physical demand
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 333-338
Muhammad Qurthuby

Giving excessive workloads causes work stress both physically and psychologically and emotional reactions. The excess workload experienced by drivers and swampers at PT XYZ results in reduced attention at work, decreased work motivation, and decreased skill levels, thus affecting drivers and swampers productivity and the chance of a work accident is very high. This study aims to measure the Mental Workload of Job Driver and Swampers Fuel Tank Using the NASA-TLX Method. The NASA-TLX score obtained 93.8, driver 2  get 83.7, driver 3  91.3, swamper 1  91, swamper 2 89.5, and swamper 3 94.7. Elements of mental workload that are very influential are Mental Demand with a percentage of 22%, Effort 20%, Physical Demand 18%, Own Performance 15%, Frustation Level 15% and Temporal Demand 12%.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1339-1366
Arturo Realyvásquez-Vargas ◽  
Emigdio Z-Flores ◽  
Lilia-Cristina Morales ◽  
Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz

This chapter aims to know the mental workload level and its effects on middle and senior managers in manufacturing companies. The chapter aims to know the mental workload level related to gender, age range, civil status, number of children, years of experience, and worked hours per week. As method, the NASA-TLX method was implemented. This method measures mental workload based on six dimensions: mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, effort, performance, and frustration level. Data was collected by applying an online questionnaire. Results indicated that some dimensions contributed to mental workload in the following decreasing order: mental demand, temporal demand, effort, performance, frustration level, and physical demand. Similarly, results from mental workload level varied from 55.73 to 64.10. Nevertheless, there was no clear relationship between the gender, age range, civil status, number of children, years of experience, worked hours per week, and mental workload level. Finally, employees manifested mental workload mainly due to stress, mental fatigue, and headache.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 90-102
Dinda Amelia Wahyuningrum ◽  
Yuri Delano Regent Montororing ◽  
Denny Siregar

Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi beban kerja mental operator SPBU XYZ dengan menggunakan kuesioner National Aeronautic and Space Administration–Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) dan perhitungan tingkat kelelahan kerja untuk menganalisis tingginya beban kerja mental pada operator SPBU. Perhitungan tingkat kelelahan kerja menggunakan metode Subjective Self Rating Test (SSRT) dari kuesioner Industrial Fatigue Research Committee (IFRC). Upaya yang dilakukan untuk menurunkan tingkat beban kerja mental operator, dilakukan dengan menghitung waktu standar dengan menggunakan metode Stopwatch Time Study. Hasil perhitungan beban kerja mental operator SPBU menunjukkan beban kerja mental yang didapatkan operator berlebih dengan total rata-rata sebesar 77,35. Dimana indikator beban kerja mental yang memiliki skor tertinggi yaitu effort, temporal demand, dan physical demand. Dan hasil perhitungan tingkat kelelahan kerja operator 37,75 dengan klasifikasi kelelahan sedang. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan waktu standar, terjadi penyesuaian waktu kerja. Dimana waktu siklus rata-rata kerja sebelumnya 8,24 menit menjadi 12,29 menit. Penyesuaian waktu kerja merupakan persentase penurunan 3 indikator tertinggi beban kerja mental operator. Setalah dilakukan perhitungan untuk menurunkan beban kerja mental, skor akhir yang didapatkan adalah 52,30 dengan klasifikasi beban kerja mental optimal load dan kenaikan persentase utilitas stasiun pengisian bahan bakar sebesar 32%.

Jurnal Tekno ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-89
Rida Zuraida ◽  
Monika Nadya Aprillia

PT. Telkom Indonesia merupakan salah satu penyelenggara layanan telepon dan internet di Indonesia. Masih terdapat banyak sekolah yang belum memiliki fasilitas internet, sehingga PT. Telkom melakukan edukasi dan penawaran fasillitas ini. PT. Telkom di Bogor yaitu divisi BGES (Business, Government, Enterprise) merupakan divisi yang menawarkan layanan ini. Banyaknya jumlah sekolah yang belum memiliki fasilitas internet di Bogor serta luasnya area layanan, mendorong penelitian mengenai beban kerja mental karyawan di divisi ini. Penilaian beban kerja dilakukan pada 12 karyawan di bagian Account  Manager (AM) Government, AM Pro, dan AM organik menggunakan metoda NASA-TLX. Hasilnya adalah beban kerja pada ketiga bagian AM tersebut dikategorikan tinggi. Dari lima dimensi beban kerja mental, hanya Physical Demand (PD) yang dikategorikan sedang, sisanya yaitu Mental Demand (MD), Temporal Demand (TD), Performance (P), Frustration level (FR) dikategorikan tinggi. Penambahan karyawan, pengaturan jadwal visit ke konsumen, dan keluar kota dapat dilakukan untuk menyeimbangkan beban kerja yang dirasakan karyawan saat ini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Martin Bies ◽  
Mirjam Cvetič ◽  
Ron Donagi ◽  
Muyang Liu ◽  
Marielle Ong

Abstract Motivated by the appearance of fractional powers of line bundles in studies of vector-like spectra in 4d F-theory compactifications, we analyze the structure and origin of these bundles. Fractional powers of line bundles are also known as root bundles and can be thought of as generalizations of spin bundles. We explain how these root bundles are linked to inequivalent F-theory gauge potentials of a G4-flux.While this observation is interesting in its own right, it is particularly valuable for F-theory Standard Model constructions. In aiming for MSSMs, it is desired to argue for the absence of vector-like exotics. We work out the root bundle constraints on all matter curves in the largest class of currently-known F-theory Standard Model constructions without chiral exotics and gauge coupling unification. On each matter curve, we conduct a systematic “bottom”-analysis of all solutions to the root bundle constraints and all spin bundles. Thereby, we derive a lower bound for the number of combinations of root bundles and spin bundles whose cohomologies satisfy the physical demand of absence of vector-like pairs.On a technical level, this systematic study is achieved by a well-known diagrammatic description of root bundles on nodal curves. We extend this description by a counting procedure, which determines the cohomologies of so-called limit root bundles on full blow-ups of nodal curves. By use of deformation theory, these results constrain the vector-like spectra on the smooth matter curves in the actual F-theory geometry.

2021 ◽  
pp. 103279
Milad Sadat-Mohammadi ◽  
Shahrad Shakerian ◽  
Yizhi Liu ◽  
Somayeh Asadi ◽  
Houtan Jebelli

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 1154-1154
Raymundo Cervantes ◽  
Daniel W Lopez-Hernandez ◽  
Winter Olmos ◽  
Amy Bichlmeier ◽  
Rachel A Rugh-Fraser ◽  

Abstract Introduction We examined the impact of perceived workload and depressive symptoms on Rey-15 plus recognition (RMT) in ethnic minority participants with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods The sample consisted of 63 healthy comparison [HC: 38 with ethnic minority status (EM) & 25 non-ethnic minority Caucasian (NEM)] participants and 40 persons with TBI (18 EM; 22 NEM). The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale to measure depressive symptoms (HADS-D) and the NASA-Task Load Index (NASA TLX) to measure perceived workload. Results ANCOVAs revealed that NEM outperformed EM on the RMT, p = 0.000, ηp2 = 0.37. TBI survivors reported higher levels of HADS-D compared to HC participants, p = 0.018, ηp2 = 0.06. Additionally, the EM group reported higher levels of frustration on the RMT compared to NEMs, p = 0.033, ηp2 = 0.05. Interactions emerged for physical demand where NEM participant’s with TBI had higher ratings than EM participants with TBI. For HCs, the EM participants provided higher physical demand ratings than their NEM counterparts, p = 0.029, ηp2 = 0.05. Additionally, a significant relationship between HADS-D and RMT was observed in the healthy NEM participants (r = −0.558, p = 0.004) and NEM participants with TBI (r = −0.288, p = 0.080). Finally, significant relationships between HADS-D and mental demand, physical demand, temporal demand, frustration, and overall subjective workload were observed in healthy EM participants, r = 0.342–0.431, p < 0.05. Conclusion Consistent with previous research, TBI survivors reported higher levels of depressive symptoms, which were associated with RMT performances. Overall, our data suggest the relationship between perceived workload, depression, and performance is complex and that investigators should interpret performance validity scores in person with TBI, depression, and/or EM status with great care.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (10) ◽  
pp. 3398
Enzo Hollville ◽  
Antoine Couturier ◽  
Gaël Guilhem ◽  
Giuseppe Rabita

While the Player Load is a widely-used parameter for physical demand quantification using wearable accelerometers, its calculation is subjected to potential errors related to rotational changes of the reference frame. The aims of this study were (i) to assess the concurrent validity of accelerometry-based Player Load against force plates; (ii) to validate a novel metric, the Accel’Rate overcoming this theoretical issue. Twenty-one recreational athlete males instrumented with two triaxial accelerometers positioned at the upper and lower back performed running-based locomotor movements at low and high intensity over six in-series force plates. We examined the validity of the Player Load and the Accel’Rate by using force plates. Standard error of the estimate was small to moderate for all tested conditions (Player Load: 0.45 to 0.87; Accel’Rate: 0.25 to 0.95). Accel’Rate displayed trivial to small mean biases (−1.0 to 6.1 a.u.) while the Player Load displayed systematic very large to extremely large mean biases (17.1 to 226.0 a.u.). These findings demonstrate a better concurrent validity of the Accel’Rate compared to the Player Load. This metric could be used to improve the estimation of whole-body mechanical load, easily accessible in sport training and competition settings.

2021 ◽  
Valentin Holzwarth ◽  
Johannes Schneider ◽  
Joshua Handali ◽  
Joy Gisler ◽  
Christian Hirt ◽  

AbstractInferring users’ perceptions of Virtual Environments (VEs) is essential for Virtual Reality (VR) research. Traditionally, this is achieved through assessing users’ affective states before and after being exposed to a VE, based on standardized, self-assessment questionnaires. The main disadvantage of questionnaires is their sequential administration, i.e., a user’s affective state is measured asynchronously to its generation within the VE. A synchronous measurement of users’ affective states would be highly favorable, e.g., in the context of adaptive systems. Drawing from nonverbal behavior research, we argue that behavioral measures could be a powerful approach to assess users’ affective states in VR. In this paper, we contribute by providing methods and measures evaluated in a user study involving 42 participants to assess a users’ affective states by measuring head movements during VR exposure. We show that head yaw significantly correlates with presence, mental and physical demand, perceived performance, and system usability. We also exploit the identified relationships for two practical tasks that are based on head yaw: (1) predicting a user’s affective state, and (2) detecting manipulated questionnaire answers, i.e., answers that are possibly non-truthful. We found that affective states can be predicted significantly better than a naive estimate for mental demand, physical demand, perceived performance, and usability. Further, manipulated or non-truthful answers can also be estimated significantly better than by a naive approach. These findings mark an initial step in the development of novel methods to assess user perception of VEs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (Spl-1- GCSGD_2020) ◽  
pp. S85-S94
Chong Li Chi ◽  
Vinodhkumar Ramalingam ◽  

The present study reported the challenges faced by the physiotherapist during prosthesis rehabilitation in Malaysia. Mortality due to lower limb amputation is a concern in recent days that can be improved by providing proper rehabilitation. However, challenges faced by the physiotherapist during rehabilitation are expected to affect the effectiveness of the rehabilitation. Hence, it is important to identify the possible challenges faced by the physiotherapist during prosthesis rehabilitation to take the necessary precautions for better outcomes. A total of 200 Malaysian physiotherapists who have experience in rehabilitating amputees were selected to participate in this online survey. The participants were requested to complete a self-administered electronic questionnaire containing 20 questions. The present study reported a few challenges faced by the physiotherapists in Malaysia during prosthesis rehabilitation such as “encountering patient that refuse to perform exercises is common” (77%), encountered high physical demand (81.5%), encountering language barriers (48.5%), patients often encounter difficulty in assessing health service (63.5%) and encountering prosthesis problems (67%). The barriers were inconsistent and complex, including patient factors, healthcare provider’s factors, environmental factors, other factors. The study has highlighted challenges faced by the physiotherapists during prosthesis rehabilitation to raise awareness among physiotherapists and at the same time create ideas for specific health care practitioners to overcome the barriers, therefore shortening the length of rehabilitation and enhancing the effectiveness of the rehabilitation to lower the mortality.

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