retrieval algorithms
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Photonics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 541
Yicheng Zhang ◽  
Mingjie Sun

Phase retrieval utilizing Fourier amplitudes plays a significant role in image recovery. Iterative phase retrieval algorithms have been developed to retrieve phase information that cannot be recorded by detectors directly. However, iterative algorithms face the problem of being trapped in local minima due to the nonconvexity of phase retrieval, and most existing works addressed this by optimizing in multiple runs parallelly to improve the possibility that one of these could reach the global minimum. Alternatively, we propose in this work to increase the probability of reaching the global minimum with one arbitrary initial distribution by adapting simulated annealing in the standard hybrid input-output (HIO) algorithm. Numerical and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method reconstructs images with mean square errors 50.12% smaller than those reconstructed by HIO. More importantly, the proposed method can be applied to any HIO-based algorithm with multiple runs to further improve the performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 4607
Michael A. Dallosch ◽  
Irena F. Creed

The application of remote sensing data to empirical models of inland surface water chlorophyll-a concentrations (chl-a) has been in development since the launch of the Landsat 4 satellite series in 1982. However, establishing an empirical model using a chl-a retrieval algorithm is difficult due to the spatial heterogeneity of inland lake water properties. Classification of optical water types (OWTs; i.e., differentially observed water spectra due to differences in water properties) has grown in favour in recent years over traditional non-turbid vs. turbid classifications. This study examined whether top-of-atmosphere reflectance observations in visible to near-infrared bands from Landsat 4, 5, 7, and 8 sensors can be used to identify unique OWTs using a guided unsupervised classification approach in which OWTs are defined through both remotely sensed reflectance and surface water chemistry data taken from samples in North American and Swedish lakes. Linear regressions of algorithms (Landsat reflectance bands, band ratios, products, or combinations) to lake surface water chl-a were built for each OWT. The performances of chl-a retrieval algorithms within each OWT were compared to those of global chl-a algorithms to test the effectiveness of OWT classification. Seven unique OWTs were identified and then fit into four categories with varying degrees of brightness as follows: turbid lakes with a low chl-a:turbidity ratio; turbid lakes with a mixture of high chl-a and turbidity measurements; oligotrophic or mesotrophic lakes with a mixture of low chl-a and turbidity measurements; and eutrophic lakes with a high chl-a:turbidity ratio. With one exception (r2 = 0.26, p = 0.08), the best performing algorithm in each OWT showed improvement (r2 = 0.69–0.91, p < 0.05), compared with the best performing algorithm for all lakes combined (r2 = 0.52, p < 0.05). Landsat reflectance can be used to extract OWTs in inland lakes to provide improved prediction of chl-a over large extents and long time series, giving researchers an opportunity to study the trophic states of unmonitored lakes.

2021 ◽  
Claudia Emde ◽  
Huan Yu ◽  
Arve Kylling ◽  
Michel van Roozendael ◽  
Kerstin Stebel ◽  

Abstract. Retrievals of trace gas concentrations from satellite observations are mostly performed for clear regions or regions with low cloud coverage. However, even fully clear pixels can be affected by clouds in the vicinity, either by shadowing or by scattering of radiation from clouds in the clear region. Quantifying the error of retrieved trace gas concentrations due to cloud scattering is a difficult task. One possibility is to generate synthetic data by three-dimensional (3D) radiative transfer simulations using realistic 3D atmospheric input data, including 3D cloud structures. Retrieval algorithms may be applied on the synthetic data and comparison to the known input trace gas concentrations yields the retrieval error due to cloud scattering. In this paper we present a comprehensive synthetic dataset which has been generated using the Monte Carlo radiative transfer model MYSTIC. The dataset includes simulated spectra in two spectral ranges (400–500 nm and the O2A-band from 755–775 nm). Moreover it includes layer air mass factors (layer-AMF) calculated at 460 nm. All simulations are performed for a fixed background atmosphere for various sun positions, viewing directions and surface albedos. Two cloud setups are considered: The first includes simple box-clouds with various geometrical and optical thicknesses. This can be used to systematically investigate the sensitivity of the retrieval error on solar zenith angle, surface albedo and cloud parameters. Corresponding 1D simulations are also provided. The second includes realistic three-dimensional clouds from an ICON large eddy simulation (LES) for a region covering Germany and parts of surrounding countries. The scene includes cloud types typical for central Europe such as shallow cumulus, convective cloud cells, cirrus, and stratocumulus. This large dataset can be used to quantify the trace gas concentration retrieval error statistically. Along with the dataset the impact of horizontal photon transport on reflectance spectra and layer-AMFs is analyzed for the box-cloud scenarios. Moreover, the impact of 3D cloud scattering on the NO2 vertical column density (VCD) retrieval is presented for a specific LES case. We find that the retrieval error is largest in cloud shadow regions, where the NO2 VCD is underestimated by more than 20 %. The dataset is available for the scientific community to assess the behavior of trace gas retrieval algorithms and cloud correction schemes in cloud conditions with 3D structure.

Adrian Doicu ◽  
Alexandru Doicu ◽  
Dmitry Efremenko ◽  
Thomas Trautmann

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 3061
Yuhang Zhang ◽  
Aizhong Ye ◽  
Phu Nguyen ◽  
Bita Analui ◽  
Soroosh Sorooshian ◽  

Satellite precipitation estimates (SPEs) are promising alternatives to gauge observations for hydrological applications (e.g., streamflow simulation), especially in remote areas with sparse observation networks. However, the existing SPEs products are still biased due to imperfections in retrieval algorithms, data sources and post-processing, which makes the effective use of SPEs a challenge, especially at different spatial and temporal scales. In this study, we used a distributed hydrological model to evaluate the simulated discharge from eight quasi-global SPEs at different spatial scales and explored their potential scale effects of SPEs on a cascade of basins ranging from approximately 100 to 130,000 km2. The results indicate that, regardless of the difference in the accuracy of various SPEs, there is indeed a scale effect in their application in discharge simulation. Specifically, when the catchment area is larger than 20,000 km2, the overall performance of discharge simulation emerges an ascending trend with the increase of catchment area due to the river routing and spatial averaging. Whereas below 20,000 km2, the discharge simulation capability of the SPEs is more randomized and relies heavily on local precipitation accuracy. Our study also highlights the need to evaluate SPEs or other precipitation products (e.g., merge product or reanalysis data) not only at the limited station scale, but also at a finer scale depending on the practical application requirements. Here we have verified that the existing SPEs are scale-dependent in hydrological simulation, and they are not enough to be directly used in very fine scale distributed hydrological simulations (e.g., flash flood). More advanced retrieval algorithms, data sources and bias correction methods are needed to further improve the overall quality of SPEs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 4915-4928
Ralf Zuber ◽  
Ulf Köhler ◽  
Luca Egli ◽  
Mario Ribnitzky ◽  
Wolfgang Steinbrecht ◽  

Abstract. During the 2019/2020 measurement campaign at Hohenpeißenberg (Germany) and Davos (Switzerland) we compared the well-established Dobson and Brewer spectrometers (single- and double-monochromator Brewer) with newer BTS array-spectroradiometer-based systems in terms of total ozone column (TOC) determination. The aim of this study is to validate the BTS performance in a longer-term TOC analysis over more than 1 year with seasonal and weather influences. Two different BTS setups have been used – a fibre-coupled entrance optic version by PMOD/WRC called Koherent and a diffusor optic version from Gigahertz Optik GmbH called BTS-Solar, which proved to be simpler in terms of calibration. The array-spectrometer-based BTS systems have been calibrated with traceability to NMI, and both versions of TOC retrieval algorithms are based on spectral measurements in the range of 305 to 350 nm instead of single-wavelength or wavelength pair measurements as per Brewer or Dobson. The two BTS-based systems, however, used fundamentally different retrieval algorithms for the TOC assessment, whereby the retrieval of the BTS-Solar turned out to achieve significantly smaller seasonal drifts. The intercomparison showed a difference of the BTS-Solar to Brewers of < 0.1 % with an expanded standard deviation (k=2) of < 1.5 % over the whole measurement campaign. Koherent showed a difference of 1.7 % with an expanded standard deviation (k=2) of 2.7 % mostly caused by a significant seasonal variation. To summarize, the BTS-Solar performed at the level of Brewers in the comparison in Hohenpeißenberg. The BTS-Solar showed very small dependence on the slant path column compared to the double-monochromator Brewer and performed better than the single-monochromator Brewer. Koherent showed a strong seasonal variation in Davos due to the sensitivity of its ozone retrieval algorithm to stratospheric temperature.

2021 ◽  
Jussi Leinonen ◽  
Jacopo Grazioli ◽  
Berne Alexis

Abstract. This paper presents a method named 3D-GAN, based on a generative adversarial network (GAN), to retrieve the total mass, 3D structure and the internal mass distribution of snowflakes. The method uses as input a triplet of binary silhouettes of particles, corresponding to the triplet of stereoscopic images of snowflakes in free fall captured by a Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera (MASC). 3D-GAN is trained on simulated snowflakes of known characteristics whose silhouettes are statistically similar to real MASC observations and it is evaluated by means of snowflake replicas printed in 3D at 1 : 1 scale. The estimation of mass obtained by 3D-GAN has a normalized RMSE (NRMSE) of 40 %, a mean normalized bias (MNB) of 8 % and largely outperforms standard relationships based on maximum size and compactness. The volume of the convex hull of the particles is retrieved with MNRSE of 35 % and MNB of +19 %. In order to illustrate the potential of 3D-GAN to study snowfall microphysics and highlight its complementarity with existing retrieval algorithms, some application examples and ideas are provided, using as showcases the large available datasets of MASC images collected worldwide during various field campaigns. The combination of mass estimates (from 3D-GAN) and hydrometeor classification or riming degree estimation (from independent methods) allows for example to obtain mass-to-size power law parameters stratified on hydrometeor type or riming degree. The parameters obtained in this way are consistent with previous findings, with exponents overall around 2 and increasing with the degree of riming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 4829-4856
Susanne Crewell ◽  
Kerstin Ebell ◽  
Patrick Konjari ◽  
Mario Mech ◽  
Tatiana Nomokonova ◽  

Abstract. Water vapor is an important component in the water and energy cycle of the Arctic. Especially in light of Arctic amplification, changes in water vapor are of high interest but are difficult to observe due to the data sparsity of the region. The ACLOUD/PASCAL campaigns performed in May/June 2017 in the Arctic North Atlantic sector offers the opportunity to investigate the quality of various satellite and reanalysis products. Compared to reference measurements at R/V Polarstern frozen into the ice (around 82∘ N, 10∘ E) and at Ny-Ålesund, the integrated water vapor (IWV) from Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) L2PPFv6 shows the best performance among all satellite products. Using all radiosonde stations within the region indicates some differences that might relate to different radiosonde types used. Atmospheric river events can cause rapid IWV changes by more than a factor of 2 in the Arctic. Despite the relatively dense sampling by polar-orbiting satellites, daily means can deviate by up to 50 % due to strong spatio-temporal IWV variability. For monthly mean values, this weather-induced variability cancels out, but systematic differences dominate, which particularly appear over different surface types, e.g., ocean and sea ice. In the data-sparse central Arctic north of 84∘ N, strong differences of 30 % in IWV monthly means between satellite products occur in the month of June, which likely result from the difficulties in considering the complex and changing surface characteristics of the melting ice within the retrieval algorithms. There is hope that the detailed surface characterization performed as part of the recently finished Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) will foster the improvement of future retrieval algorithms.

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