deep western boundary current
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2021 ◽  
Sijia Zou ◽  
Amy Bower ◽  
Heather Furey ◽  
Robert Pickart ◽  
Loïc Houpert ◽  

<div> <p>Abundant cyclonic eddies are observed to travel along the Deep Western Boundary Current around Greenland by Lagrangian floats, hydrographic stations and moorings. Most of the cyclones have intensified rotations below the surface (700-1000 dbar), with maximum azimuthal velocities of ~30 cm/s at radii of ~10 km. The swift rotation and small radius lead to a relatively large Rossby number (~0.4), suggesting important contributions from the ageostrophic terms. The subsurface rotational core is also characterized with a local (both vertically and horizontally) potential vorticity (PV) maximum, which is associated with the pinching of isopycnals towards the mid-depths (i.e. high stratification). The PV structure suggests the origin of the cyclone as the Denmark Strait Overflow Cyclone. The latter is known to be formed by vortex stretching southwest of the Denmark Strait, where outflow waters with high PV from the sill descends the continental slope into the low PV Irminger Sea. Finally, we show that these cyclones can influence the boundary currents around Greenland by introducing property anomalies that originate from the Denmark Strait.</p> </div>

2021 ◽  
Tobias Schulzki ◽  
Klaus Getzlaff ◽  
Arne Biastoch

<p>The southward flow of North Atlantic Deep Water makes up the major component of the AMOC's deepwater limb. In the subtropical North Atlantic, it's flow is concentrated along the continental slope, forming a coherent Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). Both, observations and models show a high variability of the flow in this region.<br>We use an eddy-rich ocean model to show that this variability is mainly caused by eddies and meanders that are generated by barotropic instability. They occur along the entire DWBC pathway and introduce several reciruculation gyres that result in a decorrelation of DWBC transport at 26.5°N and 16°N, despite the fact that a considerable mean transport of 20 Sv connects the two latitudes. Water in the DWBC at 26.5°N is partly returned northward. Because the amount of water returned depends on the DWBC transport itself, a stronger DWBC does not necessarily lead to an increased amount of water that reaches 16°N. <br>Along the pathway to 16°N, the transport signal is altered by a broad and temporally variable transit time distribution. Thus, advection in the DWBC cannot account for coherent AMOC changes on interannual timescales seen in the model.</p>

Carl P. Spingys ◽  
Alberto C. Naveira Garabato ◽  
Sonya Legg ◽  
Kurt L. Polzin ◽  
E. Povl Abrahamsen ◽  

AbstractWater-mass transformation by turbulent mixing is a key part of the deep-ocean overturning, as it drives the upwelling of dense waters formed at high latitudes. Here, we quantify this transformation and its underpinning processes in a small Southern Ocean basin: the Orkney Deep. Observations reveal a focussing of the transport in density space as a deep western boundary current (DWBC) flows through the region, associated with lightening and densification of the current’s denser and lighter layers, respectively. These transformations are driven by vigorous turbulent mixing. Comparing this transformation with measurements of the rate of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation indicates that, within the DWBC, turbulence operates with a high mixing efficiency, characterized by a dissipation ratio of 0.6 to 1 that exceeds the common value of 0.2. This result is corroborated by estimates of the dissipation ratio from microstructure observations. The causes of the transformation are unravelled through a decomposition into contributions dependent on the gradients in density space of the: dianeutral mixing rate, isoneutral area, and stratification. The transformation is found to be primarily driven by strong turbulence acting on an abrupt transition from the weakly-stratified bottom boundary layer to well-stratified off-boundary waters. The reduced boundary-layer stratification is generated by a downslope Ekman flow associated with the DWBC’s flow along sloping topography, and is further regulated by submesoscale instabilities acting to re-stratify near-boundary waters. Our results provide observational evidence endorsing the importance of near-boundary mixing processes to deep-ocean overturning, and highlight the role of DWBCs as hot spots of dianeutral upwelling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-145
Tiago Carrilho Biló ◽  
William E Johns ◽  
Jian Zhao

AbstractThe dynamics of the deep recirculation offshore of the deep western boundary current (DWBC) between 15° and 30°N within the upper North Atlantic Deep Water layer (1000 ≤ z ≤ 3000 m) is investigated with two different eddy-resolving numerical simulations. Despite some differences in the recirculation cells, our assessment of the modeled deep isopycnal circulation patterns (36.77 ≤ σ2 ≤ 37.06 kg m−3) shows that both simulations predict the DWBC flowing southward along the continental slope, while the so-called Abaco Gyre and two additional cyclonic cells recirculate waters northward in the interior. These cells are a few degrees wide, located along the DWBC path, and characterized by potential vorticity (PV) changes occurring along their mean streamlines. The analysis of the mean PV budget reveals that these changes result from the action of eddy forcing that tends to erode the PV horizontal gradients. The lack of a major upper-ocean boundary current within the study region, and the fact that the strongest eddy forcing is constrained within a few hundreds of kilometers of the western boundary, suggest that the DWBC is the primary source of eddy forcing. Finally, the eddies responsible for forcing the recirculation have dominant time scales between 100 and 300 days, which correspond to the primary observed variability scales of the DWBC transport at 26.5°N.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (10) ◽  
pp. 2953-2963
Muping Zhou ◽  
Guihua Wang ◽  
Wenhu Liu ◽  
Changlin Chen

AbstractThe existence of a deep western boundary current (DWBC) in the South China Sea (SCS) was verified by direct observations from three current moorings deployed from September 2015 to September 2018. The average current speeds observed in the DWBC were around 1 cm s−1 along the northern boundary and 3 cm s−1 along the western boundary. The DWBC demonstrates significant intraseasonal variability in the 30–120-day-period band, which may come from the variability in the Luzon overflow or the eddies in the deep SCS forced by a stable Luzon overflow. In addition, observations found that this DWBC along the northern boundary can reverse its direction meridionally in the spring. Model results suggest that if the Luzon overflow decreases one-third of its typical transport, this current reversal can occur. This behavior can be explained through “relaxation” theory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (9) ◽  
pp. 2735-2758
Tiago Carrilho Biló ◽  
William E. Johns

AbstractThe mean North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW, 1000 < z < 5000 m) circulation and deep western boundary current (DWBC) variability offshore of Abaco, Bahamas, at 26.5°N are investigated from nearly two decades of velocity and hydrographic observations, and outputs from a 30-yr-long eddy-resolving global simulation. Observations at 26.5°N and Argo-derived geostrophic velocities show the presence of a mean Abaco Gyre spanning the NADW layer, consisting of a closed cyclonic circulation between approximately 24° and 30°N and 72° and 77°W. The southward-flowing portion of this gyre (the DWBC) is constrained to within ~150 km of the western boundary with a mean transport of ~30 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1). Offshore of the DWBC, the data show a consistent northward recirculation with net transports varying from 6.5 to 16 Sv. Current meter records spanning 2008–17 supported by the numerical simulation indicate that the DWBC transport variability is dominated by two distinct types of fluctuations: 1) periods of 250–280 days that occur regularly throughout the time series and 2) energetic oscillations with periods between 400 and 700 days that occur sporadically every 5–6 years and force the DWBC to meander far offshore for several months. The shorter-period variations are related to DWBC meandering caused by eddies propagating southward along the continental slope at 24°–30°N, while the longer-period oscillations appear to be related to large anticyclonic eddies that slowly propagate northwestward counter to the DWBC flow between ~20° and 26.5°N. Observational and theoretical evidence suggest that these two types of variability might be generated, respectively, by DWBC instability processes and Rossby waves reflecting from the western boundary.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (7) ◽  
pp. 1989-2016
Aviv Solodoch ◽  
James C. McWilliams ◽  
Andrew L. Stewart ◽  
Jonathan Gula ◽  
Lionel Renault

AbstractThe southward-flowing deep limb of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation is composed of both the deep western boundary current (DWBC) and interior pathways. The latter are fed by “leakiness” from the DWBC in the Newfoundland Basin. However, the cause of this leakiness has not yet been explored mechanistically. Here the statistics and dynamics of the DWBC leakiness in the Newfoundland Basin are explored using two float datasets and a high-resolution numerical model. The float leakiness around Flemish Cap is found to be concentrated in several areas (hot spots) that are collocated with bathymetric curvature and steepening. Numerical particle advection experiments reveal that the Lagrangian mean velocity is offshore at these hot spots, while Lagrangian variability is minimal locally. Furthermore, model Eulerian mean streamlines separate from the DWBC to the interior at the leakiness hot spots. This suggests that the leakiness of Lagrangian particles is primarily accomplished by an Eulerian mean flow across isobaths, though eddies serve to transfer around 50% of the Lagrangian particles to the leakiness hot spots via chaotic advection, and rectified eddy transport accounts for around 50% of the offshore flow along the southern face of Flemish Cap. Analysis of the model’s energy and potential vorticity budgets suggests that the flow is baroclinically unstable after separation, but that the resulting eddies induce modest modifications of the mean potential vorticity along streamlines. These results suggest that mean uncompensated leakiness occurs mostly through inertial separation, for which a scaling analysis is presented. Implications for leakiness of other major boundary current systems are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
pp. 219-230
Huichang Jiang ◽  
Liu Yu ◽  
Hongzhou Xu ◽  
Philip A. Vetter

2020 ◽  
Huichang Jiang ◽  
Hongzhou Xu

&lt;p&gt;As an important branch of the global overturning circulation, the deep western boundary current (DWBC) in the Pacific was poorly understood due to sparse observations. Six state-of-the-art global ocean model outputs were used herein to evaluate their performance for simulating the DWBC in the Melanesian Basin (MB) and Central Pacific Basin (CPB). These model outputs were compared to the historical observations, in aspects of water-mass characteristics, spatial structure and meridional volume transport of the DWBC, and seasonal variation. The results showed that most of the models reproduced the DWBC in the two basins well. Besides OFES with obvious cold and salty biases, the other models had minor deviations of the temperature and salinity in the deep layer. These models can reconstruct the spatial structure of the DWBC in detail and simulate appropriate transports of the eastern branch DWBC, ranging from 6.36 Sv to 8.55 Sv. But the western branch DWBC was underestimated in the models except HYCOM (4.48 Sv). HYCOM performed best for the DWBC with a whole transport of 12.84 Sv. Analysis of the temperature and salinity from Levitus data demonstrates the existence of annual and semi-annual cycles in the deep water of the MB and CPB, respectively, with warmer and saltier water mass in summer and autumn. Overall, the six models have good abilities to simulate the seasonal variations of temperature and volume transport of the DWBC in the Pacific. The seasonal signals probably originated from the DWBC upstream and propagated along its pathway.&lt;/p&gt;

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 455-469 ◽  
Michael A. Spall ◽  
David Nieves

AbstractThe mechanisms by which time-dependent wind stress anomalies at midlatitudes can force variability in the meridional overturning circulation at low latitudes are explored. It is shown that winds are effective at forcing remote variability in the overturning circulation when forcing periods are near the midlatitude baroclinic Rossby wave basin-crossing time. Remote overturning is required by an imbalance in the midlatitude mass storage and release resulting from the dependence of the Rossby wave phase speed on latitude. A heuristic theory is developed that predicts the strength and frequency dependence of the remote overturning well when compared to a two-layer numerical model. The theory indicates that the variable overturning strength, relative to the anomalous Ekman transport, depends primarily on the ratio of the meridional spatial scale of the anomalous wind stress curl to its latitude. For strongly forced systems, a mean deep western boundary current can also significantly enhance the overturning variability at all latitudes. For sufficiently large thermocline displacements, the deep western boundary current alternates between interior and near-boundary pathways in response to fluctuations in the wind, leading to large anomalies in the volume of North Atlantic Deep Water stored at midlatitudes and in the downstream deep western boundary current transport.

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