carcass cuts
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2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. e53265
Tiago Goulart Petrolli ◽  
Rafaella Rossetto Petrolli ◽  
Edemar Aniecevski ◽  
Caroline Schmidt Facchi ◽  
Felipe Leite ◽  

The objective of this study was to determine choline chloride replacement effects by a vegetable choline source, compost by Trachyspermum amni, Citrullus colocynthis, Achyranthus aspera, and Azadirachta indica in broiler feed. These compounds are fonts of phosphatidylcholine, a high-disponible molecule for intestinal absorption and choline supply. A total of 640 animals were randomly allocated in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and eight repetitions (n = 20), and zootechnical performance (body weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and productive efficiency index), carcass yield, cuts yield, and organs (heart, liver, proventriculus, gizzard, and small intestine) relative weights were evaluated. Were evaluated two choline chloride levels (600 and 800 mg kg-1) and two vegetable choline levels (100 and 200 mg kg-1), added in a corn-soybean meal basal diet, during 42 days of raising. Results revealed better feed conversion ratio (p < 0.001) and production efficiency index (p < 0.001) in broilers fed vegetable choline, with no differences on body weight (p = 0.372) and weight gain (p = 0.427) among broilers. Carcass, cuts yield, and organ relative weights do not alter (p > 0.05) due to different group of supplementations. Findings in this trial concludes vegetable choline can adequately replace choline chloride in broiler feed, with improvement on performance and no compromising carcass, cuts or organ development.

Rafea M. T. Khulel, Mohammed Fauzi Abdelguni Rafea M. T. Khulel, Mohammed Fauzi Abdelguni

  The object of this experiment to study the effect of thawing and coating of frozen broiler carcass cuts (Breast, thigh, drumstick) on cooking loss percentage and sensory characteristics (Tenderness, flavor, juiciness). 24 carcasses of broiler were divided to the main cuts (Breast, thigh, drumstick) and frozen for 3 weeks then divided to 4 groups of 6 cuts, half of each cuts were thawed on room temperature and the other half left frozen, then half of the thawed and half of the frozen cuts were coated with a layer of Kentucky mix in a plastic bag, then all carcass cuts were fried in deep oil. The results showed that thawing or coating or interaction between them had no significant effect on cooking loss percentage for the three parts, and thawing did not affect sensory characteristics significantly, while coating had a significant effect on tenderness, juiciness, and flavor at (P< 0.05) of the breast and the tenderness of thigh and drumstick (P< 0.05). The interaction between thawing and coating had a significant effect on Juiciness and flavor of breast and tenderness of thigh (P< 0.05) but not significant on drumstick.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 1368
Ana Catharina Batista ◽  
Virgínia Santos ◽  
João Afonso ◽  
Cristina Guedes ◽  
Jorge Azevedo ◽  

Carcass dissection is a more accurate method for determining the composition of a carcass; however, it is expensive and time-consuming. Techniques like VIA are of great interest once they are objective and able to determine carcass contents accurately. This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of a flexible VIA system to determine the weight and yield of the commercial value of carcass cuts of light lamb. Photos from 55 lamb carcasses are taken and a total of 21 VIA measurements are assessed. The half-carcasses are divided into six primal cuts, grouped according to their commercial value: high-value (HVC), medium-value (MVC), low-value (LVC) and all of the cuts (AllC). K-folds cross-validation stepwise regression analyses are used to estimate the weights of the cuts in the groups and their lean meat yields. The models used to estimate the weight of AllC, HVC, MVC and LVC show similar results and a k-fold coefficient of determination (k-fold-R2) of 0.99 is achieved for the HVC and AllC predictions. The precision of the weight and yield of the three prediction models varies from low to moderate, with k-fold-R2 results between 0.186 and 0.530, p < 0.001. The prediction models used to estimate the total lean meat weight are similar and low, with k-fold-R2 results between 0.080 and 0.461, p < 0.001. The results confirm the ability of the VIA system to estimate the weights of parts and their yields. However, more research is needed on estimating lean meat yield.


The article presents the results of varietal cutting according to the trade classifi cation of carcasses of rams, yarochek and yarushkov of the South Ural breed, depending on gender and age.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 231-238
M. O. Raji ◽  
O. S. Oladapo ◽  
A. B. Oloko ◽  
A. A Akinosun

African yam bean seed is one of the underutilized legumes and a prospective feed ingredient in poultry diet. This study was carried out to examine carcass characteristics and internal organs of broiler starter fed partial replacement of toasted African yam bean seed meal supplemented with multi-enzyme (TAYBSM+E). There were five treatments: treatment one (T1) served as control without TAYBSM+E while T2, T3, T4 and T5 contained 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% TAYBSM+E, respectively and supplied experimental broiler birds for four weeks. Each treatment was randomly assigned to one of the five experimental diets in a completely randomized designed. Two hundred birds were allotted to five treatments replicated four times with 10 birds per replicate. At four weeks of age, experimental birds were starved for 12 hours; one bird was sacrificed per replicate (four per treatments), defeathered and cut into different parts. Carcass cuts and vital organs were carefully collected and weighed with sensitive scale. All parameters in the carcass cuts and internal organs weight examined were not statistically (P>0.05) influenced except intestine, lungs and thigh that significantly (P<0.05) different. It is concluded that toasted African yam bean seed meal supplemented with multi-enzyme is a good source of protein that can be used in broiler feeds safely up to 80% inclusion level to give satisfactory results.  

2020 ◽  
Lei Xie ◽  
Jiangtao Qin ◽  
Dengshuai Cui ◽  
Xi Tang ◽  
Shijun Xiao ◽  

Abstract Background Pork cutting is a very important processing in promoting economic appreciation in the pig industry chain. The purpose of this study was to investigate the proportion and weight of carcass cuts, and to analyze the effects of breeds or hybrids, sex and carcass weight on meat cuts. Simultaneously, explore the correlation between meat segmentation and carcass traits. Methods The sampled pigs were raised in Muyuan Food Co., Ltd. (Henan, China) under constant and consistent feeding environment and uniformly slaughtered at 180 days following standard pig slaughter processing. A total of 2,000 pigs from four genotypes of Landrace (LD), Yorkshire (YK), Landrace × Yorkshire (LY) and Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire (DLY) were sampled and measured for 19 classes carcass cuts traits including its weights and proportions and 10 carcass traits relating to carcass length and back fat products. Effects of carcass weight, sex and genotype on meat cuts and carcass traits were investigated by linear model using home-made R scripts. Results The proportion of the middle cut increasing and proportion of the shoulder and leg cut decreasing as carcass weights increasing. More specifically, proportion of backfat increased the highest and the thickness of four-point backfat was significantly increasing with carcass weights increasing, which hint that fat deposition is the major step in the late growth stage. Besides, the proportion of shoulder cut and backfat in barrows are significantly higher than that in sows, while the leg cut is the opposite. The proportion of the middle cut and shoulder cut are the highest in LD and DLY respectively. We also found that the effects of carcass weight, sex and breed for carcass traits are consistent with cutting meats. Furthermore, the correlation between the proportions of most cutting meats and carcass traits was low. Conclusions The effects of carcass weight, sex and genotype on the weight and proportion of most cutting meats and carcass traits reflect the characteristic of breeds and its differential character of growth to fatten developments between sex. The above results laid an important foundation for the breeding of pig carcass composition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (10) ◽  
pp. 291-297
Naziha Ayeb ◽  
Maha Hammouda ◽  
Mohamed Dbara ◽  
Mohamed Chniter ◽  
Belgacem Lachiheb ◽  

Ayodeji Fasuyi

Aims: To explore the possibility of utilizing bio-fermented industrial plant by-products (composite mixture of fermented palm kernel meal, brewers dried grains and molasses) as supplementary crude protein source in broiler production.  Study Design: Two hundred and eighty-eight (288) day old birds were picked and randomized into six treatments in a completely randomize designed experiment. Place and Duration of Study: Research study was carried out at the Teaching & Research Farm of Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti between June and September, 2016. Methodology: The composite of the palm kernel meal (PKM), brewer dried grains (BDG) and molasses were prepared using a ratio of 50 L of water to 25 kg of PKM, 25 kg of BDG and 2.5 L of molasses. The fermented composite of palm kernel meal, brewer dried grains and molasses (PBMC) was dried before incorporation into experimental diets as protein supplement at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35% inclusion levels in a completely randomized designed experiment. The control diet had no composite of PKM, BDG and molasses. At the end of the experiment, birds were randomly selected from the 6 treatments, weighed and sacrificed. After slaughtering, the carcasses were scalded at 55-60°C in water bath for 30 sec before de-feathering. The data collected were subjected to One Way Analysis of Variance using Minitab computer model (Version 16). The dressed chicks were eviscerated and some carcass cuts and weights of organs determined. Results: The live weight of broilers fed the diet 1 (control diet without PBMC) was statistically similar (P>0.05) to those obtained for broiler finisher birds fed 15, 20, 25 and 35% PBMC but significantly different (P<0.05) from broilers fed 30% PBMC, respectively. Similar results were obtained for the dressed and eviscerated weights. There were predominant similarities among the weights of the determined carcass cuts and internal organs. Conclusion: The use of PBMC can be safely practiced to further improve the utilization of PKM and BDG in poultry diets at a maximum inclusion level of 20%. This inclusion level supported carcass characteristics and standard weights of organs at the end of the finisher phase of broiler production.

Angela Cividini ◽  
Dušan Terčič ◽  
Mojca Simčič

The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of feeding system on the growth rate and carcass quality of crossbred Improved Jezersko-Solčava x Texel (JSRT) lambs and to evaluate the effect of sex on these traits. The trial was conducted in nature according to the traditional rearing systems. The trial included 44 crossbred lambs, which were born and reared until the slaughter in three different flocks. In the age of 10 days suckled lambs were offered with ad libitum corresponding diets according to the feeding system. All lambs were slaughtered in seven consecutive days by the same procedure. The effect of feeding system significantly affected daily gain from birth to slaughter, EUROP carcass conformation and shoulder width. Likewise, the effect of sex significantly affected daily gain from birth to slaughter and internal fatness of carcasses. According to carcass cuts the feeding system significantly affected only the proportion of neck and leg. Considering meat quality traits, feeding system had a significant effect on the pH 45 and CIE a* values. In this study, we could speculate that more than the feeding system the growth and the carcass traits as well as meat traits were affected by the amount of the supplement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Frangki Sigaha ◽  
Ellen J Saleh ◽  
Srisukmawati Zainudin

This study aims to determine the evaluation of the percentage of super native chicken carcasses by providing fermented corn straw. The research design used in the study was a Completely Randomized Design consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications namely P0 (ration without treatment), P1 (ration containing 5% fermented corn straw), P2 (ration containing 10% fermented corn straw), P3 (ration ration containing 15% fermented corn straw) and P4 (ration containing 20% fermented corn straw). The data obtained were then analyzed using the Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and if the results were influential then proceed with the Duncan Distance test. The results showed that the treatment had no significant effect (P> 0.05) on the variables of life weight, carcass weight and percentage of carcass cut. The highest living weight was found in the P0 treatment (without using fermented corn straw) with the acquisition of an average value of 850.75 gr / head and produced the highest carcass weight of 197.25 gr. The highest percentage of carcass cuts was obtained at P3 treatment (15% fermented corn straw) with an average value of 23.88%.

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