Összefoglaló. A tavalyi évben kitört COVID–19 pandémia jelentős
kihívások elé állította a világot. Nem pusztán a kormányok és az egészségügyi
rendszerek szembesültek új, békeidőben eddig még nem gyakorolt feladatokkal, de
a tudományos világnak is át kellett tekinteni mind a régi, mind a legmodernebb
eszközöket ahhoz, hogy a vírus terjedésének, a betegek szenvedéseinek, a tömeges
halálozásoknak végre véget lehessen vetni. Habár a járványnak még messze nincsen
vége, és egyre újabb és újabb mutánsok ütik fel a fejüket a világ legkülönbözőbb
részein, mégis azokat a tanulságokat, melyek már összegyűltek a gyógyszeripar
területén, érdemes összefoglalni. Talán még ennél is fontosabb azonban, hogy
azokat a hiányokat, amelyeket még be kell pótolni, szintén megemlítsük, hogy
ezzel is segítsük az újabb hullámok vagy járványok leküzdését.
Summary. During the last 12 months the most serious issue was the
SARS-CoV-2 virus generated pandemia around the world. There is no country which
could be more or less intact and a huge amount of resources was sacrificed to
rescue people from the fatal outcome of this disease. When it started a year ago
or more, there were doubts about its future but later it was realised that this
is an epidemic occurring worldwide, crossing international boundaries, and
affecting a large number of people. According to the WHO, today the number of
confirmed cases is about 157.8 million, confirmed deaths are 3.3 million and 1.2
billion vaccine doses have been administered. These numbers clearly show how
important it is to elaborate the reaction of the pharma industry and investigate
how to ensure safe drug supply for patients in every country. The topics
discussed below are the basic and unique features of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the
pandemia generated by it, and the role of the Hungarian pharma industry,
especially Gedeon Richter plc, during this critical period. On one hand the
author explains how the spread of virus can be decreased in general and at a
production facility like Richter, and on the other hand R&D activity of the
Company aiming to cure patients suffering from COVID-19 infection. Consortia
including universities, academia and industrial entities made a substantial
impact on handling this terrible epidemic. Gedeon Richter plc, the biggest and
only independent Hungarian pharma company, in keeping with its roots started
small molecule R&D to make favipiravir and remdesivir available to clinics.
The latter production is a very difficult one but using its background in
chemistry Richter was able to manage all R&D and industrial scale up
activities in six months. Moreover, it has filed two patent applications about
its new, more feasible and economical process steps justifying its innovative
attitude. As a final conclusion it is stated that for the safe supply of
necessary medication one critical step is missing from the capabilities of the
Hungarian pharma industry, the vaccine R&D and production.