ample cone
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O Braunling

Abstract Up to a factor 1/n!, the volume of a big line bundle agrees with the Euclidean volume of its Okounkov body. The latter is the convex hull of top rank valuation vectors of sections, all with respect to a single flag. In this paper, we give a new volume formula, valid in the ample cone. It is also based on top rank valuation vectors, but mixes data coming from several different flags.

Henrik Seppänen ◽  
Valdemar V Tsanov

Abstract We consider the action of a semisimple subgroup $\hat{G}$ of a semisimple complex group $G$ on the flag variety $X=G/B$ and the linearizations of this action by line bundles $\mathcal L$ on $X$. We give an explicit description of the associated unstable locus in dependence of $\mathcal L$, as well as a formula for its (co)dimension. We observe that the codimension is equal to 1 on the regular boundary of the $\hat{G}$-ample cone and grows towards the interior in steps by 1, in a way that the line bundles with unstable locus of codimension at least $q$ form a convex polyhedral cone. We also give a description and a recursive algorithm for determining all GIT-classes in the $\hat{G}$-ample cone of $X$. As an application, we give conditions ensuring the existence of GIT-classes $C$ with an unstable locus of codimension at least two and which moreover yield geometric GIT quotients. Such quotients $Y_C$ reflect global information on $\hat{G}$-invariants. They are always Mori dream spaces, and the Mori chambers of the pseudoeffective cone $\overline{\textrm{Eff}}(Y_C)$ correspond to the GIT chambers of the $\hat{G}$-ample cone of $X$. Moreover, all rational contractions $f: Y_{C} \ \scriptsize{-}\scriptsize{-}{\scriptsize{-}\kern-5pt\scriptsize{>}}\ Y^{\prime}$ to normal projective varieties $Y^{\prime}$ are induced by GIT from linearizations of the action of $\hat{G}$ on $X$. In particular, this is shown to hold for a diagonal embedding $\hat{G} \hookrightarrow (\hat{G})^k$, with sufficiently large $k$.

Elana Kalashnikov

Quiver flag zero loci are subvarieties of quiver flag varieties cut out by sections of representation theoretic vector bundles. We prove the Abelian/non-Abelian correspondence in this context: this allows us to compute genus zero Gromov–Witten invariants of quiver flag zero loci. We determine the ample cone of a quiver flag variety, and disprove a conjecture of Craw. In the appendices (which can be found in the electronic supplementary material), which are joint work with Tom Coates and Alexander Kasprzyk, we use these results to find four-dimensional Fano manifolds that occur as quiver flag zero loci in ambient spaces of dimension up to 8, and compute their quantum periods. In this way, we find at least 141 new four-dimensional Fano manifolds.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (01) ◽  
pp. 37-51
Claudio Fontanari ◽  
Riccardo Ghiloni ◽  
Paolo Lella

We present an alternate proof, much quicker and more straightforward than the original one, of the celebrated F-conjecture on the ample cone of the moduli space [Formula: see text] of stable rational curves with [Formula: see text] marked points in the case [Formula: see text].

2016 ◽  
pp. 148-174
Daniel Huybrechts

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-136 ◽  
Izzet Coskun ◽  
Jack Huizenga

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-280
Ming Shuo Zhou

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 1481-1504 ◽  
Robert Friedman

2011 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 481-499 ◽  
Arthur Baragar

Abstract In this paper, we give several pictorial fractal representations of the ample or K¨ahler cone for surfaces in a certain class of K3 surfaces. The class includes surfaces described by smooth (2, 2, 2) forms in ℙ1 × ℙ1 × ℙ1 defined over a sufficiently large number field K that have a line parallel to one of the axes and have Picard number four. We relate the Hausdorff dimension of this fractal to the asymptotic growth of orbits of curves under the action of the surface's group of automorphisms. We experimentally estimate the Hausdorff dimension of the fractal to be 1.296 ± .010.

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