vulnerable persons
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 546-572
S. M. Kurbatova ◽  
L. Yu. Aisner

This article presents theoretical and practical aspects of the use of modern technologies to promote the rights of persons with disabilities as participants in criminal proceedings. In this context, modern technologies are considered as means of compensatory nature. These technologies help persons with disabilities to become active participants in criminal procedural legal relations and independently exercise their rights and perform duties in the field of criminal proceedings. Through the use of modern technologies, persons with disabilities can level their position in relation to other participants in criminal proceedings who are active subjects of criminal procedural legal relations, and can independently exercise their rights and perform their duties. This is part of the compensatory approach that should be implemented in criminal proceedings in order to compensate persons with disabilities for the restrictions that they have due to circumstances beyond their control. The social vulnerability of individual members of society should be compensated by the state in the person of the legislator and further implemented by state bodies such as law enforcement officers. This is the essence of the compensatory approach. One can note the importance of this approach for observing human rights and building the rule of law and a welfare state in countries that view themselves as democratic. This is also important for improving the quality of international legal acts that introduce a standard for all States, members of the world community. In this connection, it is proposed to develop at the international level the direction of using the achievements of modern science and technology as means of compensatory nature, to equalize the legal status of persons with disabilities participating in criminal proceedings. As a general conclusion, a proposal is made to extend the compensatory approach not only to the field of criminal procedure, but also to the entire legal sphere, both in the norms of international law and national legislation.

Кристина Александровна Насреддинова

Проблемы распространения экстремизма и радикализации общества является одной из первостепенных проблем любого государства. Последствия насильственных преступлений, совершаемых по экстремистским мотивам, всегда поражают своей циничностью, безжалостностью и порождают страх у всего общества. Наши исправительные учреждения тоже столкнулись с проблемами распространения и пропаганды экстремизма среди осужденных со стороны лиц, отбывающих наказание за эти преступления. Однако, как показывает практика, эта проблема актуальна для пенитенциарных учреждений государств всего мира. Поэтому изучение опыта одной из европейских стран представляется интересным с точки зрения заимствования наиболее эффективных профилактических мероприятий при борьбе с экстремизмом. В статье автором анализируются итоги исследования, проведенного в Великобритании, целью которого было изучение масштабов и характера радикализации осужденных в трех тюрьмах строгого режима Англии и Уэльса. В ходе данного исследования был составлен криминологический портрет осужденного, склонного к радикализации, выявлены основные причины распространения экстремизма в тюрьмах, среди которых особенно выделяются проблемы, связанные с сокращением численности сотрудников, увеличением числа вакантных должностей. Кроме того, отсутствие опыта работы именно с осужденными-мусульманами у персонала тюрем, связанного с непониманием ими основ мусульманской религии, ее ценностей, а также отсутствие профессионально подготовленных капелланов, привели к резкому росту экстремизма. Автором изучены все мероприятия, проведенные на уровне уголовно-исполнительной политики государства с целью профилактики экстремизма в тюрьмах. К таким относится создание в 2016 г. нового государственного управления по вопросам безопасности, порядка и борьбы с терроризмом, а также мероприятия, направленные на обучение персонала, координацию деятельности оперативных служб, выявление наиболее «уязвимых» лиц для радикализации, решение кадровых вопросов с подбором персонала. В результате это привело к сокращению роста распространения экстремизма в тюрьмах Великобритании. The problems of the spread of extremism and the radicalization of society is one of the primary problems of any state. The consequences of violent crimes committed for extremist motives are always striking in their cynicism, ruthlessness and generate fear in the whole society. Our correctional institutions have also faced problems with the spread and propaganda of extremism among convicts, on the part of persons serving sentences for these crimes. But as practice shows, absolutely all penitentiary institutions of the world have faced this. Therefore, studying the experience of one of the European countries seems interesting, from the point of view of borrowing positive experience, the most effective preventive measures in the fight against extremism. The author analyzes the results of a study conducted in Great Britain, which sought to examine the extent and nature of radicalization of convicts in three maximum security prisons in England and Wales. In the course of this study, a criminological portrait of a convict prone to radicalization was compiled, the main causes of the spread of extremism in prisons were identified, among which the problems associated with a reduction in the number of employees and an increase in the number of vacant positions are particularly highlighted. In addition, the lack of experience of working with Muslim convicts among prison staff, due to their lack of understanding of the basics of the Muslim religion, its values, as well as the lack of professionally trained chaplains, led to a sharp increase in extremism. The author has studied all the measures carried out at the level of the state's penal policy in order to prevent extremism in prisons. These include the creation in 2016 of a new State Department for security, order and the fight against terrorism, as well as measures aimed at training personnel, coordinating the activities of operational services, identifying the most "vulnerable" persons for radicalization, and resolving personnel issues with recruitment. As a result, this has led to a reduction in the growth of extremism in UK prisons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Kathryn Pfaff ◽  
Heather Krohn ◽  
Jamie Crawley ◽  
Michelle Howard ◽  
Pooya Moradian Zadeh ◽  

Abstract Background Vulnerable persons are individuals whose life situations create or exacerbate vulnerabilities, such as low income, housing insecurity and social isolation. Vulnerable people often receive a patchwork of health and social care services that does not appropriately address their needs. The cost of health and social care services escalate when these individuals live without appropriate supports. Compassionate Communities apply a population health theory of practice wherein citizens are mobilized along with health and social care supports to holistically address the needs of persons experiencing vulnerabilities. Aim The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of a compassionate community intervention for vulnerable persons in Windsor Ontario, Canada. Methods This applied qualitative study was informed by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. We collected and analyzed focus group and interview data from 16 program stakeholders: eight program clients, three program coordinators, two case managers from the regional health authority, one administrator from a partnering community program, and two nursing student volunteers in March through June 2018. An iterative analytic process was applied to understand what aspects of the program work where and why. Results The findings suggest that the program acts as a safety net that supports people who are falling through the cracks of the formal care system. The ‘little things’ often had the biggest impact on client well-being and care delivery. The big and little things were achieved through three key processes: taking time, advocating for services and resources, and empowering clients to set personal health goals and make authentic community connections. Conclusion Compassionate Communities can address the holistic, personalized, and client-centred needs of people experiencing homelessness and/or low income and social isolation. Volunteers are often untapped health and social care capital that can be mobilized to promote the health of vulnerable persons. Student volunteers may benefit from experiencing and responding to the needs of a community’s most vulnerable members.

Obiter ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
Letlhokwa George Mpedi ◽  
Daleen Millard

Access to social protection interventions, such as social assistance, social insurance and private insurance, in South Africa is limited. For that reason, plugging the holes in the safety net is undoubtedly one of the most pressing challenges facing South Africa in its quest to design a comprehensive social protection system. The point is that vulnerable persons, just like any other persons, have to contend with social risks (for example, death, poor health, invalidity, etcetera). As a result, similarly to all other persons, they require protection against these risks. It is clear that the current social protection interventions (particularly social insurance, social assistance and privateinsurance) fail to protect every person in need of such protection adequately in South Africa. Thus, the contribution sets out to investigate the prospects of micro-insurance being used as an instrument to extend social protection coverage to the excluded and marginalized persons in South Africa.

AIDS Care ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Mary Mitchell ◽  
Eric Hansen ◽  
Tuo-Yen Tseng ◽  
Mary Shen ◽  
Zachary Catanzarite ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (16) ◽  
pp. 9102
Marie-Eva Pickering

Magnesium (Mg) is a pivotal and very complex component of healthy aging in the cardiovascular-muscle-bone triad. Low Mg levels and low Mg intake are common in the general aging population and are associated with poorer outcomes than higher levels, including vascular calcification, endothelial dysfunction, osteoporosis, or muscle dysfunction/sarcopenia. While Mg supplementation appears to reverse these processes and benefit the triad, more randomized clinical trials are needed. These will allow improvement of preventive and curative strategies and propose guidelines regarding the pharmaceutical forms and the dosages and durations of treatment in order to optimize and adapt Mg prescription for healthy aging and for older vulnerable persons with comorbidities.

2021 ◽  
Mandhar Al maqbali ◽  
Salim Al-Huseini ◽  
Ahmad Mohamed Eltanahy ◽  
Mohamed Elawdy

Abstract Background: Mandatory quarantine during COVID-19 has disrupted normal social and economic life and many people became trapped and isolated with increasing levels of anxiety and financial difficulties. Especially for vulnerable people, COVID-19 pandemic had shown by many studies to increase the depressive and anxiety symptoms as well as suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts. Increased suicidal attempts had been associated with the increased burden of the health and economic impacts of the pandemic.Cases Presentation: Here, we report four cases of suicidal attempts during the COVID 19 outbreak due to the lockdown and related economic difficulties. Those cases were admitted in a general hospital from the period April 2020 to June 2020.All patients were males, tested negative for corona virus and used violent methods of suicide. After receiving the appropriate treatment, all cases were discharged from hospital.Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic and social impacts could result in significant consequences on vulnerable persons. As shown by many studies, Screening and early treatment are of paramount importance in preventing the mental health complications of the pandemic

2021 ◽  
Mandhar Al maqbali ◽  
Salim Al-Huseini ◽  
Ahmad Mohamed Eltanahy ◽  
Mohamed Elawdy

Abstract Background:Mandatory quarantine during COVID-19 has disrupted normal social and economic life and many people became trapped and isolated with increasing levels of anxiety and financial difficulties. Especially for vulnerable people, the COVID-19 pandemic had shown by many studies to increase the depressive and anxiety symptoms as well as suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts. Increased suicidal attempts had been associated with the increased burden of the health and economic impacts of the pandemic.Cases Presentation:Here, we report four cases of suicidal attempts during the COVID 19 outbreak due to the lockdown and related economic difficulties. Those cases were admitted to a general hospital from the period April 2020 to June 2020. All patients were males, tested negative for coronavirus and used violent methods of suicide. After receiving the appropriate treatment, all cases were discharged from the hospital.Conclusion:The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic and social impacts could result in significant consequences on vulnerable persons. As shown by many studies, Screening and early treatment are of paramount importance in preventing the mental health complications of the pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 1531-1539
Joseph Akhator ◽  
James Jikdang ◽  
Ofure Omoike

In 2010, the UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS) evaluates that the greater part surprisingly living with HIV/AIDS are women. It is assessed that, in Africa, ladies are twice as liable to contract HIV-1 through sexual intercourse involving vagina contrasted to men and are along these lines thought to be vulnerable persons in the population. The improvement of a female microbicide that gives security against HIV-1 infection is a promising preventive and precaution strategy.

2021 ◽  
Xingqi Cao ◽  
Chen Chen ◽  
Jingyun Zhang ◽  
Qian-Li Xue ◽  
Emiel O Hoogendijk ◽  

Abstract Background: The aims of this study were to: 1) describe the proportions of vulnerable persons identified by three existing aging metrics that incorporate cognitive and physical function; 2) examine the associations of the three metrics with mortality; and 3) develop and validate a new simple functional score for mortality prediction. Methods: The three aging metrics were the combined presence of cognitive impairment and physical frailty (CI-PF), the frailty index (FI), and the motoric cognitive risk syndrome (MCR). We operationalized them with data from two large cohort studies: the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) and the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Logistic regression models or Cox proportional hazard regression models, and receiver operating characteristic curves were used to examine the associations of the three metrics with mortality. A new functional score was developed and validated in the Rugao Ageing Study (RAS), an independent dataset. Results: In CHARLS, the proportions of vulnerable persons identified by CI-PF, FI, and MCR were 2.2%, 16.6%, and 19.6%, respectively. Each metric predicted mortality after adjustment for age and sex, with some variations in the strength of the associations (CI-PF, odds ratio (OR)=2.87, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.74, 4.74; FI, OR=1.94, 95% CI=1.50, 2.50; MCR, OR=1.27, 95% CI=1.00, 1.62). CI-PF and FI had additional predictive utility beyond age and sex, as demonstrated by integrated discrimination improvement, and continuous net reclassification improvement (all P <0.001). These results were replicated in NHANES. Furthermore, we developed a new functional score by selecting six self-reported items from CI-PF and FI in CHARLS, and demonstrated that it predicted mortality risk. This functional score was further validated in RAS. To facilitate the quick screening of persons with deteriorations in cognitive and physical function, we introduced a publicly available online tool designed for this new functional score. Conclusions: Despite the inherent differences in the aging metrics incorporating cognitive and physical function, they consistently capture mortality risk. The findings support the incorporation of cognitive and physical function for risk stratification in both Chinese and US persons, but call for caution when applying them in specific study settings.

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