wind stress
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-31

Abstract Projections of relative sea-level change (RSLC) are commonly reported at an annual mean basis. The seasonality of RSLC is often not considered, even though it may modulate the impacts of annual mean RSLC. Here, we study seasonal differences in 21st-century ocean dynamic sea-level change (DSLC, 2081-2100 minus 1995-2014) on the Northwestern European Shelf (NWES) and their drivers, using an ensemble of 33 CMIP6 models complemented with experiments performed with a regional ocean model. For the high-end emissions scenario SSP5-8.5, we find substantial seasonal differences in ensemble mean DSLC, especially in the southeastern North Sea. For example, at Esbjerg (Denmark), winter mean DSLC is on average 8.4 cm higher than summer mean DSLC. Along all coasts on the NWES, DSLC is higher in winter and spring than in summer and autumn. For the low-end emissions scenario SSP1-2.6, these seasonal differences are smaller. Our experiments indicate that the changes in winter and summer sea-level anomalies are mainly driven by regional changes in wind-stress anomalies, which are generally southwesterly and east-northeasterly over the NWES, respectively. In spring and autumn, regional wind-stress changes play a smaller role. We also show that CMIP6 models not resolving currents through the English Channel cannot accurately simulate the effect of seasonal wind-stress changes on he NWES. Our results imply that using projections of annual mean RSLC may underestimate the projected changes in extreme coastal sea levels in spring and winter. Additionally, changes in the seasonal sea-level cycle may affect groundwater dynamics and the inundation characteristics of intertidal ecosystems.

Eos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
Jack Lee

Simulations reveal the influence of reduced and enhanced wind stress on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.

2022 ◽  
Giulia Bonino ◽  
Doroteaciro Iovino ◽  
Laurent Brodeau ◽  
Simona Masina

Abstract. Wind stress and turbulent heat fluxes are the major driving forces which modify the ocean dynamics and thermodynamics. In the NEMO ocean general circulation model, these turbulent air-sea fluxes (TASFs), which are components of the ocean model boundary conditions, can critically impact the simulated ocean characteristics. This paper investigates how the different bulk parametrizations to calculated turbulent air-sea fluxes in the NEMO4 (revision 12957) drives substantial differences in sea surface temperature (SST). Specifically, we study the contribution of different aspects and assumptions of the bulk parametrizations in driving the SST differences in NEMO global model configuration at ¼ degree of horizontal resolution. These include the use of the skin temperature instead of the bulk SST in the computation of turbulent heat flux components, the estimation of wind stress and the estimation of turbulent heat flux components which vary in each parametrization due to the different computation of the bulk transfer coefficients. The analysis of a set of short-term sensitivity experiments, where the only experimental change is related to one of the aspects of the bulk parametrizations, shows that parametrization-related SST differences are primarily sensitive to the wind stress differences across parametrizations and to the implementation of skin temperature in the computation of turbulent heat flux components. Moreover, in order to highlight the role of SST-turbulent heat flux negative feedback at play in ocean simulations, we compare the TASFs differences obtained using NEMO ocean model with the estimations from Brodeau et al. (2017), who compared the different bulk parametrizations using prescribed SST. Our estimations of turbulent heat flux differences between bulk parametrizations is weaker with respect to Brodeau et al. (2017) differences estimations.

Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Yuting Han ◽  
Yuxin Liu ◽  
Xingwei Jiang ◽  
Mingsen Lin ◽  
Yangang Li ◽  

Using bulk formulas, two-year platform (fastened to the seabed) hourly observations from 2016 to 2017 in the East China Sea (121.6° E, 32.4° N) are used to investigate the role of the tide-induced surface elevation in changing the fixed observational height and modifying the momentum and air-sea turbulent heat fluxes. The semidiurnal tide-dominated elevation anomalies ranging from −3.6 to 3.9 m change the fixed platform observational height. This change causes hourly differences in the wind stress and latent and sensible heat fluxes between estimates with and without considering surface elevation, with values ranging from −1.5 × 10−3 Nm−2, −10.2 Wm−2, and −3.6 Wm−2 to 2.2 × 10−3 Nm−2, 8.4 Wm−2, and 4.6 Wm−2, respectively. More significant differences occur during spring tides. The differences show weak dependence on the temperature, indicating weak seasonal variations. The mean (maximum) difference percentage relative to the mean magnitude is approximately 3.5% (7%), 1.5% (3%), and 1.5% (3%) for the wind stress and latent and sensible heat fluxes, respectively. The boundary layer stability (BLS) can convert from near-neutral conditions to stable and unstable states in response to tide-induced changes in the observational height, with a probability of occurrence of 2%. Wind anomalies play dominant roles in determining the hourly anomalies of the latent heat flux, regardless of the state of the BLS. Extreme cases, including the cold air outbreak in 2016, tropical cyclones Meranti in 2016, and Ampil in 2018, are also examined. This study will facilitate future observation-reanalysis comparisons in the studied coastal region where ocean–atmosphere-land interactive processes are significant.

Neethu Chacko ◽  
M M Ali

This study examines the effect of surface currents on the bulk algorithm calculation of wind stress estimated using the scatterometer data during 2007-2020 in the Indian Ocean. In the study region as a whole the wind stress decreased by 5.4% by including currents into the wind stress equation. The most significant reduction in the wind stress is found along the most energetic regions with strong currents such as Somali Current, Equatorial Jets and Aghulhas retroflection. A highest reduction of 11.5% is observed along the equator where the Equatorial Jets prevail. A sensitivity analysis has been carried out for the study region and for different seasons to assess the relative impact of winds and currents in the estimation of wind stress by changing the winds while keeping the currents constants and vice versa. The inclusion of currents decreased the wind stress and this decrease is prominent when the currents are stronger. This study showed that equatorial Indian Ocean is the most sensitive region where the current can impact on wind stress estimation. The results showed that uncertainties in the wind stress estimations are quite large at regional levels and hence better representation of wind stress incorporating ocean currents should be considered in the ocean/climatic models for accurate air-sea interaction studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 353-360
S. K. BEHERA ◽  
H. J. SAWANT ◽  

A non-divergent barotropic model has been formulated on the basis of splitting up method and used to study the circulation in the north Indian Ocean (1-26° N, 4~-99° E). The circulation was simulated for summer and winter seasons separately. It IS found that the model simulated the summer and winter calculation satisfactorily. It is also found that the meridional component of wind stress IS dominant over the zonal component in shaping the Somali current. Some sensitivity studies were also carried out and the results indicate the importance of wind stress curl.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 163
Mochamad Riza Iskandar ◽  
Prima Wira Kusuma Wardhani ◽  
Toshio Suga

The Sulawesi Sea is a semi-enclosed basin located in the Indonesian Seas and considered as the one of location in the west route of Indonesian Throughflow (ITF). There is less attention on the mixed layer depth investigation in the Sulawesi Sea. Concerning that the mixed layer plays an important role in influencing the ocean in air-sea interaction and affects biological activity, the estimation of mixed layer depth (MLD) in the Sulawesi Sea is important. Seasonal variation of the mixed layer in the Sulawesi Sea between 115°-125°E and 0°-8°N is estimated by using World Ocean Atlas 2013. Forcing elements on the mixed layer in terms of surface-forced turbulent mixing from mechanical forcing of wind stress and buoyancy forcing (from heat flux as well as freshwater flux) in the Sulawesi Sea is provided by using a reanalysis dataset. The MLD is estimated directly on grid profiles with interpolated levels based on chosen density fixed criterion of 0.03 kg.m<sup>-3</sup> and temperature criterion of 0.5°C difference from the surface. The results show that mixed layer depth in the Sulawesi Sea varies both spatially and temporally. Generally, the deepest MLD was occurred during the southwest monsoon (JJA), and the lowest MLD was occurred during the first transition (MAM) and second transition monsoon (SON). Strengthening and weakening MLD are influenced by mechanical forcing from wind stress and buoyancy flux. In the Sulawesi Sea, the mixed layer deepening coincides with the occurrence of a maximum in wind stress, and low buoyancy flux at the surface. This condition is the opposite when mixed layer shallowing occurs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
M, G. JOSEPH ◽  

 Upper ocean (200 m) response under the pre-onset, and active regimes of southwest (SW) monsoonal forcing at 0°N. 60°E in the Indian Ocean was analysed utilising time series data collection during Indo-Soviet Monsoon Experiment, 1973 (ISMEX- 73). Oceanic response under the pre-onset domination of the wind stress momentum and onset domination of buoyancy flux (B0) was apparent in shoaling/warming and deepening/cooling (12 m/0.50 C in 4 days) of Mixed Layer Depth (MLD). The pre-onset increase was followed by an onset decrease in below layer thermohaline/density gradient and disappearance of Sub-surface Salinity Maximum (SSM). Corespondingly, MLD and its heat content (HCMLD ) were more correlated to (B0) and QN . Upper ocean response during active regime manifested in deepening/colling (20 m/1C in 6 days) of MLD under dominant production of turbulent kinetic energy by wind stress except for the convectively dominant mixing at the beginning and end. With reduction in below-layer thermohaline/density gradient and absence of SSM the correlations between MLD B0 wind stress, QN and HCMLD became insignificant due to increased advective flux during active regime. One dimensional simulation of mixed layer paramerters showed agreement.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-47

Abstract This study utilises observations and a series of idealised experiments to explore whether Eastern Pacific (EP) and Central Pacific (CP) type El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events produce surface wind stress responses with distinct spatial structures. We find that the meridionally broader sea surface temperatures (SST) during CP events lead to zonal wind stresses that are also meridionally broader than those found during EP type events, leading to differences in the near-equatorial wind stress curl. These wind spatial structure differences create differences in the associated pre- and post-ENSO event WWV response. For instance, the meridionally narrow winds found during EP events have: i) weaker wind stresses along 5°N and 5°S, leading to weaker Ekman induced pre-event WWV changes; and ii) stronger near-equatorial wind stress curls that lead to a much larger post-ENSO event WWV changes than during CP events. The latter suggests that, in the framework of the recharge oscillator model, the EP events have stronger coupling between sea surface temperatures (SST) and thermocline (WWV), supporting more clearly the phase transition of ENSO events, and therefore the oscillating nature of ENSO than CP events. The results suggest that the spatial structure of the SST pattern and the related differences in the wind stress curl, are required along with equatorial wind stress to accurately model the WWV changes during EP and CP type ENSO events.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Fangyuan Teng ◽  
Changming Dong ◽  
Jinlin Ji ◽  
Brandon J. Bethel ◽  
Aijun Pan ◽  

AbstractUp to now, the literature has shown that the relative wind stress does negative work on ocean mesoscale eddies. In other words, the relative wind stress inhibits the development of the eddies. However, based on a newly derived simplified theoretical model, the present study finds that under the action of a steady and uniform wind field, eddies can rapidly obtain kinetic energy from the wind field following several hours of adaption and adjustment, in which the wind stress transitions from doing negative to positive work. The finding is supported by the fact that the relative wind stress work on oceanic eddies over the northeastern tropical Pacific ocean is positive with the nearly constant gap wind. This implies that energy input from the wind is sensitive to eddy velocity structure, and hence, wind stress is not always a killer of eddies.

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