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Hüseyin Kazan

Health is a most common topic discussed in women magazine ranking from fashion to beauty, sexuality to art and culture. Biological health, mental health, fertility and sexual health are the most common topics which are given wide coverage. Whether this news, having quantitatively audience, is qualitatively health news is the primarily problem. The most of the news deals with particular subject such as medical selling, aesthetic advertisement and prototypes imposed on popular life. A large number of news reaching the audience read for health purposes cannot go beyond triggering the consumption culture. That is the starting point of this study. The study limited to 52 issues of Cosmopolitan Turkey published between June 2014- September 2018 analyses Dr. Cosmo, which falls into the health news category. In this study, content analysis is used to examine to what extent the news qualitatively and quantitatively contributes to medicine journalism. At the end of the study, it is found that the most of the health news is published on the purposes of commercial concerns, consolidates aesthetic perception and generally stuck between certain topics.

Begüm Aylin Önder

Corporate social responsibility is one of the activities that goes beyond philanthropy, based on volunteerism in line with the responsibilities of enterprises towards society. This concept, which offers businesses the opportunity to look after and develop their brand image in the eyes of society, has become a necessity, not a choice, especially in today's world. In order to meet social expectations, the effectiveness of static and dynamic advertising messages implemented in all social benefit-based studies for human development such as environment, health and education is very important in terms of ensuring audience communication. In the second half of 2019, people were confined to homes and life came to a standstill all over the world in order to reduce and prevent the impact of the pandemic within the scope of the “New Type Corona Virus” (COVID-19) measures, which are from the sars-cov-2 coronavirus family, which is spreading rapidly globally starting from Wohan, Hubei Province, China. As a basic protection module for humanity against corona virus, it has incorporated the concept of social distancing into their lives in order to reduce the contact of staying at home and increasing hygiene, except in mandatory situations. During this extraordinary period, many brands on a global scale have included the concept of “social distance” in their advertising messages with the awareness of corporate social responsibility and have started to inform and educate the community about this issue by emphasizing the importance of the process. Within the scope of this research, advertising designs prepared by brands acting with corporate social responsibility awareness through the concept of social distancing during the Pandemic period were discussed and how the meaning structures behind the messages were created and transmitted. The research is limited to 3 (three) advertising designs determined by the 'judicial sampling' method (selective method). In the sample of the study, advertising narratives of brands in different sectors were explained in general framework and similar and different aspects of messages were uncovered by performing comparative analysis between messages in line with the findings obtained from the narratives. In this context, it was determined that the contrasts of “pessimism and optimism, hope and despair, happiness and unhappiness, death and life, strong and powerless, youth and old age, unity/togetherness and separation, struggle and defeat, nature and culture” were constructed as the main discourse.

Fatma Nazlı Köksal ◽  
Hasan Doğan

Beyond being a shelter, houses are such structures which obtain meanings shaped by the influence of culture, particularly reflecting the society’s socio-cultural structure. As a time-khronos and space-topos pattern, the houses reflect the characteristics of the culture or ethnic group which they are part of, while on the other hand, they reflect the images of the individual's essence as a communicative action. The effect of climate and typology, which are physical components of culture, as well as social components of culture, such as value systems, belief, lifestyle and habits, are cardinal factors in the formation of traditional houses. In this respect, traditional structures are visual representation spaces that narrates their own story, like verbal culture, and they convey their unique codes through visuality. This study, which discusses traditional architecture as a cultural text, aims to reveal traditional Urfa houses through analytical readings, within the context of visual semiology. The samples selected within the scope of the study will be evaluated according to the context of stylistic features they are part of, such as plan and spatial perspective, the location of the houses, and detections regarding the visual culture will be discussed through the cultural and architectural design approach of Umberto Eco.

Nimet Özsevinç

With technological transformations, we change our roles with the machines in the present conditions of our sociological, psychological, economic, cultural structures. The use of technology widespread with the effect of capitalism increases our commitment to the technological tools we receive to the center of our lives. The social media revolution that has become a vital part with the new media causes us to integrate with technological means and shows that they have the power to change our communication forms. In particular, the binding of objects with internet providers, manipulates us, use and to our satisfaction. Our developing and continuously changing technology has the effects of our culture, personalities, consumer habits and the perceptions of us by changing our needs. Within the scope of this study, it is emphasized on the concept of the transformation of the technology, and the effects of the objects are made on the fact of the internet (IOT). At the same time, the analysis of this concept is analyzed the epidemic film related to the use of the health sector. The role of the artificial intelligence robots used in the fight against Covid-19, which is described as a global health problem, the role used in the challenge of this technology used to examine the benefits and damages of this technology used.

Hicran Özlem Ilgın ◽  
Miglena Kazashka

Public relations and social media are basically based on communication. Changing the order of communication along with the development of new technologies affected all fields of work as well as the field of public relations with the implementation of new practices and tools. Social media applications, which are included in public relations studies, have entered the research field of academic studies on this occasion. In this manner, the subject of this study has been carried out in Turkey and named "public relations" with the concept of "new media" or "social media" concept constitutes the graduate theses. The aim of this research in public relations axis graduate of surveys conducted in Turkey in social media and taking in conjunction with new media concepts to what extent to put forth that takes place in the general population and post is to establish a general map of this thesis. The bibliometric analysis method was used in this study. From this point of view, the year of the thesis, the title and thesis advisor, university and department, the research method, the data collection method of this research, the number of pages and keywords categories were created and the data of the theses were recorded. In the first stage of the analysis, 41 theses containing the words public relations and social media were reached, and 13 theses containing the words public relations and new media in the second stage. It was determined that 54 theses obtained as a result of these scans were carried out between the years 2006-2020. It has been determined that there are 11% of 577 graduate theses, which are in the general universe between these years and have the concept of public relations in their names. As a result of the analysis made, it was determined that the graduate theses with the words social media or new media in their names together with the words of public relations are highly postgraduate thesis. It has been revealed that these theses were published by 31% of Marmara University and 67% were studied in the Public Relations and Publicity Department. In addition, it was determined that the content analysis method was preferred as the data collection technique in these theses with a rate of 63%. In addition, 214 keywords were reached in theses, and it was recorded that ring relationships came in the top rank with 53 frequencies and 25% of these keywords.

Deniz Akbulut ◽  
Metin Enes Dönmez

As with all their assets, organizations need management when it comes to their reputation. Having a successful corporate reputation is closely related to how corporations manage their existing reputation. The main components of long-term corporate reputation are categorized as appealing to emotions, product and service quality, vision and leadership, financial performance, workplace environment and social responsibility (Fombrun et al., 2013: 253). Among these components, financial performance is positioned as one of the main factors that come to the fore especially in crisis situations. Financial performance is also an effective factor in building trust in all relationships established with the target audience. Therefore, organizations should reflect their financial performance with a good corporate communication strategy in order to create a solid corporate reputation based on trust. The Covid-19 pandemic, which affected the whole world in 2019, negatively affected many corporations in Turkey economically. In the face of this situation, which can be described as a global crisis, corporations carried out corporate communication activities that support corporate reputation management in order to turn the crisis into an opportunity. It is seen that especially the financial performances of the corporations are highlighted among these activities carried out with the aim of strengthening the positive image of the corporations in the eyes of their stakeholders and the public. Within the scope of this research, the press releases published by five companies operating within the automotive sector in Turkey, among the sectors given in the Sectoral Impact of Covid 19 on the Economy report of Global Times (2020), were examined through the content analysis method in the context of financial performance indicators. The purpose of the research is to reveal how organizations reflect their strategies, which include the elements that reflect their financial performance in their press releases, to the public. As a result of the research, the financial performance indicator that took the most place in all the press releases examined was determined as “competitive advantage”.

Burcu Kavas

Cinema, which started to digitalize in the 20th century, continues to be integrated with digital publishing platforms that emerged with the development of new media technologies in the 21st century. With the coronavirus pandemic that affected the whole world in 2019, digital broadcasting platforms became popular as an alternative cinema event in the quarantine process. Various precautions have been taken around the world for the coronavirus pandemic. As a result of the quarantine precaution, the local and global cinema industry was negatively affected. Cinema industry which is a collective production and screening process, has been interrupted by the suspension of the filming and the closing of the movie theaters during the quarantine. New media created a movement area for the cinema industry in this process. In this sense, the aim of this study is examining the researches on the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on the cinema and the effect of new media tools and opportunities on the cinema sector.

Derya Aydoğan

Along with other sectors and fields, art environments were also faced shutdowns during the COVID-19 Pandemic, which was caused by a type of coronavirus that affected the whole world and resulted in a new period during which people had to work from home and adjust their lives accordingly. In this period, many of the exhibitions were continued online. The prolongation and uncertainty of the period made it necessary to present online exhibitions with more realistic solutions. And this created a new trend towards virtual reality applications that offer closest experience to reality. Virtual reality exhibitions became a notable alternative to online exhibitions in a lot of respects such as allowing typical curatorial arrangements as well as adding digital methods, and making the audience feel like they are actually visiting an exhibition. However, it obviously causes overcrowding and loss of aura as a result of a phenomenon based on excessive display in structures open to the participation of everyone. In order to preserve the aura of art and exhibition and to maintain its compatibility with new technologies, it’s necessary to introduce new curatorial understandings, new aesthetic perceptions, and new quality elements. In this study, the existence of art exhibitions in online environments, especially during the pandemic, will be evaluated within the context of qualitative descriptive analysis.

Sema Bulat Demir ◽  
Ayten Övür

Nowadays, social media platforms are frequently being used on the Internet. When the users create an account for these platforms, they are required to accept the data privacy policy. With the approval of the data policy, major problems may arise such as observing every activity of users on the platform, violations of security and protection of personal data, and sharing user data with third parties for commercial purposes. In this regard, it is significant to examine the privacy policies of social media platforms in detail. In this research, we examined the privacy policies of the five most popular free applications on the communication section of the Google Play Store on January 30th, 2021. The privacy policies of these applications were analyzed with the content analysis method, and the research aims to reveal the area of utilization of the data that the users provide, with or without the permission of the user.

Hülya Yengin

Technological development changes the communication field in the global world. The global economy has created a global market in the global communication field within the scope of technological innovations. The global culture is impacting the global society with the new dimension the electronic mass media acquired. Global communication media and content have been transformed. This change and transformation change the individual and communal living forms, perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. Differentiation in the global communication field also transforms the communication education in the higher education. Departments of communication faculties are expected to train graduates with the knowledge, skill and competencies the industry seeks. Besides the state universities, new departments have been opened in addition to the current departments of foundation universities. In terms of the diploma of communication graduate to be recognized and accepted in the international arena at global level, the first studies was Bologna. The process is continuing with the studies of quality and accreditation in higher education. Evaluation and Accreditation Board for Communication Education (ILEDAK) was established within The Communication Research Association (ILAD) in 2016 in the communication education field. Departments of the communication faculties were started to become accredited since 2018. With the decision taken by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), education was carried out online due to the pandemic in 2020. Within this context, accreditation studies were also carried out online. In this study, the effect of the global technology and the pandemic on communication education and accreditation studies are analyzed.

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