current arrangement
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2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 193-211
Alberto Zilli

A new erebid, Tabwecala robinsonigen. nov., sp. nov., from the Vanuatu Islands (Espiritu Santo) (West Pacific Ocean) is described. The new species, superficially resembling species of the genera Artena, Achaea or Leistera, shows a peculiar combination of characters which suggested its placement in a new genus. This is provisionally placed in tribe Poaphilini but following a review of the features purporting to show the separation of Ophiusini and Poaphilini, it is shown that morphological rationale supporting the current arrangement of these tribes is still lacking. Noteworthy modifications affect the hindleg of male Tabwecala robinsoni, with greatly shortened and swollen metatibia bearing a dorsal hair-pencil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 9037
Jiefang Ma ◽  
Queena Kun Qian ◽  
Henk Visscher ◽  
Kun Song

In China’s government-led energy efficient renovation of residential buildings, homeowners’ participation refers to their involvement and engagement throughout the process. Lacking homeowners’ participation has brought difficulties in the execution and financing of the projects. This paper explores the current situation of homeowners’ participation and provides suggestions for optimization from three perspectives: the steps and procedures of the participation process, the composition of the working group responsible for contacting the homeowners, and the contents to be discussed during the process. The semi-structured interview and questionnaire results show that homeowners’ participation is not adequate, and the current arrangement deviates from their expectations. Although most homeowners are positive towards government-led renovation and are enthusiastic about being involved, the process setup is not well-designed to let them fully participate. Moreover, their expectations and preferences are related to several factors. It can be concluded that relevant laws and regulations should be introduced to provide a basis for solving problems at the executive level, and homeowner associations should be established to serve as a channel of communication between homeowners and the working group. Designing targeted renovation and participation strategy is a necessity to minimize the communication efforts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 747 ◽  
pp. 1-71
Victor Moctezuma ◽  
Gonzalo Halffter

The Phanaeus endymion species group is defined as a lineage of dung beetles distributed from Mexico to Ecuador. The current arrangement of the P. endymion species group includes 18 species (five newly described and three revalidated herein): P. arletteae Arnaud, 2018; P. bravoensis Moctezuma, Sánchez-Huerta & Halffter, 2017; P. chiapanecus sp. nov.; P. edmondsi Moctezuma, Deloya & Halffter, 2019; P. endymion Harold, 1863; P. funereus Balthasar, 1939 stat. rev.; P. halffterorum Edmonds, 1979; P. huichol Moctezuma, Sánchez-Huerta & Halffter, 2017; P. jackenioi sp. nov.; P. malyi Arnaud, 2002; P. olsoufieffi Balthasar, 1939 stat. rev.; P. pacificus sp. nov.; P. panamensis sp. nov.; P. porioni Arnaud, 2001 stat. rev.; P. pyrois Bates, 1887; P. rzedowskii sp. nov.; P. zapotecus Edmonds, 2006; and P. zoque Moctezuma & Halffter, 2017. Phanaeus dionysius Kohlmann, Arriaga-Jiménez & Rös, 2018 syn. nov. is considered as a new junior subjective synonymy of P. zapotecus Edmonds, 2006. Phanaeus blanchardi Olsoufieff, 1924 and P. bothrus Blackwelder, 1944 are junior objective synonyms of P. olsoufieffi Balthasar, 1939 stat. rev.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 3998
Wun-Jheng Wu ◽  
Pei-Ing Wu ◽  
Je-Liang Liou

This is the first study to comprehensively evaluate the benefit of urban open spaces and cropland with different adjacent public facilities seen as locally undesirable (“not in my backyard”, NIMBY) or desirable (“yes in my backyard”, YIMBY). The total benefit increases or decreases for urban open space and cropland with adjacent NIMBY or YIMBY facilities in a municipality in Taiwan. The results show that for the city as a whole, the current arrangement of NIMBY and YIMBY in different zones decreases the total benefit of urban open spaces in highly urbanized zones and increases the total damage to cropland in extremely rural zones. This indicates a need to avoid further installing NIMBY or YIMBY facilities in already occupied urban open spaces. The results also demonstrate that locating NIMBY or YIMBY facilities near cropland fails to highlight the benefit of YIMBY facilities and magnifies opposition to NIMBY facilities. For individual housing units, the total damage is 1.87% of the average housing price for cropland-type open space with adjacent NIMBY or YIMBY facilities, and the total benefit is 7.43% of the average housing price for urban-type open space in a highly urbanized area. In contrast, the total benefit for open space with adjacent NIMBY or YIMBY facilities is a 2.95–13.80% increase in the average housing price for areas with mixed urban open space and cropland.

Wun-Jheng Wu ◽  
Pei-Ing Wu ◽  
Je-Liang Liou

This is the first study to comprehensively evaluate the benefit of urban open spaces and cropland with different adjacent public facilities seen as locally undesirable (“not in my backyard,” NIMBY) or desirable (“yes in my backyard,” YIMBY). The total benefit increases or decreases for urban open space and cropland with adjacent NIMBY or YIMBY facilities in a municipality in Taiwan. The results show that for the city as a whole, the current arrangement of NIMBY and YIMBY in different zones decreases the total benefit of urban open spaces in highly urbanized zones and increases the total damage to cropland in extremely rural zones. This indicates a need to avoid further installing NIMBY or YIMBY facilities in already occupied urban open spaces. The results also demonstrate that locating NIMBY or YIMBY facilities near cropland fails to highlight the benefit of YIMBY facilities and magnifies opposition to NIMBY facilities. For individual housing units, the total damage is 1.87% of the average housing price for cropland-type open space with adjacent NIMBY or YIMBY facilities, and the total benefit is 7.43% of the average housing price for urban-type open space in a highly urbanized area. In contrast, the total benefit for open space with adjacent NIMBY or YIMBY facilities is a 2.95%-13.80% increase in the average housing price for areas with mixed urban open space and cropland.

David Kolumber

The contribution “Anti-state Crimes in Modern Codifications” deals with the topic of anti-state crimes during centuries. Firstly, legal concepts in the pre-state period are mentioned. Then the attention is paid on the evolution of this institute in the Euro-Atlantic area. From this point of view, there are mentioned mainly regulations from England (1351), France (1810), Germany (1871) and Soviet Union (1958) which could be remarked as the most important for the development of other countries. On the other hand, it also reminds the development of codifications in Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which were affected by the Austro-Hungarian legislations as well as German and Soviet approaches. The Czech current arrangement generally does not depart from the other European samples, but it cannot be omitted that in the Czech Republic it is distinguished the penal concept of the high treason (Landesverrat, vlastizrada) from the constitutional concept (Hochverrat, velezrada) which is dedicated to the presidential anti-state activities. The contribution also indicates that the concept of anti-state crimes in countries has not been unified and it has been varying according to various experiences and attitudes.

G. Pancani ◽  
S. Galassi ◽  
L. Rovero ◽  
L. Dipasquale ◽  
E. Fazzi ◽  

Abstract. The triumphal arch of Caracalla in the Roman archaeological site of Volubilis dates back to 216 AD. It was built in a strategic position at the intersection of the main roads leading to the Forum, the decumanus maximus to the east and the roads from Porte à trios baies to the west, that almost certainly was the main gate to the city. The current arrangement of the monument is the result of a restoration intervention carried out in the 1930s by French restorers. Some ancient photos witness that the monument was just a ruin in 1915, when Chatelain carried out the former archaeological excavations and, as a consequence, that it was totally rebuilt. In fact, the monument suffered wide damages provoked by the 1755 Lisbon earthquake, that affected also Morocco, which almost completely destroyed it. By means of the drawings made by the travelers Henry Boyde and John Windus, that retraced the monument thirty years before the earthquake, the original configuration of the monument can be observed and the timeline of events can be reconstructed. In this paper, the timeline of the seismic events that affected the triumphal arch is reconstructed and investigated by means of a structural analysis based on a rigid-block model. Finally, with the purpose of preventing future damage, the seismic vulnerability level of the construction is assessed with reference to its current configuration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Leifang HU ◽  
Yiru LI

With the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce, colleges and universities have offered relevant courses to train cross-border e-commerce talents. This study investigates Ningbo Institute of ×× in Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Financial ×× College, Zhejiang ×× College and ×× College of Hangzhou Normal University and analyzes the current arrangement for curriculum in cross-border e-commerce. Combining with the reality of talent demand in cross-border e-commerce industry, this paper puts forward some ideas and suggestions on the optimization of cross-border e-commerce curriculum system,thus to provides constructive suggestions for offering courses related to cross-border e-commerce personnel training in Zhejiang Province, and also provides theoretical guidance for talent cultivation in cross-border e-commerce .

The modernisation of the current arrangement of information securing framework in procedure control is moved up to the ongoing innovations for running the procedure station. This paper gives the perspectives on the current 3 tank frameworks set up is utilized for controlling the degrees of 2 associating frameworks. Fluid level control has a huge application area in industry move over; the three tank framework is one of the most broadly utilized examinations in lab and research organizations. The estimation of modern procedure level parameter is one of the extraordinary significances in procedure control. The degree of fluids may influence both the weight and pace of stream all through the tank. Thus, the quality might be influenced. Programmed control applications will require control signals for activity of incitation. Level transmitter is utilized to gauge level of the tank. In this framework the level in the process tank is detected utilizing a level transmitter and the comparing current yield being estimated and constrained by utilizing information obtaining framework. [1],[ 3],[5]

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