concrete image
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2021 ◽  
Vol 881 (1) ◽  
pp. 012001
T E Darmayanti ◽  
A Bahauddin

Abstract This article is grown from a dialogue between Mr. Rudi’s childhood story as the sixth generation of Kidang Mas and the phenomenological perspective of Juhani Pallasmaa. Phenomenology by Pallasmaa is a powerful research strategy that is well suited for exploring the image within the Peranakan house of Kidang Mas. The strategy is expected to build a better understanding of the value of the Peranakan house. Pallasmaa’s perspective also proposes the “hands” to grasp the experiences through verbal sources turning into a concrete image. Verbal sources obtained from flowing and in-depth interviews supported by sensory activation, which engendered various fascinating and memorable childhood stories and activated all human senses. While the concrete images are conveyed through pictures based on the three most favorite childhood memory activities. The drawings were done using a pencil on paper. It is expected to elevate the sense of attachment of homeowners, local people, and visitors to the place which caused appreciation to the embodiment of Peranakan houses in Lasem as heritage buildings. This article gives another understanding of “rebuilding” sustainable place through the embodied image of Peranakan house in Lasem. The article also serves as a medium for disseminating knowledge about one of the Indonesian cultures to the wider audience.

Iryna Nesen

The purpose of the article is establishment of relations between scenic outfit and characters personalities in performances of the Theater of the Corypheses (1882 - 1914). In the methods set we are founding on historic basics and inter-disciplinary approaches. In bounds of historic-comparison and, partially, mythological methods liaisons between costumes typology of adjacent periods are tracked. Formal method helps to analyze costume as metaphors of meaning, and iconological approach allows determining semantic time symbols. Scientific novelty of the research is based on the system analysis of printed editions and archived materials and determines scenic costume as concrete image, which becomes inseparable from character’s personality. Conclusions summarized in the article give possibility to state that the Theater of the Corypheses during its activity behaved to scenic outfit as to a complex set which was appearing as a result of collection and studies of different sources and actual material. Near sources of formation of theatrical costume traditions where famous directors which in the same time had significant acting and writing experience and acquired encyclopedic knowledge. Into the set of theatrical costume in addition to clothes, shoes, hats and accessories, makeup, features of the actor's posture, a picture of his movements are included. Thus, the stage activity of the Theater of the Corypheses is a set of costumes, which became iconic and were imitated by various drama theaters that operated in Ukraine in subsequent historical periods. An important professional component in the process of creating theatrical costumes was added by artists-connoisseurs of the Ukrainian past, who in the early XX joined the preparation of performances on historical themes, began to create sketches for all stage costumes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 166-169
Krasimira Dimitrova ◽  

During preschool age a number of notions are formed related to the development of the child’s personality. Orienteering within space is part of the mathematical preparation of children in kindergarten. This section is one of the most difficult to master. A specific feature of childhood is the concrete-image thinking. To perceive the world around them, children need many examples. Preschoolers handle objects – they rotate, move, but do not analyze their actions. This paper describes the need and role of setting appropriate cognitive tasks to promote the development of spatial orientation of preschool children. The main part of the cognitive tasks related to the formation of spatial perceptions is intended to be mastered through the mathematical educations. Insufficient provision of materials and difficulty in perception by children do not motivate teachers to prefer to work in time for additional activities. It is this fact that provokes us to show that many resources can be created that are interesting for children and at the same time have great cognitive value. Practical developments about the topic are presented, which are realized in the education of students – future pedagogues. Various options are proposed, related to translation or transfer of an object, construction of objects and counting of geometric figures. The presented practical results are part of a study of the possibilities for applying a competency approach in kindergarten. In order to achieve a change in the educational system, it is necessary the University to prepare young educators for a new way of pedagogical interaction.

2021 ◽  
pp. 128-136
V.A. Meider ◽  

Presented is an analysis of the multi-faceted creative heritage of the Russian philosopher, jurist and publicist I.A. Ilyin. Shown is that his scientific ideas and moral political ideals covering a wide range of problems of the individual and society are still relevant to actuality, and require deep critical reflection. In the article, is being recreated concrete image of the scientist-patriot of Russia.

Fred Hook

Wilde has been generally accepted as one of the first figures of the queer man that is now known, however, how he came to represent this identity has not been much discussed. While his criminal trials, which led to his eventual conviction of ‘gross indecency,’ undoubtedly played a strong part on his emerging portrayal as a gay man, his first trial involving a libel suit against the Marquess of Queensberry is little discussed in relation to the start of his downfall and portrayal as a gay man. Thus, this project looks at Oscar Wilde’s libel trial and its effects on the identity of the homosexual man. By looking at the language used in the libel trial and its use of The Picture of Dorian Gray as evidence, the project concludes that by using the interpretations of Wilde’s novel during the trial, the law created a concrete image of what ‘gross indecency between men’ was, and of the type of person who participated in it, using Wilde as a representative for this identity. The way that his identity was forged allows us to see that while homosexuality as a way of being began to take shape thanks to Wilde’s trial, it was still imbued with negative connotations and seen as pederastic, tying it to anxieties around child prostitution and trafficking of the 1800s. The development of this new identity and its portrayal betters the understanding of the vilification of Wilde during his downfall and his novel’s role in this.

2019 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Andrei Shpak ◽  
Stefan Jacobsen

Abstract Laboratory measurements show that varying the dosage sequence of air-entraining agent and co-polymer in the mix (SP added before, after or together with AEA) greatly affects air entrainment in fresh and hardened fly ash concrete. Image analysis shows a somewhat lower specific surface when SP is added together with AEA. Foam Index measurements on the same binder materials, admixtures, and dosage sequences were therefore found less useful for studying the effect of admixture combinations. Obtaining a certain air content using the experience with AEA-SP dosage was found to be an untrivial task if there is a lack of parameter control. Finally, examples of successful mixing procedure for air entrainment in a series of high-volume fly ash concrete are shown.

Jie Wu ◽  
Tianshui Chen ◽  
Hefeng Wu ◽  
Zhi Yang ◽  
Qing Wang ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (s1) ◽  
pp. s145-s146
Satoko Mitani

Introduction:There are some tools for teaching disaster countermeasure in Japan. Cross Road Game was developed to get a concrete image of a disaster situation and is based on interviews from Kobe city government officers in an area affected by the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. The alternative includes a lot of ‘dilemmas’ that sacrifice something based on whichever outcome is chosen. For example, “There are 2000 meals at the evacuation center with 3000 refugees. Do you distribute these foods or not?” This game was developed for five to seven players, however, it is not suitable for class lessons with a hundred students. Thus, we tried to employ the Clicker-Nano system for an interactive lesson.Aim:To provide a brief introduction to this new style of teaching disaster countermeasure.Methods:The study included involved a classroom discussion using Clickers-Nano system in addition to Cross Road Game.Results:Nursing students could learn the concrete details of disaster countermeasure in an enjoyable format. They could share thoughts and compare opinions while deciding how to resolve the dilemma at the time of disaster.Discussion:The most important issue faced was how to develop an educational effect for nursing students. Even if five or seven students (players) could enjoy the game, it would not lead to the accumulation of unified knowledge of disaster countermeasure compared to a lecture at the university. The use of the Clickers-Nano system avoided differences in the reach of learning due to differences of facilitators’ capabilities. This study suggests a new style that combines interactive discussion not only with small but also large numbers of students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Aria Bayu Setiaji

This study aims to describe the structure of metaphor in terms of topic elements, elements of image and sense elements in the narrative discourse. The data source in this study was obtained from a book collection of short stories and books on life travel stories in the form of published autobiographical books. The data of this study is an expression of metaphor in the form of phrases. Data collection techniques are done by documentation techniques, reading techniques, and note taking techniques. The results of this study indicate the topic elements in the structure of metaphors in narrative discourse forming five comparative concepts, namely (1) the concept of comparison of nouns, (2) the concept of comparison of nouns, (3) the concept of adjective noun, (4) the concept of adjective comparison -nomina, and (5) the concept of adjective-verb comparison. Image elements found in metaphorical structures include animal image elements, synesthesia image elements, anthropomorphic image elements, and abstract to concrete image elements. In the sense element or similarity point in this study found four similarity point categories, namely (1) the point of independence based on equality, (2) the point of similarity based on the function equation, (3) the point of similarity based on the equation of motion or direction, and (4) point similarity based on the equation of action. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan struktur metafora yang ditinjau dari unsur topik, unsur citra dan unsur sense dalam wacana narasi. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari buku kumpulan cerpen dan buku kisah perjalanan hidup dalam bentuk buku autobiografi yang telah diterbitkan. Data penelitian ini adalah ungkapan metafora dalam bentuk frasa. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik dokumentasi, teknik baca, dan teknik catat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan unsur topik pada struktur metafora dalam wacana narasi membentuk lima konsep perbandingan yaitu (1) konsep perbandingan nomina-nomina, (2) konsep perbandingan nomina-verba, (3) konsep perbandingan nomina-adjektiva, (4) konsep perbandingan adjektiva-nomina, dan (5) konsep perbandingan adjektiva-verba. Unsur citra yang ditemukan dalam struktur metafora meliputi unsur citra hewan, unsur citra sinestesia, unsur citra antropomofik, dan unsur citra abstrak ke konkret. Pada unsur sense atau titik kemiripan dalam penelitian ini ditemukan empat kategori titik kemiripan, yaitu (1) titik kemiripan berdasarkan persamaan sifat, (2) titik kemiripan berdasarkan persamaan fungsi, (3) titik kemiripan berdasarkan persamaan gerak atau arah, dan (4) titik kemiripan berdasarkan persamaan tindakan.

Babel ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-270 ◽  
Cui Ying

Abstract A brand name is an essential part of an advertising campaign, identifying and being closely associated with a product or a manufacturer. One of the major functions of a brand name is to catch the attention of the audience and enhance their memorization. This research takes English-Chinese translation of brand names as an example and studies a prominent feature or strategy of brand name translation, namely rewriting to establish images in relation to the original pronunciation and/or logo. The translation of brand names is not bound by the original semantic meaning and is highly flexible, but it often retains the original sound or pronunciation. In the case of English-Chinese translation, brand names are often rewritten in that a new meaning is presented in the translation and images are established that are associated with the product or manufacturer. This study views image in its broadest sense, establishes a framework of images covering both concrete and abstract versions and discusses the functions of images in increasing the memorability of a brand name and engaging the audience’s emotions. A corpus of 316 English brand names with Chinese translations is considered and two examples are selected for discussion, one looking at the establishment of a concrete image and the other an abstract image. Such rewriting is analysed in relation to the functions of brand names in the hope of providing translators with a point of reference.

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