Chapter 1 argues for the necessity of an in-depth analysis of contemporary birth control politics in the United States. First, this chapter details the ways in which contraception issues are uniquely significant for the quality of women’s lives. Among many other things, expanding access to and insurance coverage of contraception is linked to women’s economic prosperity, political empowerment, and personal well-being. Second, this chapter situates the project in existing literature on gender, framing, representation, policymaking, and political communication. Specifically, in arguing for a link between descriptive representation and policy framing, it makes the case that birth control provides a high-leverage litmus test for evaluating women’s influence in the political process. Finally, the chapter describes the contours of the book, summarizes its methodological approach, and explains why a cross-venue, over-time assessment of framing choices is the most fruitful approach for identifying gender’s role in controversies over contraception.