multiscale problems
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Axel Målqvist ◽  
Barbara Verfürth

In this paper, we propose an offline-online strategy based on the Localized Orthogonal Decomposition (LOD) method for elliptic multiscale problems with randomly perturbed diffusion coefficient. We consider a periodic deterministic coefficient with local defects that occur with probability $p$. The offline phase pre-computes entries to global LOD stiffness matrices on a single reference element (exploiting the periodicity) for a selection of defect configurations. Given a sample of the perturbed diffusion the corresponding LOD stiffness matrix is then computed by taking linear combinations of the pre-computed entries, in the online phase. Our computable error estimates show that this yields a good approximation of the solution for small $p$, which is illustrated by extensive numerical experiments.  This makes the proposed technique attractive already for moderate sample sizes in a Monte Carlo simulation.

Nicola Bellomo ◽  
Livio Gibelli ◽  
Annalisa Quaini ◽  
Alessandro Reali

The first part of our paper presents a general survey on the modeling, analytic problems, and applications of the dynamics of human crowds, where the specific features of living systems are taken into account in the modeling approach. This critical analysis leads to the second part which is devoted to research perspectives on modeling, analytic problems, multiscale topics which are followed by hints towards possible achievements. Perspectives include the modeling of social dynamics, multiscale problems and a detailed study of the link between crowds and swarms modeling.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (23) ◽  
pp. 3000
Eric T. Chung ◽  
Yalchin Efendiev ◽  
Wing Tat Leung ◽  
Wenyuan Li

This work continues a line of work on developing partially explicit methods for multiscale problems. In our previous works, we considered linear multiscale problems where the spatial heterogeneities are at the subgrid level and are not resolved. In these works, we have introduced contrast-independent, partially explicit time discretizations for linear equations. The contrast-independent, partially explicit time discretization divides the spatial space into two components: contrast dependent (fast) and contrast independent (slow) spaces defined via multiscale space decomposition. Following this decomposition, temporal splitting was proposed, which treats fast components implicitly and slow components explicitly. The space decomposition and temporal splitting are chosen such that they guarantees stability, and we formulated a condition for the time stepping. This condition was formulated as a condition on slow spaces. In this paper, we extend this approach to nonlinear problems. We propose a splitting approach and derive a condition that guarantees stability. This condition requires some type of contrast-independent spaces for slow components of the solution. We present numerical results and show that the proposed methods provide results similar to implicit methods with a time step that is independent of the contrast.

Karine Abgaryan ◽  
Evgeny Gavrilov

The report is devoted to demonstration of the main ideas and approaches, which were used in the construction of a software package for multiphysics and multilevel calculations. Such a software package is used as information support for solving multiscale problems in the field of microelectronics.

N. Bellomo ◽  
F. Brezzi

This editorial paper presents the articles published in a special issue devoted to active particle methods applied to modeling, qualitative analysis, and simulation of the collective dynamics of large systems of interacting living entities in science and society. The modeling approach refers to the mathematical tools of behavioral swarms theory and to the kinetic theory of active particles. Applications focus on classical problems of swarms theory, on crowd dynamics related to virus contagion problems, and to multiscale problems related to the derivation of models at a large scale from the mathematical description at the microscopic scale. A critical analysis of the overall contents of the issue is proposed, with the aim to provide a forward look to research perspectives.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. e0251297
Pinaki Bhattacharya ◽  
Qiao Li ◽  
Damien Lacroix ◽  
Visakan Kadirkamanathan ◽  
Marco Viceconti

Throughout engineering there are problems where it is required to predict a quantity based on the measurement of another, but where the two quantities possess characteristic variations over vastly different ranges of time and space. Among the many challenges posed by such ‘multiscale’ problems, that of defining a ‘scale’ remains poorly addressed. This fundamental problem has led to much confusion in the field of biomedical engineering in particular. The present study proposes a definition of scale based on measurement limitations of existing instruments, available computational power, and on the ranges of time and space over which quantities of interest vary characteristically. The definition is used to construct a multiscale modelling methodology from start to finish, beginning with a description of the system (portion of reality of interest) and ending with an algorithmic orchestration of mathematical models at different scales within the system. The methodology is illustrated for a specific but well-researched problem. The concept of scale and the multiscale modelling approach introduced are shown to be easily adaptable to other closely related problems. Although out of the scope of this paper, we believe that the proposed methodology can be applied widely throughout engineering.

2021 ◽  
pp. 110375
Yalchin Efendiev ◽  
Sai-Mang Pun ◽  
Petr N. Vabishchevich

2021 ◽  
Vol 87 (2) ◽  
Konrad Simon ◽  
Jörn Behrens

AbstractWe introduce a new framework of numerical multiscale methods for advection-dominated problems motivated by climate sciences. Current numerical multiscale methods (MsFEM) work well on stationary elliptic problems but have difficulties when the model involves dominant lower order terms. Our idea to overcome the associated difficulties is a semi-Lagrangian based reconstruction of subgrid variability into a multiscale basis by solving many local inverse problems. Globally the method looks like a Eulerian method with multiscale stabilized basis. We show example runs in one and two dimensions and a comparison to standard methods to support our ideas and discuss possible extensions to other types of Galerkin methods, higher dimensions and nonlinear problems.

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