aesthetic dentistry
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N. Hegde ◽  
V. Sadananda ◽  
M. N. Hegde ◽  
R. Mathew ◽  
. Priya

The skill of sculpting is an interesting and important part of restorative and esthetic dentistry. This review article will help achieve an understanding on what we know about this art, the hurdles we have faced, advances achieved, the limitations we still face and would help to gain knowledge and information on how to further advance in the art of manipulation and sculpting of dental restorations. This article aimed to review available literature on manipulation techniques, to summarize the importance of sculpting and to identify methods to face the current limitations of the art. 

2021 ◽  
Zdravka Harizanova ◽  
Atanas Baltadjiev ◽  
Ferihan Popova ◽  
Marieta Peycheva ◽  
Emre Boyaci

Abstract Background: In recent years, aesthetic dentistry has become a major focus for the public. Facial attractiveness plays a key role on modern society and the creation of harmonious smile is an aim for every dentist.The aim of this study was to define certain values of the inter-incisive index in South Bulgarians, the sexual dimorphism and bilateral asymmetry and to verify differences of this index between Bulgarians and other Balkan populations.Materials and methods: The present study included 86 males and 83 females of Bulgarian origin living in South Bulgaria aged 20-40 years. Mesiodistal dimensions of maxillary central and lateral incisors were measured by Dentistry Sliding Vernier Caliper. We used the technique of Martin-Saller, modified by Prof. Y. Yordanov. We calculated the inter-incisive index as ratio of the mesiodistal dimension of maxillary lateral incisor to the mesiodistal dimension of the maxillary central incisor. The measurements were analyzed with SPSS 23. The level of statistical significance was set at P< 0.05. Results: The inter-incisive index showed no statistically significant differences between left and right side of the dental arch in both sexes. We did not find statistically significant differences between males and females as well. On the other hand we found statistically significant differences in MD values of incisors between Bulgarians and other Balkan nations.Conclusion: Inter-incisive index shows no sexual dimorphism and bilateral asymmetry in South Bulgarians. This can be helpful in aesthetic dentistry, in prosthodontics and in orthodontic treatment planning.

Dental Update ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (10) ◽  
pp. 866-878
Fionnuala Loy ◽  
Vidya Srinivasan

Advancements in material science have contributed greatly towards aesthetic dentistry. However, achieving satisfactory aesthetics for children in the developing dentition poses unique challenges. Challenges include, but are not limited to: (1) patient co-operation; (2) optimum moisture control; (3) continuing gingival maturation and bone growth; and (4) the increased need for minimally invasive and non-irreversible techniques to maintain future treatment options. This article addresses the common paediatric dental aesthetic challenges of uncomplicated crown fractures (ie those confined to enamel and dentine), localized, discrete enamel opacities and intrinsic discolouration of anterior, root canal-treated teeth. Treatment techniques and helpful tips for the general dental practitioner are presented. CPD/Clinical Relevance: This article focuses on common dental aesthetic challenges that present in the paediatric dental population and suggests methods to manage this effectively in primary and secondary care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (41) ◽  
pp. 3598-3603
Priyanka Anil Sonavane ◽  
Jasuma Rai ◽  
Mudra Sanjay Andharia

BACKGROUND Aesthetic dentistry is making its own new position in current scenario. The aesthetic desire of patient has become need of an hour and it is essential for dental practitioner to understand the aesthetics of implants. For planning of implants in anterior region, overall general health of patient should be considered including systemic health, good oral hygiene practice and good compliance of patients. The peri-implant aesthetics is determined by two components - soft tissue and hard tissue, which includes bone and gingiva. Modifications refining the tissues around implant can enhance the aesthetics. Treatment protocol should include pre-planning of all functional and aesthetic considerations which should be discussed to patients as well prior to preceding treatment of implant. Judicious understanding of these factors can not only provide physical integrity of tissue but also prevent future aesthetics and implant failure. Implants in anterior region become challenging for clinicians to emulate what nature has provided. The harmonious relationship between functional stability and peri-implant soft tissue becomes an essential requisite for successful endosseous implant so as to attain proper facial aesthetics. Visualization of aesthetics related to implants is a complex phenomenon which requires utilization of multidisciplinary approach including prosthetic and periodontal consideration as the implant position as well implant abutment junction if placed at improper position can cause bone resorption. Compiling this, comprehensive knowledge regarding soft and hard tissue can help dentists to integrate a balance between the smile and face of an individual. This review article is a detailed endeavour to explore peri-implant aesthetics. KEY WORDS Crestal Bone, Dental Aesthetics, Gingiva, Peri-Implant Aesthetics

Xolboeva Nasiba Asrorovna ◽  
Turaev Alim Baxriddinovich ◽  
Islamova Nilufar Bustanovna ◽  
Davronov Sodiqjon Valijon O’g’li ◽  

"One picture is worth a thousand words" - Frederic Bernard Currently, many dentists use a camera in their daily practice, turning into photographers for a while. In aesthetic dentistry, the main tool for diagnosis and communication is the art and practice of obtaining a photo. The use of dental photography is the standard of modern dental treatment, since photographs of the results of treatment facilitate understanding of the features of dental intervention. And most importantly, visualization increases the motivation of the patient and promotes the establishment of friendly relations between him and the doctor.

2021 ◽  
Subash Chandra Raj ◽  
Shaheda Tabassum ◽  
Annuroopa Mahapatra ◽  
Kaushik Patnaik

Evidence based periodontics has made us understand that most of the patients having various dental or medical treatment requirements require multidisciplinary approach rather than personalised periodontal approach. Periodontal disease may be evident in the periodontal tissue but its onset and progression could be affected by systemic condition also. The intercommunication and liaison between periodontics and endodontics, fixed prosthodontics, implant dentistry, Orthodontics, oral pathology, Aesthetic dentistry, oral & maxillofacial surgery, Paediatric dentistry, gerodontology, radiology, special needs dentistry and general medicine needs to be discussed . Increasing life expectancy, higher quality of Biomaterials used in dentistry and rapid evolution of clinical procedures has led to more demanding patient requests & more complicated treatment choices. It requires holistic management. In this chapter we have made a conscious effort to touch upon various fields of medical science and its relation to periodontics, by which we wish to create a healthy referral protocol, benefiting the general population.

Xolboyeva Nasiba Asrorovna ◽  
Davronov Sodiqjon Valojon O’g’li ◽  
Turaeva Kamila Furkat Kizi ◽  

"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing to add, but when there is nothing to remove" Antoine de Saint-Exupery Presents the results of a study of the performance of aesthetic and artistic restorations and the study of these dental restorations after a certain time with the naked eye and binoculars of two types, while the use of a SLR camera was a prerequisite. Comparative analysis has shown that the use of optical systems during dental manipulations significantly improves the diagnosis of carious and non-carious lesions, facilitates work and reduces the risk of various complications. Clinical photographs are an important component of aesthetic dentistry.

BDJ Team ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 26-32
Irfan Ahmad

Alexei Yumashev ◽  
Svetlana Kozlovskaya ◽  
Kseniya Grishaeva ◽  
Ara Karapetyan

The study considers the possibilities of using advanced digital technologies in dental practice and training. The Digital Smile Design methodology has been characterized; this is an innovative technological solution used to perform an aesthetic analysis, plan the virtual treatment tactics, draw up a plan of necessary dental procedures, as well as visualize the preliminary therapy result. As part of the "Aesthetic Dentistry" course, the technological capabilities of the Digital Smile Design software have been studied. The study involved 25 four-year students of the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. At the initial stage of the research, the students were provided with digital photos, including a 3D model of the dental arcade and surrounding soft tissue and video materials of the clinical case, on the basis of which a smile in accordance with the morpho-psychological characteristics of the patient was designed. The students tested the technological capabilities of the Digital Smile Design software, in particular SmileDesignerPro, AestheticDigitalSmileDesign, Cerec SW 4.2, PlanmecaRomexisSmileDesign, VisagiSMile, DSD AppbyCoachman, 3Shape SmileDesign, ExocadSmileCreator, DentalTreatmentSimulation ™ PRO. Based on the results obtained, the key advantages of the Digital Smile Design methodology in aesthetic and orthopedic dentistry have been identified. Having studied the process of designing a digital smile within the framework of the "Aesthetic Dentistry" course and conducted a survey of students to determine the practical convenience of the technologies, the Digital Smile Design software was ranked according to its advantages in dental practice and training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Luís Fellipe Moraes Castello ◽  
Nathalia Del Rio Lyra Graça ◽  
Luana Osório Fernandes ◽  
Marlus da Silva Pedrosa ◽  
Anderson Stevens Leonidas Gomes ◽  

Introduction: Ceramic veneers represent a treatment approach in aesthetic dentistry. They are indicated in cases of alterations in size, contour, form and color of the teeth. The clinical and radiographic examinations may not allow the correct identification of failures in the treatment with ceramic veneers. Objective: To report the use of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for the evaluation and repair of an aesthetic oral rehabilitation involving ceramic veneers. Case report: A 24-year-old female patient complained of unsatisfied color change in the ceramic veneer placed on the right maxillary central incisor. The clinical examination showed color changes between the middle and incisal thirds of mesial surface of the tooth crown. The OCT sagittal images evidenced the presence of bubbles or gaps in the adhesive interface. The treatment consisted of repair of the restoration by infiltration of a composite resin. Conclusion: The OCT was found to be valid tool to evaluate the adaptation of the ceramic veneer placed on the maxillary central incisor.   Keywords Esthetics, Dental; Dental Veneers; Tomography, Optical Coherence.

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