diagrammatic method
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2038 (1) ◽  
pp. 012009
Joshua Feinberg ◽  
Roman Riser

Abstract We review our recent results on pseudo-hermitian random matrix theory which were hitherto presented in various conferences and talks. (Detailed accounts of our work will appear soon in separate publications.) Following an introduction of this new type of random matrices, we focus on two specific models of matrices which are pseudo-hermitian with respect to a given indefinite metric B. Eigenvalues of pseudo-hermitian matrices are either real, or come in complex-conjugate pairs. The diagrammatic method is applied to deriving explicit analytical expressions for the density of eigenvalues in the complex plane and on the real axis, in the large-N, planar limit. In one of the models we discuss, the metric B depends on a certain real parameter t. As t varies, the model exhibits various ‘phase transitions’ associated with eigenvalues flowing from the complex plane onto the real axis, causing disjoint eigenvalue support intervals to merge. Our analytical results agree well with presented numerical simulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
Henning Bahl ◽  
Ivan Sobolev

Abstract Low-energy effective field theories (EFT) encode information about the physics at high energies — i.e., the high-energy theory (HET). To extract this information the EFT and the HET have to be matched to each other. At the one-loop level, general results for the matching of renormalizable operators have already been obtained in the literature. In the present paper, we take a step towards a better understanding of renormalizable operator matching at the two-loop level: focusing on the diagrammatic method, we discuss in detail the various contributions to two-loop matching conditions and compare different approaches to derive them. Moreover, we discuss which observables are best suited for the derivation of matching conditions. As a concrete application, we calculate the $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_t{\alpha}_s\right) $$ O α t α s and $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\alpha}_t^2\right) $$ O α t 2 matching conditions of the scalar four-point couplings between the Standard Model (SM) and the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (THDM) as well as the THDM and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We use the derived formulas to improve the prediction of the SM-like Higgs mass in the MSSM using the THDM as EFT.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (11) ◽  
David Meltzer ◽  
Allic Sivaramakrishnan

Abstract We derive the Cutkosky rules for conformal field theories (CFTs) at weak and strong coupling. These rules give a simple, diagrammatic method to compute the double-commutator that appears in the Lorentzian inversion formula. We first revisit weakly-coupled CFTs in flat space, where the cuts are performed on Feynman diagrams. We then generalize these rules to strongly-coupled holographic CFTs, where the cuts are performed on the Witten diagrams of the dual theory. In both cases, Cutkosky rules factorize loop diagrams into on-shell sub-diagrams and generalize the standard S-matrix cutting rules. These rules are naturally formulated and derived in Lorentzian momentum space, where the double-commutator is manifestly related to the CFT optical theorem. Finally, we study the AdS cutting rules in explicit examples at tree level and one loop. In these examples, we confirm that the rules are consistent with the OPE limit and that we recover the S-matrix optical theorem in the flat space limit. The AdS cutting rules and the CFT dispersion formula together form a holographic unitarity method to reconstruct Witten diagrams from their cuts.

Robyn P. Araujo ◽  
Lance A. Liotta

AbstractBiochemical networks are often characterised by tremendous complexity – both in terms of the sheer number of interacting molecules (“nodes”) and in terms of the varied and incompletely understood interactions among these molecules (“interconnections” or “edges”). Strikingly, the vast and intricate networks of interacting proteins that exist within each living cell have the capacity to perform remarkably robustly, and reproducibly, despite significant variations in concentrations of the interacting components from one cell to the next, and despite mutability over time of biochemical parameters. Here we consider the ubiquitously observed and fundamentally important signalling response known as Robust Perfect Adaptation (RPA). We have recently shown that all RPA-capable networks, even the most complex ones, must satisfy an extremely rigid set of design principles, and are modular, being decomposable into just two types of network building-blocks – Opposer modules, and Balancer modules. Here we present an overview of the design principles that characterize all RPA-capable network topologies through a detailed examination of a collection of simple examples. We also introduce a diagrammatic method for studying the potential of a network to exhibit RPA, which may be applied without a detailed knowledge of the complex mathematical principles governing RPA.

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-224
Leslie V. Morrison ◽  
F. Richard Stephenson ◽  
Catherine Y. Hohenkerk

One hundred years ago, J.K. Fotheringham famously derived the “accelerations” of the Sun and Moon from the reports of 11 classical solar eclipses. We review critically the reliability of these eclipse reports and rework his diagrammatic method, treating the deceleration of the Earth’s rotation as an unknown, rather than the “acceleration” of the Sun. There is some serendipity in his choice of the critical eclipses, which opportunely facilitated his derivation of seemingly accurate results for the accelerations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 277
Christian J. Burnham ◽  
Niall J. English

We present a novel derivation of the multipole interaction (energies, forces and fields) in spherical harmonics, which results in an expression that is able to exactly reproduce the results of earlier Cartesian formulations. Our method follows the derivations of Smith (W. Smith, CCP5 Newsletter 1998, 46, 18.) and Lin (D. Lin, J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 143, 114115), who evaluate the Ewald sum for multipoles in Cartesian form, and then shows how the resulting expressions can be converted into spherical harmonics, where the conversion is performed by establishing a relation between an inner product on the space of symmetric traceless Cartesian tensors, and an inner product on the space of harmonic polynomials on the unit sphere. We also introduce a diagrammatic method for keeping track of the terms in the multipole interaction expression, such that the total electrostatic energy can be viewed as a ‘sum over diagrams’, and where the conversion to spherical harmonics is represented by ‘braiding’ subsets of Cartesian components together. For multipoles of maximum rank n, our algorithm is found to have scaling of n 3.7 vs. n 4.5 for our most optimised Cartesian implementation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 151 (24) ◽  
pp. 244103 ◽  
Kirill A. Komarov ◽  
Andrey V. Yarkov ◽  
Stanislav O. Yurchenko

2019 ◽  
Vol 974 ◽  
pp. 491-495
D.S. Toshin

The article describes a diagrammatic method for evaluating the effectiveness of strengthening structures under load. As an indicator of efficiency, a parameter is introduced that is set as the level of reinforcement loading of concrete by the beginning of the reinforced structure’s concrete destruction. The nonlinear deformation diagrams show the sequence of development and redistribution of stresses in the sections of the conditional inflexible concrete element, amplified without removing the load. The results of the practical calculation of the gain under load for some variations of the strength and the deformative characteristics of concrete are given. The data obtained indicate the possibility of applying the proposed methodology to the evaluation of the strengthening structures effectiveness without removing the load.

2019 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 32-42
Jixue Zhou ◽  
Jin Wang ◽  
Jingyu Qin ◽  
Kaiming Cheng ◽  
Chengwei Zhan ◽  

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