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В.В. Хутарев-Гарнишевский

Публикуемый источник является отрывком из дневника депутата Московской городской Думы Н.П. Вишнякова (1844-1927). Автор лично не принимал участия в боевых действиях, но находился в самом эпицентре боевых действий между «красными» и «белыми», так как проживал с семьей в центре города. Именно эти события часто называют началом полноценной Гражданской войны. Его дневник отражает психологическое состояние мирного горожанина, оказавшегося заложником гражданского противостояния на улицах Москвы.Особый интерес представляют описания особенностей быта москвичей, циркулирующие среди них слухи, домыслы, их надежды и страхи, а также поведенческие стратегии различных социальных слоев. Особую ценность представляет то, что автор делал свои записи два-три раза в день, подробно фиксируя происходящее. Подобного рода источники крайне немногочисленны.Мемуарное и эпистолярное наследие Н.П. Вишнякова давно признано уникальным источником по истории общественно-политической, культурной и экономической жизни Москвы, но никогда не было опубликовано полностью. Лишь дважды публиковались небольшие отрывки.Данная публикация является частью работы по подготовке полного издания эпистолярного наследия Н.П. Вишнякова, который был вовлечен почти во все политические и экономические процессы Москвы времен правления императора Николая II. Он был депутатом (гласным) Московской Думы с 1873 по 1917 гг. с пятилетним перерывом в 1892--1897 гг., мировым судьей, известным ученым-геологом и краеведом.Для публикации были раскрыты многочисленные сокращения топонимов, а также расшифрованы индивидуальные, характерные для автора сокращения.Особую трудность представляет почерк Н.П. Вишнякова, подчас очень сложный для понимания и в отдельных случаях не поддающийся расшифровке.Эпистолярное наследия Н.П. Вишнякова весьма обширно, а сам дневник охватывает события с 1872 по 1918 гг. Published is an excerpt from a diary of N.P. Vishnyakov (1844–1927), a Moscow Duma deputy. Nikolay Petrovich has never personally participated in the events, but was in the epicenter of the October battles between the Red and the White movements, as he and his family lived in the centre of Moscow. Those events in particular are often referred to as the beginning of the real Civil War. His diary shows us the mental state of a peaceful citizen caught as a hostage during the civil confrontation on Moscow streets. Depicted are certain peculiarities of everyday life, rumors and doubts, hopes and fears of Moscovites, as well as behavioral strategies of different social groups.Most valuable is that the author made 2–3 diary entries a day, registering the events in details. Such sources are very few in number.N.P. Vishnyakov's memoirs and epistolary heritage have never before were fully published and were marked as a unique source on the history of political, cultural and economic life in Moscow between 1873--1918.This is a part of an upcoming publication of the complete texts of N.P. Vishnyakov's epistolary heritage. Nukolay Petrovich was fully engaged into almost every political and economical process in Moscow during the times of Nicholas II. He was a deputy of the Moscow Duma from 1873 to 1917, with a short break in 1892--1897, a magistrate judge, a well-known geology scientist and ethnographer.For this publication shorten forms of toponymies and some personalized abbreviations have been deciphered. It is sometimes very difficult to follow and understand N.P. Veshnyakov’s handwriting.

2022 ◽  
pp. 001112872110671
Timothy McCuddy

Digital communication poses challenges for scholars interested in the link between peers and crime since youth are often less inhibited online and can more easily share their opinions and experiences with offline activities. Drawing on longitudinal data from middle and high school students, this study explores how online communication impacts the sharing of personal and peer delinquency. Criminogenic risk factors are largely unrelated to the digital disclosure of personal delinquency among those who offend; however, peer online disclosure is related to self-reported delinquency, independent of perceived peer delinquency. These findings suggest cyberspace may extend offline mechanisms of peer influence beyond providing a unique source of online influence.

2021 ◽  
pp. 014616722110601
Michael Prinzing ◽  
Patty Van Cappellen ◽  
Barbara L. Fredrickson

One longitudinal and four cross-sectional studies (total N = 3,141) tested two candidate explanations for the association between religiousness and perceived meaning in life. Religiousness may foster a sense of significance, importance, or mattering—either to others (social mattering) or in the grand scheme of the universe (cosmic mattering)—which, in turn, support perceived meaning. We found that perceived social mattering mediated, but could not fully explain, the link between religiousness and perceived meaning. In contrast, perceived cosmic mattering did fully explain the association. Overall, results suggest that perceived social and cosmic mattering are each part of the explanation. Yet, perceived cosmic mattering appears to be the stronger mechanism. We discuss how religious faith may be especially suited to support such perceptions, making it a partially unique source of felt meaning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 497-512
Raimo Pullat ◽  
Tõnis Liibek

The inventory of Tallinn merchant Michael Meyer’s (1704–1758) property is one of the largest inventories of an 18th century citizen of Tallinn. Almost the entire world of his possessions is reflected in this unique source. The inventory provides a comprehensive picture of his success, lifestyle, and hobbies, and the diverse list of household items provides a good idea of a prosperous merchant’s home in northeast Europe in the 18th century. The unique body of sources (Michael Meyer’s will, property inventory, and auction reports) provides comprehensive insight into the development of Tallinn’s material culture, i.e., the material culture history of Northern Europe, during the century of Enlightenment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 073428292110505
Gordon L. Flett ◽  
Taryn Nepon ◽  
Joel O. Goldberg ◽  
Alison L. Rose ◽  
Sarah K. Atkey ◽  

Previous work has focused on positive feelings of mattering, which pertain to the human need to feel significant. In the current article, we examine a complementary yet distinct construct involving feelings of not mattering that may arise from being marginalized and experiences that heighten a sense of being insignificant to others. We also describe the development, validation, and research applications of the Anti-Mattering Scale. The Anti-Mattering Scale (AMS) is a five-item inventory assessing feelings of not mattering to other people. Psychometric analyses of data from samples of emerging adults and adolescents confirmed that the AMS comprises one factor with high internal consistency and adequate validity. Our findings suggest that individuals who feel like they do not matter to others have a highly negative self-view, insecure attachment, and perceived deficits in meeting key psychological needs. Analyses established that links between elevated AMS scores and levels of depression, social anxiety, and loneliness. Most notably, scores on this new measure predicted unique variance in key outcomes beyond the variance attributable to other predictors. Overall, these results attest to the research utility and clinical potential of the AMS as an instrument examining the tendency of certain people to experience a profound sense of not mattering to others in ways that represent a unique source of risk, social disconnection, and personal vulnerability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 (12) ◽  
pp. 2149-2156
Ryne Paulose-Ram ◽  
Jessica E. Graber ◽  
David Woodwell ◽  
Namanjeet Ahluwalia

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is a unique source of national data on the health and nutritional status of the US population, collecting data through interviews, standard exams, and biospecimen collection. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, NHANES data collection was suspended, with more than a year gap in data collection. NHANES resumed operations in 2021 with the NHANES 2021–2022 survey, which will monitor the health and nutritional status of the nation while adding to the knowledge of COVID-19 in the US population. This article describes the reshaping of the NHANES program and, specifically, the planning of NHANES 2021–2022 for data collection during the COVID-19 pandemic. Details are provided on how NHANES transformed its participant recruitment and data collection plans at home and at the mobile examination center to safely collect data in a COVID-19 environment. The potential implications for data users are also discussed. (Am J Public Health. 2021;111(12):2149–2156. https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2021.306517 )

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 811-836
Marco Bottone ◽  
Lucia Modugno ◽  
Andrea Neri

Abstract Response burden has long been a concern for data producers. In this article, we investigate the relationship between some measures of actual and perceived burden and we provide empirical evidence of their association with data quality. We draw on two business surveys conducted by Banca d’Italia since 1970, which provide a very rich and unique source of information. We find evidence that the perceived burden is affected by actual burden but the latter is not the only driver. Our results also show a clear link between a respondent’s perceived effort and the probability of not answering some important questions (such as those relating to expectations of future investments and turnover) or of dropping out of the survey. On the contrary, we do not find significant effects on the quality of answers to quantitative questions such as business turnover and investments. Overall, these findings have implications for data producers that should target the perceived burden, besides the actual burden, to increase data quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 112 ◽  
pp. 237-299
Jiří Militký ◽  
Melinda Torbágyi

The Deutsch Jahrndorf (Burgenland, Austria) hoard was discovered in 1855. It contained Bratislava Celtic coinage – gold denominations and silver tetradrachms of the Biatec group. Altogether, 163 coins have been studied either by autopsy or from their earlier publications; originally however, they were surely more numerous. Although the treasure was discovered south of the Danube, 15 km away from the Bratislava oppidum acropolis, there is no doubt about its direct association with this site. Its contents provide a unique insight into the production of gold denominations, both anepigraphic and with the legends BIATEC or BIAT. Silver tetradrachms of the Biatec group include the majority of known die combinations. The Deutsch Jahrndorf hoard represents a unique source for better understanding the Bratislava coin production. Based on our present state of knowledge of the late La Tène chronology, the hoard was probably concealed in the third quarter of the 1st century BC; a more precise date cannot be established. New discoveries of Roman style constructions on the Bratislava oppidum acropolis help us better understand the phenomenon of relations between the Roman Republic and local Celtic elites; the detailed study of the hoard in question contributes to this topic from the numismatic point of view.

Circulation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 144 (Suppl_2) ◽  
Ingvild B Tjelmeland ◽  
Jo Kramer-johansen ◽  
Jan-Thorsten Gräsner ◽  
Stephan Seewald

Introduction: Health registries are a unique source of information about current practice and can describe the burden of disease in a population. However, comparing data from different countries/states we are not always sure if we are comparing patients from similar populations. Method: The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding of the information in the German Resuscitation Registry (GRR) and the Norwegian Cardiac Arrest Registry (NorCAR) through a cross-sectional comparative-study of these two population-based public registries. We included all out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients witnessed by ambulance personnel, between 1 st January 2015 and 31 st December 2019. Proportions were assessed with Chi-square tests. Results: A total of 3,688 cases from Germany and 2,016 cases from Norway were included in the analysis, resulting in an incidence of 8.6 ambulance witnessed cardiac arrests per 100,000 inhabitants in Germany and 7.8 in Norway. A higher proportion of patients had resuscitation terminated on scene in Norway, 43% vs 30% (p<0.01), while the proportion of patients arriving to hospital with spontaneous circulation was higher in Germany, 49% vs 40% (p<0.01). However, 24-hour survival and the overall survival was higher in Norway, with 24-hour survival of 36% vs 31% (p<0.01), and the overall survival of 28% vs 19% (p<0.01). Conclusion: The incidence of cardiac arrests observed by ambulance personnel was higher in Germany, but survival was higher in Norway. We speculate that the major difference between countries is in the post-resuscitation care after admission to hospital.

М. Исерлис ◽  
О. А. Брилева ◽  
К. А. Днепровский

Керамика является важнейшим компонентом майкопской культуры и уникальным источником информации о ее производителях и пользователях. Целью нашего исследования является описание технологических систем, в рамках которых была произведена керамика Серегинского поселения. В статье представлены результаты технологического анализа керамического ансамбля, включающего в себя исследование методов конструирования, обработки поверхностей и обжига, а также анализ материалов, использованных для производства керамики и местного потенциального сырья для керамического производства. Жители Серегинского поселения пользовались керамикой, произведенной в рамках 2 индустрий, характеризуемых специфическими техниками, формовочными массами и принципами организации труда. Индустрии, описанные в статье, можно связать с двумя традициями, действующими в соответствии с разными технологическими принципами. Pottery is a key component of the Maykop cultural phenomenon and a unique source of information on its producers and users. The aim of this study is to describe technological systems used to produce ceramics at the Sereginskoye settlement. The article presents the results of the technological analysis of the pottery assemblage. The systematic analysis includes the investigation of vessel shaping, surface treatment and firing, as well as the study of raw materials used to produce ceramics and local potential resources for ceramic production. The Sereginskoye inhabitants used pottery produced by three industries characterized by specific techniques, clay fabrics and principles of production organization. The industries described in the article can be associated with two traditions based on different technological principles.

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