active gravitational mass
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2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (04) ◽  
pp. 1950067 ◽  
M. Zubair ◽  
Saira Waheed ◽  
G. Mustafa ◽  
Hamood Ur Rehman

In this paper, we explore the existence of wormhole solutions exhibiting spherical symmetry in a modified gravity namely [Formula: see text] theory by involving some aspects of noncommutative geometry. For this purpose, we consider the anisotropic matter contents along with the well-known Gaussian and Lorentizian distributions of string theory. For the sake of simplicity in analytic discussions, we take a specific form of [Formula: see text] function given by [Formula: see text]. For both these noncommutative distributions, we get exact solutions in terms of exponential and hypergeometric functions. By taking some suitable choice of free parameters, we investigate different interesting aspects of these wormhole solutions graphically. We also explored the stability of these wormhole models using equilibrium condition. It can be concluded that the obtained solutions are stable and physically viable satisfying the wormhole existence criteria. Lastly, we discuss the constraints for positivity of the active gravitational mass for both these distributions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (11) ◽  
pp. 1530027 ◽  
Andrei G. Lebed

In this paper, we review recent theoretical results, obtained for the equivalence between gravitational mass and energy of a composite quantum body as well as for its breakdown at macroscopic and microscopic levels. In particular, we discuss that the expectation values of passive and active gravitational mass operators are equivalent to the expectation value of energy for electron stationary quantum states in hydrogen atom. On the other hand, for superpositions of the stationary quantum states, inequivalence between the gravitational masses and energy appears at a macroscopic level. It reveals itself as time-dependent oscillations of the expectation values of passive and active gravitational masses, which can be, in principle, experimentally measured. Inequivalence between passive gravitational mass and energy at a microscopic level can be experimentally observed as unusual electromagnetic radiation, emitted by a macroscopic ensemble of the atoms. We propose the corresponding experiment, which can be done on the Earth's orbit, using small spacecraft. If such experiment is done it would be the first direct observation of quantum effects in general relativity.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (08) ◽  
pp. 1550069 ◽  
Homer G. Ellis

Giving up Einstein's assumption, implicit in his 1916 field equations, that inertial mass, even in its appearance as energy, is equivalent to active gravitational mass and therefore is a source of gravity allows revising the field equations to a form in which a positive cosmological constant is seen to (mis)represent a uniform negative net mass density of gravitationally attractive and gravitationally repulsive matter. Field equations with both positive and negative active gravitational mass densities of both primordial and continuously created matter, incorporated along with two scalar fields to 'relax the constraints' on the spacetime geometry, yield cosmological solutions that exhibit inflation, deceleration, coasting, acceleration, and a 'big bounce' instead of a 'big bang,' and provide good fits to a Hubble diagram of Type Ia supernovae data. The repulsive matter is identified as the back sides of the 'drainholes' introduced by the author in 1973 as solutions of those same field equations. Drainholes (prototypical examples of 'traversable wormholes') are topological tunnels in space which gravitationally attract on their front, entrance sides, and repel more strongly on their back, exit sides. The front sides serve both as the gravitating cores of the visible, baryonic particles of primordial matter and as the continuously created, invisible particles of the 'dark matter' needed to hold together the large-scale structures seen in the universe; the back sides serve as the misnamed 'dark energy' driving the current acceleration of the expansion of the universe. Formation of cosmic voids, walls, filaments and nodes is attributed to expulsion of drainhole entrances from regions populated by drainhole exits and accumulation of the entrances on boundaries separating those regions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (07) ◽  
pp. 1550049 ◽  
Farook Rahaman ◽  
Anirudh Pradhan ◽  
Nasr Ahmed ◽  
Saibal Ray ◽  
Bijan Saha ◽  

We study different dimensional fluids inspired by noncommutative geometry which admit conformal Killing vector (CKV). The solutions of the Einstein field equations were examined specifically for five different set of spacetime. We calculate the active gravitational mass and impose stability conditions of the fluid sphere. The analysis thus carried out immediately indicates that at four dimension only one can get a stable configuration for any spherically symmetric stellar system and any other dimension, lower or higher, becomes untenable as far as the stability of a system is concerned.

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 1460272 ◽  
Aurélien Benoit-Lévy ◽  
Gabriel Chardin

We study an unconventional cosmology, in which we investigate the consequences that antigravity would pose to cosmology. We present the main characteristics of the Dirac-Milne Universe, a cosmological model where antimatter has a negative active gravitational mass. In this non-standard Universe, separate domains of matter and antimatter coexist at our epoch without annihilation, separated by a gravitationally induced depletion zone. We show that this cosmology does not require a priori the Dark Matter and Dark Energy components of the standard model of cosmology. Additionally, inflation becomes an unnecessary ingredient. Investigating this model, we show that the classical cosmological tests such as primordial nucleosynthesis, Type Ia supernovæ and Cosmic Microwave Background are surprisingly concordant.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 1242022 ◽  

Albert Einstein's real "biggest blunder" was not the 1917 introduction into his gravitational field equations of a cosmological constant term Λ, rather was his failure in 1916 to distinguish between the entirely different concepts of active gravitational mass and passive gravitational mass. Had he made the distinction, and followed David Hilbert's lead in deriving field equations from a variational principle, he might have discovered a true (not a cut and paste) Einstein–Rosen bridge and a cosmological model that would have allowed him to predict, long before such phenomena were imagined by others, inflation, a big bounce (not a big bang), an accelerating expansion of the universe, dark matter, and the existence of cosmic voids, walls, filaments and nodes.

2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (14) ◽  
pp. 1129-1136 ◽  

It is possible to provide a physical interpretation for the field equations of gravity based on a thermodynamical perspective. The virtual degrees of freedom associated with the horizons, as perceived by the local Rindler observer, play a crucial role in this approach. In this context, the relation S = E/2T between the entropy (S), active gravitational mass (E) and temperature (T) — obtained previously in gr-qc/0308070 [CQG, 21, 4485 (2004)] — can be reinterpreted as the law of equipartition E = (1/2) nk B T where [Formula: see text] is the number (density) of microscopic horizon degrees of freedom in an area ΔA. Conversely, one can use the equipartition argument to provide a thermodynamic interpretation of gravity, even in the nonrelativistic limit. These results emphasize the intrinsic quantum nature of all gravitational phenomena and diminishes the distinction between thermal phenomena associated with local Rindler horizons and the usual thermodynamics of macroscopic bodies in non-inertial frames. Just like the original thermodynamic interpretation, these results also hold for a wide class of gravitational theories like the Lanczos–Lovelock models.

2008 ◽  
Vol 23 (35) ◽  
pp. 2979-2986

The warped solution of Einstein's equations corresponding to the spherical brane in five-dimensional AdS is considered. This metric represents interiors of black holes on both sides of the brane and can provide gravitational trapping of physical fields on the shell. It is found that the analytic form of the coordinate transformations from the Schwarzschild to co-moving frame that exists only in five dimensions. It is shown that in the static coordinates active gravitational mass of the spherical brane, in agreement with Tolman's formula, is negative, i.e. such objects are gravitationally repulsive.

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