local materials
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2022 ◽  
Vol 429 ◽  
pp. 132115
Xiaofeng Xie ◽  
Zhiheng Zhang ◽  
Zhikang Chen ◽  
Jiyao Wu ◽  
Ziliang Li ◽  

2022 ◽  
George Boyi ◽  
Godswill Amadi

In Nigeria, drilling companies import a bulk of drilling fluid materials that they use to carry out their respective operations. This has been a major concern to oil and gas industries since these drilling fluid materials cannot be recycled, are highly expensive in terms of foreign exchange, are not environmentally friendly, not very effective, and non-biodegradable. This work presents an experimental investigation into the reliability of the use of local materials as a substitute to conventional viscosifiers. Local materials used in the analysis are Mucuna solannie (Ukpo), Brachystegia eurycoma (Achi), and Detarium microcarpium (Ofo). The results obtained from the experimental analysis show that they compared closely to the standard viscosifer formulated with Pac-R. The results showed that the density, specific gravity, pH, yield stress, Gel strength, Plastic Viscosity, and yield point of mud formulated from local materials compared favorably with that of the imported viscosifer. It was observed that an increase in concentration produced a better result. Hence, they could replace the Pac-R considering cost, cutting carrying ability, etc.

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012107
M A Yaman ◽  
U Nasution ◽  
Allaily ◽  
M Daud ◽  

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the growth response of meat chickens due to the addition of probiotics and digestive enzymes in the fermented diet containing maggot flour and local materials. The research was carried out at Field Laboratory of Animal Science, University of Syiah Kuala-Banda Aceh, Indonesia for 66 days. A total of 100 meat chickens were designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments, namely P0 = 100% fermented ration (control), P1 = 0.5% probiotic + 0% digestive enzymes + 100% fermented diet, P2 = 0% probiotic + 0.5% digestive enzymes + 100% fermented diet, P3 = 0.5% probiotic + 1% digestive enzymes + 100% fermented diet, P4 = 1% probiotic + 0.5% digestive enzymes + 100% fermented diet with 4 replications. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of variance) and significant difference of data was analyzed by Duncan’s multiple distance test. The results showed that the addition of probiotics and digestive enzymes with different levels of administration in the fermented diet had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the increase in final body weight and percentage of protein retention. The best results were obtained on chicken fed on fermented diet contained 0, 5% digestive enzymes by increasing on final body weight, protein retention, feed conversion and feed efficiency which were higher than fermented feed containing probiotics. In conclusion, it was well known that digestive enzyme effected synergistically on fermented diet in increasing protein retention resulted a higher final body weight of meat chicken.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Faridah Sahari ◽  
Musdi Shanat

Sarawak Borneo has long been known for its diverse culture and multi-ethnicity, which is reflected in its arts and crafts. Pua Kumbu and Orang Ulu are famous visual motifs that can be seen on many products from Sarawak, including textiles and paintings, which could potentially be integrated into furniture design as cultural elements. The purpose of this study was to identify the perception, issues and challenges of cultural concepts embedded in furniture design from the perspective of manufacturers, designers and the public. In-depth interviews, surveys and observation were the three qualitative research methods applied in this study at MIFF 2018 and MIFF 2019. In general, the findings from the surveys done in 2018 and 2019 show that manufacturers, designers and consumers agree that cultural elements can be a unique feature and a competitive advantage for furniture design. A range of furniture designs that feature different cultural elements, such as local materials, colors, stories and history, are discussed in this article, which is expected to inspire designers and manufacturers to experiment and explore this approach in furniture. However, to achieve this, manufacturers and designers have to have their own views and strategies on how they interpret cultural-related elements in furniture, based on their consumers’ interests and global market needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Lorenzo Stagnati ◽  
Giovanna Soffritti ◽  
Michelangelo Martino ◽  
Alessandra Lanubile ◽  
Francesca Desiderio ◽  

Italian maize germplasm is particularly rich in local materials and each region is characterized by the presence of peculiar local varieties deriving from centuries of adaptation, selection and cultivation. While the introduction of hybrids, during the 1950s, led to the disappearing of many of these varieties, some have been maintained in cultivation by farmers, frequently in marginal areas, as a kind of family heritage. Local varieties were identified throughout field surveys carried out in recent years. The discovery of a traditional popcorn variety over the most common flint and semi-flint materials used for production of polenta was interesting. Since these varieties have never been adequately described and reported in scientific literature, this study was aimed to solve this lack of knowledge on recently discovered local maize populations. Characterization represents the first step of a process focused on the preservation and possible exploitation of important genetic resources. Traditional materials are a useful reservoir of genes for adaptation to local conditions and climate changes. Adequate breeding programs can use such germplasm for developing new and more resilient varieties. These local materials have been characterized at the morphological level highlighting plant, ear and kernel differences. Genetic characterization, carried out on 455 individuals by the use of 10 SSR markers, revealed 62 different alleles ranging from four for markers phi127, phi076 and phi084 to nine for marker p-bnlg176. The landraces are well distinguishable at genetic level since 40% of genetic variability is present among accessions. Five landraces are characterized by the presence of private alleles and heterozygosity levels are generally good. These findings support the possibility to correctly preserve local materials through in situ conservation. Phylogenetic analysis evidenced the presence of varietal clusters, the clearest one formed by three red-pigmented accessions. STRUCTURE analysis revealed that five landraces have a well-defined genetic attribution while the remaining two (EMR04-Mais Rosso di Rasora and EMR10-Mais del Principe di Scavolino) are both constituted by two different backgrounds.

Porta Aurea ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 174-205
Jagoda Załęska-Kaczko

After the establishment of the Free City of Danzig, the process of the renovation and inventory of arcaded houses (Vorlaubenhäuser) and timber -framed churches in the vicinity of Gdańsk began, along with the increasing scientific interest in them. At the same time, in numerous projects from the 1930s, the interest of architects in traditional rural construction, related to the orders of the Nationalist Socialist Party for certain types of structures, can be observed. In the suburbs of Gdańsk and Sopot, standard, posed as idyllic workers’ housing estates were founded, which were to combine the advantages of living in the countryside and in the city. The network of kindergartens of the National Socialist People’s Welfare (Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt) as well as youth hostels used by the Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) and the League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel) was expanded. According to the Blut -und -Boden ideology, a network of camps for the Land Service (Landdienst) for the Hitlerjugend, community houses for members of the NSDAP Party, and exemplary farms were also founded. The repertoire of local materials, traditional architectural details, as well as references in interior design were intended as manifestations of the regional identity, used by the National Socialist authorities to serve the purposes of the Party propaganda, which was creating the myth of an idyllic, strong, homogeneous national community and proving the uninterrupted continuity of German culture in the Free City of Danzig, despite its separation from the German Reich.

2021 ◽  
Hee Sook Lee-Niinioja

The churches (Manila, Santa Maria, Paoay, Miagao) built in the Spanish period of the Philippines (16-18C) exemplify the reinterpretations of the European Baroque style by Chinese and Philippine artisans. Symbolising the fusion of the West with local materials and motifs, they have formed an innovative building tradition. Characteristics of these churches are monumental and massive to protect against intruders or natural harm. The iconographic-decorative Miagao facade underlines the regional understanding of Christianity and Saint Patron among contemporary Catholics. This paper discusses the tangibility-intangibility of Baroque Philippine churches through the spirit of place and collective memories among churchgoers-inhabitants-visitors, reinterpreting sacred buildings.

Boas Malagat ◽  
Kari Iamba

A good sowing media ensures better anchorage of plants, provides a reservoir of  nutrients and water, and enhance gaseous exchange with the atmosphere. Balsa (Ochroma lagopus Swartz); Vimmy variety, has proven its versatility in producing some of the best phenotypic characteristics such as higher jorquette height, less branching and high log volumes. This experiment was carried out using a combination of three different local materials; local garden soil, pumice soil and sawdust but in different combination ratios aimed to investigate the best combinations. Six treatments were tested: T1= Pure Garden soil, T2= Pumice, T3= Control (75% large coarse sawdust, 25% pure garden soil), T4= Pure Sawdust, T5= 50% medium coarse sawdust, 50% pure soil, and, T6= 33% medium coarse sawdust, 33% Pumice, 33% Pure garden Soil. The daily average germination count in Treatment 5 (50% medium coarse sawdust & 50% pure soil) produced constant germinations from day fifteen (15) to day twenty one (21). Treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 showed high variations in their daily average germination for the same period but did not produce a constant supply of germinations. Treatment 5 had the highest emergence rate index (ERI=71.76) followed by treatment 1 (ERI=66.59).  Treatment 4 had the third highest seedling emergence (ERI=63.74) followed by treatment 3 (ERI=59.37), treatment 6 (ERI=57.22) and treatment 2 (ERI=53.81) at the lowest continuum. Substrates containing 50% soil and 50% medium coarse sawdust are regarded as better sowing media for O. lagopus seedlings.

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