caragana arborescens
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-44
Ella Treschevskaya ◽  
Elena Tikhonova ◽  
Inna Golyadkina ◽  
Svetlana Treschevskaya ◽  
Vladislav Knyazev

Minerals are considered one of the components of the economy of any country. The negative side of technogenesis is the emergence of technogenic landscapes with developed exogenous processes. To prevent and eliminate them, biological reclamation is carried out, the most promising direction of which is forest reclamation. In forest reclamation, preference is given to soil-improving tree and shrub species. The research was carried out in the stands of the Caragana arborescens (Caragana arborescens Lam.) on the dumps of the Kursk magnetic anomaly in the Belgorod region of the Central Federal District of Russia. The work on the test areas was carried out according to generally accepted methods. On the sandy-chalk dump of loose overburden, the karagany cultures completely died by the age of 38. On a two-component technozem, with surface application of a fertile layer on a sand-chalk mixture, karagana showed positive results. The maximum safety (84.2-82.0%) is typical for the first four years of karagana's life. It does not depend much on environmental conditions. The growth of shoots in karagana begins only in the second decade of May. Shoots grow most actively in the third decade of May - 43.8%. The average biomass of one karagana bush at the age of 6 years is 503 g. At the same time, the average mass of one specimen of Robinia pseudoacacia is 2264 g. The total supply of phytomass in the 9-year-old karagana plantation is 69.5 c/ha, which is 2.6 times less than in the robinia pseudoacacia plantation. The reclamation role of caragana leaves is insignificant. The tree-like karagana is rich in mineral elements, which is reflected in their accumulation in substrates. The reserves of nitrogen – 4.06% and calcium – 1.46% are especially large in Karagan. The dump is located in the mining production zone, so the iron content in the assimilating organs of karagany exceeds 4 times the content on zonal soils, and titanium - 1.8 times. A significant part of the chemical elements falls on the green parts of plants. Caragana leaves are supplied with: nitrogen - 26.64 kg /ha, potassium - 1.78 kg/ ha, calcium - 17.52 kg/ ha and magnesium - 4.56 kg/ha. More than half of the chemical elements of root systems accumulate in small roots. When they die off, they enter directly into the substrate. The tree-like karagana can be recommended for forest reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands when mixed with more valuable tree and shrub species

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 00123
Ekaterina Solomonova ◽  
Nikolay Trusov ◽  
Tatiana Nozdrina ◽  
Nikolay Kuvshinchikov

Currently, there is an increase in the world’s population against the background of a reduction in land suitable for growing traditional agricultural crops. This is especially true for Asian countries. Due to a number of factors, the areas of fertile land are decreasing, and the areas of saline land are increasing; arid areas of the planet are expanding. In this regard, it is important to introduce plants into the culture that can grow on poor, arid, saline soils. The purpose of the research is to study vegetable raw materials from fruits Caragana arborescens and C. frutex, undergoing introduction tests in the arboretum of the Tsytsin Main Botanical Garden of Russian Academy of Sciences, to find out the possibilities and advantages of their use in the food industry in a comparative aspect. A comparative assessment of the size and weight characteristics of the fruits and seeds of C. arborescens and C. frutex studied by us indicates the possibilities of their industrial food use in the future, along with a good introduction, and, probably, plantation potential of these plants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-231 ◽  
P.W. Crous ◽  
M.J. Wingfield ◽  
R.K. Schumacher ◽  
A. Akulov ◽  
T.S. Bulgakov ◽  

Seven new genera, 26 new species, 10 new combinations, two epitypes, one new name, and 20 interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. New genera are: Italiofungus (based on Italiofungus phillyreae) on leaves of Phillyrea latifolia (Italy); Neolamproconium (based on Neolamproconium silvestre) on branch of Tilia sp. (Ukraine); Neosorocybe (based on Neosorocybe pini) on trunk of Pinus sylvestris (Ukraine); Nothoseptoria (based on Nothoseptoria caraganae) on leaves of Caragana arborescens (Russia); Pruniphilomyces (based on Pruniphilomyces circumscissus) on Prunus cerasus (Russia); Vesiculozygosporium (based on Vesiculozygosporium echinosporum) on leaves of Muntingia calabura (Malaysia); Longiseptatispora (based on Longiseptatispora curvata) on leaves of Lonicera tatarica (Russia). New species are: Barrmaelia serenoae on leaf of Serenoa repens (USA); Chaetopsina gautengina on leaves of unidentified grass (South Africa); Chloridium pini on fallen trunk of Pinus sylvestris (Ukraine); Cadophora fallopiae on stems of Reynoutria sachalinensis (Poland); Coleophoma eucalyptigena on leaf litter of Eucalyptus sp. (Spain); Cylindrium corymbiae on leaves of Corymbia maculata (Australia); Diaporthe tarchonanthi on leaves of Tarchonanthus littoralis (South Africa); Elsinoe eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus propinqua (Australia); Exophiala quercina on dead wood of Quercus sp., (Germany); Fusarium californicum on cambium of budwood of Prunus dulcis (USA); Hypomyces gamsii on wood of Alnus glutinosa (Ukraine); Kalmusia araucariae on leaves of Araucaria bidwillii (USA); Lectera sambuci on leaves of Sambucus nigra (Russia); Melanomma populicola on fallen twig of Populus canadensis (Netherlands), Neocladosporium syringae on branches of Syringa vulgarishorus (Ukraine); Paraconiothyrium iridis on leaves of Iris pseudacorus (Ukraine); Pararoussoella quercina on branch of Quercus robur (Ukraine); Phialemonium pulveris from bore dust of deathwatch beetle (France); Polyscytalum pinicola on needles of Pinus tecunumanii (Malaysia); Acervuloseptoria fraxini on Fraxinus pennsylvanica (Russia); Roussoella arundinacea on culms of Arundo donax (Spain); Sphaerulina neoaceris on leaves of Acer negundo (Russia); Sphaerulina salicicola on leaves of Salix fragilis (Russia); Trichomerium syzygii on leaves of Syzygium cordatum (South Africa); Uzbekistanica vitis-viniferae on dead stem of Vitis vinifera (Ukraine); Vermiculariopsiella eucalyptigena on leaves of Eucalyptus sp. (Australia).

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-114
Ekaterina A. Sviatkovskaya ◽  
Natalya Vlafimirovna Saltan ◽  
Nadezhda N. Trostenyuk

The paper analyzes the state and the diversity of native and introduced woody plants used in landscaping railway stations in 5 cities of the Kola Polar region. The species composition is represented by 22 species, 16 genera, and 9 families. Sorbus gorodkovii (39%) is the most common among trees, Rosa rugosa (44%) is the most common among shrubs. The authors have observed two rare introduced woody species (Larix sibirica Ledeb., Syringa josikaea Jacq. fil.) included in Red Data Books of various ranks. 6 categories of plant state have been identified. Betula pubescens has the largest share of healthy plants among indigenous trees species, Malus baccata and Larix sibirica among introduced species, Rosa pimpinellifolia, Caragana arborescens, Crataegus sanguinea among shrubs in the station territories. Sorbus gorodkovii and Padus avium are in a critical state. The agrochemical soil study showed a low availability of nitrogen compounds and a high content of phosphorus and potassium exchange forms. It has been revealed that the main weakening causes are old age of plants, violation of maintenance technology, and failure to comply with environmental conditions.

V. G. Shilenkov ◽  

Four biotops with arboreal vegetation situated in the Irkutsk town territory were studied by pitfall traps method: artifitially forrestated park zone, coastal band of willow shrubs, Caragana arborescens shrubs on steep slope of southern exposition, group of bird-cherry trees. Biodiversity of high taxonomical groups, and the same on species level for carabid beetles, were estimated. Carabid’s communities were compared on dominant species, biodiversity and dynamic density of populations. Sörensen – Chekanovsky coefficient for comparison of different biotopes in number of species and specimens was used. In the willow shrubs minimal number of high groups of arthropods were collected, but maximal biodiversity and dynamic density of carabids populations was postulated. It depends first of all the high number of small species Trechus secalis. Biodiversity is increased in the row: park zone (14) – bird-cherry trees (21) – caragana shrubs (24 groups). Set of the high taxonomical groups in the different biotopes has a specific features. Such taxa like carabids, staphylinids, silphids, ants and spiders were recorded in all biotopes, but could differ each other in the set of species and dynamic density very sufficiently. Sörensen coefficient estimated for carabids communities demonstrates very low similarity between biotopes as in set of species, as in number of specimens. Caragana shrubs has a maximal level of isolation. The simplest structure of community with very low number of species in park zone was postulated. In this biotopes silphid beetles was dominated group due to maximal level of anthropogenic influence. Refugial zones, like Kaya river basin in the town landscape surroundings, could be preserved for recreation and biodiversity maintenance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 155 (2) ◽  
pp. 537-544
Jie Chen ◽  
Xin Hao ◽  
Xuefeng Liu ◽  
Zhongxuan Liu ◽  
Wei Ma ◽  

M. Ia. Bessmolnaia ◽  
E. G. Imescenova ◽  
V. Iu. Tatarnikova ◽  
S. V. Kisova ◽  
N. Iu. Polomoshnova ◽  

Research on green area in Ulan-Ude has not been carried out since the moment of planting in 1970. The researchers didn’t study hardy-shrub species and factors of their strengthening and weakening. The research aims at evaluation of green areas in the mini-parks of UlanUde. The authors assess green areas in all mini-parks of the city and define species composition of hardy-shrub species and their condition. The researchers found out 23 species of trees and shrubs used in landscaping of Ulan-Ude. The identified species belong to 12 families and 23 genera. The largest number of species belongs to Rosaceae-7 species, the smallest number of hardy-shrub species belong to Cornaceae, Adoxaceae, Oleaceae and Ulmaceae. The researchers observed hardy-shrub species and found out that trees predominate (56.3%) the shrubs (43.5 %). Dominating tree species in the mini-parks are the balsamifera (L.) and Ulmus pumila (L.). The bushes commonly observed are Caragana arborescens (Lam.). The vital state of tree and shrubbery plantings is generally characterized as medium-stable, damaged, ranging from stable, healthy to unstable, severely damaged. The range of tree and shrubbery plantings used in gardening of Ulan-Ude is completed. The conducted research revealed that the main factors of lower resistance of green area in the city mini parks are seen as damaged development of the crown and drying of branches, mechanical damages of a trunk; stripping of bark and small deformations and cracks in a trunk, damages in axial escape and the crown related to high density of landings, curvature of a trunk and break of boughs of trees and bushes as a result of influence of wind or anthropogenic activity; careless attitude to requirements of cutting trees and bushes; twisting of leaves, modification of shoots, colorful Gauls due to attacks on them aphids; the presence of bacterial diseases in balsamic poplar; infectious pathologies of trunks and leaves.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (10) ◽  
pp. 32-35
A. V. Kodzhebash

Досліджено парк села Піківець Уманського району Черкаської області, якого заклали жителі села та учні школи наприкінці 50-их – початку 60-их років ХХ ст. Площа парку становить 0,89 га. У парку встановлено пам'ятники учасникам війни 1941-1945 років і жертвам Чорнобильської катастрофи та меморіальний комплекс воїнам-односельцям, які загинули під час Великої Вітчизняної війни, з братською могилою, стелою і "вічним вогнем". Парк має недостатньо розвинуту доріжно-стежкову мережу, яка займає 3,5 % від загальної площі. Встановлено, що переважаючі види дерев представлені дубом звичайним (Quercus robur L.), липою серцелистою (Tilia cordata Mill.) та гіркокаштаном звичайним (Aesculus hippocastanum L.). Встановлено середні показники висот, діаметри стовбурів та крон дерев у деревостанах. У насадженні найбільший середній діаметр стовбура на висоті 1,3 м у представників Quercus robur L. – 43 см та Populus piramidalis Rozier – 47,3 см. З найбільшим середнім значенням висоти в парку дерева Q. robur L. – 17,4 м, та Populus piramidalis Rozier – 15,3 м. З'ясовано, що в парку є два типи ландшафтів – парковий (90 %) та регулярний (10 %). Проведено розподіл території за виділами, де у 2-му виділі узлісся сформоване з порід, де переважаючими є карагана деревовидна (Caragana arborescens Lam.) та бузок звичайний (Syringa vulgaris L.). Панівним видом у деревостані є дуб звичайний (Quercus robur L.). У 3-му виділі узлісся сформоване з карагани деревовидної (C. arborescens Lam.) з незначною домішкою інших порід. У деревостані немає одного переважаючого виду. Охарактеризовано трав'яний покрив та квіткове оформлення парку.

2017 ◽  
Vol 38 (SI 2 - 6th Conf EFPP 2002) ◽  
pp. 436-438
E. Sucharzewska ◽  
M. Dynowska

In the year 2000 Ampelomyces quisqualis was noted, with various intensity, in north-eastern Poland on different species of Erysiphales selected as potential bioindicators of urban pollution. The results of observation of Erysiphe sordida (on Plantago major), Sphaeroteca erigerontis-canadensis (on Taraxacum officinale) and Microsphaera hypophylla (on Quercus robur) – susceptible species, and Microsphaera palczewskii (on Caragana arborescens) – a resistant species, suggest that A. quisqualis shows affinity to some hosts regardless of their individual reactions to the level and range of anthropopressure. It clearly prefers the genera: Erysiphe and Sphaerotheca. Its effect on the degree of host plant infestation with powdery mildew under natural conditions seems insignificant.

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