hermitian structure
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Ismail Benali ◽  
Souhaila Elamine ◽  
Azzouz Awane

In this paper, we give an analogue of the Hermitian structure in the almost complex case, on an [Formula: see text]-dimensional manifold endowed with an almost [Formula: see text]-complex metric. Also, we study the compatibility between Riemannian metric and polarized [Formula: see text]-symplectic structure. Also, we study some properties of an almost [Formula: see text]-complex structure. Moreover, we give an equivalence between almost [Formula: see text]-complex structures, [Formula: see text]-almost tangent structures and [Formula: see text]-almost cotangent structures.

Daniel Canarutto

Spaces of generalised sections (also called section-distributions) are introduced, and their fundamental properties are described. Several special cases are considered, with particular attention to the case of semi-densities; when a Hermitian structure on the underlying classical bundle is given, these determine a rigged Hilbert space, which can be regarded as a basic notion in quantum geometry. The essentials of tensor products in distributional spaces, kernels and Fourier transforms are exposed.

G. A. Banaru

Six-dimensional submanifolds of Cayley algebra equipped with an almost Hermitian structure of class W1 W2 W4 defined by means of three-fold vector cross products are considered. As it is known, the class W1 W2 W4 contains all Kählerian, nearly Kählerian, almost Kählerian, locally conformal Kählerian, quasi-Kählerian and Vaisman — Gray manifolds. The Cartan structural equations of the W1 W2 W4 -structure on such six-dimensional submanifolds of the octave algebra are obtained. A criterion in terms of the configuration tensor for an arbitrary almost Hermitian structure on a six-dimensional submanifold of Cayley algebra to belong to the W1 W2 W4 -class is established. It is proved that if a six-dimensional W1 W2 W4 -submanifold of Cayley algebra satisfies the quasi-Sasakian hypersurfaces axiom (i.e. a hypersurface with a quasi-Sasakian structure passes through every point of such submanifold), then it is an almost Kählerian manifold. It is also proved that a six-dimensional W1 W2 W4 -submanifold of Cayley algebra satisfies the eta-quasi-umbilical quasi-Sasakian hypersurfaces axiom, then it is a Kählerian manifold.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-87
A. Andrada ◽  
M. Origlia

AbstractA Hermitian structure on a manifold is called locally conformally Kähler (LCK) if it locally admits a conformal change which is Kähler. In this survey we review recent results of invariant LCK structures on solvmanifolds and present original results regarding the canonical bundle of solvmanifolds equipped with a Vaisman structure, that is, a LCK structure whose associated Lee form is parallel.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (01) ◽  
pp. 1550006 ◽  
Sigmundur Gudmundsson

We construct four-dimensional Riemannian Lie groups carrying left-invariant conformal foliations with minimal leaves of codimension 2. We show that these foliations are holomorphic with respect to an (integrable) Hermitian structure which is not Kähler. We then prove that the Riemannian Lie groups constructed are not Einstein manifolds. This answers an important open question in the theory of complex-valued harmonic morphisms from Riemannian 4-manifolds.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (14) ◽  
pp. 1450122 ◽  
Indranil Biswas ◽  
Georg Schumacher

Let X → S be a smooth projective surjective morphism of relative dimension n, where X and S are integral schemes over ℂ. Let L → X be a relatively very ample line bundle. For every sufficiently large positive integer m, there is a canonical isomorphism of the Deligne pairing 〈L,…,L〉 → S with the determinant line bundle [Formula: see text] (see [D. H. Phong, J. Ross and J. Sturm, Deligne pairings and the knudsen–Mumford expansion, J. Differential Geom. 78 (2008) 475–496]). If we fix a hermitian structure on L and a relative Kähler form on X, then each of the line bundles [Formula: see text] and 〈L,…,L〉 carries a distinguished hermitian structure. We prove that the above mentioned isomorphism between 〈L,…,L〉 → S and [Formula: see text] is compatible with these hermitian structures. This holds also for the isomorphism in [Deligne pairing and determinant bundle, Electron. Res. Announc. Math. Sci. 18 (2011) 91–96] between a Deligne paring and a certain determinant line bundle.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (06) ◽  
pp. 1450064 ◽  
Johann Davidov

Every almost Hermitian structure (g, J) on a four-manifold M determines a hypersurface ΣJ in the (positive) twistor space of (M, g) consisting of the complex structures anti-commuting with J. In this paper, we find the conditions under which ΣJ is minimal with respect to a natural Riemannian metric on the twistor space in the cases when J is integrable or symplectic. Several examples illustrating the obtained results are also discussed.

2013 ◽  
Vol 137 (6) ◽  
pp. 716-717
Indranil Biswas

2011 ◽  
Vol 08 (07) ◽  
pp. 1487-1506 ◽  

Let [Formula: see text] be a para-quaternionic Hermitian structure on the real vector space V. By referring to the tensorial presentation [Formula: see text], we give an explicit description, from an affine and metric point of view, of main classes of subspaces of V which are invariantly defined with respect to the structure group of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] respectively.

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