child violence
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2022 ◽  
Rogers Kazuo Rodrigues Yamamoto ◽  
Danize Eukales Menezes Lugo ◽  
Davi Vinicius de Lima ◽  
Kamylla Guedes de Sena ◽  
Polyana Cristina Vilela Braga

2021 ◽  
pp. 001112872110578
Gila Chen ◽  
Eitan Nicotra ◽  
Noam Haviv ◽  
Sharon Toys

The purpose was to examine gender differences (a) in the sentencing severity for parent-to-child violence (PCV); and (b) in severity of PCV patterns. We analyzed 99 verdict cases in Israel. Two models, a logistic regression model and a generalized ordered logistic regression model, were applied. The findings of the first model indicated that being a woman reduced the odds of imprisonment by .106; furthermore, being tried after implementation of the 2012 reform in judicial discretion in sentencing significantly increased the odds of sentence severity by 2.85. The second model indicated that women had lower odds of being involved in severe violent offenses against their minor children compared with men ( OR = 0.31). The findings highlight the source of sentencing differentials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 414-427
Nkwam-Uwaoma Adeline ◽  
Ojiakor Ifeoma ◽  
Etumnu Emeka Williams

The issue of child violence has continued to plague Nigerian society and if care is not taken, the future of Nigerian society will be in serious jeopardy. To this end, this study investigated radio programmes and the fight against child violence in Imo State. The agenda setting theory served as the theoretical foundation of the study. The survey research method was used with a population of 555,500 of Owerri metropolis residents. The Survey Monkey online sample size calculator was used to arrive at 384 as the sample size. The Multistage sampling technique was adopted with a questionnaire as the instrument of data collection. The percentage method was used for data analysis. Findings revealed that 52% of the respondents confirmed that they were exposed to radio programmes on the issue of child violence at a moderate level. Also, at an average of 53% of respondents are of the view that the programmes have enhanced their knowledge of the issues of child violence at a moderate level. Further findings showed that an average of 53% of respondents confirmed that Because I am Happy on Groove 98.1 FM and the Mega Kid hour on Megaband 97.3 FM are effective in the fight against child violence in Imo State. It was recommended that radio stations should step up their efforts to raise awareness of programmes dealing with child violence and other child-related issues, so that the level of exposure increases significantly and contributes to the fight against child violence. To improve the knowledge of people about child violence and other child-related issues. Radio stations should do well by constantly educating and enlightening people through their programmes designed to treat issues of child violence and other child-related issues. Radio stations, through their programmes, should endeavour to sustain their efforts to continue being effective in the fight against child violence, so that in no distant time, the issue of child violence and other child-related issues will be reduced drastically in society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 94109-94122
Thaisa Reis de Carvalho Sampaio ◽  
Carla Cecília Lira Pereira De Castro ◽  
Carolina Viana Vasco Lyra ◽  
Ivana Oliveira Barbosa ◽  
Letícia Veloso De Almeida ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 70-77
Revt A.B. ◽  
Huk O.V.

The article provides a comprehensive analysis of domestic and foreign researches of the problem of violence and abuse of children; the concept of “violence” is substantiated; the semantic content of the leading concepts of the problem is revealed. The signs and types of violence against a child are highlighted and systematized. The causes of violence against a child are analyzed, as the commitments of violence, especially against children, become widespread nowadays.To solve the defined tasks, a set of research methods are used in the article, they include: analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, comparison, systematization, generalization to substantiate the starting points of the study, identify the nature and risk factors for violence against children.It has been investigated and determined that the problem of violence does not arise by itself, it also brings other problems. There are many reasons for violence, it can be: social, economic factors; factors that determine the structure of the family and the model of communication in it; factors related to the identity of the parents, the child, etc.Violence is divided into the following main types: physical, psychological, sexual, and economic or neglect of the basic needs of the child. Each of these types has its own typical features in the set of which a psychologist or educator can identify children who have become victims of violence.The risk factors for violence against a child are described: socio-economic risk factors, risk factors related to the model of communication and family structure, risk factors due to the personality of the parents.It has been emphasized that a child who has become victim of violence suffers serious injuries and may become in the future a potential aggressor both for the society and his own immediate environment. According to the results of the study, we can conclude that it is important to implement a mandatory program of work with a child victim of violence, so that he could overcome this problem, get rid of fear, anxiety, emotional shock, and return to life as a psychologically healthy personality.Key words: violence, child, abuse, types of violence, risk factors. У статті здійснено комплексний аналіз вітчизняних і зарубіжних напрацювань з проблеми насильства та жорстокого поводження щодо дитини; обґрунтовано поняття «насильство»; розкрито змістове наповнення провідних понять проблеми. Висвітлено та систематизовано ознаки, види насильницьких дій щодо дитини. Проаналізовано причини виникнення насильства щодо дитини, оскільки скоєння насильства, особливо до дітей, набуває зараз надзвичайно великого масштабу.Для розв’язання визначених задач у статті використано комплекс методів дослідження, який вклю-чав аналіз філософської, соціологічної, психологічної та педагогічної літератури, синтез, порівняння, систематизацію, узагальнення задля обґрунтування вихідних положень дослідження, виявлення сутності та факторів ризику виникнення насильства щодо дитини.Досліджено та визначено, що проблема насильства не виникає сама по собі, їй передують інші. Причин виникнення насильства дуже багато, це можуть бути соціальні, економічні фактори; фактори, що обумовлені структурою сім’ї та моделлю спілкування у ній; фактори, що пов’язані з особистістю батьків, самої дитини тощо.Поділяється насильство на такі основні види, як фізичне, психологічне, сексуальне, економічне або нехтування основними потребами дитини. Кожен із цих видів має свої типові ознаки, в сукупності яких психологу чи педагогу можна визначити дітей, що стали жертвами насильства.Охарактеризовано фактори ризику виникнення насильства щодо дитини, такі як соціально-економічні фактори ризику, фактори ризику, що пов’язані з моделлю спілкування та структурою сім’ї, фактори ризику, що обумовлені особистістю батьків.Акцентовано увагу на тому, що дитина, яка стала жертвою насильства, зазнає надзвичайно важких травм, а в майбутньому сама може стати потенційним агресором для суспільства та свого близького оточення. За результатами дослідження можемо дійти висновку, що важливим є впровадження обов’язкової програми роботи з дитиною, що стала жертвою насильства, щоб вона змогла подолати цю проблему, позбутися страху, переживань, емоційних потрясінь та повернутись до життя як психологічно здорова особистість.Ключові слова: насильство, дитина, жорстоке поводження, види насильства, фактори ризику.

Sanita Vanaga ◽  
Inga Pumpuriņa

Domestic violence is a cycle of various harassment in which the abuser can be any member of the family. Both media and research on domestic violence focus on the behaviour of adult family members, while there is a lack of research analysing child abuse, for example against their parents. The current legal framework establishes the procedure for bringing an abusive person to justice, however, the provided sanctions do not apply to a child being violent in case the offense is not of a criminal nature. The study presents the research in two parts, the first part, indicating the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the problem, and the second - the problem of the legal regulation of liability.The aim of the study was to analyse the regulatory framework, which determines the child's responsibility in cases of child-to-parent violence, to identify the problems of the legal framework and to develop proposals for the improvement of the legal framework.The study was developed interdisciplinary, performing the analysis of national and international legal acts, analysing statistical data and research on current issues. Analytical and descriptive method, grammatical, historical, teleological and systemic interpretation methods were used in the study.As a result of the research, a number of problems were identified. These were related to the identification of a child being violent, the rights and responsibilities of the family and society in cases of escalating violence, as well as the issue of taking responsibility for the child's violence. At the same time, it was concluded that cases of violence by children to parents are difficult to identify, which may be due to the parent-child relationship and ignorance of the parent's problem, resulting in a formal determination of the child's responsibility in case of violence. In turn, the legal framework should strengthen not only the procedure of holding the children responsible for their violent behavior, but also to call for interdisciplinary prevention of violence committed by children. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2(May-August)) ◽  
pp. e942021
Ricardo Santos De Oliveira

The mysterious and suspicious death of the young Henry Borel on March 8, 2021 in Brazil brought up again the subject of child violence to the media. The child had multiple injuries in the abdominal cavity, pulmonary contusion, head trauma and other injuries incompatible with a domestic accident or fall in his room as reported by parents. Brazilian media has closely followed the case, offering continuous updates. In Brazil, violence is a public health issue that hits population in a large scale, including children. Violence against children takes many forms. It can be physical, emotional or sexual. It happens in all countries and any settings – in a child's home, community, school and online. In some parts of the world, violent discipline is socially accepted and common. And for many girls and boys, violence comes from the hands of the people they trust – their parents or caregivers, teachers, peers and neighbours [1]. A perpetrator is a person who is responsible for the abuse or neglect of a child [3]. The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS) showed that in 2019, about 252,324 children in the U.S. were abused by their mother [4] Unfortunately, one or more parent is involved in 78% of child maltreatment fatalities. Child maltreatment is a global problem with serious life-long consequences. In spite of the recent national surveys in several low- and middle-income countries, data from many countries are still lacking [3]. Shaken Baby Syndrome  / Abusive Head Trauma (SBS / AHT) is a term used to describe the constellation of signs and symptoms resulting from violent shaking and impacting of the head of an infant or small child [5].     According to the WHO nearly 3 in 4 children - or 300 million children - aged 2–4 years regularly suffer physical punishment and/or psychological violence at the hands of parents and caregivers [3].             The Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (SBP) entered into a partnership with the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) and the Ministry of Human Rights, to seek solutions against aggressions against children and adolescents.                On average, 233 assaults of different types (physical and psychological torture) against children and adolescents aged up to 19 years are notified in Brazil [6]. In 2020, this pandemic has brought with it additional challenges in protecting young people from abuse and revealed gaps in our existing approach [7]. The stress in families and children will not end when the stay-at-home orders are lifted. Let's be prepared to help all our children emerge healthy and strong, and ready to learn. Everyone knows violence is bad for children and adolescents, and sometimes fatal. It is harmful for them to be mistreated or abused by an adult, to be victimized by bullies, to witness serious domestic violence, or to be criminally assaulted. Many, though not all, young people who are exposed to violence react to this adverse experience by developing behavioral, emotional, or learning problems. What is less well known is that adverse experiences such as violence exposure can also lead to hidden physical alterations inside a child’s body. Some children exposed to violence learn to resolve their own conflicts in a violent manner. Others seem to become desensitized to violence and the pain and distress of others. Some retreat into a shell, avoiding people and the world around them. These children with long-term exposure are at an increased risk for: Behavioral, psychological, and physical problems Academic failure Alcohol and substance use Delinquent acts Adult criminality   Despite these grave physical and mental health consequences, the vast majority of child victims never seek or receive help to recover. What’s more, children who grow up with violence are more likely to re-enact it as young adults and caregivers themselves, creating a new generation of victims. Violence against children can be prevented. Preventing and responding to violence against children require that efforts systematically address risk and protective factors at all four interrelated levels of risk (individual, relationship, community, society).   Do not underestimate child violence. Report it.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 228
Sukitman Asgar ◽  
Sahrestia Kartianti

The phenomenon of child violence in North Halmahera Regency continues to increase every year and even the comparison is very significant. So the need for the seriousness of the local government to prevent an increase in cases experienced by children as early as possible through a series of efforts and actions both in the form of socialization and other strategic steps, non-optimal service to children who are in conflict with the law can also affect the development of children especially on the aspects of psychological recovery and children's health. To obtain perfect research results, accurate and supportive data and information are needed. Thus, this research is conducted through a Qualitative Approach which is analyzed juridically and sociologically based on statutory provisions and directly involved in observing the effectiveness of law implementation carried out by local government agencies. After being analyzed through the available approach and data, there are several things that have not been carried out properly. This means that all efforts and policies made by local governments in the field of child protection, especially those dealing with the law, have not met the expectations mandated by the laws and regulations. Where there are several cases of child abuse, they have to break up in the middle of the road due to various considerations, as well as the need for a legal product similar to regional regulations to accommodate and fulfill all the interests and rights of children.

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (I) ◽  
pp. 84-88
Hussain Ali ◽  
Ashraf Ali ◽  
Muzammil Shah

Child protection is the prevention and response to child violence and abuse, including illegal child engagement in labor, within and outside the country trafficking, sexual abuse of children and child rights violation due to customary laws. The Pakistani state adopted and is the signatory to various international documents and instruments. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government in the year 2010 passed a law entitled; Child Protection and Welfare Act for children rights protection in the province. In the present research study, the researchers reviewed systematically various international documents and instruments as well as the provincial government child protection law. Pakistani state adopted various documents and signed international instruments for child protection. For the protection of children, units are established in all most all the districts in the province under the act. The research study highlighted that a strong reporting and referral mechanism is required about the abused children in the province.

2021 ◽  
Vol 389 (1) ◽  
pp. 271-277
N. Zh. Osmonalieva

Using analysis, synthesis, historical legal, law and sociological methods, unfavourable factors in Kyrgyz society are studied contribute to the appearance of orphans and children left without parental care, such as divorce of parents, growth of percentage of single-parent families, unemployment, poverty, alcohol and drug addiction, child violence in families (physical, psychological, sexual abuse), migration and others. The most significant and relevant aspects of organizing the placement of orphans and children deprived of parental care, related to adoption and foster families in Kyrgyzstan, as well as the problems of state children's institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic are considered. The necessity of improving legislation on orphans, children deprived of parental care and the development of relatively new forms of device for orphans, children deprived of parental care (foster family) is being studied. The authors notes that in the Kyrgyz Republic insufficient attention is paid to the forms of placement of orphans in families, for example, over the eight years of the existence of foster families, their number was 57, and the number of children transferred was only 167, which is caused by insufficient material base and small wages foster parents paid by the state, which makes this institution unattractive. Transfer for adoption to a family is not always realized, since in such institutions 94% of children have parents. In this connection, it is not possible to completely eliminate or reduce the number of state-run children's institutions for orphans and children left without parental care in the Kyrgyz Republic.

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