arduino microcontroller
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Роман Андреевич Иванов ◽  
Никита Владимирович Максаков

Актуальность разработки обусловлена необходимостью создания устройства для сбора и обработки информации с экспериментального стенда солнечных панелей. Назначением стенда является получение достоверных данных для верификации моделей оценки показателей гелиопотенциала, использующихся при обосновании эффективности применения солнечных электростанций на территории восточных регионов России. Дано описание основного и вспомогательного оборудования экспериментального стенда. Солнечные панели стенда разноориентированы для определения наиболее эффективного угля наклона и обоснования необходимости применения следящей за солнцем системы. Для снятия и записи мгновенной мощности солнечных панелей разработано устройство на основе микроконтроллера Arduino. Для мониторинга показаний силы тока используется шунтовый амперметр, подключаемый в разрыв цепи питания. Приведена схема счётчика тока и описана его работа. Приведены первичные результаты собранных данных. Намечены основные этапы дальнейшей обработки данных. The relevance of the presented development is due to the need to create a device to read and process information from an experimental array of solar panels. The purpose of the array is to obtain reliable data for the verification of models for estimating photovoltaic power potential indicators used in justifying the feasibility of the adoption of solar power plants in the eastern regions of Russia. We present a description of the main and auxiliary equipment of the experimental array. The array's solar panels are arranged in different ways so as to determine the most efficient tilt angle and justify the need to use a sun tracking system. The proprietary device based on the Arduino microcontroller was designed to read and write the value of instantaneous power of solar panels. To monitor the readings of the amperage, a shunt ammeter is used, which is connected to the gap of the power circuit. The study provides a diagram of the current meter and describe its operation. We outlined the main stages of subsequent data processing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. 1449-1454
Sunday A. Afolalu ◽  
Ayodeji A. Noiki ◽  
Omolayo M. Ikumapayi ◽  
Adebayo T. Ogundipe ◽  
Olamilekan R. Oloyede

Growing urbanisation in developing countries, population growth, and changes in human activities and consumption patterns have resulted in significant amounts of trash that must be appropriately disposed of, treated, and managed to provide a sustainable environment and a reasonable standard of life for the growing population. The aim of the paper is to design a smart dustbin for proper disposal of waste without any human intervention by providing a smart technology for waste system monitoring, reducing human time, effort, and intervention. This paper presents a smart waste bin integrated with a microcontroller-based Arduino board which is interfaced with ultrasonic sensors, MQ-2 sensor, servo motor, LCD and GSM modem. The Arduino microcontroller is programmed using Arduino C which measures the height of the dust bin using the ultrasonic sensor. Once the waste gets to the pre-set level, the microcontroller activates the GSM modem to send a message to a designated number. The status of the waste in the bin is transferred to the designated line and display on the LCD whenever it exceeds the pre-set value. The replacement of the traditional waste bin with smart waste bin help in efficient management of waste by assuring that filled waste bin are emptied when the pre-set value is exceeded. This also help in reducing time involve in checking the status of the waste bin and number of trips embarked by the waste collection vehicle and total expenditure associated with collection is minimized. It eventually helps to maintain cleanliness in our environment. Therefore, the system makes the waste collection more efficient.

2021 ◽  
pp. 81-107
Nicolas Collins

The !trumpet is software synthesis system controlled from, and playing back through, a trumpet.  It is not an electronically extended trumpet: the player produces no acoustic sounds by blowing through the mouthpiece. Instead, breath pressure and valve movement on the brass instrument are read by an embedded Arduino microcontroller  and sent to a laptop, where the data is mapped onto various parameters in synthesis software; the resulting electronic sound is returned to the trumpet, where it plays through a loudspeaker inside the bell, and is further processed acoustically by valve position (changes in the length of tubing filter the speaker output), movement of a plunger mute (wah-wah style filtering), and orientation of the instrument in space (panning).

2021 ◽  
Anitha R ◽  
Veerasundaram M ◽  
Rajarajan S ◽  
Jaya Prakash E ◽  
NandhaKishore J ◽  

The paper proposes a system to monitor the environment air quality using an Arduino microcontroller, to enhance the quality IOT Technology is used. The utilization of IoT technology improves the method of monitoring various factors of the environment issues. The MQ-02 gas sensor is used to detect the various gases which are harmful to humans. A Wi-Fi module connects the whole system to the internet and an LCD is employed for the visual Output. This Automated Air management system may be a breakthrough to contribute an answer to the most important threat. The air quality detector overcomes the problems of the highly polluted areas which may be a major issue. This technique has features for the user to monitor the quantity of pollution on their smart devices using the appliance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-204
José Luis Revelo Orellana ◽  
Oscar Chang

Automation Process (AP) is an important issue in the current digitized world and, in general, represents an increase in the quality of productivity when compared with manual control. Balance is a natural human capacity as it relates to complex operations and intelligence. Balance Control presents an extra challenge in automation processes, due to the many variables that may be involved.  This work presents a physical balancing pole where a Reinforcement Learning (RL) agent can explore the environment, sense its position through accelerometers, and wirelessly communicate and eventually learns by itself how to keep the pole balanced under noise disturbance. The agent uses RL principles to explore and learn new positions and corrections that lead toward more significant rewards in terms of pole equilibrium. By using a Q-matrix, the agent explores future conditions and acquires policy information that makes it possible to maintain stability. An Arduino microcontroller processes all training and testing. With the help of sensors, servo motors, wireless communications, and artificial intelligence, components merge into a system that consistently recovers equilibrium under random position changes. The obtained results prove that through RL, an agent can learn by itself to use generic sensors, actuators and solve balancing problems even under the limitations that a microcontroller presents.

Aris Budi Sulistyo ◽  
Benny Dwifa ◽  
Nengah Widiangga ◽  
Asep Eka Nugraha

This research is about constructing a prototype of fire detection warning system on Apron Passenger Bus. The prototype can detect certain possibility of fire and give early warning to the driver. It works automatically based on three sensors used, which are smoke sensor, temperature sensor and flame sensor. The prototype is constructed using these three sensors and combined with Arduino microcontroller. This microcontroller has a role of transmitting information to the alarm system as a fire indicator. Method used in this research begins with simulation of a fire warning system and continued by implementation on hardware. The prototype works successfully on detecting fire both on software and hardware basis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (SpecialIssue) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Matsun Matsun ◽  
Boisandi Boisandi ◽  
Ira Nofita Sari ◽  
Soka Hadiati ◽  
Sy Lukman Hakim

This study aims to determine the effect and interaction of the use of learning media, mathematical abilities, and critical thinking skills on student achievement. The design of this research is experimental. Data were analyzed using a three-way ANOVA analysis of variance. The results showed: 1) there was an effect of cognitive and affective learning achievement of students who were given learning using Arduino microcontroller and Proteus software, but there was no effect on psychomotor learning achievement; 2) there is an effect of cognitive learning achievement of students who have high and low mathematical abilities, but there is no effect on affective and psychomotor learning achievement; 3) there is no effect on cognitive and affective learning achievement of students who have high and low critical thinking skills, but there is an effect on psychomotor learning achievement; 4) there is no interaction between the inquiry model using Arduino microcontroller and Proteus software with mathematical ability on students' cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning achievement; 5) there is no interaction between the inquiry model using Arduino microcontroller and Proteus software with critical thinking skills on student cognitive and psychomotor learning achievement, but there is an interaction on student affective learning achievement; 6) there is no interaction between mathematical ability and critical thinking skills on student achievement; 7) there is no interaction between the inquiry model using Arduino microcontroller and Proteus software, mathematical ability, thinking skills on student achievement.

Helmut Antonio Saavedra García ◽  
Ernesto de Jesús Mendoza Vallecillo

In this article, we will develop a system that allows the monitoring of hydrants through an Arduino microcontroller in the city of Managua. Which will consist of 3 stages. A Stage of Sensors and Actuators, Communication Stage and Server Configuration. Which can be monitored from a subdomain of the Firebase platform.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 59
Yusuf Nurul Hilal ◽  
Trias Andromeda ◽  
Susatyo Handoko

<p class="JOURNALBODY"><em>The development of electric vehicles is in rapid progress, especially in terms of the main engine drive. The use of solenoid can be applied as an alternative driving electric vehicles instead of a dc motor as the main driver. In this paper, the prototype solenoid machine is applied by using 4 inductors controlled by an Arduino microcontroller and the solenoid driver based on application of Mosfet L298N. The prototype runs successfully. Based on the experimental results, the greater the frequency value applies to the driver, the faster the solenoid moves. The acceleration occures due to the electromagnetic field which is getting stronger and the field is proportional to the frequency value, so the solenoid movement is faster.</em></p>

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