mycelia sterilia
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2024 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
L. A. Ramí́rez-Camejo

Abstract Endophytic fungi are a ubiquituos group that colonize all plant species on earth. Studies comparing the location of endophytic fungi within the leaves and the sampling time in Manihot esculenta Crantz (cassava) are limited. In this study, mature leaves of M. esculenta from Panama were collected in order to compare the cultivable diversity of endophytic fungi and to determine their distribution within the leaves. A total of one hundred sixty endophytes belonging to 97 species representing 13 genera and 8 morphospecies determined as mycelia sterilia that containing 63 isolates were isolated. Cladosporium, Nigrospora, Periconia, and mycelia sterilia 1 and 3 were the most predominant isolated endophytes. We detected that endophytes varied across the sampling time, but not amongst locations within leaves. The endophytes composition across sampling and the location of endophytes within leaf was similar, except for Periconia and mycelia sterilia 3 and 7. The data generated in this study contribute to the knowledge on the biodiversity of endophytic fungi in Panama, and establish the bases for future research focused on understanding the function of endophytes in M. esculenta crops.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-92
I. M. Kulbanska ◽  
А. F. Goychuk ◽  
M. V. Shvets

Attention is focused on the fact that in recent years there has been epiphytotic dieback out of many species of forest woody plants both in Ukraine and in other countries of the world, which has a dynamic character and a tendency to grow. In the deep pathology of this phenomenon, phytopathogenic bacteria, which have high reproduction energy and can penetrate the plant both from the outside and cause a pathological process as vital obligates, were left without attention. It has been established that the most common and harmful disease of common ash in Ukraine is tuberculosis. The causative agent of the disease is the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi Gard. affects both trunks, branches and shoots, and inflorescences of common ash. Bacteria Pseudomonas sp., Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig., Pseudomonas syringae Van., Erwinia herbicola Eh., Xanthomonas sp. were isolated from tuberculous pathology as a concomitant myco- and microbiota and micromycetes Cladosporium cladosporiodes Fres., Ulocladium botrytis Preus., Mycelia sterilia (dark), Mycelia sterilia (orange), Fusarium heterosporum Lin., Fusarium sp., W., Cylindrocarpon didymium Har., etc. The mechanism of systemic relationships of the components of myco- and microbiota of tuberculous pathology of common ash in the regulation (self-regulation) of pathogenicity and aggressiveness of vital obligates has been investigated. Attention is focused on the prospects and expediency of using the antagonistic properties of myco- and microorganisms and biological products based on them for the prevention and protection of tree plantations from bacterial pathogens. It is shown that the pathology of common ash is a multifaceted phenomenon with interrelated processes of an infectious and non-infectious nature. The need to distinguish between the etiology and pathogenesis of this negative phenomenon is indicated, that is, not to mix the factors that lead to the weakening of ordinary ash (factors catalyzing the disease) and the factors that cause its epiphytotic dieback. Keywords: bacteria, fungi, common ash, antagonism, Pseudomonas syringae pv. savastanoi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-57
G. O. Boyko ◽  
N. V. Puzrina

The species composition of micromycetes of Scots pine seeds, collected from plantations growing in different forest vegetation conditions and selected from trees of different age groups, was studied. It was found that the most common species of micromycetes - Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium oxysporum, Mycelia sterilia. Dominant species of micromycetes, in particular Penicillium cyclopium, Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium sambucinum, which are the most dangerous for the development of healthy planting material, have been identified. The largest number of micromycetes from seeds of plantations growing wet birch (A3) - 189 and fresh beer (A2) - 103 micromycetes, and the smallest - fresh (B2) and raw subir (B3), respectively: 92 and 93 isolates. The highest frequency of occurrence on experimental samples of seeds of Scots pine, selected from fresh pine stands, had micromycetes: Penicillium cyclopium, Alternaria alternata, Trithothecium roseum micromycetes had the highest frequency of occurrence of Scots pine seeds taken from fresh pine stands, and Mortierella alpine, P. canescens, P. lanosum, P. variabile, Fusarium sporotrich had the lowest frequency. It was noted that Mycelia sterilia (9.2%), Fusarium sporotrichioides (9.6%) were the most common on seeds selected from trees of different age groups, while Alternaria alternata, A. tenuissima, Fusarium verticillioides were the least common. Trichothecium roseum - 1.9%. The similarity of the species composition of mycobiota seeds selected from young and medieval plantations (similarity index - 84.2%) and medieval and mature (similarity index - 89.4%) was studied. Less similarity was observed between the species composition of fungi identified on seeds selected from young and mature plantations (similarity index is -73.6%). The most similar were the seeds of medieval and mature plantations, the least similar - the young and mature. The seeds were selected from different age groups, are different in species composition of micromycetes (similarity varied between 73.6 - 89.4%). Keywords: age groups of trees, mycobiota, type of forest vegetation conditions, micromycetes, Scots pine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Maria Viktorovna Mantrova

The paper studies mycobiota of the upper layer of pine forests litter in the parks of Surgut: Za Saimoy, Energetikov, Kedrovy Log, Neftyanik. The author identified 52 isolates of soil microscopic fungi belonging to 14 genera. Most of the isolates - anamorphic (mitospore) fungi - are represented by 9 genera: Acremonium , Annellosporium , Aspergillus , Fusarium , Humicola , Penicillium , Trichoderma , Ulocladium , Verticillium . Zygomycetes belong to three genera - Absidia , Mucor and Umbelopsis . Ascomycetes are represented by two genera: Eupenicillium and Talaromyces . The author also isolated Mycelia sterilia group. Representatives of the genera Absidia , Trichoderma , Fusarium and Penicillium are found in the mycocenoses of the studied parks. The genera Trichoderma , Fusarium and Penicillium also dominate by the number of isolates. Umbelopsis isabellina species is abundant in the Kedrovy Log park. Species of the genus Trichoderma are abundant in the Neftyanik park. Light-colored micromycetes of the group Mycelia sterilia are found and abundant only in the Za Saimoy park. Cellulolytics of the genus Trichoderma and the species Annellosporium nemorosum are abundant in the Energetikov park. Thus, mycobiota of the upper layer litter of the studied parks is close to the mycobiota of the background podzolic soils. It contains fungal species typical of the background soils. Fungi resistant to anthropogenic influences - dark-colored micromycetes Ulocladium alternarie and phytopathogenic species Verticillium dahlia var. longisporum . were found in the minority only in the Energetikov park. The obtained data allow us to conclude that the anthropogenic influence on the structure of the mycocenosis of the Energetikov park is more pronounced, but in general it does not have a significant effect on the mycobiota of the upper layer litter of the studied parks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Utami Sri Hastuti ◽  
Sulisetijono Sulisetijono ◽  
Dwi Rahmawati ◽  
Ria Yustika Sari ◽  
Sugi Hartono ◽  

Some endophytic fungi species live in medicinal plant tissue and does not make any damage, but live in symbiotic mutualism relationship with the host plant. This research was done to: 1) identify the endophytic fungi species isolated from P. angulata leaf, twig, and stem bark tissues, 2) determine the endophytic fungi colonization in the P. angulata plant tissue by histologic observation. The endophytic fungi was isolated from healthy P. angulata plant parts, then inoculated on Potato Dextrose Agar medium and incubated in 27°C for 7-14 days. Each endophytic fungi isolates were identified. The histologic observation was done by microscopic observation to determine the endophytic fungi position in the plant tissue. The conclusion are: 1) seven endophytic fungi species were found: Penicillium verrucosum, Colletotrichum alienum, Fusarium subglutinans, Aspergillus nidulans, Mycelia sterilia 1, Mycelia sterilia 2, and Rhizoctonia sp.; 2) the endophytic fungi micelium was found on the leaf epidermis cell wall, on the twig epidermis cell wall, and parenchyma cell wall, on the stem bark epidermis cell wall. The suggestion of the study: it is need to make the next research about secondary metabolites content produced by endophytic fungi species isolated from P. angulata and their antimicrobial activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. e1610210830
José Alisson da Silva Lima ◽  
Lais Nicolly Ribeiro da Silva ◽  
Rodrigo José Nunes Calumby ◽  
Jayane Omena de Oliveira ◽  
Davi Porfírio da Silva ◽  

Allium sativum L. é um condimento de sabor característico e composição fitoquímica rica em princípios ativos com atividade antimicrobiana. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial antifúngico in vitro do extrato aquoso de A. sativum frente à fungos patogênicos isolados do solo. Foram coletadas 30 amostras do solo em três praças públicas da cidade de Maceió – Al e, em seguida, processadas para o isolamento de fungos por meio da técnica de suspensão de solo. Os fungos foram identificados por meio da visualização dos aspectos macroscópicos e microscópicos das colônias. O extrato aquoso de A. sativum (EA) foi obtido por meio de infusão do bulbo fragmentado e os testes de suscetibilidade antifúngica foram realizados através de difusão em ágar. Como resultados, foram obtidas 256 Unidades Formadoras de Colônias (UFC), das quais 110 (42,9%) correspondiam a Aspergillus sp., 52 (20,3%) a Mycelia sterilia, 28 (10,9%) a Penicillium sp. e 24 (9,4%) a Beauveria bassiana. Em relação ao EA, este demonstrou atividade antifúngica contra Beauveria bassiana, Aspergillus sp. e Penicillium sp., exibindo halos de inibição que variaram de 10 a 30 mm. Esses achados demonstram a atividade antifúngica do alho contra diferentes fungos oriundos do solo, estando esta relacionada a sua rica composição fitoquímica que proporciona ação fungicida direta e atua na inibição do micélio e na germinação dos esporos.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 2779-2791
Jayane Omena de Oliveira ◽  
Igor Michel Ramos dos Santos ◽  
Davi Porfírio da Silva ◽  
Rodrigo José Nunes Calumby ◽  
Rossana Teotônio de Farias Moreira ◽  

RESUMO: As praias da cidade de Maceió, conhecidas mundialmente por suas belezas naturais, atraem turistas de todo o mundo. Entretanto, dejetos orgânicos são lançados diretamente nas areias e águas, favorecendo a proliferação fúngica. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a ocorrência de fungos na água e areia de duas praias da região metropolitana de Maceió - Alagoas, identificandoa presença de agentes patogênicos e potencialmente patogênicos para o homem.Foram coletadas 20 amostras de água do mar e 20 amostras de areia, em pontos escolhidos aleatoriamente, no período da manhã, durante a maré baixa. De cada amostra da água, retirou-se 1 mL que foi cultivado em placas de Petri contendo Ágar Sabouraud Dextrose (ASD) acrescido de cloranfenicol. Para o isolamento de fungos da areia, utilizou-se a técnica de suspensão de solo. A identificação dos fungos foi realizada por meio da associação dos aspectos macroscópicos e microscópicas da cultura, utilizando-se microcultivo. Como resultados, foram obtidas310 Unidades Formadoras de Colônias (UFC) nas duas praias, das quais 290 UFC (94%) pertenciam a fungos filamentosos e 20 UFC (6%) a leveduriformes. A maior ocorrência de fungos foi registrada nas amostras de areia (163 UFC) em comparação com a água (147UFC). Observou-se uma maior prevalência de Aspergillussp. (20,1%), seguido por Mycelia sterilia (13,4%) e Bipolaris sp. (12,2%). Uma ampla variedade de fungos desencadeadores de infecções e processos alérgicos foram identificados, evidenciando a necessidade de monitoramento contínuo e a implantação de uma política educacional ambiental. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Saneamento de praias, Micoses, Contaminação ambiental.

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (12) ◽  
pp. 4140-4151
Y. S. Deepika ◽  
S. Mahadevakumar ◽  
K. N. Amruthesh ◽  
K. R. Sridhar ◽  
N. Lakshmidevi

О. Белошапкина ◽  
М. Катушова

При оценке заражённости семян райграса (Lolium perenne L.), полевицы (Agrostis stolonifera L.) и мятлика (Poa pratensis L.), используемых для спортивных газонов, установлено, что основными патогенами, независимо от вида растений и сроков анализа, были грибы родов: Fusarium с частотой встречаемости 42 51, Alternaria 37 52, Penicillium 11 23, представители Mycelia sterilia 5 10. Методами рулонов и влажной камеры выявлено, что заражённость семян мятлика лугового была 28 32 при лабораторной всхожести 40 47 аналогичные показатели у райграса пастбищного были 58 64 и 84 89 соответственно у полевицы побегообразующей 53 58 и 80 82. В лабораторных условиях провели оценку воздействия фунгицидных протравителей Стрекар, ВРК (д.в. фитобактериомицин карбендазим), Фитолавин, ВРК (д.в комплекс стрептотрициновых антибиотиков фитобактериомицин), ТМТДплюс, КС (д.в. тирам иммуномодуляторы), Селест Топ, КС (д.в. тиаметоксам флудиоксонил дифеноконазол) на заражённость и всхожесть семян, развитие проростков. Максимально снизилась заражённость семян райграса после обработки препаратами ТМТДплюс и Селест Топ на 17,4 и 24 соответственно. Однако Селест Топ на 48,4 снижал длину колеоптиле, на 37,0 первого листа и на 12,3 корня по сравнению с контрольным вариантом. ТМТДплюс положительно повлиял на проростки райграса, увеличив длину корня на 7,3, колеоптиле на 15,6, первого листа на 50,1. Селест Топ также максимально (на 25,3) уменьшил заражённость семян мятлика лугового, показав биологическую эффективность 82,6, но при этом снизил всхожесть до 33, длину колеоптиле на 59,1 , корня на 53,2, листа на 51,9. ТМТДплюс и Стрекар проявили низкую биологическую эффективность, но увеличили длину побега на 12,4, колеоптиле на 5,7 . Фитолавин несущественно повлиял на заражённость семян и развитие проростков газонных трав. Seed tests revealed that ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) and bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) were mainly affected by Fusarium spp. (42 51), Alternaria spp. (37 52), Penicillium spp. (11 23) and Mycelia sterilia (5 10) when growing sport turfgrass. Seeds of bluegrass were contaminated by 28 32, ryegrass 58 64 and bentgrass 53 58. Their germination rates amounted to 40 47 84 89 and 80 82, respectively. Seedling development, seed infection and germination rate were evaluated after fungicide application (Strekar, Fitolavin, TMTDplyus and Selest Top). Ryegrass infection highly decreased after TMTDplyus and Selest Top application by 17.4 and 24, respectively. Selest Top reduced length of coleoptile by 48.4, first leaf 37.0 and root 12.3. TMTDplyus positively affected ryegrass seedlings and increased length of root by 7.3, coleoptile 15.6, first leaf 50.1. Selest Top application led to the highest reduction in bluegrass infection (by 25.3), had biological effectiveness of 82.6 but decreased germination rate by 33, length of coleoptile 59.1, root 53.2, leaf 51.9. TMTDplyus and Strekar showed low biological efficiency but increased length of shoot by 12.4, coleoptile 5.7 . Fitolavin showed no significant effect on seed contamination and seedling development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Hasnadhiazahra Rohadi ◽  
Nuraeni Ekowati ◽  
Moh Ilyas

Moringa oleifera Lam. is a small, perennial tree which belongs to moringaceae family. This plant is widely known for their nutritional and medicinal purposes. They can associate with microorganisms showing beneficial symbiosis called as endophytic microorganism. Endophytic fungi is microorganism capable of living within the plant tissues without harming their host.  This study was aimed for obtaining pure culture of fungal endophytes from M. oleifera and then identifying them based on morphological identification. The morphological identification was done by observing both macro- and micro- morphological characteristics of the endophytic fungi. Twenty endophytic fungi were isolated from lamina, petiole and stem of M. oleifera. The genus obtained were Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Fusarium, Phomopsis, Phyllosticta, white mycelia sterilia and black mycelia sterilia (Dematiaceae). Keywords: endophytic fungi; identification; isolation; morphology; Moringa oleifera Lam.

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