affects the evaporation rate of the specimens. The crack area and crack length of the specimens decreased significantly when more fibers were included. There were no macroscopic cracks observed in the specimens where the fiber content was 1%. The DIC method effectively helped to determine the evolution of displacement and strain field on the specimens’ surface during the drying process. The DIC method is therefore useful for crack monitoring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Yuzhou Xiang ◽  
Zhikai Zeng ◽  
Yangjun Xiang ◽  
Erdi Abi ◽  
Yingren Zheng ◽  

AbstractGeo-materials may present varying mechanical properties under different stress paths, especially for tunnel excavation, which is typically characterized by the decreased radial stress and increased axial stress during the complex loading and unloading process. This study carried out a comparative analysis between the loading and unloading model testing, which was then combined with PFC2D simulation, aiming to reveal the fracture propagation pattern, microscopic stress and force chain distribution of the rock mass surrounding the tunnel. Comparisons of extents and development of tensile strain between loading and unloading testing results were made. The overall stability, the integrity of rock mass, and the failure pattern transition under loading and unloading processes were systematically examined. In addition, for the two unloading cases with different vertical stresses imposed, the failure patterns were both identified as the collapse of the V − shaped extruded sidewall, due to the coupling of the shear failure and the vertical tensile failure in the sidewall wedge.

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