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2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
He Xue ◽  
Jinxuan He ◽  
Jianlong Zhang ◽  
Yuxuan Xue

AbstractThe hot or cold processing would induce the change and the inhomogeneous of the material mechanical properties in the local processing region of the structure, and it is difficult to obtain the specific mechanical properties in these regions by using the traditional material tensile test. To accurately get actual material mechanical properties in the local region of structure, a micro-indentation test system incorporated by an electronic universal material test device has been established. An indenter displacement sensor and a group of special micro-indenter assemblies are established. A numerical indentation inversion analysis method by using ABAQUS software is also proposed in this study. Based on the above test system and analysis platform, an approach to obtaining material mechanical properties in the local region of structures is proposed and established. The ball indentation test is performed and combined with the energy method by using various changed mechanical properties of 316L austenitic stainless steel under different elongations. The investigated results indicate that the material mechanical properties and the micro-indentation morphological changes have evidently relevance. Compared with the tensile test results, the deviations of material mechanical parameters, such as hardness H, the hardening exponent n, the yield strength σy, and others are within 5% obtained through the indentation test and the finite element analysis. It provides an effective and convenient method for obtaining the actual material mechanical properties in the local processing region of the structure.

Valentyna Synytsia ◽  
Olena Myronyk ◽  
Mariia Teslenko

The article is studied for the first time status of terminological phrases with the basic sema "Erythema" in the structure of the Latin medical terminology.Verbal codification of the selected is traced terminological phrases in modern medical encyclopedic dictionaries. Carried out etymological, morphological, syntactic analysis of binary attributive components of functioning terminological phrases in medical oral and written discourse. Methods research. In the study, the method of continuous sampling, which allowed the selection of actual material; descriptive the method by which the inventory and internalinterpretation of selected terminological phrases; structural method for establishing connections and relationships between linguistic elements. Conclusions. According to the study found that the attributive component in the structure of binary terminological phrases with the basic sema "erythema"outlines the etiological sign, symptoms of the disease, form, consequence, clinical expressiveness, ie, attributive component in each case carries outclassification detail of the denoted phenomenon and thus contributes to the specification of clinical forms of erythema and allows avoid misunderstandings when making a diagnosis. Predominant most terminological phrases with sema "Erythema" consists of binary terminological phrases, formed according to the scheme Subst. nom. sing. + Adject. nom. sing .; model formation of terminological phrases according to the scheme Subst. nom. sing. + Subst. gen. sing./gen. plur. is unproductive; terminological phrases using prepositions refer to unproductive model of term formation.

Gulmira N. Manashova ◽  
Larissa A. Shkutina ◽  
Natalya V. Mirza ◽  
Gulmira B. Beisenbekova ◽  

In this article, devoted to the problem of professional training of future teachers-psychologists based on practice-oriented teaching, the research results, tested during the educational process, are presented. They are as follows: the essence of the concept "professional competence" of a teacher is specified; based on the analysis of existing approaches to the study of the structure of professional readiness, personal, intellectual-operational, motivational, communicative, and reflexive components are determined; the structural and functional model of practice-oriented teaching of future teachers-psychologists has been developed following the pedagogical features of practice-oriented teaching and the identified pedagogical conditions, which includes four interrelated blocks: the target, the methodological, the content-procedural, the learning outcome. The criteria of professional training of future teachers-psychologists on the basis of practice-oriented teaching (personal, intellectual-operational, motivational, communicative, and reflexive) and levels of readiness are defined: reproductive (low), adaptive (medium), and integrative (high). The development and consolidation of skills in students is carried out by solving specific tasks of professional activity, during which students try to explain the procedure for solving a specific professional task and check the actual material in practice. The practice-oriented content of the educational material allows bringing teaching closer to specific situations of professional activity, the chosen specialty, to form the life experience of students, thus increasing the level of knowledge and skills, cognitive interest, and, as a result, to form the level of professional competence of students.

Саида Нурбиевна Сокурова

Рассматриваются вопросы, отражающие механизмы реализации иллокутивной функции междометий, связанной с коммуникативным воздействием на адресата речи. Цель заключается в определении коммуникативного статуса междометий во французском языке и выявлении особенностей их функционирования в речи. Материалом послужили французские эмоциональные междометия в художественных произведениях французских авторов. Представленный фактический материал соотносится с теоретическими аспектами исследования и служит базой для обоснования выводов: одно и то же местоимение может выражать самые разные оттенки эмоциональных и ментальных состояний говорящего в зависимости от контекста и своего звукового оформления. Методика исследования основывается на контекстуальном анализе и методе визуализации просодических средств. Результаты исследования имеют теоретическое значение, заключающееся в выявлении прагматического потенциала междометий в речи персонажей французской художественной прозы. Полученные данные могут найти применение в процессе преподавания французского языка в курсах интерпретации художественного текста и грамматики. This work discusses the issues reflecting the mechanisms for implementing the illocutionary function of interjections related to the communicative impact on the recipient of speech. The aim is to determine the communicative status of interjections in French and to identify their functioning in speech. The material was the French emotional interjections in the artistic works of French authors. The actual material presented correlates with the theoretical aspects of the study and serves as a basis for substantiating the conclusions: the same pronoun can express a variety of shades of the emotional and mental states of the speaker, depending on the context and its sound design. The research methodology is based on contextual analysis and the method of visualization of prosodical means. The results of the study have a theoretical significance, which is to identify the pragmatic potential of interjections in the speech of the characters of French fiction. The findings can be used in the process of teaching French in courses for interpreting literary text and grammar.

Tkachenko N.V.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the functions of stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms in the satirical and funny works written by M.Bilokopytov (on the material of the collection “And Eternal Time passes slowly...”).Methods. The method of purposeful sampling (collection of actual material for analysis), descriptive (analysis of collected material), method of systematization and classification (division of anthroponyms into groups), statistical (detection of quantitative ratios of proper names in works), and contextual analysis were used to establish functional specificity of anthroponyms.Results. The article examines the pragmatics of anthroponyms in the satirical and funny works written by M.Bilokopytov. We studied the author's peculiar way to use anthroponyms, their variability, frequency, and functions. Both satirical and funny proper names are classified according to their functions, so we were able to distinguish stylistically neutral anthroponyms from stylistically marked artistic ones. The stylistically neutral anthroponyms are represented by the following groups: proper names related to the depicted epoch; first and last names; first names and patronymics; fist name, patronymic and last name; proper names of famous real people. Among the stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms, we can distinguish evaluative-characteristic names and precedent proper ones. We admit that M.Bilokopytov selected quite skillfully anthroponyms in his satirical and funny works showing his sound individual and authorial ingenuity. It is worth paying attention to the proper names in the author’s scope, to be borrowed from the real anthroponymicon. Such anthroponyms refer to specific people around the writer, his personal acquaintances and friends.Conclusions. Thus, the inexhaustible source of the comic in the satirical and funny works written by M.Bilokopytov are precisely the stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms. Most of the names of the characters are expressive and are used by the author as evaluative-characteristic names. They help to characterize the hero, point out his special features.Key words: emotional coloring, stylistically marked artistic anthroponyms, pragmatic potential, satirical and funny works, function. Мета. Метою розвідки є аналіз функційного навантаження літературно-художніх антропонімів сатирично-гумористичних творів М.Білокопитова (на матеріалі збірки «А Вічний Час непоспіхом тече...»).Методи. У роботі використані метод цілеспрямованої вибірки (збирання фактичного матеріалу для аналізу), описовий (аналіз зібраного матеріалу), метод систематизації та класифікації (поділ антропонімів на групи), статистичний (виявлення кількісних співвідношень власних імен у творах), а також застосовано контекстуальний аналіз для встановлення функціональної специфіки антропонімів.Результати. У статті досліджено функційне навантаження антропонімів в сатирично-гумористичних творах М.Білокопитова. Визначено авторські особливості вживання антропонімів, їх варіативність, частотність та функціональне навантаження. Сатирично-гумористичні власні імена класифіковано відповідно до їх функцій, тому було виділено стилістично-нейтральні та стилістично-марковані літературно-художні антропоніми. Зазначено, що стилістично-нейтральні антропоні-ми представлені такими групами: власні імена, що відповідають зображуваній епосі; імена та прізвища; імена та по батькові; прізвища + імена + імена по батькові; власні імена відомих реальних людей. Серед стилістично-маркованих антропонімів виділено оцінювально-характеризувальні та прецедентні власні імена. Антропоніми у сатирично-гумористичних творах М.Білокопитова дібрані досить майстерно, адже для цього потрібна неабияка індивідуально-авторська винахідливість. Варто звернути увагу на власні імена у спадщині письменника, що запозичені автором із реального антропонімікону. Такі антропоніми називають конкретних людей з оточення письменника, його особистих знайомих та друзів.Висновки. Отже, невичерпним джерелом комічного в сатирично-гумористичних текстах М.Білокопитова є саме літературно-художні антропоніми. Більшість імен персонажів експресивні і використовуються автором як оцінювально-характери-зувальні. Вони допомагають схарактеризувати героя, вказують на його особливі риси.Ключові слова: емоційне забарвлення, літературно-художні антропоніми, прагматичний потенціал, сатирично-гуморис-тичні твори, функціональне навантаження.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-297
Olga A. Selemeneva

The article studies the system of mythological names in I.A. Bunins poetic heritage. The relevance of the topic is due to the unexplored problems of word-formation motivation, semantics, structure, and the role of mythological names in I.A. Bunins prose and poetic texts. The aim of the paper is to analyze the connotative potential of different-structured mythological names which are significant for the artistic system of I.A. Bunin. The actual material of the study contains I.A. Bunins poetic texts written in 1888-1952. The main research methods are descriptive, etymological, contextual, semantic methods, and structural analysis. The inventory of more than 700 poetic contexts of I.A. Bunin made it possible to identify 152 mythological names from various sources. The selected units were systematized on four features: semantics, etymology, structure, and frequency of use. The analysis of the connotative potential of some simple, composite and complex mythological names allowed to come to the conclusion that they accumulate additional emotional-evaluative, symbolic meanings. New combinations of meanings, qualitative and quantitative changes in the connotative content of mythological names are provided by the individual authors reinterpretation of primary sources, the complexity of motivational relations between producing units and derivatives, and the semantic environment of a particular unit. Mythological names are associated with the key motifs, themes, ideas, and value oppositions of I.A. Bunins picture of the world. The study of the features of the system of I.A. Bunins mythological names with the tools of linguistics and literary studies, philosophy, and cultural studies is one of the undoubted prospects of research.

2021 ◽  
pp. 000370282110431
Veronica Nava ◽  
Maria Luce Frezzotti ◽  
Barbara Leoni

Raman spectroscopy is gaining ground in the analysis of microplastics, especially due to its high spatial resolution that allows the investigation of small plastic particles, whose numeric abundance is argued to be particularly relevant in aquatic systems. Here, we aimed at outlining the status of Raman analysis of microplastics from aquatic systems, highlighting the advantages and the drawbacks of this technique and critically presenting tools and ways to effectively employ this instrument and to improve the spectra obtained and their interpretation. In particular, we summarized procedural information for the use of Raman spectroscopy, and we discussed issues linked to fluorescence interference and the analysis of weathered polymers, which may complicate the interpretation of Raman signatures. In this context, a deep understanding of the different plastic polymers and their Raman peaks and chemical fingerprints is fundamental to avoid misidentification. Therefore, we provided a catalog with detailed information about peaks of most common plastic polymers, and this represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first comprehensive resource that systematically synthesized plastic Raman peaks. Additionally, we focused on plastic additives, which are contained in the majority of plastics. These compounds are often intense in Raman scattering and may partly or completely overlie the actual material types, resulting in the identification of additives alone or misidentification issue. For these reasons, we also presented a new R package “RamanMP” that includes a database of 356 spectra (325 of which are additives). This will help to foster the use of this technique, which is becoming especially relevant in microplastic analysis.

Iryna Nesen

The purpose of the article is establishment of relations between scenic outfit and characters personalities in performances of the Theater of the Corypheses (1882 - 1914). In the methods set we are founding on historic basics and inter-disciplinary approaches. In bounds of historic-comparison and, partially, mythological methods liaisons between costumes typology of adjacent periods are tracked. Formal method helps to analyze costume as metaphors of meaning, and iconological approach allows determining semantic time symbols. Scientific novelty of the research is based on the system analysis of printed editions and archived materials and determines scenic costume as concrete image, which becomes inseparable from character’s personality. Conclusions summarized in the article give possibility to state that the Theater of the Corypheses during its activity behaved to scenic outfit as to a complex set which was appearing as a result of collection and studies of different sources and actual material. Near sources of formation of theatrical costume traditions where famous directors which in the same time had significant acting and writing experience and acquired encyclopedic knowledge. Into the set of theatrical costume in addition to clothes, shoes, hats and accessories, makeup, features of the actor's posture, a picture of his movements are included. Thus, the stage activity of the Theater of the Corypheses is a set of costumes, which became iconic and were imitated by various drama theaters that operated in Ukraine in subsequent historical periods. An important professional component in the process of creating theatrical costumes was added by artists-connoisseurs of the Ukrainian past, who in the early XX joined the preparation of performances on historical themes, began to create sketches for all stage costumes.

Halyna Kot

The purpose of the article is to examine and assess the role played by television in modern society in defining the classification of entertaining television formats and the television formats influence on the recipients’ minds. The methodology of the research is based on the selection of the actual material on the suggestive properties study of television is based on the domestic and foreign scholars’ concepts, as well as on the philosophers views, sociologists, semiotics, cultural scientists, art critics, who consider television as a phenomenon of modern culture. The scientific novelty of the work lies in that the semantic properties' perception of reality on TV has got a tendency to withdraw from person’s conscious control and society, pushing the subconscious of the viewer to mythological stereotyping. Conclusions. In practice, everyone is influenced by various media. Creating the whole picture of reality with all its contradictions can bring us to a comprehensive understanding of the world in all its diversity, which will help, in our opinion, overcome the crisis on a television screen, where today a vivid visual image often covers the lack of spirituality and the screen’s aggressiveness.

Marcus B. Carrier

AbstractThis article investigates the question of how forensic toxicologists established the credibility of chemical analytical methods in poisoning lawsuits in the nineteenth century. After encountering the problem of laypersons in court, forensic toxicologists attempted to find strategies to make their evidence compelling to an untrained audience. Three of these strategies are discussed here: redundancy, standard methods, and intuitive comprehensibility. Whereas redundancy was not very practical and legally prescribed standard methods were not very popular with most forensic toxicologists, intuitive comprehensibility proved effective and popular. This strategy relied on employing methods which did not require chemical knowledge to be understandable. The methods aimed to generate a visual aid and to be obvious in their results. Two forms of this strategy are discussed here: the presentation of the actual material and explicit comparison. I argue that this shift towards presenting forensic toxicology expertise as evident represents an important step in the history of forensic expertise.

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