via holes
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Yue Cui ◽  
Kai-Da Xu ◽  
Ying-Jiang Guo ◽  
Qiang Chen

Abstract A half-mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) combined with spoof surface plasmon polariton (SSPP) structure is proposed to realize bandpass filter (BPF) characteristic and miniaturization, which is termed as the half-mode substrate integrated plasmonic waveguide (HMSIPW). Compared with the conventional HMSIW structure having identical cutoff frequency, this new design of HMSIPW not only supports SSPP modes, but also realizes a transversal size reduction of 19.4% and longitudinal reduction of more than 60%. Then, a diplexer based on two back-to-back placed HMSIPW BPFs is designed, and it has only one row of metallized via holes to further reduce the transversal size. The experimental prototypes of the filters and diplexer have been manufactured, and the measurement results agree well with simulation ones. Due to the size miniaturization and simple structure, the proposed designs will have many potentials in the integrated devices and circuits for wireless communication systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ahmed Ali ◽  
Heesu Wang ◽  
Jaejin Lee ◽  
Yeong Hwan Ahn ◽  
Ikmo Park

AbstractThis paper presents an ultra-low-profile copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) based solar cell integrated antenna with a high form factor. A tiny slot was etched from the solar cell to develop an ultra-low-profile solar-cell-integrated antenna. This tiny slot increases the form factor due to the small clearance area from the solar cell. A ground-radiation antenna design method was applied in which lumped elements were employed inside the tiny slot for antenna operation. Another substrate was used under the solar cell for designing the feeding structure with lumped elements connected to the tiny slot using via holes. A prototype was fabricated and measured to verify the operation of a built-in solar-cell antenna and validate the simulated results. The measured results demonstrate that the solar-cell-integrated antenna covers the entire frequency range of the Industrial Scientific Medical band, from 2.4 to 2.5 GHz, with a maximum gain of 2.79 dBi and radiation efficiency higher than 80% within the impedance bandwidth range. Moreover, the proposed design has an ultra-low-profile structure of only 0.0046 λo, where λo represents the free space wavelength at 2.45 GHz, and a high form factor of 99.1% with no optical blockage. The antenna and solar cell were designed to avoid affecting the performance of each other using the radio-frequency decoupler.

2021 ◽  
Ahmed Ali ◽  
Heesu Wang ◽  
Jaejin Lee ◽  
Yeong Hwan Ahn ◽  
Ikmo Park

Abstract This paper presents an ultra-low-profile copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) based solar cell integrated antenna with a high form factor. A tiny slot was etched from the solar cell to develop an ultra-low-profile solar-cell-integrated antenna. This tiny slot increases the form factor due to the small clearance area from the solar cell. A ground-radiation antenna design method was applied in which lumped elements were employed inside the tiny slot for antenna operation. Another substrate was used under the solar cell for designing the feeding structure with lumped elements connected to the tiny slot using via holes. A prototype was fabricated and measured to verify the operation of a built-in solar-cell antenna and validate the simulated results. The measured results demonstrate that the solar-cell-integrated antenna covers the entire frequency range of the Industrial Scientific Medical band from 2.4 to 2.5 GHz with good performance characteristics. The proposed design has a low-profile structure with high optical transparency for solar cells. The antenna and solar cell were designed to avoid affecting the performance of each other using the radio-frequency decoupler.

Osama Hussein ◽  
Khair Al Shamaileh ◽  
Hjalti Sigmarsson ◽  
Said Abushamleh ◽  
Nafati Aboserwal ◽  

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 2614
Qian Yang ◽  
Shuangyang Liu ◽  
Hongyu Shi ◽  
Kai-Da Xu ◽  
Xinyue Dai ◽  

A corrugated disk resonator with eight grooves is proposed for wideband bandpass filter (BPF) design. Due to the spoof localized surface plasmons resonances of the corrugated metallic structure, the dipole, quadrupole, hexapole modes, and a fundamental mode excited by the introduced short-circuited via holes are employed to realize four transmission poles (TPs) in the passband. The theoretical analysis is described by the electric field and current distributions on the resonator. The resonant frequencies can be tuned easily by the parameters of the structure, which can be used to adjust the center frequency and bandwidth of the BPF freely. Furthermore, two resonators are cascaded to obtain eight TPs to improve the selectivity performance. Finally, three fabricated filters demonstrate the design method.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 371 ◽  
Simonas Ramanavicius ◽  
Arunas Ramanavicius

Charge transfer (CT) is a very important issue in the design of biosensors and biofuel cells. Some nanomaterials can be applied to facilitate the CT in these bioelectronics-based devices. In this review, we overview some CT mechanisms and/or pathways that are the most frequently established between redox enzymes and electrodes. Facilitation of indirect CT by the application of some nanomaterials is frequently applied in electrochemical enzymatic biosensors and biofuel cells. More sophisticated and still rather rarely observed is direct charge transfer (DCT), which is often addressed as direct electron transfer (DET), therefore, DCT/DET is also targeted and discussed in this review. The application of conducting polymers (CPs) for the immobilization of enzymes and facilitation of charge transfer during the design of biosensors and biofuel cells are overviewed. Significant attention is paid to various ways of synthesis and application of conducting polymers such as polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene). Some DCT/DET mechanisms in CP-based sensors and biosensors are discussed, taking into account that not only charge transfer via electrons, but also charge transfer via holes can play a crucial role in the design of bioelectronics-based devices. Biocompatibility aspects of CPs, which provides important advantages essential for implantable bioelectronics, are discussed.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Jongwon Lee ◽  
Kilsun Roh ◽  
Sung-Kyu Lim ◽  
Youngsu Kim

This is the first demonstration of sidewall slope control of InP via holes with an etch depth of more than 10 μm for 3D integration. The process for the InP via holes utilizes a common SiO2 layer as an InP etch mask and conventional inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etcher operated at room temperature and simple gas mixtures of Cl2/Ar for InP dry etch. Sidewall slope of InP via holes is controlled within the range of 80 to 90 degrees by changing the ICP power in the ICP etcher and adopting a dry-etched SiO2 layer with a sidewall slope of 70 degrees. Furthermore, the sidewall slope control of the InP via holes in a wide range of 36 to 69 degrees is possible by changing the RF power in the etcher and introducing a wet-etched SiO2 layer with a small sidewall slope of 2 degrees; this wide slope control is due to the change of InP-to-SiO2 selectivity with RF power.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 4
Peng Xu ◽  
Wei Xiang Jiang ◽  
Xiao Cai ◽  
Yue Gou ◽  
Tie Jun Cui

In this paper, we propose, design and fabricate a kind of ultrathin and high-efficiency circularly polarization converter based on artificially engineered surfaces in the transmission mode. The converter is composed of double-layer periodic surface structures with cross slots. The top and bottom layers are printed on both sides of the F4B substrate and connected by metallic via holes. The proposed converter can transform the right-handed circularly polarized incident electromagnetic (EM) wave to a left-handed circularly-polarized one with near-unity efficiency in the transmission mode, or vice versa. We explain the conversion mechanism based on numerical simulations and equivalent circuit (EC) theory. The measured result has a good agreement with the simulated one in the working frequency band. Such ultrathin polarization converters can be used in wireless microwave communication, remote sensing, and EM imaging where circularly polarization diversity is needed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Ayman A. Althuwayb

This research work presents the investigation of realizing an on-chip antenna based on the metamaterial concept, which is working over the terahertz (THz) band for applications in integrated circuits. The proposed on-chip antenna is constructed of five stacked layers of polyimide and aluminum as top and bottom substrates, radiation patches, ground plane, and feed line. The four square-shaped radiation patches are implemented on the 50  μ m top-polyimide substrate, and the feed line is realized on the 50  μ m bottom-polyimide layer by designing the simple square microstrip lines, which are all connected to each other and then excited by waveguide port. The ground plane including a coupling square slot has sandwiched between the top- and bottom-polyimide layers. The coupling square slot etched on the ground plane is exactly placed under the patch to optimum transfer the electromagnetic signal from the bottom feed line to the top radiation patch. To achieve high performance parameters without increasing the antenna's physical dimensions, the metamaterial and substrate integrated waveguide properties have been applied to the antenna structure by implementing linear tapered slots on the patch top surfaces and metallic via holes throughout the middle ground plane connecting top and bottom substrates to each other. The slots play the role of series left-handed (LH) capacitors (CL) and the via holes act as shunt LH inductors (LL). The overall dimension of the proposed metamaterial-based on-chip antenna is 1000 × 1000 × 100 μm3. This antenna can cover the frequency band from 0.6 THz to 0.622 THz, which is equal to 20 GHz bandwidth. The radiation gain and efficiency across the operating frequency band varies from 1.1 dBi to 1.8 dBi, and from 58% to 60.5%, respectively. The results confirm that the proposed on-chip antenna with compact dimensions, wide bandwidth over the terahertz domain, low profile, cost effective, simple configuration, and easy to manufacture can be potentially appropriate for terahertz integrated circuits.

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