quantum potential
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Shi-Dong Liang ◽  
Wenjing Huang

The Weyl geometry promises potential applications in gravity and quantum mechanics. We study the relationships between the Weyl geometry, quantum entropy and quantum entanglement based on the Weyl geometry endowing the Euclidean metric. We give the formulation of the Weyl Ricci curvature and Weyl scalar curvature in the n-dimensional system. The Weyl scalar field plays a bridge role to connect the Weyl scalar curvature, quantum potential and quantum entanglement. We also give the Einstein–Weyl tensor and the generalized field equation in 3D vacuum case, which reveals the relationship between Weyl geometry and quantum potential. Particularly, we find that the correspondence between the Weyl scalar curvature and quantum potential is dimension-dependent and works only for the 3D space, which reveals a clue to quantize gravity and an understanding why our space must be 3D if quantum gravity is compatible with quantum mechanics. We analyze numerically a typical example of two orthogonal oscillators to reveal the relationships between the Weyl scalar curvature, quantum potential and quantum entanglement based on this formulation. We find that the Weyl scalar curvature shows a negative dip peak for separate state but becomes a positive peak for the entangled state near original point region, which can be regarded as a geometric signal to detect quantum entanglement.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0255529
Oded Shor ◽  
Amir Glik ◽  
Amit Yaniv-Rosenfeld ◽  
Avi Valevski ◽  
Abraham Weizman ◽  

No diagnostic or predictive instruments to help with early diagnosis and timely therapeutic intervention are available as yet for most neuro-psychiatric disorders. A quantum potential mean and variability score (qpmvs), to identify neuropsychiatric and neurocognitive disorders with high accuracy, based on routine EEG recordings, was developed. Information processing in the brain is assumed to involve integration of neuronal activity in various areas of the brain. Thus, the presumed quantum-like structure allows quantification of connectivity as a function of space and time (locality) as well as of instantaneous quantum-like effects in information space (non-locality). EEG signals reflect the holistic (nonseparable) function of the brain, including the highly ordered hierarchy of the brain, expressed by the quantum potential according to Bohmian mechanics, combined with dendrogram representation of data and p-adic numbers. Participants consisted of 230 participants including 28 with major depression, 42 with schizophrenia, 65 with cognitive impairment, and 95 controls. Routine EEG recordings were used for the calculation of qpmvs based on ultrametric analyses, closely coupled with p-adic numbers and quantum theory. Based on area under the curve, high accuracy was obtained in separating healthy controls from those diagnosed with schizophrenia (p<0.0001), depression (p<0.0001), Alzheimer’s disease (AD; p<0.0001), and mild cognitive impairment (MCI; p<0.0001) as well as in differentiating participants with schizophrenia from those with depression (p<0.0001), AD (p<0.0001) or MCI (p<0.0001) and in differentiating people with depression from those with AD (p<0.0001) or MCI (p<0.0001). The novel EEG analytic algorithm (qpmvs) seems to be a useful and sufficiently accurate tool for diagnosis of neuropsychiatric and neurocognitive diseases and may be able to predict disease course and response to treatment.

Optik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 167816
Yusuf Ziya Umul

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (4) ◽  
A. R. P. Moreira ◽  
J. E. G. Silva ◽  
C. A. S. Almeida

AbstractWe study a spin 1/2 fermion in a thick braneworld in the context of teleparallel f(T, B) gravity. Here, f(T, B) is such that $$f_1(T,B)=T+k_1B^{n_1}$$ f 1 ( T , B ) = T + k 1 B n 1 and $$f_2(T,B)=B+k_2T^{n_2}$$ f 2 ( T , B ) = B + k 2 T n 2 , where $$n_{1,2}$$ n 1 , 2 and $$k_{1,2}$$ k 1 , 2 are parameters that control the influence of torsion and the boundary term. We assume Yukawa coupling, where one scalar field is coupled to a Dirac spinor field. We show how the $$n_{1,2}$$ n 1 , 2 and $$k_{1,2}$$ k 1 , 2 parameters control the width of the massless Kaluza–Klein mode, the breadth of non-normalized massive fermionic modes and the properties of the analogue quantum-potential near the origin.

2021 ◽  
pp. 136269
Sandip Chowdhury ◽  
Kunal Pal ◽  
Kuntal Pal ◽  
Tapobrata Sarkar

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
Roberto Mauri

AbstractAssuming that the free energy of a gas depends non-locally on the logarithm of its mass density, the body force in the resulting equation of motion consists of the sum of density gradient terms. Truncating this series after the second term, Bohm’s quantum potential and the Madelung equation are identically obtained, showing explicitly that some of the hypotheses that led to the formulation of quantum mechanics admit a classical interpretation based on non-locality.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 52
Andronikos Paliathanasis

For the Szekeres system which describes inhomogeneous and anisotropic spacetimes we make use of a point-like Lagrangian, which describes the evolution of the physical variables of the Szekeres model, in order to perform a canonical quantization and to study the quantum potentiality of the Szekeres system in the content of de Broglie–Bohm theory. We revise previous results on the subject and we find that for a specific family of trajectories with initial conditions which satisfy a constraint equation, there exists additional conservation laws for the classical Szekeres system which are used to define differential operators and to solve the Wheeler–DeWitt equation. From the new conservation laws we construct a wave function which provides a nonzero quantum potential term that modifies the Szekeres system. The quantum potential corresponds to new terms in the dynamical system such that new asymptotic solutions with a nonzero energy momentum tensor of an anisotropic fluid exist. Therefore, the silent property of the Szekeres spacetimes is violated by quantum correction terms, which results in the quantum potential adding pressure to the solution.

Aude Maignan ◽  
Tony Scott

Quantum clustering (QC), is a data clustering algorithm based on quantum mechanics which is accomplished by substituting each point in a given dataset with a Gaussian. The width of the Gaussian is a σ value, a hyper-parameter which can be manually defined and manipulated to suit the application. Numerical methods are used to find all the minima of the quantum potential as they correspond to cluster centers. Herein, we investigate the mathematical task of expressing and finding all the roots of the exponential polynomial corresponding to the minima of a two-dimensional quantum potential. This is an outstanding task because normally such expressions are impossible to solve analytically. However, we prove that if the points are all included in a square region of size σ, there is only one minimum. This bound is not only useful in the number of solutions to look for, by numerical means, it allows to to propose a new numerical approach “per block”. This technique decreases the number of particles by approximating some groups of particles to weighted particles. These findings are not only useful to the quantum clustering problem but also for the exponential polynomials encountered in quantum chemistry, Solid-state Physics and other applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 01-12
Marcus Schmieke

Parallel to David Bohm´s development of a realistic interpretation of quantum physics, German philosopher and logician Gotthard Günther worked on a generalization of the classical two-valued logic to satisfy the ontological requirements of quantum physics as well as of cybernetics. Both of these new disciplines introduced information and consciousness into the terminology of science. These terms and concepts need to be reflected in logic, ontology and the theory of science. David Bohm suggested an expansion of his own model by generalization and iteration of the quantum potential to include consciousness and mental states into a new psycho-physical theory. This article proposes Günther´s four-valued logical system of meaning/reflection as a theoretical scientific frame for this expansion of Bohm´s theory and discusses its ontological implications.

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