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2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-117
In Cho

The spleen is an organ located in the upper left portion of the abdomen. Wandering spleen is defined as the location of the spleen is the shift to other parts of the abdomen rather than the left upper quadrant. Wandering spleen is a rare clinical condition and can lead to hilar torsion and subsequent infarction requiring emergency surgery. The author presents a case of torsion of a wandering spleen in a 34-year-old female presenting with abdominal pain. The patients underwent emergent laparoscopic splenectomy. She had an uncomplicated postoperative course and recovered well.

2020 ◽  

Joshua K. Smith ◽  
Jacob D. Guliuzo ◽  
Jacob D. Benedict ◽  
Barbara S. Chaparro

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of color on eye movements while viewing a restaurant menu. Heat maps suggest that participants tended to view the middle and upper-left parts of the menu the most, regardless of color upon first exposure. Gaze plots showing the order of fixations indicated that color may have impacted initial eye movements in the first 10 seconds. Participants tended to view the center of the menu first in the color condition and the top left portion of the menu first in the non-color version. These results may be useful when designing restaurant menus and understanding the role color may have when attracting users’ gaze.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Wei Ren

Collatz Conjecture (3x+1 problem) states any natural number x will return to 1 after 3⁎x+1 computation (when x is odd) and x/2 computation (when x is even). In this paper, we propose a new approach for possibly proving Collatz Conjecture (CC). We propose Reduced Collatz Conjecture (RCC)—any natural number x will return to an integer that is less than x. We prove that RCC is equivalent to CC. For proving RCC, we propose exploring laws of Reduced Collatz Dynamics (RCD), i.e., from a starting integer to the first integer less than the starting integer. RCC can also be stated as follows: RCD of any natural number exists. We prove that RCD is the components of original Collatz dynamics (from a starting integer to 1); i.e., RCD is more primitive and presents better properties. We prove that RCD presents unified structure in terms of (3⁎x+1)/2 and x/2, because 3⁎x+1 is always followed by x/2. The number of forthcoming (3⁎x+1)/2 computations can be determined directly by inputting x. We propose an induction method for proving RCC. We also discover that some starting integers present RCD with short lengths no more than 7. Hence, partial natural numbers are proved to guarantee RCC in this paper, e.g., 0 module 2; 1 module 4; 3 module 16; 11 or 23 module 32; 7, 15, or 59 module 128. The future work for proving CC can follow this direction, to prove that RCD of left portion of natural numbers exists.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 339-342 ◽  
Tulio Fabiano de Oliveira Leite ◽  
Lucas Alves Sarmento Pires ◽  
Rafael Cisne ◽  
Marcio Antonio Babinski ◽  
Carlos Alberto Araujo Chagas

Abstract The right subclavian artery may originate from the left portion of the aortic arch. This aberrant vessel is known as the arteria lusoria. Its course to its usual site runs behind the esophagus, which may cause a disease known as dysphagia lusoria, responsible for symptoms of discomfort. This artery is often associated with other anomalies, such as the non-recurrent laryngeal nerve and the bicarotid trunk, and with diseases such as aneurysms, congenital heart defects, and even genetic syndromes. During routine dissection of a male cadaver fixed in 10% formalin solution, an arteria lusoria was found. This article reports the variation and discusses its embryological, clinical and surgical aspects.

2016 ◽  
Vol 88 (4) ◽  
pp. 284 ◽  
Aldo Franco De Rose ◽  
Mattia Tosi ◽  
Guglielmo Mantica ◽  
Nataniele Piol ◽  
Carlo Toncini ◽  

Verruciform xanthoma is a rare and benign condition predominantly affecting the oral cavity, but also skin and female anogenital mucosa. It can be flat, papular-warty or crateriform-cystic. Furthermore it can simulate HPV viral lesion such as condyloma and malignant neoplasia such as verrucous squamous cell carcinoma. An accurate diagnosis is important to avoid overtreatment, considering it is a benign lesion that does not require any radical treatment. We present an extremely rare case of a 64 year-old man with a small, slighty raised, gray reddish-dotted lesion on the left portion of the ventral side of his glans.

2003 ◽  
Vol 96 (1) ◽  
pp. 215-223 ◽  
Yuan-Ho Chen ◽  
Sheng-Hsiung Hsu

The potential influence of target location in a visual field on search should be considered in layouts of control panels and advertisements. This investigation was done to verily the assumption that the upper-left portion of a page or its equivalent naturally attracts the attention of the viewer, Exp. 1 used a tachistoscope to test which of eight Chinese characters first attracted the attention of viewers. The eight Chinese characters are arranged in a square and a circular configuration. In the square layout, a large square (18 cm · 18 cm) was first conceptually subdivided into nine equal parts (6 cm · 6 cm). Then, the eight Chinese characters were put in the center of each part, leaving the central part blank. In the circular layout, the same Chinese characters were symmetrically placed on the conceptual circumference ( r=6 cm) of a circle within a large square. Exp. 2 was a paper-and-pencil test. An embedded-fault-character-search was used to examine the location of the first faulty character discovered by the subjects. 60 college students and 36 schoolchildren were selected as subjects for the tachistoscopic experiment and paper-and-pencil test. Finally, five graduate students participated in Exp. 3 in which an eye camera registered subjects' eye movements to measured distribution of durations of looking over eight locations. The measurements indicated a slight predominance of the upper-left portion for college students and graduate students, and a slight predominance of the upper-right portion for schoolchildren.

Genetics ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 150 (3) ◽  
pp. 1059-1066
K A Adames ◽  
Jocelyn Gawne ◽  
Chantal Wicky ◽  
Fritz Müller ◽  
Ann M Rose

Abstract In Caenorhabditis elegans, individuals heterozygous for a reciprocal translocation produce reduced numbers of viable progeny. The proposed explanation is that the segregational pattern generates aneuploid progeny. In this article, we have examined the genotype of arrested embryonic classes. Using appropriate primers in PCR amplifications, we identified one class of arrested embryo, which could be readily recognized by its distinctive spot phenotype. The corresponding aneuploid genotype was expected to be lacking the left portion of chromosome V, from the eT1 breakpoint to the left (unc-60) end. The phenotype of the homozygotes lacking this DNA was a stage 2 embryonic arrest with a dark spot coinciding with the location in wild-type embryos of birefringent gut granules. Unlike induced events, this deletion results from meiotic segregation patterns, eliminating complexity associated with unknown material that may have been added to the end of a broken chromosome. We have used the arrested embryos, lacking chromosome V left sequences, to map a telomere probe. Unique sequences adjacent to the telomeric repeats in the clone cTel3 were missing in the arrested spot embryo. The result was confirmed by examining aneuploid segregants from a second translocation, hT1(I;V). Thus, we concluded that the telomere represented by clone cTel3 maps to the left end of chromosome V. In this analysis, we have shown that reciprocal translocations can be used to generate segregational aneuploids. These aneuploids are deleted for terminal sequences at the noncrossover ends of the C. elegans autosomes.

Lien-Wen Chen ◽  
Hong-Cheng Sheu

Abstract The critical speeds of a spinning Timoshenko shaft with an intermediate attached disk subjected to a longitudinal force are analytically solved. The expressions of whirl speed equations for hinged-hinged, hinged-clamped, clamped-hinged, and clamped-clamped rotors are given respectively. The critical speeds of each shaft-disk system are sought from its corresponding whirl speed equation by using simple numerical techniques. The effects of the disk location and the longitudinal force on the critical speeds of the shaft-disk systems are investigated. Numerical results reveal that if the disk locates in the left portion of the shaft, both the primary forward and backward critical speeds for the rotor subjected to a follower force are larger than those subjected to an axial force with the same magnitude. The results are contrary while the disk locates in the right portion of the shaft.

1993 ◽  
Vol 03 (02) ◽  
pp. 645-668 ◽  

In this paper, we consider an infinite-dimensional extension of Chua's circuit (Fig. 1) obtained by replacing the left portion of the circuit composed of the capacitance C2 and the inductance L by a lossless transmission line as shown in Fig. 2. As we shall see, if the remaining capacitance C1 is equal to zero, the dynamics of this so-called time-delayed Chua's circuit can be reduced to that of a scalar nonlinear difference equation. After deriving the corresponding 1-D map, it will be possible to determine without any approximation the analytical equation of the stability boundaries of cycles of every period n. Since the stability region is nonempty for each n, this proves rigorously that the time-delayed Chua's circuit exhibits the "period-adding" phenomenon where every two consecutive cycles are separated by a chaotic region.

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