structural relief
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2021 ◽  
Jeffrey Unruh

ABSTRACT Late Cenozoic growth of the Mount Diablo anticline in the eastern San Francisco Bay area, California, USA, has produced unique 3D exposures of stratigraphic relationships and normal faults that record Late Cretaceous uplift and early Tertiary extension in the ancestral California forearc basin. Several early Tertiary normal faults on the northeast flank of Mount Diablo have been correlated with structures that accommodated Paleogene subsidence of the now-buried Rio Vista basin north of Mount Diablo. Stepwise restoration of deformation at Mount Diablo reveals that the normal faults probably root into the “Mount Diablo fault,” a structure that juxtaposes blueschist-facies rocks of the Franciscan accretionary complex with attenuated remnants of the ophiolitic forearc basement and relatively unmetamorphosed marine forearc sediments. This structure is the local equivalent of the Coast Range fault, which is the regional contact between high-pressure Franciscan rocks and structurally overlying forearc basement in the northern Coast Ranges and Diablo Range, and it is folded about the axis of the Mount Diablo anticline. Apatite fission-track analyses indicate that the Franciscan rocks at Mount Diablo were exhumed and cooled from depths of 20+ km in the subduction zone between ca. 70−50 Ma. Angular unconformities and growth relations in the Cretaceous and Paleogene stratigraphic sections on the northeast side of Mount Diablo, and in the Rio Vista basin to the north, indicate that wholesale uplift, eastward tilting, and extension of the western forearc basin were coeval with blueschist exhumation. Previous workers have interpreted the structural relief associated with this uplift and tilting, as well as the appearance of Franciscan blueschist detritus in Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary forearc strata, as evidence for an “ancestral Mount Diablo high,” an emergent Franciscan highland bordering the forearc basin to the west. This outer-arc high is here interpreted to be the uplifted footwall of Coast Range fault. The stratigraphic and structural relations exposed at Mount Diablo support models for exposure of Franciscan blueschists primarily through syn-subduction extension and attenuation of the overlying forearc crust in the hanging wall of the Coast Range fault, accompanied by (local?) uplift and erosion of the exhumed accretionary prism in the footwall.

Donald A. Medwedeff

ABSTRACT This study presents three regional cross sections, a structural map analysis, and a schematic map restoration. The sections are constrained by surface geology and petroleum wells and were developed using model-based methods to be consistent with the regional tectonic context and balancing concepts. Together, these products depict the geometry and kinematics of the major fault systems. Insights from this research include the following. Franciscan complex blueschist-facies rocks in the Mount Diablo region were unroofed west of their current location and subsequently thrust beneath the Great Valley sequence in the mid-Eocene. East Bay structures are complicated by overprinting of Neogene compression and dextral strike-slip motion on a Paleogene graben system. Net lateral displacement between the Hayward fault and the Central Valley varies from 26 km toward 341° to 29 km toward 010° in the southern and northern East Bay Hills, respectively. Uplift above a wedge thrust generates the principal Neogene structural high, which extends from Vallejo through Mount Diablo to the Altamont Ridge. Anomalous structural relief at Mount Diablo is due to strike-parallel thrusting on the crest of a fault-propagation fold formed on the west-verging roof thrust. Uplift that exposes the Coast Range ophiolite in the East Bay Hills is formed by oblique thrusting generated by slip transfer at the northern termination of the Calaveras fault. The Paleogene extensional fault system likely extends farther west than previously documented. An east-dipping branch of that system may underlie the Walnut Creek Valley. Three-dimensional restoration should be applied to constrain geologic frameworks to be used for seismic velocity modeling.

Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 329
Clayton Silver ◽  
Heather Bedle

A long-standing problem in the understanding of deep-water turbidite reservoirs relates to how the three-dimensional evolution of deep-water channel systems evolve in response to channel filling on spatiotemporal scales, and how depositional environments affect channel architecture. The 3-D structure and temporal evolution of late Miocene deep-water channel complexes in the southern Taranaki Basin, New Zealand is investigated, and the geometry, distribution, and stacking patterns of the channel complexes are analyzed. Two recently acquired 3-D seismic datasets, the Pipeline-3D (proximal) and Hector-3D (distal) are analyzed. These surveys provide detailed imaging of late Miocene deep-water channel systems, allowing for the assessment of the intricate geometry and seismic geomorphology of the systems. Seismic attributes resolve the channel bodies and the associated architectural elements. Spectral decomposition, amplitude curvature, and coherence attributes reveal NW-trending straight to low-sinuosity channels and less prominent NE-trending high-sinuosity feeder channels. Stratal slices across the seismic datasets better characterize the architectural elements. The mapped turbidite systems transition from low-sinuosity to meandering high-sinuosity patterns, likely caused by a change in the shelf-slope gradient due to localized structural relief. Stacking facies patterns within the channel systems reveal the temporal variation from a depositional environment characterized by sediment bypass to vertically aggrading channel systems.

2021 ◽  
Camilo Andrés Conde Carvajal ◽  
Cristhian Bolívar Riascos Rodríguez ◽  
Michael Andres Avila Paez ◽  
Andreas Kammer

<p>Among the foreland belts of the Andean mountain system, the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia (EC) represents a unique example of an isolated, bi-vergent mountain belt. In contrast, to block tectonics of broken foreland basins, it displays a ductile deformation style which involves two mountain fronts with a structural relief of the order of 10 km. Internal parts of the EC have been shortened by buckling at high and a homogeneously strained basement at deeper structural levels. These deformation patterns likely attest to conditions of a thermally weakened backarc setting. Two opposed scenarios have been postulated for its surface uplift and consequent exhumation: 1) an E-migrating deformation front and the formation of progressively forward breaking faults; and 2) the pop-up of a weak crustal welt enclosed by strong foreland blocks. In this latter setting, a synchronous early formation of marginal mountain fronts and a late-stage surface uplift of a central domain may be anticipated. These two constellations compare, in terms of a contrasting model setup, to a foreland migrating orogenic wedge or a relatively stable, doubly vergent wedge formed above a structural discontinuity or rheologic boundaries that acted as sites for the nucleation of the marginal faults.</p><p>In this contribution, we opt to examine the “boundary” conditions for the development of a doubly vergent wedge formed at the tip line of a rigid tapering backstop, that simulates a rigid foreland block. With respect to the shape of this backstop, we examine the effects of tip angles less than the angle of internal friction (<30°) and find, that at a low tip angle of 10° the pop-up evolves above a forward-breaking principal kink-band with the synchronous formation of a sequence of conjugate back-kinks that cut into the sand pack, as it is pushed toward the backstop. At a moderate tip angle of 20<sup>o </sup>the forward-breaking kink-band is slightly steeper than the backstop and gives rise to a frontal fold with an overturned limb. This latter geometrical configuration loosely compares to the structural relations of a structural section through the high plains of Bogotá, where the eastern mountain front defines a strongly deformed antiform, that is juxtaposed against an undeformed margin of the adjacent Guyana shield.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Yuval Levy ◽  
Thomas Rockwell ◽  
Shant Minas ◽  
Alex Hughes ◽  
Dylan Rood

We developed a forward model using the Trishear module in MOVE to better understand the structure of the northwestern San Fernando Valley and the relationship among the Santa Susana, Hospital, Mission Hills and Northridge Hills faults. This study was motivated by the 1971 San Fernando earthquake and previous work that inferred a high slip rate on the Santa Susana fault, which is in apparent contrast to the lack of significant geomorphic expression of the fault in the Sylmar Basin region. We trenched the Mission Hills anticline from the crest to the base of slope and demonstrate that the Mission Hills anticline is an actively growing fault propagation fold. The associated thrust tip is either deeper than 15 m or sufficiently far to the south that the fault was not encountered in large diameter borings, but the minimum structural relief across the Mission Hills fault since the late Pleistocene is on the order of 37 m, suggesting a minimum uplift rate of 0.5 mm/yr. Our work presents a structural analysis that demonstrates how the Santa Susana fault system evolved in time, with the frontal thrust progressively migrating southward to the Mission Hills fault, and farther south to the Northridge Hills blind thrust. The progression of faulting towards the direction of vergence is compatible with the observed thrust front migration in the western Transverse Ranges of California, and other trust belts around the world.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 52-90
Jenny Meng ◽  
Eugene Holubnyak ◽  
Franek Hasiuk ◽  
Jenn Hollenbach ◽  
Dana Wreath

Approximately 26 square miles of new 3-D seismic data were acquired in July 2019 over the Patterson Site (Kearny County, Kansas) to assess its potential for carbon dioxide (CO2) storage. Seismic interpretation revealed that the Patterson Site contains multiple structural closures that lie on uplifted fault blocks, bounded by two reverse faults that strike nearly perpendicular to each other. These faults offset Precambrian through Pennsylvanian sections, including several primary reservoir and seal intervals. Fault displacements are maximum at the Precambrian basement and decrease upward. Data indicated a range of structural and combination traps exists at the Patterson Site in the Cambrian-Ordovician Arbuckle through Mississippian Osagian reservoirs. The three-way closures along the NW–SE fault have structural relief of ~130 ft (40 m), and the four-way closures contain relief of ~60 ft (18 m). Erosional surfaces and multiple basement fractures also are observed on the top of the Precambrian. A Mississippian-aged incised valley system also was observed at the Patterson Site. The incised valleys formed during the Meramecian-Chesteran Stages with an incised depth up to 250 ft (76 m). The motion of the reverse faults likely captured existing meandering and linear channels, causing the current deeply incised morphology. The incised valleys observed at Patterson are similar in age, structural style, shape, incision depth, and seismic attribute properties to incised valleys observed by other workers at Pleasant Prairie South, Eubank, and Shuck oil fields (southwest Kansas). Further research should focus on estimating reactivation tendency and sealing characteristics of the reverse faults to evaluate the seal integrity of the saline reservoirs. This will reduce uncertainty concerning the risk of CO2 migration during injection and storage. Further reservoir description, modeling, and simulation are also underway to characterize the storage potential at the Patterson Site.

2020 ◽  
Mjahid Zebari ◽  
Christoph Grützner ◽  
Philipp Balling ◽  
Kamil Ustaszewski

<p>Within the NW segment of the Zagros belt in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the Zagros Mountain Front Flexure separates the High Folded Zone from the Foothill Zone and forms a pronounced topographic and structural step. Due to the lack of outcrops and subsurface data, balanced and kinematic valid geometrical interpretations for the subsurface deformation associated with this step are not well constrained yet. To solve this, we estimated the structural relief across seven regional transects crossing the Mountain Front Flexure and we constrained the geometry of deformation from deformed-state and forward-modeled balanced cross-sections. The calculated structural relief for six out of seven transects ranges from 2 to 3 km. By using forward modeling, we show that predominantly thick-skinned deformation is needed to explain this amount of relief across the Mountain Front Flexure. Our best-fitting result suggests c. 6.5 km of displacement along a basement thrust fault that dips c. 25° at the top of the basement and that is shallowing downwards. About 4.2 km of this displacement on the basement fault were accommodated up-section by thrust-related and detachment folding of the Triassic and younger units within two prominent anticlines. About 2.3 km of displacement was transferred to the Foothill Zone, forming detachment folds above the Triassic detachment level. Inclined river terraces on the flank of anticlines within the Foothill Zone indicate ongoing displacement on this basement fault. The amount of shortening within the low topographic part of the belt from the deformation front to the limit of seismogenic thrusting within the Imbricated Zone, implies that the Late Miocene to Quaternary shortening rates there were much lower than the present-day geodetically derived convergence rates for this part of belt. These results shed new light on the geometry of the Zagros and its structural evolution.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 695-700
Andri Hoxha

Shpat mountainous ridge represents a morphological unit with extremely prominent natural borders and rich natural resources. This abstract presents the natural potentials of Shpat mountainous ridge and a synthesized analysis of key aspects of tourism, mineral and water resources, forests and pastures management, etc. Shpat unit, is integral part of Bukanik ultrabasic massive, where are explorated cooper resources. The geological content of this mountain, contribues the mesozoic ultrabasic and flysch, calcareous rocks and quaternary deposition are also present. The morphologic and morphogenetic complex of the relief was created during the tectogenic period, especially during the tecto-orogenesis, where as consequence diverse magmatic, terrigenous and carbonates rocks were created. Structural relief landforms, are structural benches, flat surfaces formed in the aclinal structure, structural surfaces, denudational surfaces and concave fragment of front of the cuestas. The karstic surface forms were developed on limestones of different age and character. There is a conspicuously small number of dolines on the surface of the hardly dissolvable crystalline limestone, and the debris covering the surface is high enough for agriculture. The water infiltrating on the plateau surfaces in the karst springs. The knowledge of present morphodynamics implies features concerning the positive and restrictive role of each factor, which, by association, defines the potential of some gropus of processes and state of morphologic hazards in certain area. Such analyses multiplied in the last couple of years, when the occurrence of some mass wastings determined many geomorphologic risk situations allover Shpat mountainous ridge. The climate by regional and local differences of the weathering elements favorable to the development of morphological processes. In periglacial environments solifluction frequently occurs in association with permafrost or seasonally frozen ground, and under these circumstances it is more specifically described as gelifluction. Snow provides both and as ground insulation. The erosional potential of nivation is controlled primarily snow thickness or absence underlying permafrost. Cryoplanation terraces (also known as altiplanation terraces) are level or gently sloping surfaces found in the periglacial zone which are cut into bedrock on hill summits or upper peaks. The natural potentials of Shpat mountainous ridge have been analyzed as key elements of this area for sustainable development. The effects of the use of the natural resources and their influence on the economic structure have been analyzed defining the directions of the development on perspective of the rural area. The current developments at the agricultural rural area have produced changes to the physical-geographical elements, accelerating the pace of slope processes, where the predominant part of the settlements is established on the terrace levels, causing environmental degradation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 613-618
Andri Hoxha

In the context of geological composition, the territory of Albania closely depends on the geographic position. The presence of our country in the alpine-Mediterranean fold belt and the geological structures, called Albanide, have determined the intense development of the internal tectonic processes, as well as the external processes. The tectonic regime of the geological structures during the Miocene epoch to the Quaternary period, was accompanied by reverse faults and thrust faults one over the other of the tectonic areas of Albania. The morphologic and morphogenetic complex of the relief was created during the tectogenic period, especially during the tecto-orogenesis, where as consequence diverse magmatic. terrigenous and carbonates rocks were created. The highly pronounced character of the differential tectonic movements during morphotectonic evolution, especially during the plio-quaternary period, has created the actual morphological features of the relief of Albania.In the context of geological composition, the territory of Albania closely depends on the geographic position. The presence of our country in the alpine-Mediterranean fold belt and the geological structures, called Albanide, have determined the intense development of the internal tectonic processes, as well as the external processes. The tectonic regime of the geological structures during the Miocene epoch to the Quaternary period, was accompanied by reverse faults and thrust faults one over the other of the tectonic areas of Albania. The morphologic and morphogenetic complex of the relief was created during the tectogenic period, especially during the tecto-orogenesis, where as consequence diverse magmatic. terrigenous and carbonates rocks were created. The highly pronounced character of the differential tectonic movements during morphotectonic evolution, especially during the plio-quaternary period, has created the actual morphological features of the relief of Albania.The migration of orogenesis from east to west is conditioned by the dominance of mountainous ranges and ridges in the eastern and central parts, as well as in the fields and lowlands of the western part of Albania. The relief is distinguished by its diversified morphogenetic traits, due to the highly complex morphotectonic evolution, a large number of carbonate, terrigenous and magmatic rocks, as well as the significant influence of the outward processes. Due to the existence of composition of the large number of tectonic faults as well as the high values of tectonic uplift and downlift, the genetic composition of the structural relief was also created. Each of the sub-types within the structural relief is closely related to the presence of complex geological structures such as anticlinal, synclinal, monoclinal and aclinal structures. An important role have the structural landforms formed in the structures of faulting type, thus in the horst and graben structures, which are associated with very large morphological contrasts of the relief.A part of the horst and graben structures during the last period of pliocene and during the quaternary was involved by intense tectonic lifting movements, resulting to a fragmentation of flat bottom of ex-former depressions, and consequently they were transformed into depressions with fragmented bottom. A large part of structural relief landforms, such as structural benches, flat surfaces formed in the aclinal structure, structural surfaces, denudational surfaces and concave fragment of front of the cuestas, have been used for the construction of rural and urban settlements, for the road infrastructure network, the construction of human buildings, as well farmlands for the country's economy. The detailed analysis of the structural relief features, based on the characteristics of geological construction, enables prospects for taking measures against geomorphological, seismic and hydrological hazards.

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