hurricane boundary layer
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2021 ◽  
Sundararaman Gopalakrishnan ◽  
Andrew Hazelton ◽  
Jun A. Zhang

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (10) ◽  
pp. 3509-3531 ◽  
A. Addison Alford ◽  
Jun A. Zhang ◽  
Michael I. Biggerstaff ◽  
Peter Dodge ◽  
Frank D. Marks ◽  

AbstractThe hurricane boundary layer (HBL) has been observed in great detail through aircraft investigations of tropical cyclones over the open ocean, but the coastal transition of the HBL has been less frequently observed. During the landfall of Hurricane Irene (2011), research and operational aircraft over water sampled the open-ocean HBL simultaneously with ground-based research and operational Doppler radars onshore. The location of the radars afforded 13 h of dual-Doppler analysis over the coastal region. Thus, the HBL from the coastal waterways, through the coastal transition, and onshore was observed in great detail for the first time. Three regimes of HBL structure were found. The outer bands were characterized by temporal perturbations of the HBL structure with attendant low-level wind maxima in the vicinity of rainbands. The inner core, in contrast, did not produce such perturbations, but did see a reduction of the height of the maximum wind and a more jet-like HBL wind profile. In the eyewall, a tangential wind maximum was observed within the HBL over water as in past studies and above the HBL onshore. However, the transition of the tangential wind maximum through the coastal transition showed that the maximum continued to reside in the HBL through 5 km inland, which has not been observed previously. It is shown that the adjustment of the HBL to the coastal surface roughness discontinuity does not immediately mix out the residual high-momentum jet aloft. Thus, communities closest to the coast are likely to experience the strongest winds onshore prior to the complete adjustment of the HBL.

2020 ◽  
Tianqi Ma ◽  
Chao Sun

Recent extreme hurricanes caused a huge loss in damages to critical civil infrastructure. To estimate hurricane wind loading on structures, spectral methods are widely used to generate neutral atmosphere boundary layer winds, which however are limited to describe extreme wind fields that are non-stationary and more turbulent. To overcome this limitation, a high-fidelity high-resolution computational model is developed to simulate hurricane wind field with detailed physics. A large eddy simulation (LES) solver is developed using a sub-grid-scale model based on open source program OpenFOAM. The simulated wind field is validated through comparison with observations. The generated wind field is applied to analyze structural response of a power transmission system. The proposed hurricane boundary layer (HBL) model and a neutral atmosphere boundary layer (ABL) model are compared in tropical storm and category-3 hurricane scenarios. Compared with the HBL model, the ABL model doesn't consider the mesoscale terms and overestimates the crosswind velocity and the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) near the ground. As a result, the ABL model overestimates the dynamic responses of the wires and towers. The developed HBL model captures the main characteristics of hurricane wind and is applicable for modeling civil infrastructure exposed to hurricanes at a large scale.

2019 ◽  
Vol 147 (8) ◽  
pp. 2765-2785 ◽  
Kyle Ahern ◽  
Mark A. Bourassa ◽  
Robert E. Hart ◽  
Jun A. Zhang ◽  
Robert F. Rogers

Abstract The axisymmetric structure of the inner-core hurricane boundary layer (BL) during intensification [IN; intensity tendency ≥20 kt (24 h)−1, where 1 kt ≈ 0.5144 m s−1], weakening [WE; intensity tendency <−10 kt (24 h)−1], and steady-state [SS; the remainder] periods are analyzed using composites of GPS dropwindsondes from reconnaissance missions between 1998 and 2015. A total of 3091 dropsondes were composited for analysis below 2.5-km elevation—1086 during IN, 1042 during WE, and 963 during SS. In nonintensifying hurricanes, the low-level tangential wind is greater outside the radius of maximum wind (RMW) than for intensifying hurricanes, implying higher inertial stability (I2) at those radii for nonintensifying hurricanes. Differences in tangential wind structure (and I2) between the groups also imply differences in secondary circulation. The IN radial inflow layer is of nearly equal or greater thickness than nonintensifying groups, and all groups show an inflow maximum just outside the RMW. Nonintensifying hurricanes have stronger inflow outside the eyewall region, likely associated with frictionally forced ascent out of the BL and enhanced subsidence into the BL at radii outside the RMW. Equivalent potential temperatures (θe) and conditional stability are highest inside the RMW of nonintensifying storms, which is potentially related to TC intensity. At greater radii, inflow layer θe is lowest in WE hurricanes, suggesting greater subsidence or more convective downdrafts at those radii compared to IN and SS hurricanes. Comparisons of prior observational and theoretical studies are highlighted, especially those relating BL structure to large-scale vortex structure, convection, and intensity.

Atmosphere ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 339 ◽  
Yifang Ren ◽  
Jun A. Zhang ◽  
Stephen R. Guimond ◽  
Xiang Wang

This study investigates the asymmetric distribution of hurricane boundary layer height scales in a storm-motion-relative framework using global positioning system (GPS) dropsonde observations. Data from a total of 1916 dropsondes collected within four times the radius of maximum wind speed of 37 named hurricanes over the Atlantic basin from 1998 to 2015 are analyzed in the composite framework. Motion-relative quadrant mean composite analyses show that both the kinematic and thermodynamic boundary layer height scales tend to increase with increasing radius in all four motion-relative quadrants. It is also found that the thermodynamic mixed layer depth and height of maximum tangential wind speed are within the inflow layer in all motion-relative quadrants. The inflow layer depth and height of the maximum tangential wind are both found to be deeper in the two front quadrants, and they are largest in the right-front quadrant. The difference in the thermodynamic mixed layer depth between the front and back quadrants is smaller than that in the kinematic boundary layer height. The thermodynamic mixed layer is shallowest in the right-rear quadrant, which may be due to the cold wake phenomena. The boundary layer height derived using the critical Richardson number ( R i c ) method shows a similar front-back asymmetry as the kinematic boundary layer height.

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (8) ◽  
pp. 2589-2598 ◽  
Kun Gao ◽  
Isaac Ginis

Abstract Previous theoretical and numerical studies only focused on the formation of roll vortices (rolls) under a stationary and axisymmetric hurricane. The effect of the asymmetric wind structure induced by the storm movement on the roll characteristics remains unknown. In this study, we present the first attempt to investigate the characteristics of linear-phase rolls under a moving hurricane by embedding a linear two-dimensional (2D) roll-resolving model into a 3D hurricane boundary layer model. It is found that the roll horizontal wavelength under the moving hurricane is largely determined by the radial-shear-layer depth, defined as the thickness of the layer with positive radial wind shear. The horizontal distribution of the roll wavelength resembles the asymmetric pattern of the radial-shear-layer depth. Interestingly, the roll growth rate is not only affected by the radial wind shear magnitude alluded to in previous studies but also by the radial-shear-layer depth. A deeper (shallower) radial shear layer tends to decrease (increase) the roll growth rate. Such an effect is due to the presence of the bottom boundary. The bottom boundary constrains the lower-level roll streamlines and reduces the efficiency of rolls in extracting kinetic energy from the radial shear. This effect is more pronounced under a deeper shear layer, which favors the formation of larger-size rolls. This study improves the understanding of the main factors affecting the structure and growth of rolls and will provide guidance for interpreting the spatial distribution of rolls under realistic hurricanes in observations and high-resolution simulations.

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