syntactic features
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The emergence of online education helps improving the traditional English teaching quality greatly. However, it only moves the teaching process from offline to online, which does not really change the essence of traditional English teaching. In this work, we mainly study an intelligent English teaching method to further improve the quality of English teaching. Specifically, the random forest is firstly used to analyze and excavate the grammatical and syntactic features of the English text. Then, the decision tree based method is proposed to make a prediction about the English text in terms of its grammar or syntax issues. The evaluation results indicate that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of English grammar or syntax recognition.

М. Д. Чертыкова

Статья посвящена описанию феномена тюркско - монгольской лексемы ада, пока ещё спорной в плане исторической принадлежности, обладающей гибкостью и сложностью семантической структуры. В монгольских и якутском языках ад (также адьарай/ажарай) является полноценной единицей с обобщённой семантикой «демон, злой дух». В тюркских языках слово ада действует как компонент междометных конструкций, имеющих семантические, грамматические и синтаксические особенности. Ада в них полностью десемантизировался, сохранив свои грамматические свойства. Конструкции с ада выражают различные эмоции: удивление, восторг, восхищение и т. д. Лингвоспецифичность хакасских междометных конструкций заключается в том, что они представляют собой реакцию говорящего на чьё - либо высказывание, оцененное как абсурдное, недостоверное. The article is devoted to the description of the phenomenon of the Turkic-Mongolian lexeme of hell, which is still controversial in terms of historical affiliation, and has a flexible and complex semantic structure. In the Mongolian and Yakut languages, ad (also adyaray / azharay) is a full - fledged unit with the generalized semantics of 'demon, evil spirit'. In the Turkic languages, word ada acts as a component of interjective constructions that have semantic, grammatical and syntactic features. Ada in them is completely desemanticized, retaining its grammatical properties. Constructions with ada express various emotions: surprise, delight, admiration, etc. The linguistic specificity of Khakass interjective constructions is that they represent a speaker's reaction to someone's statement, evaluated as absurd, unreliable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-68
Dragana Vuković Vojnović

In this paper, we investigate the main characteristics underlying noun + noun collocations in the English and Serbian language of tourism. Their morpho-syntactic, semantic and communicative features are contrasted and compared in the two languages. Firstly, we compiled two comparable corpora in English and Serbian from the tourism websites of Great Britain and Serbia. Based on their normalized frequencies per 10,000 words, key noun + noun collocations were extracted, using TermoStat Web 3.0 and AntConc. The results showed certain similarities in terms of the prevailing topics in the two corpora, based on the analysis of key noun + noun collocations. However, we found major differences in the two languages in terms of their morpho-syntactic features, communicative focus and the relationship of the collocates. The results of the study have implications for English for Tourism education, tourism discourse studies, language typology and lexicography.

Hilola M. Sotvaldieva ◽  

This article examines the widespread use of lexical and expressive means in proverbs to express their nationality and convey their meanings more clearly. This article discusses syntactic peculiarities of proverbs. Widely using of expressive means in proverbs let us to give their meanings more brightly. The syntactic features of proverbs are supported by lexical and euphonic expressive means. The artistic form of proverbs has evolved over the centuries. F.I. Buslaev very aptly said about this: "The proverb was created by the mutual forces of sounds and thought" [1.1]. Proverbs are "as it were, defended formulas of people's observations and reflections" [1.2].

Boban Arsenijević

The present paper argues for a view of gender agreement without either grammatical or natural gender being represented as syntactic features. Rather than deriving declension classes in terms of realisation, I postulate them as the only relevant feature that is lexically specified on the noun. Agreement copies the declension class and triggers presuppositions. When these presuppositions clash with those already active in the discourse, default agreement is realised. The paper moreover provides a quantitative analysis of semantic correlates of declension classes and a novel analysis of SC declension classes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
Nargiza Ergashbayevna Yuldasheva ◽  
Sanobar Tursunboyevna Yusupova ◽  
Mukhtorjon Yakubovich Bakhtiyarov ◽  
Malika Abduvaitovna Abdujabborova ◽  
Nilufar Abdurashidovna Abdurashidova

This article describes compound nouns in English and Uzbek, their specific pragmatic aspects. Although the problem of compound nouns in linguistics has been studied by many linguists, there are many unsolved problems in comparing compound words in languages ??and analyzing them from a pragmalinguistic point of view. The compound word, which has a special place in the richness of language vocabulary, is in fact a convenient way of naming in simple terms the concepts of events that take place in reality, of existing objects. Hence, it can be concluded that the study of semantic, grammatical and syntactic features of language alone is not enough. As a result, the field of "pragmatics" has found its place in linguistics, having its own goals and objectives. In addition, the article also uses analysis from examples from the literature to reveal the pragmatic nature of compound words. However, scientific examples have shown that no sign is a leading factor in determining the nature of compound words.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-80
Amy Rose Deal

Abstract The person-case constraint (PCC) is a family of restrictions on the relative person of the two objects of a ditransitive. PCC effects offer a testing ground for theories of the Agree operation and of syntactic features, both those on nominals and (of special interest here) those found on agreement probes. In this paper, I offer a new theory of PCC effects in an interaction/satisfaction theory of Agree (Deal 2015a) and show the advantages of this framework in capturing PCC typology. On this model, probes are specified for interaction features, determining which features will be copied to them, and satisfaction features, determining which features will cause probing to stop. Applied to PCC, this theory (i) captures all four types of PCC effect recognized by Nevins (2007) under a unified notion of Agree; (ii) captures the restriction of PCC effects to contexts of “Double Weakness” in many prominent examples, e.g. in Italian, Greek, and Basque, where PCC effects hold only in cases where both the direct and indirect object are expressed with clitics; (iii) naturally extends to PCC effects in syntactic environments without visible clitics or agreement for one or both objects, as well as the absence of PCC effects in some languages with clitics or agreement for both the direct and indirect object. Two refinements of the interaction/satisfaction theory are offered. The first is a new notation for probes’ interaction and satisfaction specifications, clarifying the absence from this theory of uninterpretable/unvalued features as drivers of Agree. The second is a proposal for the way that probes’ behavior may change over the course of a derivation, dubbed dynamic interaction.

Jon Ramos Feijoo ◽  
María del Pilar García Mayo

Abstract Several studies in the area of third language acquisition (L3A) have considered various factors influencing this process, but the effect of language dominance has not been thoroughly examined. The main goal of this study is to investigate whether the acquisition of relative clauses (RCs) in L3 English is influenced by language internal factors, such as the syntactic features of the target language, or by external factors in the form of cross-linguistic influence (CLI). A total of 90 participants (40 Spanish-dominant, 40 Basque-dominant, 10 L1 Spanish-L2 English) and 10 native speakers of English completed a production and a comprehension task. Findings show that the L3 learners’ production of RCs seems to be driven by language internal factors, whereas their comprehension appears to be influenced by their previously acquired languages, mainly by Spanish. It is concluded that neither language dominance nor other traditionally considered factors play a determinant role in the acquisition of RCs in L3 English by these participants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (6) ◽  
pp. 55-65
D. A. Romanov

The article aims to reveal N. A. Nekrasov’s linguopoetic innovations which underpinned the evolution of the subsequent Russian poetry. Various lexical layers of Nekrasov’s lyrical poetry and their formation against a background of the literary Russian language dynamics in the 1850–70s are analysed. The research outlines the major poetic themes of Nekrasov’s poetry, its linguistic content, and compositional development. The paper also devotes attention to the poet’s metrics and versification (in accordance with M. L. Gasparov’s theory concerning the relationship between metre and meaning). Additionally, specific syntactic features of Nekrasov’s poems, their emotional content, and pathos are revealed. N. A. Nekrasov’s thematic, linguistic, and compositional discoveries are compared with various poetic movements in the Russian poetry at the end of the XIXth and in XXth centuries. Besides the observation of the text, lexical semantic and stylistic analysis, the research also exploits the statistical and linguochronological potential of the Russian National Corpus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-101
Mirosław Jankowiak

The aim of the article is to present contemporary Belarusian dialects in south-eastern Lithuania (in the Vilnius region), which have been the subject of linguistic research but not comprehensive. The basis of the analysis is mainly the author’s own materials, materials taped by other dialectologists and dictionary entitled Слоўнік беларускіх гаворак паўночна-заходняй Беларусі і яе пагранічча. The structure of these Belarusian dialects (selected features in phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary and phraseology) as well as the sociolinguistic aspect of their use in a multilingual environment are demonstrated in this article. The analysis of the collected material shows that the structure of Belarusian dialects in the study area is well-preserved. Belarusian dialectologists regard the Belarusian dialect in Vilnius Region as a south-western dialect, which should be described in detail. In the statement of interlocutors, one can note the phonetic, morphological and syntactic features typical for: the south-western dialect, the Central Belarusian subdialects, the Grodno-Baranavichy group of the south-western dialect and the two so-called dialectal zones: western and north-western. Local Belarusian dialects have been influenced by Baltic and Polish for hundreds of years and we can notice numerous borrowings from these and their dialects.

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