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Daniel Tobias Michaeli ◽  
Hasan Basri Yagmur ◽  
Timur Achmadeev ◽  
Thomas Michaeli

Abstract Objectives This study evaluates the association of Biopharma company valuation with the lead drug’s development stage, orphan status, number of indications, and disease area. We also estimated annual returns Bioentrepreneurs and investors can expect from founding and investing in drug development ventures. Methods SDC Thomson Reuter and S&P Capital IQ were screened for majority acquisitions of US and EU Biopharma companies developing new molecular entities for prescription use (SIC code: 2834). Acquisition data were complemented with drug characteristics extracted from, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and deal announcements. Thereafter, company valuations were combined with previously published clinical development periods alongside orphan-, indication-, and disease-specific success rates to estimate annual returns for investments in drug developing companies. Results Based on a sample of 311 Biopharma acquisitions from 2005 to 2020, companies developing orphan, multi-indication, and oncology drugs were valued significantly higher than their peers during later development stages (p < 0.05). We also estimated significantly higher returns for shareholders of companies with orphan relative to non-orphan-designated lead drugs from Phase 1 to FDA approval (46% vs. 12%, p < 0.001). Drugs developed across multiple indications also provided higher returns than single-indication agents from Pre-Clinic to FDA approval (21% vs. 11%, p < 0.001). Returns for oncology drugs exceeded other disease areas (26% vs. 8%, p < 0.001). Conclusions Clinical and economic conditions surrounding orphan-designated drugs translate to a favorable financial risk-return profile for Bioentrepreneurs and investors. Bioentrepreneurs must be aware of the upside real option value their multi-indication drug could offer when negotiating acquisition or licensing agreements.

Mia Hakovirta ◽  
Merita Mesiäislehto

Abstract With increasing trends in divorce, separation and multi-partner fertility, more families have become subject to child support policies. This paper explores child support receipt in 21 European countries using 2017–2018 European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions data. We investigated: (1) cross-country differences in the prevalence and amount of child support received and (2) the determinants of child support receipt among lone mothers across countries. We found that the proportion of lone-mother families receiving child support ranged from 16 per cent in Luxembourg to 75 per cent in the Czech Republic, with large variations in the amount of child support received. Our results suggested that the socioeconomic characteristics of lone mothers, including marital status, education, employment status, number of children and income, were associated with the likelihood of receiving child support in most countries but these associations varied significantly across countries.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1339-1366
Arturo Realyvásquez-Vargas ◽  
Emigdio Z-Flores ◽  
Lilia-Cristina Morales ◽  
Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz

This chapter aims to know the mental workload level and its effects on middle and senior managers in manufacturing companies. The chapter aims to know the mental workload level related to gender, age range, civil status, number of children, years of experience, and worked hours per week. As method, the NASA-TLX method was implemented. This method measures mental workload based on six dimensions: mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, effort, performance, and frustration level. Data was collected by applying an online questionnaire. Results indicated that some dimensions contributed to mental workload in the following decreasing order: mental demand, temporal demand, effort, performance, frustration level, and physical demand. Similarly, results from mental workload level varied from 55.73 to 64.10. Nevertheless, there was no clear relationship between the gender, age range, civil status, number of children, years of experience, worked hours per week, and mental workload level. Finally, employees manifested mental workload mainly due to stress, mental fatigue, and headache.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 319
Salih Tutku Yaylacı ◽  
Çisem Ünlü

This study is conducted to determine the effect of the sport activities on the self-confidence levels of 13-14 year-olds. Self-confidence formation starts especially at ages of 13-14 and affects the success of the individuals. Therefore, whether sport activities have any effects on self-confidence and whether the demographic characteristics affect self-confidence are analyzed in our study. Total of 272 individuals, 159 individuals participating in sport activities and 113 individuals not participating in sport activities at Ilkadım, Carsamba and Bafra Youth Centers providing services under the scope of the sport activities by the Samsun Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate in the season of 2018-2019 have participated voluntarily in this study. In this research, survey method among the methods used in applied research is preferred. As the data collection tool, a survey form consisting of two sections is used. In the first section the ‘Personal Information Form’ prepared by the researcher is used. In the personal information form, demographic information as father’s employment status, mother’s employment status, mother and father’s marital status, number of siblings and familial income status are included. In the second section, the ‘Self-confidence scale’ developed by Akın (2007) is used. Acquired data is tested at 95% confidence level with the aid of SPSS program and the significance level is determined as 0.05. In the light of the date in the study, before the statistical analysis was begun, normality assumption and homogeneity tests are applied, as the result of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene tests conducted it is determined that the data has normal distribution (p > 0.05). As the data shows normal distribution, it is decided to conduct parametric analysis. In comparison of the groups, independent sample t-test and one way ANOVA analyses are used. According to the acquired data and the analyses conducted, as the result of comparison of the Internal and External Self-confidence scores of the individuals participating in the sport activities according to the father’s employment status, mother’s employment status, mother and father’s marital status, number of siblings and familial income status, it is concluded that there is no significant differences. Whereas in the gender variable, while there is no significant difference in the Internal Self-confidence sub dimension, in the External Self-confidence sub dimension it is found out that the males have significantly higher scores compared to the females. Also it is seen that the self-confidence levels of individuals participating in sport activities are statistically higher than the ones who do not participate in the sport activities (p < 0.05).

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 843-850
Ilham Praditya ◽  
Rosmeli Rosmeli ◽  
Selamet Rahmadi

The first purpose determines the social and economic characteristics of Gojek drivers in Jambi City and the income distribution of Gojek drivers in Jambi City. The data analysis method used in this research is the quantitative method. Types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques through interviews and questionnaires. The data that has been collected is processed by quantitative analysis and Gini Ratio, which is then presented in the form of descriptive analysis. Based on the results of the research, the social and economic characteristics of Gojek drivers in the city of Jambi include gender, age, education, marital status, number of dependents, working hours, work experience, work status, number of passengers, and income of Gojek drivers for one month. Gojek Driver's income distribution in Jambi City is low inequality. The results of the Gini analysis of the Gojek Driver's income ratio show the number 0.14. Meanwhile, the Lorenz curve shows that it is located not far from the diagonal or equalization line.

Daniel Puciato ◽  
Michał Rozpara ◽  
Marek Bugdol ◽  
Tadeusz Borys ◽  
Teresa Słaby

Background: Quality of life is one of the most important conceptual categories in many scientific fields and socio-economic practices. In the authors’ opinion, the assessment of the overall quality of life and the health-related quality of life of private entrepreneurs deserves particular attention. Until now, quality of life and its determinants in entrepreneurs have been investigated by few authors. The aim of this study was to identify and assess the key determinants of quality of life and its health-related aspects in entrepreneurs from Wroclaw, Poland. Methods: A questionnaire survey was carried out in a group of 616 entrepreneurs selected from among 4332 individuals (2276 women, 2056 men) who had participated in a study on the socioeconomic determinants of quality of life and physical activity of Wrocław residents of working age. The main research method was a diagnostic survey using S-ES and WHOQOL BREF questionnaires. Information was obtained on respondents’ quality of life and perceived health condition, as well as sex, age, education, marital status, number of people in the household, income per capita, savings, and indebtedness. The collected data were subjected to statistical analysis using numerical distribution, medians, and quartile deviation. Crude and adjusted odds ratios were used to assess relationships between entrepreneurs’ quality of life and socioeconomic status. Results: Over 66% of Wroclaw entrepreneurs rated their overall quality of life as average or above average and about 34% as below average. An average or above assessment of perceived health condition was provided by 71% of respondents, and below average by 29% of respondents. Health-related quality of life was assessed as average or above average in the environmental domain by 79%, physical domain by 77%, social domain by 65%, and psychological domain by 58% of the entrepreneurs. Among the respondents significant correlations were found between quality of life and perceived health condition; family status, i.e., marital status; number of persons in the household; and financial status, i.e., per capita income, savings, and debt. Conclusions: The results of this study can be used for managing the quality of life of entrepreneurs. Quality of life determinants should be constantly updated, as they may change along with further economic development and Poland’s economic convergence with better developed EU countries.

2021 ◽  
Md Irteja Islam ◽  
Verity Chadwick ◽  
Alexandra Martiniuk

Background Testing has played a crucial role in reducing the spread of COVID. Although COVID symptoms tend to be less severe in children and adolescents, a key concern is young peoples role in the transmission of the virus given their highly social lifestyles. In this study, we aimed to identify the predictors associated with COVID testing in Australian youth using data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC). Methods We used the latest wave 9C1 of the LSAC, where data were collected from 16 to 21 year olds Australians via an online survey between October and December 2021. In total, 2291 Australian youths responded to the questions about COVID testing and COVID symptom severity. Data were stratified by living with/without parents, and bivariate and logistic regression analyses examined predictor variables (age, sex, country of birth, remoteness, education level, employment, relationship status, number of household members, living with parents, receiving the COVID financial supplement from government and index of relative socio-economic advantage and disadvantage) and their distributions over the outcome variable COVID testing. Results Youths aged between 16 to 17 years were more likely to live at home than youths aged between 20 and 21 years. The strongest predictor of COVID testing was living in major cities (regardless of living with or without parents). The changed household composition was significantly associated with COVID testing among the youths living in the parental home. While among the respondents living without their parents, living with multiple household members and low or no cohesion among household members was associated with higher rates of COVID testing. Conclusion Our study revealed young people have been very good at getting tested for COVID. To further incentivise testing in this age group, we should consider providing this age group with continued financial and social support while awaiting the outcome of the test and during any isolation.

David Blake ◽  
Edmund Cannon ◽  
Douglas Wright

AbstractWe quantify differences in attitudes to loss from individuals with different demographic, personal and socio-economic characteristics. Our data are based on responses from an online survey of a representative sample of over 4000 UK residents and allow us to produce the most comprehensive analysis of the heterogeneity of loss aversion measures to date. Using the canonical model proposed by Tversky and Kahneman (1992), we show that responses for the population as a whole differ substantially from those typically provided by students (who form the basis of many existing studies of loss aversion). The average aversion to a loss of £500 relative to a gain of the same amount is 2.41, but loss aversion correlates significantly with characteristics such as gender, age, education, financial knowledge, social class, employment status, management responsibility, income, savings and home ownership. Other related factors include marital status, number of children, ease of savings, rainy day fund, personality type, emotional state, newspaper and political party. However, once we condition on all the profiling characteristics of the respondents, some factors, in particular gender, cease to be significant, suggesting that gender differences in risk and loss attitudes might be due to other factors, such as income differences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-30
Hatice Düzakın ◽  
Süreyya Yılmaz

The main objective of this study was to explain individuals’ financial literacy levels through socioeconomic and demographic variables. A random sample of 1000 participants was recruited from Turkey. As an indicator of the financial literacy level, a measure with three constructs was adopted: financial attitude, financial behaviour and financial knowledge. Logit model was estimated from these explanatory variables: gender, age, marital status, number of family members, education, income, number of persons with income, household income and working conditions. In the logit model results, the effect of gender, age and education was statistically significant and positive. The results emphasized that there is a relationship between financial literacy level and gender, age and education. Additionally, the results of this study indicated that the level of financial literacy is 52.9% in Turkey.

2021 ◽  
pp. 45-57
Nurkhalida Suut ◽  
Aainaa Nasha Mohamad Azlan ◽  
Siti Jamilah Jamaluddin Jugah ◽  
Chuong Hock Ting ◽  
Nurul Husna Syaffa Amin ◽  

The Malaysian government announced the lockdown measures following the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in mid-March 2020. This action unavoidably led to economic instability and negative psychological effects. The present study examines perceived financial threats and psychological impacts on Sarawak adults during lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic. Data from 336 respondents were collected from all divisions in Sarawak using an online self-reported questionnaire that included sociodemographic, the Financial Threat Scale (FTS), and the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales 21 (DASS-21). Results showed that perceived financial threat was associated with the employment sector, the number of children, and the change in income during the lockdown period. Almost half (47.9%) of the respondents perceived moderate-to-severe financial threat, particularly self-employed persons and those who had reduced income during the lockdown. Negative psychological effects were found to be associated with the employment sector, marital status, number of children, and number of liabilities. In general, people who perceived severe financial threats were significantly associated with severe levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. The study provided some insights into the urgent need to build on strategic plans to mitigate the economic and psychological crisis for the affected communities.

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