phase lock loop
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Saurabh J. Shewale

Abstract: This paper proffers comparative research of Complementary MOSFET (CMOS) of the Phase Lock Loop (PPL) circuit. Our approach is based on hybrid design Phase Lock Loop (PLL) circuits combined in a single unit. A phase-locked loop (PLL) is used in space communication for synchronization purposes also very useful in time to digital converters and in instrumentation engineering. A phased lock loop (PLL) is a control system that makes an output signal whose frequency depends on the input phase difference. The phase detector takes the phase of an input signal and compares it with the phase procured from its output oscillator regulates the frequency of its oscillator to manage the phase matches. Different techniques like analogue and digital simulation with the help of mathematical/logical connections are found in Research to create the Phase Locked Loop (PLL). This limitation can be overcome by replicating the circuit block whose supply voltage is being reduced to manage the same throughout. This paper includes design features for low power phase-locked loop using Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technology. The signal from the phase detector controls the oscillator in a feedback loop. As such: an operational device the PLL has a wide range of applications in computers sciences, telecommunication, and electronic system applications; we aim to design and examine the phase lock loop circuit in multiple technologies and examine their power capacity. By using the hybrid structure of NMOS and PMOS, here we have achieved the circuit of Phase Lock Loop (PLL) using VLSI technology. Keywords: Technology, CMOS, Phase lock loop, Micro wind, Voltage control oscillator, VLSI technology.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 880
David Hoch ◽  
Kevin-Jeremy Haas ◽  
Leopold Moller ◽  
Timo Sommer ◽  
Pedro Soubelet ◽  

Visualizing eigenmodes is crucial in understanding the behavior of state-of-the-art micromechanical devices. We demonstrate a method to optically map multiple modes of mechanical structures simultaneously. The fast and robust method, based on a modified phase-lock loop, is demonstrated on a silicon nitride membrane and shown to outperform three alternative approaches. Line traces and two-dimensional maps of different modes are acquired. The high quality data enables us to determine the weights of individual contributions in superpositions of degenerate modes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Deddy Susilo ◽  
Budihardja Murtianta ◽  
Nathanael Adharta Livendra Murtianta

ABSTRACT:In a wireless communication system, the transmitter and receiver are basic components that have a role in the telecommunications system. The receiving system serves to receive an information signal. The basic structure of a radio frequency receiver system, namely: antenna - low pass filter - low noise amplifier (LNA) - mixer - phase lock loop (PLL) - demodulator - audio output. This article describes an empirical study of the GRF-3300 Receiver RF Circuit Training System by presenting the results of system testing which are very easy to understand, including the workings and functions of the receiver system props and the basic modules used in the receiving system, so that it can be used help electrical engineering students, especially telecommunications engineering majors. From the test results, the RF Circuit Training System GRF-3300 receiver training kit produces a Total Harmonic Distortion test value of around 5% when an input signal of 1Vrms is given.ABSTRAK:Pada sistem komunikasi nirkabel, pemancar dan penerima merupakan komponen mendasar yang berperan dalam sistem telekomunikasi. Sistem penerima berfungsi untuk menerima suatu sinyal informasi. Struktur dasar sistem penerima frekuensi radio yaitu: antena – low pass filter – low noise amplifier (LNA) – mixer – phase lock loop (PLL) – demodulator – audio output. Dalam artikel ini menjelaskan tentang studi empiris Receiver RF Circuit Training System GRF-3300 dengan hasil pengujian yang mudah dimengerti, meliputi cara kerja dan fungsi pada alat peraga sistem penerima serta modul-modul struktur dasar yang digunakan dalam sistem penerima, sehingga dapat membantu mahasiwa teknik elektro khususnya jurusan teknik telekomunikasi. Dari hasil pengujian, alat peraga penerima RF Circuit Training System GRF-3300 menghasilkan nilai THD sekitar 5% pada sinyal masukan sebesar 1Vrms.

2021 ◽  
Yumeng Zhang ◽  
Yiyuan Lu ◽  
Yujun Li ◽  
Xiaofang Wu ◽  
Xiaotian Yuan ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2035
Qian Wang ◽  
Mengyue Han ◽  
Yuanlan Wen ◽  
Min He ◽  
Xiufeng He

This paper proposes an accurate quantitative segmentation method by analyzing the probability distribution of tracking variance and strict derivation based on the tracking loop theory. The segmentation points are taken as characteristics of phase lock loop (PLL) and frequency lock loop (FLL) performances, and the two factors that cause the performance difference are discriminator gain and filtering coefficient, which denote proportional and integration coefficients, respectively. The filtering coefficients lead to a difference of 2.5 dB-Hz between the FLL and PLL. Moreover, through the analysis of the normalized bandwidth and phase margin, it is found that the integration time and bandwidth need a dynamic balance to achieve the best performance. Finally, the simulation results and real data are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis results. The minimum mean error rate of the deviation between the real data and the theoretical data is only 1.8%. In the proposed method, the influence of external hardware factors on the tracking loop is removed, and the loop design factors are modeled directly. Instead of testing the denoising performance based on the ranging and angle measuring error after location calculation, the filter coefficient is proposed to evaluate the processing performance of the tracking loop objectively and directly at the theoretical level, which proposes a new performance evaluation method at the theoretical level. The results presented in this study provide theoretical support for the design of a new-type tracking loop with enhanced performances.

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