political anthropology
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-107
Hari Zamharir, Zulkarnain

The long road of economic and political modernization of democracy in Indonesia has transformed Indonesian society into an industrial society that has not empowered the people's economic sectors. The ups and downs of democratic politics remain far from the culture of deliberation mandated by Pancasila. The combination of development politics that has hit collective economic, cultural wisdom with political liberalization in the past 15 years has negatively impacted Indonesian cultural identity. The following study seeks to reconstruct the local wisdom and political values ​​of Indonesian ethnic groups and communities to demonstrate the potentials of social capital to improve our democratic politics. The object of the study consists of two types: the first is ethnic groups, with a focus on Wajo and Minang, the second is the communities of several urban parks in Java. The theoretical perspective used is the theory of deliberative democracy. From the point of view of political anthropology, this study is a case study in the context of qualitative research with qualitative-interpretive methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 345-361
Lilith Mahmud

Although early feminist insights about reflexivity and fieldwork relations have become core tenets of anthropological theories, feminism itself has been marginalized in anthropology. This review examines feminist contributions to American cultural anthropology since the 1990s across four areas of scholarship: the anthropology of science and medicine, political anthropology, economic anthropology, and ethnography as writing and genre. Treating feminist anthropology as a traveling theory capable of addressing critical social problems beyond gender, this article aims not merely to recredit feminism in anthropology, but also to show its potential to transform anthropology into an antiracist, decolonial, and abolitionist project.


This paper wants to critically explain constructively from the perspective of political anthropology, namely one thought on one of the social realities that develop in society Kampar Riau. Society is a group of people who live in one area for a certain period of time, who have emotional attachments and have a common goal. In that context, it is not uncommon for people to incarnate themselves into various situations, including in terms of politics and society. The phenomenon of folklore and local politics is a form of democratic life that is guaranteed by the laws of the Indonesian state. Everyone has their own life history. Talking about humans would be tantamount to talking about who is the owner and creator of all cultures. Humans create their experiences since childhood in the environment in which they were born. Community phenomenon is one of the oldest that characterizes a person's attitude, behavior pattern, which consciously or unconsciously will be incarnated in the long process of his life wherever that person takes part as an adult, such as taking part in an organization, company, or in a certain political party.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (42) ◽  
pp. 255-263
Yevgen Borinshtein ◽  
Oleksandr Stovpets ◽  
Olga Kukshinova ◽  
Anton Kisse ◽  
Natalia Kucherenko

This study gives a possible representation of T. Hobbes and J. Locke's visions of the essence of 'freedom' and 'justice' phenomena. The philosophic-historical analysis performed in the article made it possible to reveal the fundamental ideological conflict between statism and liberalism, between the utilitarian, entirely pragmatic understanding the nature of the social contract (in Hobbes's political philosophy), and moral-ethical accents on the essential foundations of a state-organized society (in Locke's political thoughts). Hobbes generally ignores the moral and ethical preconditions inherent to human nature, reducing the social contract ontology to purely utilitarian aspects. The freedom of the individual loses its absolute character, as each member of this socio-political community gives up a part of his freedom in favor of 'Leviathan' (i.e. the sovereign, the state). Beginning from this moment it is fair for each individual to comply with the terms of that universally binding social contract, and its violation by someone within the community deemed to be unjust. On the contrary, Locke forms an idea of the ethical basis of the human community. Locke's political anthropology is based on the close relationship between the principle of justice and the imperatives of reason. The latter ones approach the universal ethical and legal requirements to ensure equal opportunities in the implementation and protection of freedoms and interests of the individual living in society. Under such conditions, justice means that a person acquires the maximum opportunities to fulfill his own freedoms (in all its diversity), without violating the freedoms of others.

2021 ◽  
Ikram Adnani

The Political Change” is one of the concepts which are rooted in the Arab Intellectual Farbric.Recently, it was related to The National State crisis in the Arabic World,especially it had various manifestations such as the weaknesses of the Institutes and the Organs of the the State and its deficit to assert its authority in the all the State( Syria, Lybia, Somalia), its tripping to the State building and conscrate its legimitacy (Egypt) as well as cristallizing a common identity in order to attract higher Loyalty (Liban). The situation in the Arab world, after years of movement, threatens the existence of certain States and also the regimes that have led them to achieve this deteriorating situation, as well as the future of a democratic and unitary State in the context of the current political violence. This study therefore attempts to approach the national state crisis in the Arab world by using anumber of sociological data and some concepts of political anthropology to understand the political and social changes that have affected the Arab world, assuming that the Arab State is experiencing a real crisis and that various political changes, primarily democratic mobility, have not been possible. ""The Arab Spring"" from being transferred to the status of the modern State, the State of institutions based on full citizenship and the guarantee of rights and freedoms. The national State is supposed to be a neutral State, and it must not belong to a particular organ or to the control of a specific party. It is a State for all citizens with different religious, racial and ethnic views. Any change in this equation would be a prelude to an internal explosion among the various components of society, particularly by the most affected groups.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 460
Janusz Węgrzecki

The article analyzes the content of the Pope’s speeches discussing, reconstructing and interpreting the concept of two dominant western cultures and their mutual relationships to the perspective of Pope Benedict XVI, who calls them the culture of radical enlightenment and the culture of humanism that is open to transcendence. The article identifies fundamental contentious issues including: anthropological issues, human dignity, political anthropology, freedom, reason, its rationality, and the role of religion in the public sphere. Thus, the article provides a positive answer to the question of whether the perspective of the clash of cultures outlined by Samuel Huntington can be cognitively used in interpreting the contrast of cultures presented from the perspective of Pope Benedict XVI. However, contrary to Huntington, who describes the clash of western cultures with other, non-western cultures, Pope Benedict XVI claims that there is a clash between two dominant western cultures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (56) ◽  
Leandro Rodrigues Lage ◽  
Julia Mota França

O objetivo deste artigo é investigar as dimensões estéticas e políticas das imagens alusivas ao levante histórico da Cabanagem (1835-1840), tensionando seu trabalho de dar forma visual ao tempo histórico daquela revolta e sua capacidade de desvelar a sobrevivência de gestos e afetos de resistência política dos povos amazônicos. A argumentação se inicia pelas premissas relativas à historicidade da Cabanagem como a única revolta popular do período regencial que efetivamente conseguiu a tomada do poder. Em seguida, exploramos uma antropologia política das imagens à luz das perspectivas de Georges Didi-Huberman e Aby Warburg, buscando entender o papel das imagens nos conflitos políticos dessa natureza, reconhecendo-as como repositórios de uma história visual e também dos desejos sobreviventes, da dimensão sensível subjacente à dinâmica das sublevações. Por fim, analisamos, em certa iconografia da Cabanagem, as figurações do heroísmo do homem revoltado e da ira das massas sanguinárias como elementos estético-expressivos (im)próprios dessas imagens. Palavras-chave: Levantes. Cabanagem. Imagem. Ghosts of the Cabanagem uprising: between the heroism of revolted and the wrath of the seditious crowds Abstract: The aim of this article is to investigate the aesthetic and political dimensions of images alluding the historical uprising of the Cabanagem (1835-1840), tensioning its work to shape visual form to the historical time of that revolt and its ability to unveil the survival of gestures and affections of political resistance of the Amazonian peoples. The argument begins with the premises related to historicity of the Cabanagem as the only popular uprising of the regency period that effectively managed to reach power. Then, we explored a political anthropology of images in the light of the perspectives of Georges Didi-Huberman and Aby Warburg, seeking to understand the role of the images in political conflicts of this nature, recognizing them as repositories of a visual history and also of the surviving desires, of the sensible dimension underlying the dynamics of the uprisings. Finally, we analyzed, in a certain iconography of the Cabanagem, the figurations of the revolted man's heroism and the wrath of the seditious crowds as aesthetic-expressive elements (im)proper to these images.Keywords: Uprising. Cabanagem. Image.

2021 ◽  

What is a state? This volume approaches the question from an anthropological perspective, which means that the starting point of the analysis is not the concept of the state, but instead, what kinds of structures the state consists of, what kinds of effects these structures have, and how states are experienced by the people who inhabit, make, enact, and resist them. The volume introduces a contemporary anthropological approach to the study of the state for a Finnish-speaking audience. This new approach examines the state as a diverse, socially and culturally constructed phenomenon that varies in time and place. Additional aims of the volume are to introduce and translate concepts from political anthropology to the Finnish language, and to make anthropological analyses of the state known to other disciplines that study the state and to the general Finnish-speaking public. Covering a wide variety of ethnographic contexts examining both the effects of the state and the state-like effects of other institutions, the volume contains case studies from Brazil, Uganda, Papua New Guinea, Madagascar, Finland, Bolivia, Cuba, Egypt, Fiji, Solomon Islands, and Ghana. A theoretical introduction presents the development of anthropological thinking with regard to the state and state-like institutions. An afterword reflects on the contribution of the volume in light of the ethnographic context of Indonesia.

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