political foundations
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-27
A. Vallina Rodríguez ◽  
C. Camarero Bullon ◽  
T. Moreno Bueno

It is undeniable to note that the  ties  between  countries, especially cultural,  historical,  economic   and   geopolitical,  are   rooted    in the  political foundations that have been laid  between nations and countries throughout the  process of  shaping what today is known as  international  relations,  a  discipline that  has  become  one  of the  most relevant for understanding the  contemporary world. Starting from  the  premise that human groups,  and hence the  forms  of their organization,  permanently  establish  social  links  and  interactions that constitute the   dynamic substrate  of  all  societies, it would  be appropriate to analyze how  they materialize in a specific bilateral sphere, for which a key aspect of mutual economic interests between the Russian Federation and Spain has been chosen. From an economic perspective and through the  analysis of statistics on foreign trade of goods, foreign investment and trade barriers, this research will address the  evolution of trade relations  over  the  last five  years, focusing on the  international trade situation that has occurred since the  global COVID-19 pandemic and created a multiplicity  of opportunities and challenges for trade and investment between the  two states in health sector.

2021 ◽  
R.C. Harris

“Voting with your fork” is a common mantra for those concerned with food politics. However, real voting requires one to choose between Democrats and Republicans—and most food voters do not know the partisan history of food politics. Party Food is written for farmers and foodies who want to understand the political history of food policy, and it offers a primer on each party’s approach to food policy. As a political scientist who is also a commercial farmer, Harris offers fresh, professional insight into the lay of the land in American food politics. In Party Food, Harris unpacks the political foundations of contemporary farm policy and expertly explains the “team sport” of partisan politics as it plays out in the food politics landscape. Party Food introduces the Democratic and Republican Heroes (and Villains!) of food politics, offering an accessible insight into each political party’s policy “menu” and team play in Presidential and Congressional politics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-64
<i>Ryszard ŁAWNICZAK</i> ◽  
<i>Piotr KASPRZAK</i>

<i>The current pandemic has provided many examples of effective and not so effective communication strategies from government agencies. In this short article, the authors focus on an analysis of the COVID-19 crisis communication from selected governments of Spain and Poland. Despite the differences in communication strategies of both countries, resulting from characteristic administrative structures and constitutional competences, common features as well as errors and shortcomings can be observed. The authors conclude that the particularism of political interests of the party politicians, who were in power at the time of the pandemic outbreak (regardless of their political foundations) may be a threat to the national security of a given country undermining the public trust, causing unwanted behaviours and thus translating into an extent and a duration of the pandemic as well as negative economic consequences. The crisis of the virus turns out to be a test that highlights the shortcomings of the political and social systems of both countries and opens up the field for further research.</i>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-21
V. E. Hontar ◽  
S. V. Storozhuk ◽  

The article differentiates modern socio-political narratives with their inherent speculative ontological and anthropological foundations and the real causes of social transformations of the modern era and shows that the ideological and socio-political foundations of liberalism emerged in the pre-modern era widespread after the invention of printing technology. Through book printing, liberalism opened wide access to information resources and contributed to the important transformation of peoples into nations, uniting historically conditioned social demands of peoples into an ideological core. The uniqueness of liberalism was determined by the collective interests of the active minority, which, using the achievements of information technology revolutions, made efforts to destroy the archaic unjust orders and systems. The struggle against these unjust orders gave an indulgence to uncriticalism, thus contributing to the penetration into the public consciousness of a large number of ideals and norms, which promoted the enslavement of people, disguising it as humanistic tendencies.

Martial Martin

Free-form satire, emancipated from strictly Horatian / Juvenalian models, and organized around a poetic “I”, distant, critical or even indignant before a changing world, played an important role in the emergence of news writing in Early Modernity, leading to the onset of the periodical press in the 17th century. In order to reflect on the connection between Early Modern information media, and satirical or militant writing, the idiom “fake news”, while seemingly incongruous at first, is in fact particularly useful, as it helps establish a connection with our contemporary practices, such as incorrect news, ideologically-oriented publications, clickbaits, and ironic parodies. By comparing these apparently heterogeneous phenomena, it becomes possible to think, in a coordinated way, about three aspects of the exchanges and hybridization that took place between Early Modern “occasionnels” (short, topical brochures) and “libelles” (satirical or libellous tracts). Like contemporary “fake news”, a term often used by purveyors of equally debatable reports to decry doubtful information produced by the opposing camp, libelles were always entangled in a network of other libelles, ever expending due to the indignation caused by the enemy’s lies. Libelles imitated news writing, feeding on rumors, and led to demystifications that often doubled as critiques of the codes of topicality found in the occasionnels. In certain ways, such criticism contributed to the creation of these codes, by pushing back against them. The forms taken by this satire of ideologically-oriented, or militant news writing went beyond partisan intent; it was sometimes difficult, as it is nowadays on certain satirical websites or social media accounts, to distinguish between activist creative writings, and playful games of wit. At a deeper level, satirical esthetics, whether grotesque (referring to the whole period) or burlesque (referring to its end), could instigate a global exercise of incredulity or unbelief towards the religious and political foundations of the Ancien Régime. On account of such a meta-reflexive dimension, of its great diversity linked to its hybridization of news writings, of its oscillation between partisan and playful humour, depending on the readership’s liking and the publishing industry’s interests, libelle referred to changeable forms quite similar to the fickle realities the moniker fake news refers to nowadays. Conversely, the libelle invites us not to hastily reject one aspect or another of the current network, which might be more homogeneous than it seems at first sight.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (08) ◽  
pp. 349-355
Sunnatillo Mavlonovich Rakhmonov ◽  

Todd Oakley

Money is a human creation arising from organic, technological, and symbolic resources. The complexity of its operations makes it difficult to comprehend. The origins of money can be dated with some accuracy, but the social and symbolic processes that led to this world-changing invention are poorly understood. One of the most persistent misunderstandings that adversely affects modern economic thinking is that money emerged from barter. As will be discussed, the origins of money have more fundamental symbolic, social, and political foundations in statecraft, warfare, religion, and gift-giving. Moreover, money develops among beings capable of considerable flexibility in combining or “blending” ideas from diverse, sometimes incommensurate, domains of knowledge and experience, and specifically among a species for whom institutions—socially constructed habits of thought and action—are ontologically criterial. This chapter aims to provide a foundation for thinking about money as an institutional semiotic system. Topics covered include money and barter; sovereign money; money and gift-giving; money and violence; the money/language analogy; and international monetary exchanges.

Wolfgang Bock

Abstract Kelsen and his Book “Essence and Value of Democracy” in Exile. Two recently found letters and an unpublished small introduction into a planned translation of his book on democracy shed some light on Kelsen’s conception of cultural and political foundations of democracy. His description of the democratic citizen as antagonistic to absolute values rises philosophical as well as political doubts. The status of values under philosophical, moral and legal perspectives calls for a thorough discussion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
Fadıl Şiraz ◽  
Erdal Bay

The education process in school is organized by the curriculum. Curricula aim to raise citizens in accordance with the needs and political structure of the country. Among the curricula, social studies curriculum (SSC) be shown as a curriculum that can be most affected by political foundations. Because in social studies, issues such as democracy, human rights, government style, human rights, rights and responsibilities are directly related to politics. In this study, government programs (GP) and development plans (DP) in Turkey, which are one of the main political tools that affect social studies curriculum politically, have been analyzed. In this study, the 1998, 2005 and 2018 SSCs; the 55th, 59th and 65th GPs and 7th, 8th and 10th DPs in Turkey were analyzed using the document review method. This study was designed with a case study from qualitative research methods. Content analysis method was used in analyzing the data. As a result, it is concluded that GPs and DPs affect the social SSCs in some aspects.<p> </p><p>Okulda eğitim süreci programla düzenlenir. Eğitim programları ülkenin ihtiyaçlarına ve politik yapısına uygun vatandaşlar yetiştirmeyi hedefler. Programlardan soysal bilgiler öğretim programları içerik olarak politik temellerden en fazla etkilenebilecek bir program olarak gösterilebilir. Çünkü sosyal bilgilerde içerikte demokrasi, insan hakları, yönetim biçimi, haklar ve sorumluluklar gibi konular doğrudan politika ile doğrudan ilişkilidir. Bu araştırmada sosyal bilgiler öğretim programlarını politik olarak etkileyen, temel politik araçlardan olan, hükümet programları ve kalkınma planları analiz edilmiştir. 1998, 2005 ve 2018 sosyal bilgiler öğretim programları; 55, 59 ve 65. Hükümet programları ve 7, 8 ve 10. kalkınma planları doküman incelemesi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması ile desenlenmiştir. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak hükümet programları ve kalkınma planlarının sosyal bilgiler öğretim programını bazı hususlarda etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.</p><p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0746/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

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