parent stock
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animal ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 100433
F. Leiber ◽  
Z. Amsler ◽  
A. Bieber ◽  
N. Quander-Stoll ◽  
V. Maurer ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 3170-3174
Ratchadaporn Boripun ◽  
Watcharapong Mitsuwan ◽  
Pawinee Kulnanan ◽  
Thotsapol Thomrongsuwannakij ◽  
Warangkana Kitpipit

Background and Aim: Sow culling is an important practice in commercial swine production because it is directly associated with the economic efficiency of the breeding herd. This study was conducted to analyze the reasons for sow culling and quantify the factors affecting culling in crossbred Landrace and Large White sows under tropical climate. Materials and Methods: A total of 4887 culled sows from one parent stock farm located in Ratchaburi province, Western Thailand, were examined in this study. Culling reasons were grouped into the following eight categories according to farm management: (1) Reproductive disorders, (2) old age, (3) low performance, (4) diseases, (5) lameness, (6) udder problems, (7) body condition, and (8) other illnesses. Logistic regression analysis was used to explore the relationship between culling sows and environmental factors. Effects of parity and season of culling were considered as fixed effects in a statistical model. Results: Descriptive statistics indicated the following factors accounting for sow removals: Old age (34.93%, n=1707), reproductive disorders (29.32%, n=1433), low performance (12.62%, n=617), lameness (12.56%, n=614), diseases (4.8%, n=235), body condition (4.68%, n=229), udder problems (0.79%, n=39), and other illnesses (0.26%, n=13). Parity and season of culling were also found to have a significant effect on sow culling (p<0.05). The majority of culling sows in this population were of old age and high parity. Conclusion: This study indicated that the purposeful culling of sows on this farm was within the targeted range. However, the incidence of reproductive disorders was too high and required further investigations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
Mohamad Dedi Junaedi

Latar belakang: Setiap negara memiliki sistem akuntansi berbeda yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan negara tersebut. Untuk meningkatkan komparabilitas dan kualitas laporan keuangan secara global, International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) mengembangkan dan mengeluarkan International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi peraturan pelaporan yang berbeda antar negara, mengurangi biaya pelaporan keuangan perusahaan multinasional dan mengurangi biaya analisis laporan keuangan. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk mengatahui menganalisis perlakuan akuntansi aset biologis perusahaan, menganalisis klasifikasi aset biologis, nilai pasar aktif dan metode penilian aset biologis berdasarkan PSAK 69. Metode penelitian: Metode penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif. Objek penelitian dilakukan pada PT. Bibit Indonesia. Hasil penelitian: Hasil penelitian menjukkan perusahaan sudah melakukan perlakuan akuntansi aset biologis sesuai dengan PSAK 69. Namun, masih terdapat beberapa perbedaan dimana perusahaan tidak melalukan pengukuran kembali nilai aset biologis pada setiap akhir periode pelaporan. Pengukuran kembali nilai wajar aset biologis diproyeksikan untuk laporan keuangan tiga bulan ke depan. Kesimpulan: Klasifikasi aset biologis perusahaan terbagi atas ayam pembibit induk nenek dan telur tetas. Masih belum terdapat pasar aktif atas aset biologis perusahaan. Jika ingin mengukur nilai pasar sebagai salah satu aspek pengukuran nilai wajar aset biologis, perusahaan mengambil dari nilai penjualan Parent Stock Daily On Chick (PS DOC), penjualan dari final stock broiler dan penjualan culled/infertile egg. Penilaian aset biologis perusahaan menggunakan metode hybrid, yaitu untuk ayam yang masih dalam masa pertumbuhan nilai ayam diukur berdasarkan biaya. Metode perusahaan dalam menilai aset biologis telah mengikuti langkah-langkah yang dijelaskan PSAK 69. Selisih menggunakan metode proyeksi nilai wajar dengan aktual nilai wajar menyebabkan selisih yang cukup besar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Karolina Wengerska ◽  
Damian Spustek ◽  
Dominika Krakowiak ◽  
Kamil Drabik ◽  
Justyna Batkowska

<b>The aim of study was to analyze the impact of the utility type, age and rearing system of hens on egg quality traits and the enzymatic activity of egg albumen lysozyme (LA). The material consisted of 120 eggs from two genotypes of hens: Hy-Line Brown and parent stock of Ross 308. Laying-type hens were reared divided into 2 systems: intensive (litter, balanced feed) and extensive (open runs, farm fodders). The second source of material was hens age (29, 33, 41, 53 and 70 wks) of the parent stock.. Stocks were differentiated in terms of the hens age (29, 33, 41, 53 and 70 wks). Eggs quality traits and LA were evaluated. The LA of was higher in eggs from laying than from broiler breeder hens. It decreased with the hens’ age and increased with albumen mass, it was also positively correlated with albumen height and Haugh's units. The rearing system considerably modified mass of egg and albumen and the dense albumen height, but does not affect the LA.

2021 ◽  
Kaicie S Chasteen ◽  
Lasheda Brooks ◽  
Luis Munoz ◽  
James Krehling ◽  
Matthew Bailey ◽  

Abstract BackgroundMicrobial communities in the gut are influenced and shaped by both an individual’s interactions with their environment and the interactions of their progenitors. In chickens, this includes the hatchery they originated from, as well as the environment in which the egg was laid. This study aimed to establish the extent to which the microbial communities of source hatcheries influenced the microbiome of broilers over time by placing birds from two separate source hatcheries (HA,HB) in to both a floor pen and battery cage system as three distinct populations HA, HB, and mixed population (MP). MP was made up of half HA individuals and half HB individuals. Samples of the midgut (defined as the area between the duodenal loop and Meckel’s diverticulum) and the ceca were taken at day 0, 5, and 14 for battery cage birds, and day 0,5,14, 16, 21, 28, and 48 for floor raised birds.ResultsBirds from HA and HB both displayed distinct microbial communities in day 0 samples and retained some of these characteristics through day 48. Furthermore MP samples seemed to be influenced more by the microbiome of the source hatchery that displayed a higher number of OTUs at day zero. More diverse day 0 microbiomes also seemed more resistant to larger shifts in community composition as time progressed. There is some indication that parental diet also shaped the microbiomes of the broiler chickens, with the genus Bacteroides appearing in HB (parent stock fed non-vegetarian diet) populations as early as day 5, MP day 14, and finally appearing in HA (parent stock feed vegetarian diet) at day 21.ConclusionsThe results suggest that there may be a net positive effect on the microbiome of a flock by placing birds with strong day 0 microbial communities in a mixed flock with those with weak or non-beneficial microbial communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
M. Muslim ◽  
Andri Iskandar ◽  
Andri Hendriana ◽  
L. Lutfi

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the growth of parent stock snakehead fish Channa striata in a pond fed with tilapia Oreochromis sp. seeds using different feeding rates. Studies were carried out using three different treatments feeding rate (FR), which is 2%, 3%, and 4%. The parameters observed included growth, feed conversion ratio, and water quality. The results showed that the growth of the average weight of fish FR 4% per day (growth rate 86,01 g) had higher than other treatments. The value of feed conversion is 2,5 while the fish is given FR 2%. Parameters of water quality, i.e. pH, temperature, alkalinity, and ammonia still in the range of tolerance.

2021 ◽  
Yan LI ◽  
Rui-yu MA ◽  
Yi WAN ◽  
Renrong QI ◽  
Jun-ying LI ◽  

Abstract The present study was conducted to determine the effect of cage tier on laying performances, blood biochemical indicators, feather condition and antibody titers of layer breeders among different tiers in mating cages during the peak laying period. All birds (Hy-Line Brown parent stock breeders) at 27 weeks of age were housed in 4-tier mating cage. Laying performances, egg quality characteristics, blood biochemical indicators, antibody titers and feather condition were measured. The highest laying rate was recorded at 2nd tier, followed by 4th tier and 3rd tier, and the lowest at 1st tier. There were no significant differences among different tiers in terms of percentage of defective eggs and hatchability performances. Yolk color was significantly lower at 2nd tier than at other tiers. However, no distinct differences in egg weight, shell weight, shell color, shell breaking strength, egg shape index, yolk weight, albumen height, haugh units were observed. Concentrations of serum CK, T-AOC, SOD, GPx and MDA, and the antibody titers did not change substantially among different tiers. Moreover, the average feather score for each individual part of the body and an overall average score for birds were not significantly different. We confidently conclude that cage tier may be a contributing factor for layer performances. These findings will be helpful for application of natural mating system in layer industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Mariana R. L. V. Peixoto ◽  
Leanne Cooley ◽  
Tina M. Widowski

AbstractMaternal effects can shape the phenotypes of offspring, but the extent to which a layer breeder’s experience can affect commercial laying hens remains unclear. We aimed to investigate the effects of maternal age and maternal environment on laying hens’ behaviour and stress response. In our first experiment (E1), commercial hybrid hens were reared either in aviary or barren brooding cages, then housed in aviary, conventional cages or furnished (enriched) cages, thus forming different maternal housing treatments. Hens from each treatment were inseminated at three ages, and measures of response to manual restraint and social stress were assessed in offspring. In experiment 2 (E2), maternal age effects on offsprings' stress response were further investigated using fertile eggs from commercial breeder flocks at three ages. In E1, maternal age affected struggling and corticosterone during manual restraint, feather pecking and pulling and comb wounds. Additionally, maternal rearing and housing in aviary systems showed positive effects on measures of behaviour and stress response in offspring. Effects of maternal age were not replicated in E2, possibly due to methodological differences or higher tolerance to maternal effects in commercial breeders. Overall, we recommend researchers report parent stock age to increase comparison across studies and thus our understanding of maternal age effects.

Fermentation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 122
Oksana Zinina ◽  
Svetlana Merenkova ◽  
Damir Galimov

In connection with the active growth of poultry processing, the issue of rational use of poultry by-products is urgent. The paper proposes hydrolysis of the gizzards of broiler chickens and hens of the parent stock with bifidobacteria liquid concentrate (BLC) and Propionix liquid concentrated starter culture (Propionix LCSC). The effect of enzymatic treatment on changes in the structural components of the gizzards was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and determination of the dispersed composition. As a result of the research, the multiple regression equations and the response surfaces were obtained, which describe the optimal parameters of the gizzard´s hydrolysis process. The temperature and the time of hydrolysis are factors that have a significant effect on the degree of hydrolysis. The results of the structural and microscopic analysis confirm the high hydrolysability of the by-products by changing its structure and increasing the number of smaller protein particles. It was found experimentally that the gizzards of hens are more susceptible to the action of probiotic microorganisms’ enzymes compared to the gizzards of broiler chickens.

2021 ◽  
Vijay Kumar ◽  
Rajkumar Ullengala ◽  
L L L Prince ◽  
S V Rama Rao ◽  
R N Chatterjee

Abstract The data collected on distribution of improved chicken varieties over the past 25 years (1992–2017) from the ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad (ICAR-DPR), poultry seed project centres (PSP) and other Government agencies who had taken parent stock from ICAR-DPR, were analysed to estimate the impact of the backyard poultry. A total of 7.56 million improved chicken germplasm (27%) to 20.37 thousand stakeholders from ICAR-DPR, Hyderabad and 1.7 million (6.09 %) to 28.38 thousand stakeholders from PSP were distributed during 1992–2017. Other agencies distributed 18.67 million (66.85%) germplasm to 311.17 thousand stakeholders. The majority of the beneficiaries were from southern region (35%) followed by central (23.4%) and eastern (20.8%) region of the country. Of the total varieties, Vanaraja constituted about 52% of the total germplasm followed by Gramapriya (38%). The share of improved chicken germplasm increased from 0.01 (1992) to 0.41% (2012) in the poultry population of India i.e., from 100 to 9433 indices as compared to 100 to 244 of the country. Contribution of improved germplasm to the Indian economy increased from 1.9 (8th plan) to 62. 5 (12th Plan) million USD. The total contribution during the 25 years was estimated to be about 168.7 million USD to Indian economy. Higher productivity of birds increased the income leading to socio-economic development of farmers. The study concluded that backyard poultry significantly contributed to the national economy and improved the livelihoods of the rural and tribal people, which needs to be further strengthened across the different geographical regions of the country.

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