shelf wave
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2021 ◽  
Ariel Tremayne Thomas ◽  
Jan von Harten ◽  
Tomi Adriansyah Jusri ◽  
Sönke Reiche ◽  
Florian Wellmann

Abstract Continental shelves around the globe are hosts to vast reservoirs of offshore freshened groundwater. These systems show considerable complexity, often as a function of the geological heterogeneity. Data needed to characterise these systems are often sparse, and numerical models rely on generalized simplifications of the geological environment. In order to improve our understanding of these systems, it is necessary to implement modeling approaches that can produce large-scale geologically representative models using sparse data. We present an interdisciplinary stochastic modeling workflow incorporating borehole data, 2D depth-migrated seismic profiles, seismic attributes, and prior knowledge of the depositional setting. We generate a conditioned Gaussian field of porosity on the New Jersey shelf. We also perform a petrophysical conversion to a corresponding permeability distribution. The model dimensions are 134 km x 69 km x 1.7 km, with an adjustable resolution that can be adapted for process-based models of flow and solute transport. The integrated approach successfully translates small-scale porosity variations to a shelf-scale model that honors key characteristics of the New Jersey shelf wave-dominated depositional environment. The model was generated using open-source packages. All data and code to reproduce the complete workflow are provided along with this study so the model can be reproduced at any resolution for further studies of continental shelf processes offshore New Jersey.

2021 ◽  
Vol 927 ◽  
Matthew N. Crowe ◽  
Edward R. Johnson

A coastal eddy is modelled as a barotropic vortex propagating along a coastal shelf. If the vortex speed matches the phase speed of any coastal trapped shelf wave modes, a shelf wave wake is generated leading to a flux of energy from the vortex into the wave field. Using a simple shelf geometry, we determine analytic expressions for the wave wake and the leading-order flux of wave energy. By considering the balance of energy between the vortex and wave field, this energy flux is then used to make analytic predictions for the evolution of the vortex speed and radius under the assumption that the vortex structure remains self-similar. These predictions are examined in the asymptotic limit of small rotation rate and shelf slope and tested against numerical simulations. If the vortex speed does not match the phase speed of any shelf wave, steady vortex solutions are expected to exist. We present a numerical approach for finding these nonlinear solutions and examine the parameter dependence of their structure.

Junqiang Shen ◽  
Shanwu Zhang ◽  
Junpeng Zhang ◽  
Mingzhang Zeng ◽  
Wendong Fang

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (5) ◽  
pp. 1197-1211
Peygham Ghaffari ◽  
Jan Erik H. Weber ◽  
Ole Anders Nøst ◽  
Magnus Drivdal

AbstractThe effect of the continental shelf wave on the flow field over the southern shelf of the Caspian Sea (CS) as the largest enclosed basin of the world, is investigated. Considerable currents with subinertial time scales are observed over the continental shelf in the southern CS. For variations in the surface layer with typical periods of 1 day, local episodic wind events appear to be the driving force. For longer time scales, it is suggested that the observed currents are due to passing continental shelf waves. Measurements over the continental shelf and shelf slope, showing periods of 2–6 days, indicate the presence of such waves. Combined with theory and numerical modeling, the amplitude of the continental shelf wave modes at the coast is assessed from current meter observations. It is demonstrated that the mean drift velocity (the Stokes drift) for long continental shelf waves is determined entirely by the shelf geometry. For the actual shelf mode, it is shown that the associated Stokes drift constitute a nonnegligible mean current along the shelf. This current should be taken into account when assessing the transport of biological material and neutral tracers along the southern coast of the CS.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 100446 ◽  
Ricardo Cardoso Guimarães ◽  
Phelype Haron Oleinik ◽  
Eduardo de Paula Kirinus ◽  
Bruno Vasconcellos Lopes ◽  
Thaísa Beloti Trombetta ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 123 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-148 ◽  
Lixin Qu ◽  
Xiaopei Lin ◽  
Robert D. Hetland ◽  
Jingsong Guo

Ricardo Cardoso Guimarães ◽  
Phelype Haron Oleinik ◽  
Eduardo De Paula Kirinus ◽  
Wiliam Correa Marques ◽  
Bruno Vasconcellos Lopes

2015 ◽  
Vol 785 ◽  
pp. 54-77 ◽  
J. T. Rodney ◽  
E. R. Johnson

Alongshore variations in coastline curvature or offshore depth profile can create localised regions of shelf-wave propagation with modes decaying outside these regions. These modes, termed localised continental shelf waves ($\ell$CSWs) here, exist only at certain discrete frequencies lying below the local maximum frequency, and above the far-field maximum frequency, for propagating shelf waves. The purpose of this paper is to obtain these frequencies and construct, both analytically and numerically, and discuss $\ell$CSWs for shelves with arbitrary alongshore variations in offshore depth profile and coastline curvature. If the shelf curvature changes by a small fraction of its value over the shelf section of interest or an alongshore perturbation in offshore depth profile varies slowly over the same length scale then $\ell$CSWs can be constructed using WKBJ theory. Two subcases are described: (i) if the propagating region is sufficiently long that the offshore structure of the $\ell$CSW varies appreciably alongshore then the frequency and alongshore structure are found from a sequence of local problems; (ii) if the propagating region is sufficiently short that the alongshore change in offshore structure of the $\ell$CSW is small then the alongshore modal structure is given in an explicit, uniformly valid form. A separate asymptotic theory is required for curvature perturbations to shelves that are otherwise straight rather than curved. Comparison with highly accurately numerically determined $\ell$CSWs shows that both theories are extremely accurate, with the WKBJ theory having a significantly wider range of applicability. An idealised model for the generation of $\ell$CSWs is also suggested. A localised time-periodic wind stress generates an evanescent continental shelf wave in the far field of a localised mode where the coast is almost straight and the response on the shelf is obtained numerically. If the forcing frequency is close to that of an $\ell$CSW then the wind stress excites energetic motions in the region of maximum curvature, creating a significant localised response possibly far from the forcing region.

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