validation procedure
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2022 ◽  
pp. 096228022110417
Kian Wee Soh ◽  
Thomas Lumley ◽  
Cameron Walker ◽  
Michael O’Sullivan

In this paper, we present a new model averaging technique that can be applied in medical research. The dataset is first partitioned by the values of its categorical explanatory variables. Then for each partition, a model average is determined by minimising some form of squared errors, which could be the leave-one-out cross-validation errors. From our asymptotic optimality study and the results of simulations, we demonstrate under several high-level assumptions and modelling conditions that this model averaging procedure may outperform jackknife model averaging, which is a well-established technique. We also present an example where a cross-validation procedure does not work (that is, a zero-valued cross-validation error is obtained) when determining the weights for model averaging.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Richard T. Baillie ◽  
Fabio Calonaci ◽  
George Kapetanios

This paper presents a new hierarchical methodology for estimating multi factor dynamic asset pricing models. The approach is loosely based on the sequential Fama–MacBeth approach and developed in a kernel regression framework. However, the methodology uses a very flexible bandwidth selection method which is able to emphasize recent data and information to derive the most appropriate estimates of risk premia and factor loadings at each point in time. The choice of bandwidths and weighting schemes are achieved by a cross-validation procedure; this leads to consistent estimators of the risk premia and factor loadings. Additionally, an out-of-sample forecasting exercise indicates that the hierarchical method leads to a statistically significant improvement in forecast loss function measures, independently of the type of factor considered.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261511
Tommaso Colombo ◽  
Massimiliano Mangone ◽  
Francesco Agostini ◽  
Andrea Bernetti ◽  
Marco Paoloni ◽  

The aim of our study was to classify scoliosis compared to to healthy patients using non-invasive surface acquisition via Video-raster-stereography, without prior knowledge of radiographic data. Data acquisitions were made using Rasterstereography; unsupervised learning was adopted for clustering and supervised learning was used for prediction model Support Vector Machine and Deep Network architectures were compared. A M-fold cross validation procedure was performed to evaluate the results. The accuracy and balanced accuracy of the best supervised model were close to 85%. Classification rates by class were measured using the confusion matrix, giving a low percentage of unclassified patients. Rasterstereography has turned out to be a good tool to distinguish subject with scoliosis from healthy patients limiting the exposure to unnecessary radiations.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 3000
Dana Alina Magdas ◽  
Gabriela Cristea ◽  
Adrian Pîrnau ◽  
Ioana Feher ◽  
Ariana Raluca Hategan ◽  

The potential association between stable isotope ratios of light elements and mineral content, in conjunction with unsupervised and supervised statistical methods, for differentiation of spirits, with respect to some previously defined criteria, is reviewed in this work. Thus, based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA), it was possible to differentiate the geographical origin of distillates in a percentage of 96.2% for the initial validation, and the cross-validation step of the method returned 84.6% of correctly classified samples. An excellent separation was also obtained for the differentiation of spirits producers, 100% in initial classification, and 95.7% in cross-validation, respectively. For the varietal recognition, the best differentiation was achieved for apricot and pear distillates, a 100% discrimination being obtained in both classifications (initial and cross-validation). Good classification percentages were also obtained for plum and apple distillates, where models with 88.2% and 82.4% in initial and cross-validation, respectively, were achieved for plum differentiation. A similar value in the cross-validation procedure was reached for the apple spirits. The lowest classification percent was obtained for quince distillates (76.5% in initial classification followed by 70.4% in cross-validation). Our results have high practical importance, especially for trademark recognition, taking into account that fruit distillates are high-value commodities; therefore, the temptation of “fraud”, i.e., by passing regular distillates as branded ones, could occur.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1320
Etienne Lalechère ◽  
Laurent Bergès

Connectivity conservation analysis is based on a wide range of approaches designed to pinpoint key ecological corridors in order to maintain multispecies flows. However, the lack of validation procedures with accessible data prevents one from evaluating the accuracy of ecological corridor locations. We propose a new validation procedure to evaluate the accuracy of ecological corridor locations in landscape connectivity approaches. The ability of the procedure to properly rank the accuracy of different landscape connectivity approaches was illustrated in a study case. Maxent model and circuit theory were used to locate ecological corridors for forest bird species, following three approaches based on land cover, umbrella species and multispecies presence data. The validation procedure was used to compare the three approaches. Our validation procedure ranked the three approaches as expected, considering that accuracy in locating ecological corridors is related to the biological realism of calibration data. The corridors modelled were more accurate with species presence data (umbrella and multispecies approaches) compared to land cover proxy (habitat-based approach). These results confirm the quality of the validation procedure. Our validation procedure can be used to: (1) evaluate the accuracy of the location of ecological corridors; (2) select the best approach to locate ecological corridors, and (3) validate the underlying assumptions of landscape connectivity approaches (e.g., dispersal and matrix resistance values).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Daniel Romero-Mujalli ◽  
Tjard Bergmann ◽  
Axel Zimmermann ◽  
Marina Scheumann

AbstractBioacoustic analyses of animal vocalizations are predominantly accomplished through manual scanning, a highly subjective and time-consuming process. Thus, validated automated analyses are needed that are usable for a variety of animal species and easy to handle by non-programing specialists. This study tested and validated whether DeepSqueak, a user-friendly software, developed for rodent ultrasonic vocalizations, can be generalized to automate the detection/segmentation, clustering and classification of high-frequency/ultrasonic vocalizations of a primate species. Our validation procedure showed that the trained detectors for vocalizations of the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) can deal with different call types, individual variation and different recording quality. Implementing additional filters drastically reduced noise signals (4225 events) and call fragments (637 events), resulting in 91% correct detections (Ntotal = 3040). Additionally, the detectors could be used to detect the vocalizations of an evolutionary closely related species, the Goodman’s mouse lemur (M. lehilahytsara). An integrated supervised classifier classified 93% of the 2683 calls correctly to the respective call type, and the unsupervised clustering model grouped the calls into clusters matching the published human-made categories. This study shows that DeepSqueak can be successfully utilized to detect, cluster and classify high-frequency/ultrasonic vocalizations of other taxa than rodents, and suggests a validation procedure usable to evaluate further bioacoustics software.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 293
Putri Amelia Rooswita ◽  
Yunita Nita ◽  
Elida Zairina ◽  
Gesnita Nugraheni ◽  
Libriansyah Libriansyah

Background: One of the impacts experienced by diabetes mellitus patients is a decrease in their quality of life. The Audit of Diabetes-Dependent Quality of Life (ADDQoL) is a widely used individualized diabetes-specific quality of life measure. However, there was no version available in the Indonesian language. Objective: This study is aimed to undertake linguistic validation, including a cultural adaptation of the ADDQoL questionnaire into the Indonesian language. Method: The original developer granted permission to use and modify the questionnaire. The international linguistic validation procedure developed by the Mapi Research Institute was used. There were six steps involved: forward translation, reconciliation, back translation, expert panel review by a psychologist and clinician, cognitive debriefing with diabetes patients, and proofreading. Result: Problems that arose during the linguistic validation process were resolved by finding conceptually equivalent alternatives and changing sentence structures to achieve equivalence in language, concept, and culture with the original version of the ADDQoL. The developer's team reviewed and discussed all actions taken. Cognitive debriefing interviews with five respondents showed that the ADDQoL questionnaire was simple to understand. Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the ADDQoL is linguistically and culturally validated. Further studies are needed to confirm the structure and reliability of the Indonesian ADDQoL.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Federico Barravecchia ◽  
Luca Mastrogiacomo ◽  
Fiorenzo Franceschini

PurposeDigital voice-of-customer (digital VoC) analysis is gaining much attention in the field of quality management. Digital VoC can be a great source of knowledge about customer needs, habits and expectations. To this end, the most popular approach is based on the application of text mining algorithms named topic modelling. These algorithms can identify latent topics discussed within digital VoC and categorise each source (e.g. each review) based on its content. This paper aims to propose a structured procedure for validating the results produced by topic modelling algorithms.Design/methodology/approachThe proposed procedure compares, on random samples, the results produced by topic modelling algorithms with those generated by human evaluators. The use of specific metrics allows to make a comparison between the two approaches and to provide a preliminary empirical validation.FindingsThe proposed procedure can address users of topic modelling algorithms in validating the obtained results. An application case study related to some car-sharing services supports the description.Originality/valueDespite the vast success of topic modelling-based approaches, metrics and procedures to validate the obtained results are still lacking. This paper provides a first practical and structured validation procedure specifically employed for quality-related applications.

Biorheology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Bryan C. Good

BACKGROUND: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is an important tool for predicting cardiovascular device performance. The FDA developed a benchmark nozzle model in which experimental and CFD data were compared, however, the studies were limited by steady flows and Newtonian models. OBJECTIVE: Newtonian and non-Newtonian blood models will be compared under steady and pulsatile flows to evaluate their influence on hemodynamics in the FDA nozzle. METHODS: CFD simulations were validated against the FDA data for steady flow with a Newtonian model. Further simulations were performed using Newtonian and non-Newtonian models under both steady and pulsatile flows. RESULTS: CFD results were within the experimental standard deviations at nearly all locations and Reynolds numbers. The model differences were most evident at Re = 500, in the recirculation regions, and during diastole. The non-Newtonian model predicted blunter upstream velocity profiles, higher velocities in the throat, and differences in the recirculation flow patterns. The non-Newtonian model also predicted a greater pressure drop at Re = 500 with minimal differences observed at higher Reynolds numbers. CONCLUSIONS: An improved modeling framework and validation procedure were used to further investigate hemodynamics in geometries relevant to cardiovascular devices and found that accounting for blood’s non-Newtonian and pulsatile behavior can lead to large differences in predictions in hemodynamic parameters.

Languages ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 174
Fredrik Karlsson ◽  
Lena Hartelius

Maximum performance tasks have been identified as possible domains where incipient signs of neurological disease may be detected in simple speech and voice samples. However, it is likely that these will simultaneously be influenced by the age and sex of the speaker. In this study, a comprehensive set of acoustic quantifications were collected from the literature and applied to productions of sustained [a] productions and Alternating Motion Rate diadochokinetic (DDK) syllable sequences made by 130 (62 women, 68 men) healthy speakers, aged 20–90 years. The participants were asked to produce as stable (sustained [a] and DDK) and fast (DDK) productions as possible. The full set of features were reduced to a functional subset that most efficiently modeled sex-specific differences between younger and older speakers using a cross-validation procedure. Twelve measures of [a] and 16 measures of DDK sequences were identified across men and women and investigated in terms of how they were altered with increasing age of speakers. Increased production instability is observed in both tasks, primarily above the age of 60 years. DDK sequences were slower in older speakers, but also altered in their syllable and segment level acoustic properties. Increasing age does not appear to affect phonation or articulation uniformly, and men and women are affected differently in most quantifications investigated.

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